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Re: Abortion??? -
May 1st 2010, 09:12 PM
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Oh dear, this is getting extremely confusing. Just forget everything okay. I cannot debate things like this over the internet when people dont understand what I mean by certain things, (my fault not yours - I am not smart enough to know how to explain things to people 4 years older than me) also sarcasm doesn't go well while talking on the apologies. I don't think any new points are even going to be brought up in this debate, so i'm going to stop commenting because it's doing my head in. Sorry if i've pissed you off.
Smart move but you dont have to stop replying to this Thread though
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Re: Abortion??? -
May 1st 2010, 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by Angelina.
I agree 100%
But you already said that you didn't think women should have sex at all if they didn't want kids. Doesn't that kinda contradict your original statement?
And once again, I bring up the issue of kids who don't know the risks of sex. I was talking to a girl the other day who honestly thought that you were more likely to get pregnant if you were on your period. She didn't know what ovulation was. If she got pregnant, I wouldn't force her to go through with the pregnancy, because obviously her parents and her school are the ones who've let her down.
And abortion is no more selfish than forcing your own personal views onto someone else and pushing young girls to illegal abortions just because you don't agree with it.
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Re: Abortion??? -
May 1st 2010, 10:43 PM
-reminds myself to stay away from this thread-
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Re: Abortion??? -
May 2nd 2010, 01:47 AM
I think abortion should be legal and that everyone should have the free choice to decide whether they are able and willing to bring a child into the world or not.
I see that some are saying that "oh if you are stupid enough not to use contraception...", well sometimes people do use contraception but it doesn't work i.e.: the condom might split , so they haven't decided that they wanted a baby and they're not stupid.
Also, do you not think that if someone is raped, they have a right to get rid of that baby if they choose so, as every day they would be reminded of the horrible thing that happened to them & the horrible person who did it to them?
Some people are not mature enough or have the financial/ family support needed to bring a child into the world e.g.: a 13 year old girl & so do you not think that it would be better not to bring a child into a cold house/ with no food/ incompetent parents which could cause them physical/ psychological damage in the long run?
[I am not saying here that no 13 year old girls are mature/ competent parents as I am sure that there are many exceptions, it's just hypothetical]
I only see it as a human being when it is born, otherwise it is just cells, so I don't see it as murder and I think that in certain cases it is absolutely fine/ the right thin, for the parents to have the choice whether or not to have the child.
I think that it is pretty closed minded to think that it is completely wrong to have an abortion really. Think about the various situations you could be in yourself before judging others.
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Re: Abortion??? -
May 2nd 2010, 03:18 AM
Originally Posted by Clouds.
I only see it as a human being when it is born, otherwise it is just cells, so I don't see it as murder and I think that in certain cases it is absolutely fine/ the right thin, for the parents to have the choice whether or not to have the child.
I'm confused by this part of your post. All of us are composed of cells and all of us share human DNA from our parents. The fetus' cells contain human DNA, are born within a human in natural cases, tends to follow human development and so forth, so why is it not considered a human being? Others have presented this same argument you have and I have questioned them in the same manner each time but either my questions weren't answered (i.e. ignored) or no explanation was provided (i.e. repeating what they asserted previously). Can you please clarify your stance and answer my questions as this argument continues to confuse me.
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Re: Abortion??? -
May 2nd 2010, 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by Clouds.
I only see it as a human being when it is born, otherwise it is just cells, so I don't see it as murder and I think that in certain cases it is absolutely fine/ the right thin, for the parents to have the choice whether or not to have the child.
So up until 1 minute before a baby is born you consider the baby "just cells"?
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Re: Abortion??? -
May 2nd 2010, 08:48 AM
Originally Posted by Clouds.
I think that it is pretty closed minded to think that it is completely wrong to have an abortion really. Think about the various situations you could be in yourself before judging others.
Now this I agree with. The one arguement that I go by is that even if I don't want one myself I have no right to judge others for their choices or to take away that choice altogether. Now that, to me, would be wrong.
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Re: Abortion??? -
May 4th 2010, 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by PhoenixAlive
See that's the thing. I don't know that I believe that if abortion was criminalized worldwide, as many women would still elect to have abortions. While it is legal in many countries, we can never have an accurate statistic as to whether 42 million abortions would still occur if abortion was illegal everywhere.
