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Re: Abortion is wrong.
Not gonna lie, I didn't read through all of the post, so sorry if my point has been made already.
I agree that you shouldn't get an abortion each time you become pregnant, but I do think that there are instances where abortion is necessary. The two conditions I can think of right now are: 1. If you became pregnant after being raped. There are morning after pills and such, but if you still became pregnant, I think that is 100% okay to have an abortion. 2. If you become pregnant, but your body (for some reason) cannot handle it and you begin to suffer. If the baby might kill the women (for some rare reason, I am not sure) then I think an abortion is fine. (A reason might be that the women does not have enough strength to support two lives) Just a couple thoughts to add in. -Amy |
Re: Abortion is wrong.
But the embryo part was very true.
Re: Abortion is wrong.
Now you started it so here I go. First you should really appreciate the fact that you are a guy and never have to go through the trama of being raped and then getting pregnant. Seriously thank your lucky stars every day for that. So I don't even know how to explain to you why it's perfectly acceptable for a woman in such a circumstance to have a abortion because you couldn't possibly understand the emotional harm. And you know what I'd really wish you'd stop with this "I'm the embryo". Tell me do you know for a fact that your mother even considered abortion. Because if she didn't then your experience in your mother's womb was no different than mine. And you are not a embryo you were once a long time ago, before you were a human being, but now you're not so please stop saying you are. It just makes no sense, I honestly don't believe that you remember being in your mother's womb at the time most abortions occur. So no I don't think that you are any closer to this that I am and I still believe that because you are a guy I'm much closer to this topic than you'll ever be because it deals with MY rights NOT YOURS. |
Re: Abortion is wrong.
--------- Big Mole, growing up like most people, and never having these questions in your life. No, you don't. You don't believe me? Hmm, let's see - it's because you weren't taken away from the woman you lived nine months in! So don't you ever DARE tell me that you had anything closely resembling that, because you don't and you never will know what that's like. Well, guess what? I remember. And I guess you never heard that guys could get raped too? Maybe not as often, but it does happen... thus, all we're really talking about is pregnancy as something that only girls go through. |
Re: Abortion is wrong.
Oh and yes I do know that guys can be raped that's why I added the AND PREGNANT part because that part you won't ever have to experience. An expected pregnancy, and unexpected pregnancy, and a pregnancy that resulted from rape are all completely different emotional experiences. |
Re: Abortion is wrong.
When you don't have the ability to take care of a child, the woman has two choices she can be weak by aborting or strong by putting the child up for adoption. My Mom was strong, she went with adoption. Like all women in this situation she was poor, my father ran off on her, she went through it alone because of the way the country thinks about pregnancy prior to marriage - a lot more so than here in the states. Not one of those led her to abort me out of fear, she remained strong and brave with no one there to help her through and helped provide a better life for me. THAT woman is a hero, she made the hardest decision anyone can make.
I have more experience than any girl who has a stable pregnancy could ever get. Because it's my origins. It's something both her and I went through, which is hard to explain - but, it's kind of like sharing souls for nine months. As someone personally connected to this I am naturally more attached to it than any girl who has never been pregnant or has a stable pregnancy & especially those who grew up with their natural parents. It runs through my veins and in my blood. I am still very much connected to that moment in time when I was taken away as are others. I won't be afraid to admit that I repressed a couple of times to PRIMAL degrees for a woman I've never even seen. I've felt it true to my core though. I was frozen solid once, afraid and angry. The other time I broke down and cried while just wanting to be back with her. Keep in mind, I never met her. These experiences many adoptees can account for and have told of. So, there is an inherent connection - a connection that's felt in the heart for someone we never met. That says a lot, that alone speaks volumes. How do I know I remember being the embryo? Because I grew nine months inside her and that's how she flows through me. Look in any books about adoptees and orphans, you will see the IMMENSE research that has been put into the embryotic stage of life - and how, contrary to what people may think, are alive. I miss her, I always will. But, I am thankful for what she did for me and I'm happy to be alive. |
Re: Abortion is wrong.
I think getting raped as a man would hurt far more than a woman. Depending on the preference you are raped as. I don't think It's sexist. I think he's one of the only men out there that would like to include himself, unlike all the other men who have hurt us and ran out of our lives. |
Re: Abortion is wrong.
