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The Kira April 6th 2010 01:09 AM

Alright... so... a while ago me and my mother were talking about something and suddenly I brought up my brother (he was killed a couple years back) and i dont remember how, but she ended up confessing to me that she had an abortion after having me. I got really mad (still not talking to her) and she told me that my father was irrisponsible and all and that bringing another child into the world would be wrong. I got really mad and yelled at her "if it was so wrong then why would you even FUCK my drunk ass father? That is no excuse for murder"

I still feel really bad, but i dont want to talk to her...

My question is: what are your thoughts on abortion? Do you think it is wrong of what? I would like to know religious points so view, as well as others

Through-Glass April 6th 2010 01:47 AM

Re: Abortion???
Hey there,

I'm going to move this to Current events and Debates, as it does not pertain directly to pregnancy. If anyone disagrees, feel free to PM me =]

Stardaze April 6th 2010 01:58 AM

Re: Abortion???
I 100% disagree with abortion.
If your mature enough to decide to have unprotected sex, then you can raise a child. Adoption- i do agree in, if you absolutely cannot rise the child.
I will never agree with killing in innocent baby. (even if it's not technically a baby yet)
It will/would be, so killing it will give it NO CHANCE at life. It's just not right to me.


I see it as murder, although many of you guys will not, it's just my opinion. [:

Pup April 6th 2010 02:07 AM

Re: Abortion???
I don't agree with abortion, but switch the roles and imagine yourself in a woman who's considering abortion's shoes. Life isn't so simple and easy then is it?

I disagree with abortion so much that I don't even agree with the morning after pill, but I guess that makes me a hypocrite because I have used one before. The guy put the money in my hand, told me what to do, and walked away after he made it quite clear he had no intention of ever speaking to me again. I'm not super religious, but religious enough to feel hellfire licking at my feet every time I think about what I did.

It's not that I look down upon women who choose it, I just don't like the idea of it.

Algernon April 6th 2010 02:12 AM

Re: Abortion???
I disagree with abortion too. It's a wonderful wonderful thing you are recognize this at a young age. Believe it or not, many people think abortion is okay.

I know how you feel. My mother has many abortion before she had me. My father actually told me that if I got pregnant. He'd want me to get an abortion. THAT hurt. My boyfriend said he would NEVER talk to him again. I have one of the good guys.

Maloo April 6th 2010 02:13 AM

Re: Abortion???
I think it's highly situational as to whether or not it should be allowed.

Casey. April 6th 2010 02:39 AM

Re: Abortion???
I'm for a woman having a choice. Abortion is perfectly fine in certain situations, but it really depends on the person. I don't think it's wrong, I think it's responsible. If you know you can't care for the child, even if abortion isn't the best option, it's still an option.

Would I personally have one? Probably, since there is only one way I'm going to get pregnant, and I refuse to have a child that way. Sometimes someone does what they have to do, even if we don't agree with that, and it doesn't make that wrong.

DeletedAccount69 April 6th 2010 03:28 AM

Re: Abortion???
I don't agree with it but I think that it is the womans choice. We do not know what is going on in their lives and what not.

As for religious views the bible does not specifically say abortion. It says murder is a crime but abortion to many is not considered murder because of the fact that babies cannot survive outside of the womb until a certain age.

As for the situation with your mom; I want to put some things out there. Firstly, your father is an alcoholic right? Well, at the time your mother conceived the baby did you ever stop to wonder if maybe she didn't want to have sex with him but she felt she had no choice because he was drunk and if she had sex he might get violent? Did you stop to wonder if maybe your mother did love your father and was not thinking straight when it came to it all? There could have been a lot of reasons behind your mothers choice but you should talk it out with her and not be so angry. Your mother did what she thought was best. In her own way there is probably a part of her that regrets it but there is probably a part of her that still knows it was best.

Mistakes happen but we cannot always be angry with out loved ones.

