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Re: Abortion???
Re: Abortion???
I think that as long as abortion isn't considered to be a type of contraception, i.e. the idea that 'it's okay, I don't need to use contraception, if I get pregnant I can just have an abortion', then it is a valid option and the choice of those involved. I don't think that it's an easy decision to make at all and people judging those who have had an abortion makes it all the more difficult. There are many reasons why people have abortions and these should be respected.
Re: Abortion???
Abortion should only be legal if its going to endanger the mothers life, or if the baby has something seriously wrong with it. Even in the case of rape I think the mother should still have it but give it up for adoption if necesary, and dont think im being insensitive when i say that as I have been a sexual abuse victim too. Abortion is murder. Immaturity or rape are not excuses for taking someones life away x
Re: Abortion???
If you get raped, the rapist is the criminal there. A woman shouldn't be accused of being a murderer for trying to cope and not wanting to have a baby that reminds them constantly of one of the most horrible experiences of their life. |
Re: Abortion???
Re: Abortion???
And what if the woman had a boyfriend or husband? You would make him suffer through a year of watching his girlfriend/wife have someone else's baby? Some guys wouldn't be able to cope with that, and might just leave. You would be willing for that woman to lose someone who she cares about so much to carry a baby to term? And you said that you think abortion is okay if the pregnancy endangers the mother or child. But you don't think that psychological damage is as serious or as permanent as physical damage? Can you imagine how terrifying it would be for a woman to think she might be bringing another rapist into the world? I'm not saying that that would be the case, but some rapists are mentally unstable, and it is not entirely unreasonable to assume that they might pass their mental problems onto a child that can't always be detected prior to birth. That woman might feel guilty her entire life about the possibility that she allowed that trait to be passed on; probably more guilty than she would if she had the baby aborted. You say that you would take the year of suffering. But I think you might feel a lot different if you were facing the prospect of having to drop out of school, getting kicked out of home, having to support yourself without any help, and bringing an unwanted baby into the world. It's unfair to judge people when you have never experienced what they might be going through. |
Re: Abortion???
Personally, I think that if a woman wants to go ahead with an abortion, then she can, but if others go ahead with the pregnancy, purely because they feel that they wouldn't be able to go through with the abortion, then they should also be allowed to do so. You shouldn't judge people's decisions, they may have done it for the best. However, people using abortion as a form of contraception should not do this. If you make one mistake, then you should be allowed a second chance.
Re: Abortion???
My ex's birth dad used to kick the shit out of him and his mum, but my ex didnt turn out to kick the shit out of others. There isn't a "rape gene" thats passed on or anything. Abortion is murder. period. |
Re: Abortion???
Re: Abortion???
Some people don't consider a foetus to be a human so technically in their cases it wouldn't be murder to them. Also, there may not be a 'rape' gene but there are mental disorders that make people unstable and more likely to commit violent acts while they're in an unstable state. |
Re: Abortion???
Re: Abortion???
However, rape victims? Where do they stand? They didn't necessarily chose to have unprotected sex. Abortion should (In my opinion, of course) be a last resort thing, for example if you had NO say in how or why you became pregnant. In any case, it should be entirely up to the parents. |
Re: Abortion???
Also, there are already so many children in the world who need parents to look after them. I don't agree with not having an abortion when you know it's going to end up in care. I think personally it would be better if I had an abortion than put my child up for adoptiuon/incare. Finally, abortion isn't actually murder since murder is the unlawful killing of someone and abortion is legal. |
Re: Abortion???
Here is why I think in cases of rape it should definitely be okay; woman who are raped are dealing with a lot of stuff as is. Quite a few woman who are raped attempt suicide, need to be put on meds, develop eating disorders etc. They have a lot of psychological complications that a baby could/would impede upon. If a woman is raped and has flashbacks and suffers from depression and a doctor needs to medicate her the doctor will be really limited in what he/she can do to help the rape victim.