I get that this means something to you but it really means something to me. I get VERY upset when talking about this, I don't know why but I take any insults to women who have had abortions very personally. So I do have a level of emotional attachment to the situation, who are you to tell me it's not as deep as yours when you can't even know for sure that your mother even considered abortion. You are assuming because she was poor and alone she did, but she could have been like you, or she could have been very religious and it might not have even crossed her mind. |
Re: Abortion is wrong.
If someone has had an abortion, and posts in the abortion forum. They need to be strong and not get offended by it, or not post. Money for care? Get real. I lived on welfare and food stamps my whole life. You can't pull that over my eyes for one second. This country is throwing money into the streets of America, and It's Americas decision what they are going to do with it. And if they "child" is too young to get a job, THEN SHE IS TOO FREAKING YOUNG TO BE HAVING SEX. |
Re: Abortion is wrong.
If a woman gets an abortion out of fear of someone finding out she got pregnant, or she doesn't feel like spending the money but may be able to attain it through support, or plain out like the ignorant comment way below stated simply because she doesn't want to be pregnant for no other reason than just 'cuz not now.... I do have a problem with that and consider that weak.
Keep in mind, as I keep trying to reiterate, not all women who do it are weak. I've never even used weak when stating a woman who got raped, just I think it would be more psychologically painful for her than giving it life and knowing she gave it a better life. Only those who give up without really trying are weak in my eyes, because there's alternatives that should be taken into account first. There's a distinct difference and that's why I said I don't think it should be illegal, only reserved for the extreme cases.... But, guess for you abortion just means any case without trying anything else first? Not using it as the last choice if necessary. You say it's as deeply personal for you, but what you continue to avoid is how. Just cuz'? That's not as deep as it running through your blood. Now if you were an adoptee, orphan, or your parents told you that they were considering abortion or giving you away when you were a baby - you don't have as strong a connection as everyone else. A connection? Yes, maybe, perhaps. But it would in no way reach the level of the groups of people I just named. |
Re: Abortion is wrong.
Here's an analogy I like. Of course it only works if you don't think that illegal immagrants deserve the same rights as legal citizens. But here we go would you give the same rights to an illegal citizen as a legal one, even if the illegal citizen is going through the process of becoming a citizen do you give them those rights before they are one? I wouldn't because they are not a legal citizen and they are not the same. Listen we will never agree because we differ on the "rights of the embryo/fetus" But I will always win because abortion will never be illegal again. |
Re: Abortion is wrong.
You're the embryo? ALL of us were embryos at one point in time and all of us currently are human beings. If you want to argue that humans are an embryo, then we all are embryos. It is not the case of you, the lone embryo, versus the humans. Why? Because that makes no sense one bit. If you indeed are an embryo, then you cannot be typing, you'd be a tiny little wee lump of cells, no brain, no hands, no fingers, no feet, etc... . I assume you are typing with your fingers (or prosthetic limbs) and have a working brain and sensory organs. Therefore, you are NOT an embryo using the traditional definition of an embryo. If you define an embryo in some other way, then all humans will be, according to you, an embryo. Quote:
How is the embryo part true? Regardless if Josh uses the traditional or whatever his definition may be, ALL humans would be either humans or an embryo. It would not be him being the embryo and mostly everyone else a human. Quote:
Re: Abortion is wrong.
Your comment, "but I will always win because abortion will never be illegal again," is hilarious. Because I have never, not once stated to make it illegal. I have never even proposed that. All I have ever proposed was making it the last resort, trying all other options as best as one could, without hitting the kill button. I have even stated under some situations it would be the best option, but those are for extreme cases.
You're a girl, you get pregnant, you're sexist - don't care. All I know is I'm more connected to this than you because I am that embryo and RESEARCH that I have paid close attention to and read up on in order to understand why I feel the way I do for someone I never even laid my eyes on tells me that I was alive during those nine months and that is why I remember her so intensely. There's notes and heavily recorded research that have gone into these studies of the embryotic stage of development that I can personally account for because it's the only thing that makes even the most remote of sense. It is something that you, should thank God, you'll never have to go through - even though I'm still happy to be alive. |
Re: Abortion is wrong.
Re: Abortion is wrong.
How is the embryo part true? Regardless if Josh uses the traditional or whatever his definition may be, ALL humans would be either humans or an embryo. It would not be him being the embryo and mostly everyone else a human. [quote] And when I said my thing about winning that wasn't for you it was more for me. I don't know why you think that all women who have abortions didn't consider all other options first, but I think you'd be hard up to find someone who hadn't. And once again you are not an embryo now so PLEASE STOP CALLING YOURSELF ONE. It makes no sense, especially since, as nightmare pointed out, the embryo has no brain therefore no memories. I think you may be using the wrong name, for I have no doubt you've done your research but maybe you are referring to the fetal stage. |
Re: Abortion is wrong.