I hope this is not taken as an attack because that is not my intent. I just really wish that you would try to work things out with your mom because she loves you and trusted you enough to confide in you about the abortion.

Algernon April 6th 2010 03:32 AM

Re: Abortion???

Originally Posted by Cas* (Post 359808)
I'm for a woman having a choice. Abortion is perfectly fine in certain situations, but it really depends on the person. I don't think it's wrong, I think it's responsible. If you know you can't care for the child, even if abortion isn't the best option, it's still an option.

Would I personally have one? Probably, since there is only one way I'm going to get pregnant, and I refuse to have a child that way. Sometimes someone does what they have to do, even if we don't agree with that, and it doesn't make that wrong.

Good points. But if you can't care for a kid then that person has no business hav ing intercourse. At all.

shimmeringfaerie April 6th 2010 03:45 AM

Re: Abortion???
I am pro-choice. And not pro-choice in the way that people usually mean it, which is just pro-abortion. Personally, I would never get an abortion. But that's because I'm in a situation where my boyfriend and I didn't start having sex until we both accepted the existence of the tiny probability that I might get pregnant despite all the protection we use. Having a child now would not be ideal for us, but we would be able to care for it and I would never be able to live with myself if I had an abortion or gave it away.

However, I would never force those views on someone else. I don't think it's fair for anyone else to say that women shouldn't be allowed to choose for themselves or to judge those women who do choose abortion. Let me give you some scenarios:

1. A woman is raped and falls pregnant. Would you force her to bring that baby to term even though it would be a constant reminder of the trauma she experienced? Would you seriously force her to go through 40 weeks of hell because of something that was forced on to her?

2. A woman falls ill whilst pregnant. Bringing the baby to term would cause serious health risks (possible death) for both mother and child. Would you force her to take that risk?

3. A 12 year old girl falls pregnant. She has been neglected by her family all her life, never properly learnt about sex, and met this seemingly nice guy who took advantage of her. Would you force her to go through that pregnancy on her own, especially with all the health risks for a 12 year old giving birth?

And there are a million other situations like that. I do think that it is wrong for women to have abortions just because they weren't careful enough with their contraception. But there is no way to separate those women from those who should be allowed to have an abortion. And in all of the scenarios I've listed, adoption is not the best option because it's the carrying the baby to term that carries great health and emotional risks. Also the concept that "you shouldn't have sex if you can't handle a child" is irrelevant because these hypothetical women either didn't have the choice/knowledge about intercourse, or other problems arose after conception.

In a perfect world, abortion would be completely unnecessary. But this is the real world and women deserve to have the choice (I think men deserve a say too, but that's a totally different argument).

OMFG!You'reActuallySmart! April 6th 2010 03:49 AM

Re: Abortion???
I support abortions in most situations. The ones I don't care for are when the mother consistently gets abortions as a way of preventing birth due to failure of using things such as condoms, birth pill, etc... . I still support it here but I find it to be irresponsible and almost an abuse of abortion clinics.

In the case of the OP, there's several things to consider first, such as was the sex consensual, did the father provide enough monetary and "parenting material" to help your mother, was the financial situation between your mother and father generally poor, was your mother facing immense stress that having a baby pushed her over the edge to make her think she couldn't handle all of it so she needed to reduce some stress and many other factors. What's clear though is since she did not have an abortion with you, one of these factor(s) or another factor(s) were different, and so the situations when she had the abortion versus when she had you were different. Something must have led her to believe that whatever the problem(s) were before, they were reduced or even eliminated when she had you, allowing her to be a more fit mother.

Yelling at her is simply childish because if you want answers, talk to her about it and have her explain the differences in the situations. Her having sex with your father could be anything from her also being drunk, him being violent, the two being consensual, etc... .