Keeping the baby would get in the way of the mother getting over the rape and healing. How is that fair? And in a sense keeping the baby could quite possibly endanger the mothers life. I am still healing from my abuse. If I think about what would happen if I were told I had to keep the baby, deal with all the medical issues from that, psychological issues from that and then deal with the rape on top of that. I don't know if I could do it. It is a situational thing because some people have their rapists baby and are fine. But it is definitely situational. |
Re: Abortion???
I don't think abortion is wrong.
I very much can't understand the pro-life point of view. To me, they have no argument. Abortion is legal as a matter of necessity. The reason abortion is legal is because when abortion was not legal very large numbers of women were dieing or seriously injuring themselves via dangerous illegal abortions. According to The Lancet in 2003 48% of all abortions worldwide were unsafe, and more than 97% of all unsafe abortions were in developing countries [Source] and the BBC state that 10,000 women die every year in Nigeria (where abortion is illegal) from unsafe abortions [Source]. This just shows that just because abortion is illegal does not mean that people will be discouraged. It's a simple logical case of one death is better than two. While many may not personally like abortion it seems to me that nobody should say that it is unnecessary or should be illegal. As for abortion in general, I think it's fine. The only abortions I really have a problem with are late term abortions and considering only 1.6% of abortions are late term abortions it's not such a massive deal, I wouldn't be against lowering the time limit to 20 weeks or slightly earlier. 87% of abortions take place before 12 weeks, before the brain is even working [Source]. An unthinking ball of tissue, which potentially (barring miscarriages and other possibilities) could be a human, can't be allowed to have more rights than a living person. At worst abortion is a necessary evil. |
Re: Abortion???
I think abortion is incredibly tragic. But in certain circumstances, it is far more preferably to the alternative. There are plenty of horror stories about foster homes. Would you like to place your child somewhere where they might get beaten up or sexually abused for years or would you rather give them a humane, painless death? There are an awful lot worse things you can do than taking someone's life away. Abortion is not the same as murder. I believe in places where it is illegal, women don't actually get prosecuted for murder? It's a different crime, and regardless, putting scared and hurt women in the same category as hardcore criminals who murder for fun is just insensitive. And like Darth Cara said, there are mental disorders that make people more likely to commit violent acts, that can be passed on, which is the point I was making in the first place. No, not everyone turns out like their parents, but if you thought there was the possibility of your child being a rapist, wouldn't you be a little too scared to take that risk? |
Re: Abortion???
I don't connect a 4 or even 10 week old feotus with a baby in my mind. The two do not connect. Obviously I am only talking with limited knowledge here since as I am not in the situation I can only hypothesise, but if I got pregnant I would defintley consider having an abortion. I'm not old enough to have a baby, I'm about to start medical school, I do not have a stable relationship, I am not financially secure. I'm not in the position in my life to raise a child. Right now, I would not be a good mother. I would defintley consider adoption but as I said, to me something the size of a full stop is not a baby in any way, shape, or form.
In our country the abortion limit is 24 weeks gestation. I was part of a campaign in my college to encourage the government to lower this to 18 or 20 weeks, something that will probably happen in the near future. I am completely pro-choice and support whatever decision the mother makes, but at after 18 weeks it's a different story for me. There have been studies showing feotus' can feel pain from 20 weeks, etc. I can see why people would be opposed to abortion. I just don't agree with the logic behind it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and if you do not want to have an abortion, you do not have to. No one is going to force you to. Forcing somebody to carry and deliver a baby against their will though is something I would consider beyond cruel. |
Re: Abortion???
I'm just going to throw in my opinion here...
I semi-agree with abortions. I think it depends on the situation, but at the same time, I don't think it's anybody's business. I think the choice should be between the woman and the doctor (or whoever else). I think some women use it as a birth control thing (use it often after irresponsibility, not using protection). I think it would more acceptable for a 14 year old girl to get an abortion due to sex without her consent than... a 30 year old prostitute who willingly had sex with somebody. If that makes sense. And I also don't think it's fair to call women who had abortions murderers. I have a close family member who got one at the age of 14 because you-know. So, uh... I would never call her a murderer or call it a murder. She wouldn't have been able to take care of the baby. Yes, she could have put it up for adoption, but she (the mother) has been in foster care for 10 years... it's not a good way to live. It's not fair. |
Re: Abortion???