You're asking me to make sense of something that shouldn't make sense. Read any adoption books... go to page thirty in the following link. Educate yourself before you post, same goes for everyone else questioning how alive the unborn child may be. "JOURNEY OF THE ADOPTED SELF: THE PRENATAL SELF Keep in mind that that's just ONE book. ---------------- If the parents are unfit financially, physically, etc. there is no legitimate reason for them to give the child up for abortion rather than adoption. At least this way they're giving life and providing a better opportunity than taking life away. I can expect the fear of what may have happened, because, believe me that is the dual side of the coin. Adoptees also feel that, that eternal wondering of where their parents may be and how they are. I'm willing to bet if someone took a survey of orphans and adoptees - the vast majority would say they're happy to be alive rather than dead. As for why I'm the embryo? Because it's something I feel inside me. I don't have memory in the sense of the common definition, but I do have feelings that can't be explained away in any other sense - this is an intense feeling for a woman I've never even seen. There has to be something that explains this and books do, in fact, explain this as I have provided the sample for above. Those who live with their natural parents, never have to question intensely their origins and that moment in their life - thus, in effect, they have lost that moment in time that others are bound to. Upon reuniting, it is also stated that some significantly regress back to the state of being a child - once again, this is for a woman that according to you they have "no memory" of... which makes no sense at all in your terms. ----------- DOES: I have never spoken one word against rape victims. I have never called them weak. Only that I believe it would be more psychologically draining for them to abort than to give the child up for adoption. I'd say the rape would stick with her, but you add that on top of the possible guilt she may feel after the abortion? I seriously think it would haunt her a lot more for the rest of her life. I don't try to be a dictator, even though it may seem that way. I just talk strongly especially concerning things that I am deeply connected to. You can choose whether you want to agree or not, but I'll always speak my mind without holding back. |
Re: Abortion is wrong.
Re: Abortion is wrong.
Re: Abortion is wrong.
Re: Abortion is wrong.
Another part is that I, somehow, remember what it feels like to be the unborn baby which the link I provided states how this can be. How an unborn child can "remember" living within it's mother... I'm talking about heart memory and emotions, not plain out cognitive thinking. |
Re: Abortion is wrong.
Also, abortions will still go on, even if it were illegal, just like they did before Roe v. Wade. It's just, they'll be so much less safe, and more mothers would die from bad abortions. Just like making drugs illegal does not help the drug problem (but that's a different debate). |
Re: Abortion is wrong.
What's so hard to understand about this? In some cases, it's needed to make sure that the girl lives through the pregnancy and that the baby isn't born with serious birth defects that would lead more to living in hell than living a life. |
Re: Abortion is wrong.
Re: Abortion is wrong.
Re: Abortion is wrong.
Re: Abortion is wrong.
Re: Abortion is wrong.
Re: Abortion is wrong.
I respect your opinion but can you please repect other peoples because your not neccesserily right and neither is anyone else thats why its on the DEBATE forum. I think Abortion is right if it's better for the potential human. You mention about adoption alot which yes is a fair idea but you seem to forget about the pregnancy stage and those mental AND physical effects it can have on the mother. I don't even know why im posting this because you are unlikely to be open minded about the female point of view anyway. |
Re: Abortion is wrong.
Because that's how I've heard some girls talk about it. Hell, you can even find one of those girls on this very thread who said she'd abort the baby just because she doesn't want to be a mother right now and wants to live her life just for her for a while. Those are the girls I'm talking about, that's the line of thinking I find disturbing to say the very least. Because they can just as easily put the child up for adoption and very likely get support at least from their families - or at least should try to, then if there's no other choice humanly possible abort... but, those doing it for purely "not right time for me" or "my parents will be angry, people at school will know" frankly disturb me.
Illegal isn't the same thing as last resort. And Does, at my age, I know plenty of guys who are already fathers and people who have families. It's not out of the question to raise or put up for adoption. It's not this "oh my god, world exploding - ahh!" run and screaming thing. It's a situation where I've seen plenty already act responsibly. I also think this is part of the cut off, earlier sex is a lot of the time for enjoyment - then later, in twenties, it becomes more of a responsibility, seeing and understanding that. Quote:
Re: Abortion is wrong.