BigBL87 April 6th 2010 04:59 AM

Re: Abortion???
I am very strongly pro-life. I personally do not believe that abortion is justified in any case (except potentially in a case when the pregnancy causes severe danger to the health of the mother). That being said, I would be willing to compromise and allow it in the cases of rape and incest if it meant that it would otherwise be banned. I personally still would disagree with those cases from a moral standpoint, but it is a compromise I would be willing to make. The reason I disagree with it is because even in those cases, I think that it is ending the life of one (innocent) human being because of the decisions of another.

What it comes down to for me is that I see it as killing a human being. The baby/fetus has human DNA and is a separate life form from its mother. What more is necessary for it to be human? The question boils down to when life begins, and as I see it you really have two choices: at conception, or we don't know when it begins. I highly doubt that most people would condone a doctor "aborting" a baby at 9 months as it was being "born," but if we want to say humanity begins at birth then that should be just fine because it hasn't "emerged" from its mother. Does life begin when a heart forms? When eyes form? No one can agree on when life begins, just look at how abortion laws have developed. So, like I said, the options are either at conception or "we don't know." If we don't know, how can we morally feel ok with ending what might possibly be a life?

DeletedAccount69 April 6th 2010 06:03 AM

Re: Abortion???

Originally Posted by BigBL87 (Post 359904)
I am very strongly pro-life. I personally do not believe that abortion is justified in any case (except potentially in a case when the pregnancy causes severe danger to the health of the mother). That being said, I would be willing to compromise and allow it in the cases of rape and incest if it meant that it would otherwise be banned. I personally still would disagree with those cases from a moral standpoint, but it is a compromise I would be willing to make. The reason I disagree with it is because even in those cases, I think that it is ending the life of one (innocent) human being because of the decisions of another.

What it comes down to for me is that I see it as killing a human being. The baby/fetus has human DNA and is a separate life form from its mother. What more is necessary for it to be human? The question boils down to when life begins, and as I see it you really have two choices: at conception, or we don't know when it begins. I highly doubt that most people would condone a doctor "aborting" a baby at 9 months as it was being "born," but if we want to say humanity begins at birth then that should be just fine because it hasn't "emerged" from its mother. Does life begin when a heart forms? When eyes form? No one can agree on when life begins, just look at how abortion laws have developed. So, like I said, the options are either at conception or "we don't know." If we don't know, how can we morally feel ok with ending what might possibly be a life?

At least you said you would be willing to compromise but you still don't seem okay with it even in cases of rape/incest. And this bothers me (I am trying not to be mean or pick on your opinion or what not because you have the right to an opinion). The reason it bothers me was because I was molested and thinking back to it, if someone told me I had to keep the baby of someone who had molested me I would have been devastated. I wouldn't know how to handle it.

Here is how I view it; I was 3-5ish when my molestation happened so not a lot of chance of getting pregnant. But I know people who were molested at 10 and up people at that age can get pregnant. How can we force a child to conceive a child?

Lastly, I believe that a baby is a baby when it can survive outside of its mother womb. This is called age of viability and that is normally between 22-26 weeks. Most abortions take place before then. There are even states that have banned partial birth abortions. I agree with this.

Xujhan April 6th 2010 08:26 AM

Re: Abortion???

Originally Posted by Algernon (Post 359778)
I disagree with abortion too. It's a wonderful wonderful thing you are recognize this at a young age. Believe it or not, many people think abortion is okay.

I know how you feel. My mother has many abortion before she had me. My father actually told me that if I got pregnant. He'd want me to get an abortion. THAT hurt. My boyfriend said he would NEVER talk to him again. I have one of the good guys.

Honestly, I have more problems with this than I do with the pro-life mindset in general. Having a strong opinion is one thing, but advocating such a warlike, divisive mindset is not okay.

Kira, if you want my honest opinion, it's this: what's wrong, regardless of how you feel about abortion, is being angry with someone for making what they thought was the best decision under really difficult circumstances.


Originally Posted by Algernon
But if you can't care for a kid then that person has no business hav ing intercourse. At all.

