Florida has the second lowest per capita rate of COVID-19 in the entire country -
October 22nd 2021, 02:05 PM
Florida now has the second lowest per capita rate of COVID in the entire US. Of all 50 states, Florida ranks 49th in per capita covid cases. It is almost as if our governor actually ISNT an idiot who is responsible for COVID and that the variation is COVID is driven by NATURAL factors like mutations in the virus,local climate factors, and a mysterious 2 month natural cyclical variation of each peak.
We were hit a bit harder by both summer waves, which is likely due to climate factors such as daily downpours (and high heat) making people stay indoors longer, and somehow that is all our fault, while we weren't hit disproportionally hard by the winter wave. Where was the blame on New York, Michigan, etc. in January?
Nobody really knows why COVID ebbs up and down in waves, why it hits some states first and others last,etc, and yet liberals have done a lot of victim blaming whenever a state that voted for Trump has a COVID outbreak. Basically if a conservative dies of COVID, its their own fault. They evidently didn't do the "right" combination of booster shots, double masking, (endless?) social distancing, and voting for liberal politicians to ensure their survival. At least that is what you would think when read the comments to articles like "conservative xyz dies of covid" on liberal dominant platforms like reddit. Or even comments like "he voted for Trump, now he has COVID, LOL".
It has also been shown that sporting events (and by logical extension- other mass events) actually did not create superspreading scenarios- something that I remember was discussed a lot when they were hosting the superbowl in our state.
Last edited by Proud90sKid; October 22nd 2021 at 06:23 PM.