Originally Posted by MWF
I know you just compared mandating vaccines to raising the drinking age and preventing people from drinking, but a more valid comparison is that mandating vaccines is like taking away peoples' freedom to drive drunk. The general public should be able to live life free from disease to the extent that its possible, and in this case, we have a means to mitigate a virulent disease. With that said, we're not gonna live free from disease if there's a 40% chunk of America that acts as a petri dish for Covid evolution.
The Supreme Court actually has a clear history of supporting vaccine mandates, even going back to vaccinating for smallpox in 1905. In their 7-2 ruling, Justice Harlan wrote on behalf of the majority, "Real liberty for all could not exist under the operation of a principle which recognizes the right of each individual person to use his own, whether in respect of his person or his property, regardless of the injury that may be done to others.” I happen to agree with that, and I also don't believe that corporations should have the right to allow vaccinated, unvaccinated, or immunocompromised people to be subjected to public health risks at work.
I really love that comparison. I think it shows the dangers of the unvaccinated and what they are truly fighting for which is to essentially endanger the lives of other.
The Supreme Court decision is disappointing but not surprising given the way the GOP pushed in a conservative majority last minute (which they prevented Obama from doing during his election year but whose surprised by the hypocrisy...?)
I'm in Healthcare so this rule won't effect me or shouldn't but I definitely feel badly for the immunocompromised and others who will be impacted by this.