This is the point I try to make all the time. Making abortion illegal will not stop people from getting it done. If that were the case then in the years before it was legal there wouldn't have been so many people getting illegal ones. My aunt got an illegal abortion. She was 14. She didn't die but due to that and some other stuff in her past she could not have kids. She was devastated and a part of her did regret the abortion but at the same time she knew she couldn't have had a kid at that age and she also knew her dad would have beat her to a pulp. I agree that at worst abortion is a necessary evil. Abortion is sad. I wish people did not get into situations where they needed them but stuff happens mistakes are made. |
Re: Abortion???
Sexual abuse is one thing, rape is another thing so while I sympathize with you, I think it's irrelevant to mention you've experienced abuse that was not rape. Quote:
Are you also aware that foster homes are not exactly the most pleasant place in the world, especially for young children? You keep the children alive but from what I've heard, including from on TH, foster homes are not a wonderful place. As it currently is, foster homes are over-crowded and under-funded, with many being shut down left, right and center. It's great when the child gets adopted but waiting to be adopted, being sent back or getting adopted by an abusive family are all possibilities. To me, it seems like your concern is not the well-being of the soon-to-be child but rather simply keeping it alive and whatever happens after its alive happens, and whatever the mother and other people involved experienced you have ignored. Quote:
Another reason though, there are various types of murder and the one closest to abortion is infanticide, however, that's applicable to an infant or a baby. For an abortion, that is not the case, it's a fetus, hence, abortion is not murder. If you have a counter-argument that takes into consideration the law, then I'd be happy to hear it. |
Re: Abortion???
I disagree with abortion! If your stupid enough to do it without protection, and still stupid enough to forget the morning after pill, then you're either trying to get pregnant...or just plain stupid.
But then again, it is cruel to force someone to do something they really don't want to do...its a tough situation However, if the woman has gotten pregnant by rape, I believe that is definately okay because she had no choice. She got raped...which is illegal! I would possibly even ecourage abortion in this situation. Imagine bringing up your child and saying she got here because of an illegal act...ouch poor kid. |
Re: Abortion???
I will say that there is no excuse to kill a person especially a helpless one. And what is more is why should someone die because you don't want them? How would it feel to just not be wanted and killed because of it. If someone does it to a child or adult or even a dog its inhumane and murder But if you do it to a helpless life form its fine and legal? What part of that makes sense? |
Re: Abortion???
And why should a child have to grow up feeling completely unwanted? An unwanted child can either end up in a foster home (some of which will emotionally, physically, and sexually abuse the child) or will be kept at home being abused in the same way. Personally I think that's far more inhumane than allowing them a peaceful, painless death. If a child is aborted because it is unwanted, at least it doesn't have to suffer a lifetime of knowing that. |
Re: Abortion???
Agreed but a fetus is not a person. Quote:
Let me interrupt your guilt-tripping argument by saying that a fetus has no control over the environment outside the womb which it is in and so when it is born, the mother, father and whoever else (assuming a father and someone else are present) need to care for it. If they cannot, then keeping the child is only going to harm the situation they are in (i.e. financial), which in turn harms the child's well-being. But if it is brought into the situation, it can either be unwanted and rejected by its parents or it can be in such a poor condition it may be given away and feel rejected then too. The good news is the child is still alive but that's about where it ends. Also, you might want to look up the law because killing any non-human is not murder as the organism is not a person nor a human. Quote:
Re: Abortion???
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What if a condom was used and another form of contraception such as the pill? What if both of those failed? If the condom split and the woman was on the pill the maybe they wouldn't think it an emergency to take the morning after pill as they'd assume the pill would be working. |
Re: Abortion???