Your opinion, not fact. I think we all could stand to distinguish between the two a little more carefully.

BigBL87 April 6th 2010 03:28 PM

Re: Abortion???

Originally Posted by ~Jenna~ (Post 359945)
At least you said you would be willing to compromise but you still don't seem okay with it even in cases of rape/incest. And this bothers me (I am trying not to be mean or pick on your opinion or what not because you have the right to an opinion). The reason it bothers me was because I was molested and thinking back to it, if someone told me I had to keep the baby of someone who had molested me I would have been devastated. I wouldn't know how to handle it.

And I can feel for people in that situation, I really can. I have a sister that was raped, so while I can not cite first hand experience it has hit close to home. But, what it still comes down to for me is that you are ending the life of an innocent human being because of the actions of another. I just can't be morally ok with that. Also, it obviously wouldn't be necessary to keep the child, i.e. adoption and all.

One example of the irony of the lack of value placed on human life is that it is a crime to "destroy" a Bald Eagle egg (i.e. end the life of the "fetal" bald eagle), but you can get paid to end the life of a fetal human. Whether people want to call it a "baby" or not, the fact is that from conception it has distinct and separate DNA from the mother, and that DNA is human DNA. Simply from a scientific perspective, I don't see how we can say that something is not a person (i.e. human) until a certain point, when biologically it clearly is from conception.

Kate* April 6th 2010 03:42 PM

Re: Abortion???
Personally I could never have one, but I don't think that gives me the right to make that decision for someone else. I think adoption is a much better choice.

The Kira April 6th 2010 08:12 PM

Re: Abortion???
The reason it bothers me so much is that if my mother had that baby, i wouldnt be alone after my brother was killed

L'espoir April 6th 2010 08:12 PM

Re: Abortion???
I am pro-choice. I believe that we shouldn't take away another womens ability to choose for herself. If you want to choose never to have an abortion then fine but that doesn't mean other people shouldn't be able to have one. I always think as well that nearly all pro-life arguements have holes in them but thats just my opinion.

Algernon April 6th 2010 08:16 PM

Re: Abortion???

Originally Posted by Xujhan (Post 359985)
Honestly, I have more problems with this than I do with the pro-life mindset in general. Having a strong opinion is one thing, but advocating such a warlike, divisive mindset is not okay.

Kira, if you want my honest opinion, it's this: what's wrong, regardless of how you feel about abortion, is being angry with someone for making what they thought was the best decision under really difficult circumstances.

[/color]Your opinion, not fact. I think we all could stand to distinguish between the two a little more carefully.

I don't how I'm warlike. Emotional would be a better word. Put yourself in my shoes. You're pro-life, and your father wants you to have an abortion. Just think about it.

Xujhan April 6th 2010 08:21 PM

Re: Abortion???

Originally Posted by The Kira (Post 360323)
The reason it bothers me so much is that if my mother had that baby, i wouldnt be alone after my brother was killed

I can understand why that would bother you, being lonely sucks, but that's not a reason to be angry at her. There's no way she could have known what would happen to your brother, and you shouldn't have children just for the sake of having more children. If you think that two children is the right number for your family, then it probably is.


Originally Posted by Algernon
I don't how I'm warlike. Emotional would be a better word. Put yourself in my shoes. You're pro-life, and your father wants you to have an abortion. Just think about it.

That's not what I was referring to:


Originally Posted by Algernon
Believe it or not, many people think abortion is okay.

That's warlike. Or terribly worded, take your pick.

BigBL87 April 6th 2010 08:52 PM

Re: Abortion???

Originally Posted by Dement (Post 360324)
I am pro-choice. I believe that we shouldn't take away another womens ability to choose for herself.

Just as pro-life arguments have holes, here's one in this: Why should the mother's choice take away the choice of the child? Doesn't that child have the right to choose if they want to live?

L'espoir April 6th 2010 09:31 PM

Re: Abortion???

