Why have Democrat picks for office been very poor candidates in recent years? -
March 26th 2025, 08:38 PM
They literally lost the election because their candidates sucked too much. Joe Biden? Replaced as candidate by the vice president of an unpopular administration? Obama was the last cool candidate they had that could actually win. Bernie could be a bold candidate like Trump for the dems if he was younger and a bit more moderate. In Florida? We have Desantis because two elections in a row, the democrat candidate SUCKED. Andrew Gillum was not a strong candidate and had to go to drug rehab after being found incoherent on a meth bender in a hotel(and as someone who has done stimulants recreationally, that takes a big bender). Their next contender was former Republican Florida governor Charlie Crist, who became unpopular after switching sides. People dont want to vote for the same person they voted against in a prior election just because he is now listed on their party. Why would anyone vote for a governor who has switched since the last time he was governor? I still think he is better than DeSantis but what a horrible choice for a candidate. He supported an amendment against gay marriage and opposed liberal causes in the 2000s when he was in office, but in 2022 advertised that he will essentially be the opposite governor that he was. That is not a good running platform for any candidate. Thats like expecting democrats to vote for Trump if he claimed to be a liberal.
Nobody who is running democrat takes a strong stance of reform either. Obama was the last with the ACA and economic improvement plans, but Hillary, Biden, and Kamala really took the least bold stances on issues. No mention of healthcare improvement, federal marijuana legalization (rescheduling(which keeps it illegal, just very slightly less so) is the best they could push). There is a big disconnect between what I see liberals advocate for and what I see their politicians actually doing. I really can't say that anything Biden did made any sense. In 2020 he ran on a campaign of "we need to defeat covid", but then learned there was no way to stop a pandemic so we had more COVID in 2021 than in 2020.
Poor candidates don't work. Recent history has told us that people won't vote for the lesser of two evils;instead, many just won't vote at all.