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what is so wrong about gay marriage???
i personally am bisexual and have a girlfriend. i also have an aunt who is gay and was married at one point in time to another woman,it was weird at first but i got used to it,they ended up splitting up.
i've never really viewed marriage as the end product being children. i've always thought you got married to prove to each other and everyone around you how much you love one another and how much you care about the other person. to me marriage says you're willing to give up everything for that person because you care for them and love them so much,not because you want kids,even if you do want kids. my religion has nothing to do with how i view gay marriage,im pagan for those of you who care/were wondering. we dont really discriminate against anyone except thoe who discriminate against us,and we give them a fair chance first anyways so. but i kinda like debating and gay marriage happens to be in my top 3 for faav debate topics. so what in the world is so damn wrong with two people of the same sex getting married???? please tell me,im open to others opinions i swear,as long as your open to mine. |
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
Absolutely nothing wrong with it, I totally agree with you.
What I do understand is that for some people with conservative or religious views, it is using the specific term marriage that they find offensive, because they believe that the term marriage is sacred and according to their religion, it cannot include gay couples. I used to think this way, however sometime in the past year someone I love who is part of the GLBTQ community changed my mind. |
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
i wrote this poem about love and,its hard to explain. i'll just post it on here and tell you why i wrote it.
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
The arguments against same sex marriage are obviously weak, and that's why most western countries, and slowly some of the states, are beginning to allow it.
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
That makes sense, I guess... But considering the fact that this is such a big issue (for both those for and against) I would think that the US government would hold a referendum, take a stand, as many other countries have already done. Human rights are being violated by the fact that same-sex marriage is not recognized in the US. For a nation as forward thinking and advanced as the US is, they seem to be behind the times on this issue... But that's just my opinion.
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
The states is often criticized for being behind the times. It's fallen behind the rest of the western countries in many social issues - universal health care, gay marriage, capital punishment...
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
love knows not of race
love knows not of color love knows not of gender love knows not of religion love knows not of beleifies love knows not f what it can not have for there is no limit for love love is what it is, love shouldn't everyone have a chance at love? shouldn't everyone have a chance at showing their love? this is that poem i wrote. we had had a debate in my US History class that day,majority of my class are christians/catholics,then there was me and my two friends lol. we were like being attacked,only my friends know im bisexual,although im pretty sure the rest of them have figured it out,im not ashamed of it so i dont really hide it. some of the girls(they were on the other side of the classroom from me and my friends,good thing too,my one friend and me were getting very mad) decided they would say something like "gays will burn in hell" "being gay is against the bible" "god wanted us to get married so we could have kids,you cant have kids in a gay marriage so its stupid". well me and my friends decided to come back at their "being gay is against the bible" comment with "nowhere, NOWHERE, in the bible does it directly come out and say BEING GAY IS NOT ALLOWED, now does it?" let me tell you, they did not like that, at all. they went off on us soooo bad. but we were just telling them the truth, because nowhere in the bible does it come out and say being gay is not allowed, right? |
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
Actually, it does... But that was in the old testament. After Jesus died for our sins, I believe this changed.
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
it acualy really says gay marriage is not allowed?
huh i didnt know that,i wasnt christian for very long,as soon as i realized i could be what i wanted i changed my religion because i just did not beleive in the stuff my catecitsim(spelled wrong i know sorry idk how to spell it) teachers were trying to make me learn and beleive,i was all like umm,what about how this got here,you expect me to beleive that one guy made all this? well i think thats bs but you can beleive what you like and i wont hate you for it,i listened to their opinions but they would not listen to mine so i left and never looked back. if they would have answered some of my questions maybe i would have stayed but i decided being pagan fits me and my beleifs better. i cant beleive the bible seriousy says that though,cause they never taught us that and when we said that to the kids in class they shut up real fast. |
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
If you live your life directly by the bible, you're living a life of contradiction. Really.
Plus, we have freedom of religion, expect the Christians (The anti-gay Christians) can stand and say we shouldn't be allowed to be married. In the Bill of Rights it gives the States the power over their state if it is not stated in the constitution. But yeah. So since we can't get all of America to agree at once, we have to go one stupid little state at a time. *Is grumpy about gay-marriage* :bleh: |
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
Yeah, luckily not all of us Christians are fundamentalist radicals who believe that every single word in the bible is to be taken literally without paying attention to the context and the time and place in the world where it was written.
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
I didn't mean to put it that way, I'm sorry you took it like that.