Originally Posted by BigBL87 (Post 360360)
Just as pro-life arguments have holes, here's one in this: Why should the mother's choice take away the choice of the child? Doesn't that child have the right to choose if they want to live?

I didn't say the pro-choice arguement didn't have holes, I just think that the pro-life one has more. I think that the mother has the ultimate decision because its her that has to carry the baby for 9 months, her who has to go through labour, her who would end up with the baby in the end and if she doesn't want a baby then I personally think it's better off if the woman aborts it. Different people believe different things about whether the baby should have the right to live over what the mother wants so I think they should be able to choose according to what they believe.

BigBL87 April 6th 2010 10:09 PM

Re: Abortion???

Originally Posted by Dement (Post 360389)

I didn't say the pro-choice arguement didn't have holes, I just think that the pro-life one has more. I think that the mother has the ultimate decision because its her that has to carry the baby for 9 months, her who has to go through labour, her who would end up with the baby in the end and if she doesn't want a baby then I personally think it's better off if the woman aborts it. Different people believe different things about whether the baby should have the right to live over what the mother wants so I think they should be able to choose according to what they believe.

So what if a person believes that you should be able to abandon a baby in the wilderness as a form of "aborting" it, a la the ancient Greeks? It is the woman that would have to care for the baby, to carry the financial burden, etc..

Having the belief that you should be able to kill a human being (speaking from a genetic standpoint the baby/fetus is human) doesn't make it morally right to do so. If I believe that I should be able to kill another adult, it doesn't make it right, but under that reasoning it should be ok.

hopefaithlove April 6th 2010 10:14 PM

Re: Abortion???

Originally Posted by Angelina. (Post 359765)
I 100% disagree with abortion.
If your mature enough to decide to have unprotected sex, then you can raise a child. Adoption- i do agree in, if you absolutely cannot rise the child.
I will never agree with killing in innocent baby. (even if it's not technically a baby yet)
It will/would be, so killing it will give it NO CHANCE at life. It's just not right to me.


I see it as murder, although many of you guys will not, it's just my opinion. [:

Well said. I agree completely.

shimmeringfaerie April 6th 2010 10:24 PM

Re: Abortion???

Originally Posted by BigBL87 (Post 360360)
Just as pro-life arguments have holes, here's one in this: Why should the mother's choice take away the choice of the child? Doesn't that child have the right to choose if they want to live?

But the child isn't in a position to make that choice. Parents make a lot of choices for their children when they are young. What clothes they wear, if/where they attend school, what toys they have, what TV they can watch.

I don't see how you can argue that if the pregnancy is going to be a physically and emotionally traumatic experience for the mother and baby, that you would still force that mother to carry the baby to term. And then when the baby is born, you would make it grow up learning that it's dad was a rapist or that it's the product of incest? No one here who is "pro-life" has yet to explain how that is "right".

Even if you choose adoption, that baby could grow up feeling worthless and unwanted because its own parents gave it away. I'm sure there are a lot of adopted kids who feel like that. And personally, I think it's immoral to make a child suffer through that all their lives.

I don't like the idea that there is a blanket "moral right" that fits every scenario and situation. If you look at the scenarios I listed in my earlier post, I honestly have no idea how you could say that forcing a woman to give birth in those situations is morally right. You say that abortion is killing another human being? Well, abortion seems like a much more humane method than forcing child and mother to risk their lives and their physical and emotional well-being because someone else told them they had to.

BigBL87 April 6th 2010 10:27 PM

Re: Abortion???

Originally Posted by ShimmeringFaerie (Post 360441)
But the child isn't in a position to make that choice. Parents make a lot of choices for their children when they are young. What clothes they wear, if/where they attend school, what toys they have, what TV they can watch.

So should parents be able to kill their non-infant children? I have a hard time going with your line of reasoning, because that is the logical conclusion with that line of thought.


