Re: "Israel" isn't real -
July 31st 2024, 02:35 AM
[SIZE="a"]Israel definitely exists. There is historical evidence to back that up. There is also evidence in the Hebrew Bible which even though isn't a legal document and we technically have separation of Church and State, does not take away the fact that the three most popular religions around the world include the Hebrew Bible.
Furthermore, it is generally terrorists or misguided people who speak in this manner. Even ordinary Muslims know that the Jewish people have a connection to Israel as a homeland. There have always been Jews residing in that region even when many have had to flee to Europe. My own heritage can be traced back to Jews who have lived in the Middle East since the beginning. We are native to that region.
The Jewish people are not only a religion. We are an ethno-religion and we do have a homeland.
What it sounds like you are saying is that Israel *should not* exist.
What I do not understand is that Jews are compared to colonizers and this is simply untrue. The intention and approach is VERY different. The Europeans came to the America's as explorers and as starting a new life with the knowledge that Europe is their homeland and they were leaving their homeland to build a new life.
The Jewish homeland was always Israel. There are anciekt sites there including Graves of important Jewish leaders from centuries ago. There are locations there that have been discussed in the Hebrew bible or the Torah. For Jews, we have a longing to return to where we belong.
Are you saying Jews don't exist? Because Israel abd Jews do not separate. That part is not political nor debatable. That is part of Human Rights. There is a small percentage of Jews who believe that we need to wait until Masiah to come before we can return to our home. But even then, these people do not doubt it's existence and connection to the Jewish people.
The last thing I'm going to say here is that Hamas IS a terrorist group. Hamas has the intention to destroy and kill Jewish people to the point that they are willing to sacrifice Palestinian civilians' lives. That makes it not so simple to have a true discussion with Palestinian people about living peacefully. There has been wars there for a long time that strained relationships to say the least. However it was not always like this. It used to be more peaceful. My grandparents' Muslim neighbors bought them a wedding gift. They were not only neighbors but friends!
Every continent that has humans is full of smaller ethnic groups who historically fought for their own homeland with borders. Jews tried to do it in a place that makes sense to them.[/size]