Re: Abortion is wrong.
How can run line themselves up with killing something purely for their own personal gain? Which I have seen some state and this is the group I'm always referring to. |
Re: Abortion is wrong.
Quite honestly, I'm a little bit disgusted with some people's responses. Josh isn't a woman. He doesn't have to go through pregnancy and all that shit. But I strongly believe that if Josh WAS a female, his thoughts would be exactly the same as they are now. Just because he's a guy, doesn't mean that he doesn't understand the emotional and physical pain of getting pregnant, because I believe that he's smart enough to know that having a child forming inside your stomach is a very painful process. Josh and I have learned this shit, and we continue to learn about this stuff. Just because he's a male doesn't mean he doesn't understand. Sure, there's a slight possibility that if he WAS a female, he'd have different thoughts -- but just take a look from his situation. Regardless of gender, you go through emotional pain. And he went through stuff when he was a child. Psychology states that the stuff we go through/learn as children CAN and probably WILL affect us later on. In this case, Josh highly disagrees with abortion. I don't blame him. Just because the baby isn't being born in his body, doesn't mean that he shouldn't have his say in the situation.
Over the years, people have been through bizarre and not so bizarre situations -- the war in Iraq, the Holocaust, the sinking of the Titanic. Just because you go through something that's physically and/or emotionally painful, doesn't mean that you're going to come out wishing you were dead. The last Titanic survivor died of old age! Just because pregnancy involves emotional and physical pain, doesn't mean that saving a baby's potential life isn't worth it. I think that's the point that Josh is trying to make. Having an abortion isn't an easy decision, but compared to putting the kid up for adoption, yes...it's weak and the easiest decision -- but it's not easy. Deciding to go through pregnancy just for the safety of the child, THAT is strong. Aborting a baby is not. The subject of rape keeps coming up in this thread, and I don't know why. I completely agree that rape is a severe situation by itself. When you find out that you're pregnant and the rapist is your father, then that is SEVERELY severe. But does that constitute killing a baby's potential life? I say "potential" because some people will say that babies aren't living before they are aborted, and that's a whole different argument by itself that I don't want to get into. Well, I don't think it constitutes killing a baby's potential life. If the boy/girl grows up and later wishes he/she was dead in the first place, then that's fine. But let them find out for themselves instead of completely ruining their opportunity by having an abortion. |
Re: Abortion is wrong.
Re: Abortion is wrong.
Re: Abortion is wrong.
As someone who has grown up with that fear of being kick out, I can say that once I became an "emerging adult" I can see it was all in my head. Who's to say if or if not the parents will kick her out or just be extremely angry at her for a while? Comically I probably sound as bizarre as Efron talking about why sex should be seen as important and a responsible act in "seventeen again"... or at least seems that way. ----------------- LIFE OF THE UNBORN... LINK: "The Prenatal Self" Turn to page thirty to find out what'd you'd be aborting, frankly it'll probably shock you to find how much actually goes on in there. I know I didn't even expect what I read. I too, for a long time, until I started regressing and read about this research thought that the baby was only finally alive once it came out of the Mom. But, research is now showing that it starts long before that. It's something that anyone even remotely considering an abortion should read. |
Re: Abortion is wrong.
Re: Abortion is wrong.
Re: Abortion is wrong.
I'm male, therefore I'm not entitled to make the final decision, and by that ruling, you aren't either, Josh. You have every right to declare your opinions, but ultimately, this is the mother's choice.
Rape, accidental pregnancy from failed birth control, and severe injuries or afflictions to mother and/or child are all valid reasons to get an abortion. And it's not like women take the decision lightly. I highly doubt there is any woman in the world who felt the decision to get an abortion was "easy". |
Re: Abortion is wrong.
Arbiter, you're also speaking in the "extreme situations," which I've seen that I and others agree and align with and actually stress.
It's the fears of disapproval, stigma, going through it although there's no risks, not wanting to because it's just not time - that group alone is the group I refer to and don't agree with and I've seen enough of those people thinking and talking that way that I just felt like it needed to be addressed. It's more trying to "educate," and stress that there are better alternatives when one can't raise a child than abortion that one needs to take into account. And that, as hard as it is to believe, there is some form of life in there - which I've provided a link to just one of the books that addresses it. The actual thread title should be: "Abortion should be the last resort, opt for adoption." |
Re: Abortion is wrong.
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