Originally Posted by ShimmeringFaerie (Post 360441)
I don't like the idea that there is a blanket "moral right" that fits every scenario and situation. If you look at the scenarios I listed in my earlier post, I honestly have no idea how you could say that forcing a woman to give birth in those situations is morally right. You say that abortion is killing another human being? Well, abortion seems like a much more humane method than forcing child and mother to risk their lives and their physical and emotional well-being because someone else told them they had to.

If you will notice, I did say earlier that in cases where it causes serious health risks for the mother I would be ok with it. At that point, I don't see it as "abortion" so much as making a choice of saving the life of the mother at the expense of the child, as not doing it would potentially kill both.

shimmeringfaerie April 6th 2010 10:50 PM

Re: Abortion???

Originally Posted by BigBL87 (Post 360444)
So should parents be able to kill their non-infant children? I have a hard time going with your line of reasoning, because that is the logical conclusion with that line of thought.

Of course that's not what I'm saying. And it's hardly a logical conclusion. Having a baby and then killing it because you don't want it anymore is different. In that case, you can give it up for adoption. But when you're pregnant, you can't give the fetus to someone else. The only choice is to abort it if you are incapable of carrying it to term (for physical or emotional reasons).


Originally Posted by BigBL87 (Post 360444)
If you will notice, I did say earlier that in cases where it causes serious health risks for the mother I would be ok with it. At that point, I don't see it as "abortion" so much as making a choice of saving the life of the mother at the expense of the child, as not doing it would potentially kill both.

Except it is still abortion. You can't say that it's not just because you think that scenario is okay. My point is that you can't say abortion is wrong if you agree with it in some circumstances.

Also, "health risks" are not just physical. So are you saying that you would be okay with abortion in a situation where the mother and/or child would seriously suffer emotionally? Like rape? Or even in a situation where the woman is young and would be kicked out of home if she were to not have an abortion?

Brandon April 6th 2010 10:59 PM

Re: Abortion???
Thankfully, I've only had to deal with one pregnancy scare so far. I used to be pro-life, but after experiencing a pregnancy scare...I'm neutral. I do think that killing a potential baby is wrong, just like many other things that society does these days. However, there are circumstances where you take the necessary precautions to prevent pregnancy. Using a condom alone will not prevent pregnancy as much as people think, and birth control isn't perfect either. I do think that one or MAYBE two abortions is acceptable if you deal with it in a responsible manner. And when I say responsible, I mean get an abortion as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the less responsible I think you are because the longer the baby cooks...the more formed it's gonna get. I'd rather kill something that looks like a potato rather than something that looks like a human being.

BigBL87 April 6th 2010 11:05 PM

Re: Abortion???

Originally Posted by ShimmeringFaerie (Post 360459)
Except it is still abortion. You can't say that it's not just because you think that scenario is okay. My point is that you can't say abortion is wrong if you agree with it in some circumstances.

The procedure is the same, that much is true, but the reasons and situation are completely different. If a mother will die without a medication, but the medication can harm or kill the baby, I give the mother the medication. It's the same principle in a different circumstance. It is saving the life of the mother at the expense of the life of the child, which I view as completely different. It is not simply a mother choosing that her life is to difficult to have a child.

And, as far as my comment on your line of reasoning, using that line of reasoning DOES lead to that conclusion logically. There are much better ways to make that argument.

Like I said earlier, what it comes down to for me is ending an innocent human life, which I think is wrong. Would the child choose a hard life over no life? We don't know, how about we give them that choice?

L'espoir April 6th 2010 11:06 PM

Re: Abortion???

Originally Posted by BigBL87 (Post 360428)
So what if a person believes that you should be able to abandon a baby in the wilderness as a form of "aborting" it, a la the ancient Greeks? It is the woman that would have to care for the baby, to carry the financial burden, etc..