There are many people who say that homosexuality is wrong because it's said so in the bible. Yet, many Christians are okay with war, or agree that occasionally it's okay to shoot someone. Yet I don't see the bible saying you can "kill thy neighbor". Plus, it says "love thy neighbor" not "love thy straight neighbor". I'm just saying there are too many people who DO take it literally word for word. |
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
those people,ad no offense to anyone who is one of thos people,but they scare me,like seriously scare me.
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
Oh, in case you're interested, x7x13x, here are the passages in the bible which are against homosexuality. Leviticus 20:13 and Leviticus 18:22. "If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads." Quote:
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
i swear if i ever become president,i will be hated by christans and catholics everywhere. |
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
Absolutely nothing!
I've never heard an argument against same-sex marriage that wasn't a religious one. I don't know why exactly, but a lot of religious people seem to feel they have the right to stomp on other people's rights just because their bible (which may or may not be true) says it's wrong to be gay. And very few politicians will touch this issue because it would kill their campaign. |
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
25% of Christians make the other 75% look bad. :bleh:
Homosexuality is outlined in the Bible, but that was more than two thousand years ago, and beyond that, the Bible itself has so many contradictions and questionable statements that taking it literally is downright ignorant. |
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
you know what i think needs to happen?
i think we need to get a gay president in office,or at least someone in office who would support gay marriage without a problem. |
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
not yet that i know of,but he needs to soon,if he doesnt then everyones just going to assume that hes against it. he seems like the kind of person whod be okay with it,and i mean hes all about change right? well why not change life for the gay community and allow them the thing they really want but are being denied just because certain religions think its wrong,maybe someone should write to him.
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
I have a question to add to this thread though I don't know if it will get answered since only one person has posted who is against gay marriage. But I'll ask anyway
To those who oppose gay marriage, if we took the word marriage out would it then be ok? I don't know if you know this or not but in the US (at least) every couple needs to get a marriage lisense before they are married so that they can have all of the legal benefits. So if we allowed gay couples to get those lisenses but just took the marriage word out would you still have a problem? |
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
EDIT: Here are some stats, courtesy of wikipedia According to a 2007 survey,[11] the following is the order of religious preferences in the United States:
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
I disagree with your last sentiment as I believe that everyone, Christian or not, plays a huge role on how American society functions. I hope that makes some sense. And the main point of my argument is that there are various non-Christian religions that are against homosexuality and I think there are times when people do not keep in mind. It doesn't matter if the numbers are small, they are still there. |
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
My opinion, is that gays should be allowed to marry, as I want to get married when I find the right person, be it a girl or a guy, one day. |
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
the states choosing their laws thing i get an d i like,but this kind of goes against pursuit of happiness does it not? gays are being severly harmed,sometimes even killed,just because some people dont want them to get married. pursuit of happiness states that as long as your not hurting anyone else in pursuing your happiness then it shouldnt matter,so then why does it in this particular sitation? gays arent hurting anyone now are they? |
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
Hey Khadra my mother is agnostic and she is against gay marriage. She's all for civil unions and equal rights and everything but like many she she's marriage between a man and a woman (just cause that's the way it's always been) and she doesn't want gay marriages thrown into her face, like she doesn't want to open that paper and see pictures from a gay ceremony. We've argued extensively on this, I told her people used to think the same way about interracial unions etc. It's just what she believes but it's not based in religion at all.
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
Taking the word marriage out doesn't cut it. History has shown time after time 'equal but seperate' doesn't work. Not to mention, what about religious gays who want to get married? There are religios sects and denominations that are fine with gays.. look at the Quakers. Why no gay marriage? Attitudes can take awhile to change, particularly attitudes that have been firmly made in childhood. People don't want to question themselves :p Oh, more importantly, its Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. Filthy gays.... Secular people who are against gay marriage are only so due to the religios climate they grew up in. There is no good secular reason to make marriage exclusively between man and woman. Just because someone isn't religious doesn't mean a certain religious view point hasnt effected them. And this 'thrown in your face' nonsense is ridiculas. Everytime I turn on my tv, I get lame ass heterosexuality thrown in my face (I personally find it boring and annoying), straights should return the decency and put up with it. But its nice to hear how people think their right not to see something in a paper they dont want to particularly see out weighs the rights of people for their actual lives. |
Re: what is so wrong about gay marriage???
Also as for the "thrown in your face" thing, I wasn't agreeing with my mother. But I do understand to an extent where she is coming from. If we really want this transition to work then there needs to be compromise on both sides. If gay marriages start to become very public and you can't open a paper without seeing one we will just be alienating the other side and we shouldn't want to do that, it will solve nothing. |
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