Well, it wouldn't feel like anything, because you would be dead! When you are dead you can't feel anything! So wouldn't it be worse to be alive and feel unwanted, and to know that your parents wanted to abort you? Quote:
A child adult or animal has already been brought into the world! An unborn baby has not! If someone kills a dog, and it was self-defence...as in the human was being attacked and stabbed the dog to protect the human from being killed, thats fine, so if the mother wanted to abort the baby because it would threaten her life, then isn't that the same? Quote:
If the woman has a genuine reason, then sure, but I do not agree with it if the woman just thinks she doesn't want it...I am kind of on the fence with this, because there are certain circumstances that I can agree with abortion, but just aborting the baby because a girl is "too young" to have kids, well she should of thought of that before she did it. (im talking like under 18 year olds) |
Re: Abortion???
I think this is an excellent point. If a foetus had been aborted it wouldn't know so it wouldn't feel like anything to it. |
Re: Abortion???
And even for those girls who are just careless, pregnancies for women under the age of 20 carry significantly higher health risks. I wouldn't condemn a woman to die or become infertile or anything like that, just because she made a mistake. |
Re: Abortion???
Also, what is a "genuine reason"? According to you, abortion due to underage pregnancy is not a genuine reason so what is? |
Re: Abortion???
Womens choice not much else to discuss.
Re: Abortion???
Thankyou :) Quote:
And geuine reasons might be for example, she had cancer and was going to die and she wouldn't live to see the child grow up or something, or if she was ill and having a baby could cause damage to her, or even if she could pass on some hereditary disease to the baby. Its a hard topic, as i would understand if you had any reason as to not want a baby, and did everything to stop but that did not work, then i guess abortion would be fine. And well about the underage stuff, if you're too young to have a baby, you're too young to have sex...thats how I see it...MY opinion! |
Re: Abortion???
When you say too young to have a baby, do you mean too young to physically have one or too young to provide proper care to it without the assistance of others? |
Re: Abortion???
For example, a 10 year old who has an older boyfriend. She has never been taught about sex before, and the older boy takes advantage of that, telling her that having sex will demonstrate how much they love each other. She gets pregnant. How can you say this is her fault for having sex? How much did you know about sex at 10? Even at 16, some schools and parents only teach abstinence. If you've never been taught about sex and how to prevent pregnancy, how can you be expected to magically know how to not get pregnant? You can't just say someone who is too young to have kids has to have one because someone else didn't teach them about sex. That just makes a bad situation worse. |
Re: Abortion???
I believe in a woman's right to choose, so I'm cool with it. I'd prefer if the person kept the baby but it is their choice after all. To me, a foetus is a ball of cells that doesn't even have a nervous system until a couple of weeks anyway. A foetus is, in my opinion, not a person I do not count abortion as murder.
Re: Abortion???
Back to the rape baby thing, if you don't want to give it up for adoption and put the baby into care as they can be horrible places, then why not, early on, have the fetus transfered to another womens womb? This can be done, and you would not necessarily have to pay for it - the women who wants the baby usually does. And I apologise for accusing people of attacking me, I was feeling a bit sensitive, I am sorry, the point of a debate is to argue pretty much. |
Re: Abortion???
And also, yes I know some girls do hit puberty at such a young age...but the majority of 10 year olds have not began, so couldn't get pregnant anyway! |
Re: Abortion???
Re: Abortion???
Re: Abortion???
Okay, I've never heard of a fetus being able to be transferred from one womb to another, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Would you care to provide some sort of website that details that procedure? However, it seems to me that there would be very few women in the world who would want to have a procedure like that. If they are in need of IVF, don't they usually use their own eggs? Also, transferring the fetus still carries the issue of women seeing the baby as "a rapist's baby". There is still the issue of possible mental disorders and the child still carries that stigma. In cases where the women is simply too young or unfit or doesn't want the baby, this might be suitable; but, for pregnancies by rape, there are still all the same problems. Quote:
(And although it is unrelated, the majority of girls get their first period at 12-13, and a lot of 12 year olds do not know any more about sex than 10 year olds) |
Re: Abortion???
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