Having the belief that you should be able to kill a human being (speaking from a genetic standpoint the baby/fetus is human) doesn't make it morally right to do so. If I believe that I should be able to kill another adult, it doesn't make it right, but under that reasoning it should be ok.

That's really not what I was trying to say. I meant that just because some people believe babies should have the right to live despite what the mother wants/needs that doesn't mean that people who don't believe that should be forced to not have an abortion. Does that make more sense? I don't think I explained clearly the first time.


Originally Posted by BigBL87 (Post 360428)
If you will notice, I did say earlier that in cases where it causes serious health risks for the mother I would be ok with it. .

So you are actually pro-choice then, since you do believe that at times it is ok to have an abortion? People who are Pro-life disagree with abortion full stop. You are either pro-life or you aren't.

BigBL87 April 6th 2010 11:14 PM

Re: Abortion???

Originally Posted by Dement (Post 360480)

So you are actually pro-choice then, since you do believe that at times it is ok to have an abortion? People who are Pro-life disagree with abortion full stop. You are either pro-life or you aren't.

I would disagree that it is all or nothing.

shimmeringfaerie April 6th 2010 11:17 PM

Re: Abortion???

Originally Posted by BigBL87 (Post 360478)
The procedure is the same, that much is true, but the reasons and situation are completely different. If a mother will die without a medication, but the medication can harm or kill the baby, I give the mother the medication. It's the same principle in a different circumstance. It is saving the life of the mother at the expense of the life of the child, which I view as completely different. It is not simply a mother choosing that her life is to difficult to have a child.

And, as far as my comment on your line of reasoning, using that line of reasoning DOES lead to that conclusion logically. There are much better ways to make that argument.

Like I said earlier, what it comes down to for me is ending an innocent human life, which I think is wrong. Would the child choose a hard life over no life? We don't know, how about we give them that choice?

And if the mother might die or have some other serious health problems? Is it not okay then because the health risks aren't definite?

So basically, you're saying that suicide is okay, but abortion isn't? That the unborn child who can't survive on its own has more rights than the mother?

L'espoir April 6th 2010 11:20 PM

Re: Abortion???

Originally Posted by BigBL87 (Post 360501)
I would disagree that it is all or nothing.

It is if you are pro-life because pro-life is saying you think abortion is wrong full stop and shouldn't be carried out..it's not "I think abortion is wrong but actually this time we should let them do it". Pro choice however is believing that people should have to right to choose what they want to do in their circumstance.

DeletedAccount69 April 6th 2010 11:55 PM

Re: Abortion???

Originally Posted by Dement (Post 360521)

It is if you are pro-life because pro-life is saying you think abortion is wrong full stop and shouldn't be carried out..it's not "I think abortion is wrong but actually this time we should let them do it". Pro choice however is believing that people should have to right to choose what they want to do in their circumstance.

I totally agree with this. Also with pro choice a lot of people say they do not necessarily think that it is something they would do but they believe that they do not have the right to take the choice away from other woman.

What if a 14 year old girl is told constantly by her father and brother that she is a whore. She begins to feel unlovable, worthless and stupid. Said 14 year old girl meets an older boy who tells her 'you are beautiful, wonderful, and I love you'. The 14 year old girl falls in love and thinks that having sex is the right choice for her. The 14 year old falls pregnant. Her father happens to be physically abusive as well. If he were to find out she were pregnant she would be beaten severely and possibly killed. So the said 14 year old girl gets an abortion. She feels bad about it to an extent but she also knows what would have happened if she kept the baby. Do we have the right to force this child to give birth to a child? Do we have the right to force this broken child who was looking for nothing other than love to tell her abusive father that she is pregnant?

Now, imagine that this what if situation happened years ago when abortion were illegal. This little girl goes to get a back alley abortion and ends up having all types of complications. She can never have any kids ever again. Is that right? What would happen if abortion were made illegal again? More scared little girls would go out and get a back alley abortion. I don't think that is right either.