And I believe that there would be less than 42 million abortions worldwide every year if women faced legal action for having an abortion. That is my point.
EDIT: Sorry for not replying to your post Jack, but as I think this addresses both posts, I figured I'd quote the most recent one.
Yes, I realise that you think that but all the evidence seems to point in the opposite direction.  It'd be easier to swallow if I could see some evidence to support your point of view but abortion rates accross the world show very little difference between areas in which it is legal and areas in which it is not. Similarly, at least in the UK, abortion was legalised due to the incredibly high rate at which it was occurring so in our culture it doesn't seem to make much difference as well.
I'm sure that, if I'm going to be a pedant, I would have to agree that there would be less than 42 million abortions worldwide if abortion was illegal. However, I'm also sure that it would be an insignificant drop and would be outweighed by the huge rise in maternal mortality rate and injury.
Time has shown that prohibition does not work in the cases of everything from drugs to alcohol to abortion so I can't see why it would help for abortion.
Although, I'm really just repeating myself at this point.
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Re: Abortion??? -
May 4th 2010, 05:45 AM
I do not agree with abortion. Ever. If someone is responsible enough to have sex, then they are responsible enough to deal with the consequence of a baby. This means either taking care of it yourself or giving it up for adoption. Murdering an innocent baby is NEVER the answer.
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Re: Abortion??? -
May 4th 2010, 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by Megan09
I do not agree with abortion. Ever. If someone is responsible enough to have sex, then they are responsible enough to deal with the consequence of a baby. This means either taking care of it yourself or giving it up for adoption. Murdering an innocent baby is NEVER the answer.
I'm gonna say it since someone else will if I won't. A rape victim did not choose to have sex. Also sex is not just for making babies, and I don't care what anyone else says it is NOT just for procreation. Next a child should not be a consequence. A child should be wanted, it should be born to people who are ready to take care of it. Abortion is not murder, look up the definition of murder please, and a fetus is not a baby. Actually the majority of abortions take place during the embryotic period so it's not even a fetus.
Also let's be honest, the majority of kids having sex today are not only not mature enough, but they certainly aren't responsible enough to be doing it. This happens as a result of abstinence only education, of over protective parents or parents who just don't care. Some girls give in to pressure, some just get drunk and the make mistakes, that does not make them responsible enough to raise a child. You have to face the reality of sex and unwanted pregnancies, not what you want the reality to be.
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Re: Abortion??? -
May 7th 2010, 07:53 AM
I agree with abortion as I am a strong believer of staying out of others lives. Someone in Kansas having an abortion is not going to affect my life so I see no reason to stop them from doing it.
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Re: Abortion??? -
May 7th 2010, 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by mexico
So up until 1 minute before a baby is born you consider the baby "just cells"?
Don't be so pedantic. You know full well that is not what she was saying.
Abortion is legal here until 24 weeks gestation. Illegal later unless the pregnancy poses a risk to the mother's life etc.
Do I connect a 6 week old foetus with a baby? Nope. Do I connect a 30 or 35 week old foetus with a baby? A lot more so. Where the exact change happens I don't know. But you HAVE to acknowledge that not everyone feels that a foetus is a baby as soon as conception occurs.
(In fact a lot of you are so 'you can have the morning after pill' yet there are a good number of anti-abortion agencies who argue this is just as bad - the morning pill tries to prevent implantation yet actual fusing of the gametes has already occured. Contradiction, surely)
Just because YOU consider a foetus a baby at practically minus days gestation, doesn't mean that other people do.
I am so thankful that I live in a country where the legality of abortion is not even questioned.
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Last edited by her_beautiful_mistake; May 7th 2010 at 02:52 PM.
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Re: Abortion??? -
May 7th 2010, 02:53 PM
I dont generally think abortion's right. Although if ur gonna give birth to a kid but dont have any money or time to spend raising it then you might aswell not bother giving birth. And you hear of and see it happening... in run down areas. 5 or 6 kids living with their mum (I said living, not being brough up). U know... that's literally how insects multiply. Its not right.
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