This 14 year old is a broken child. Someone who believes she is worthless. Someone who believes no one will/would ever love them. This 14 year old didn't know right from wrong. She made a mistake. She slept with a person because she thought sex=love. She couldn't possibly take care of a baby or herself. She couldn't tell her father because he would beat her severely. Kick her out. Kill her. What is she supposed to do? She is trapped and alone...

BabyIndia April 7th 2010 12:19 AM

Re: Abortion???
I'm kinda mixed to be honest.

Yes you have and opionion but it's your mothers body..

I'm mixed because.

If I got pregnant and they told me having the baby would kill me, or the child would be severly disabled and wouldn't be able to do anything for themselves, then yes I'd go with the abortion.

But if the baby was healty and I was going to be okay, I'd have the child, once I'd had the child if I found I couldn't cope/want the child I'd consider adoption that way the child got the life he/she deserves, and I don't feel bad.

I'm Kinda against it mainly because it's unlikely i'll ever have children, and it annoys me when people get abortions as a form of birth control...

Then again it's the womens choice, don't let anyone make you do something you don't want it's your body I say. :)

flowerchild32273 April 7th 2010 12:56 AM

Re: Abortion???
i believe in a womans right to choose but i think people should be responsible enoough to not let it happen in the first place and if it does happen and you cant care for the child i think adoption is great.

astrodork April 7th 2010 02:05 AM

Re: Abortion???
I think it's situational.

I'm against it if people are having sex just for the fun of it. Sex leads to pregnancy. It's not a surprise. Just about everyone past the 5th grade knows. Sex doesn't equal love. Love is the promise of being able to stick together through thick or thin. If you get pregnant because of "love," well there's the symbol of your love, raise it and care for it together.

My only issue is if it's caused by rape or if it could be life threatening. I don't think life should be taken away, but at the same time, I don't think it's right to force someone to carry a child they never had a say in.

I'm pretty much against people using abortion as a form of birth control.

Toast April 7th 2010 05:15 AM

Re: Abortion???

Originally Posted by Angelina. (Post 359765)

I see it as murder, although many of you guys will not, it's just my opinion. [:


Originally Posted by The Kira (Post 359741)
That is no excuse for murder"

You need a bit of correction on your English skills. Murder is defined as the unlawful killing of a person. Abortion is not illegal, therefore it is not murder. You can't really have an opinion on whether it is murder or not.

I am pro-choice. I do not believe I have the right to force my beliefs onto others. If you feel it is best for yourself to have an abortion, that's none of my business. While I do realize most people who have abortion did have unprotected sex, there are also many who were responsible but got unlucky, as well as those who were raped. I'm pretty sure birth control and condoms both have 99% effectiveness, so even if you used both, that's still 0.0001% chance that both will fail. I realize that's not huge, but it's still possible.

I think it was very selfish of you to get upset with your mother the way you described. She clearly made a decision that she felt was best for her family(including you). Sometimes people make mistakes. A child is too important a thing to be punishment for making a mistake.

Pelios April 7th 2010 06:50 AM

Re: Abortion???

Originally Posted by Toast (Post 360845)
Abortion is not illegal, therefore it is not murder. You can't really have an opinion on whether it is murder or not.

What about places where abortion is illegal? Is it considered murder? I think she is entitled to have an opinion due to the fact that not everyone thinks it is not murder.
I'm not trying to force my beliefs into you I'm just pointing out that people have different opinions on things.

MegaMadness April 7th 2010 08:30 AM

Re: Abortion???
I personally don't think I could ever have an abortion but I believe that if other women want to, then that's their choice. And I am not going to judge them for it. I have no idea what they were going through. I doubt it is an easy situation for the person to be in.

I honestly think, you need to cool down a bit, then talk to your mother again. Don't be so harsh on her. She didn't have to tell you anything. She choose to. Probably thinking you'd understand. I know it might be hard but just try to be a bit more understanding.

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