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Texas abortion law - September 4th 2021, 11:48 PM

Texas just passed a law that gives individuals the freedom to sue a woman receiving an abortion for up to 10k if she gets an abortion after six weeks. It also allows provisions to sue those who assist or facilitate the abortion-including providing transportation. This is to provide community accountability and enable people to do something about abortion. This is a huge win for pro-lifers and could be the start of change in other states.
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Re: Texas abortion law - September 5th 2021, 02:29 AM

This is a huge loss for uterus owners everywhere. Ruth Bader Ginsberg is rolling in her grave.

Please, please stay out of other people's uteruses and mind your own uterus, or in the case of people who don't have a uterus, just stay out of the way. There are so, so many reasons for pregnancy that don't involve unprotected sex. Some people won't even be able to abort very much wanted babies anymore, babies that will not survive outside of the womb and will either die once born or claim the life of the parent.

Even if it's from unprotected sex, "oops, the condom broke," "oops, forgot to take my pill," or even if the person is just in that percentage of people who still gets pregnant while on birth control (there IS a failure rate, people!) they should not be punished for having sex. The purpose of sex nowadays is not simply to have babies, so nobody, uterus owner or not, should be punished. Do not punish people for enjoying sex.

You may ask about foster care, but in Texas alone "In January 2019 there were 29,927 children in foster care in Texas and 3,378 children waiting for adoptive families (source)." In the US as a whole, there are over 400,000, and over 120,000 of those are waiting to be adopted (source). So, why exactly do we want to add more foster children to this system? Additionally, not every foster child is treated the best and can experience trauma from the system. Also, a lot of the time older children wait even longer than younger ones to get adopted.

So, you may say, make the parent step up and raise the kid! Even if the child is cared for properly, there's still the fact that you may find out that you're not wanted, that you're not loved, that there's resentment. What if the parent can't afford care? They're stigmatized and demonized for needing assistance,

Are you going to improve my access to birth control and other forms of reproductive and sexual health care, for teens and adults alike? Are you going to allow me, a uterus owner, to be sterilized without a fight? And yes, I mean a fight. In some areas, it is very hard to find a doctor who will tie your tubes when you aren't a certain age and haven't already had a certain amount of kids.

Are you going to improve sexual health education, especially in a state like Texas that doesn't necessarily have quality education to start with? I'm not talking abstinence-only here. I'm talking the nitty gritty. because the whole "don't have sex or you'll get pregnant and die (Mean Girls reference!)" style sex education that is given in a lot of places just doesn't cut it. We don't need to see pictures of STIs, we need to know what to do to prevent pregnancy while having sex, other forms of intimacy, and other topics that I could rant on about forever that don't belong in this thread.

People normally find out they are pregnant between four and seven weeks. So if you're on the tail end of that, sucks to be you, you've just lost your right to an abortion. And if you're really that late term where the fetus is viable outside of the parent, most of the times this is a wanted child that cannot make it safely into this world. Again, you're demonizing someone who desperately wanted this child, carried it for 26+ weeks, and then was told that the fetus would die and/or their life would be at too high of a risk to continue the pregnancy.

This isn't going to stop abortions, it really isn't. I'm sure you've heard all of the unsafe practices that were performed back in the day. I am not going to post them here because I do not want o give anyone unsafe ideas, but people DIED. Fully-grown people who ALREADY ARE ALIVE, died. Value the person that's already on the Earth.

"Well, the fetus they aborted can make a contribution. What if they can find the cure for cancer?" What if they're a terrible criminal? Or, better yet, what if the person who is ALREADY ALIVE can cure cancer if they aren't caring for a child? Or, even BETTER, what if the person already alive wants a say what to do with their own body? They're the ones hosting the child and keeping it alive, and they should have the right to cease being the host. Pregnancy is risky, and even being alive AFTER a pregnancy can be tough. For example, some people lose all of their teeth after a pregnancy because the fetus leeches all the calcium from the body of the parent. Can you imagine losing your teeth at such a young age? Why FORCE someone to go through that?

I hope there are protests. I hope there are walk outs. This isn't going to end abortion. It's just going to create more suffering. People in other states are already gearing up to let people come visit them, claiming to be cousins or other long-distance relatives, all so people can get an abortion. The Church of Satanism is claiming it a violation of religious freedom. We will not be silenced.

This country is going to hell in a handbasket.

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Re: Texas abortion law - September 5th 2021, 02:48 AM

The law actually allows for providers or people who help a person get an abortion to be sued. From my understanding (I just wrote an assignment on this), the woman is not sued. I could be misunderstanding.

Dez covered a lot of my thoughts.

What I'll do is share an article by an epidemiologist with many factual statistics.


These laws don't stop abortion. They stop safe abortions and harm people who are already here, living, breathing humans.

The statistics exist and they don't care about people's feelings on abortions. They care about the facts.

This is just one article. There are plenty if you care to be informed.

At the end of the day, people with uteruses are gonna be harmed, unwanted children are gonna be born and then the republican party will vilify the people for needing help.

Sex isn't for just the privileged and, it seems like only privileged people seem to think that's a statement they have a right to make "don't have sex if you aren't willing to deal with the consequences"

People won't wear masks or get vaccinated to save the lives of people who are here on earth but they're okay with making laws to protect a clump of cells. Shouldn't be surprising.

This is why elections matter.

Last edited by DeletedAccount69; September 7th 2021 at 01:32 PM.
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Re: Texas abortion law - September 5th 2021, 04:22 AM

Urgh, this make me so mad.

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Re: Texas abortion law - September 5th 2021, 08:23 AM

A win for 'pro-lifers'? Who? I wonder where these 'pro-lifers' are when the woman is suffering, when the child she was forced to give birth to is suffering. It's completely sick. I agree with everything Dez wrote.

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Re: Texas abortion law - September 5th 2021, 08:38 PM

Originally Posted by Wheek! View Post

I hope there are protests. I hope there are walk outs. This isn't going to end abortion. It's just going to create more suffering. People in other states are already gearing up to let people come visit them, claiming to be cousins or other long-distance relatives, all so people can get an abortion. The Church of Satanism is claiming it a violation of religious freedom. We will not be silenced.

This country is going to hell in a handbasket.
Church of Satanism? Thats not even a real thing normal people follow.
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Re: Texas abortion law - September 5th 2021, 08:49 PM

Originally Posted by Proud90sKid View Post
Church of Satanism? Thats not even a real thing normal people follow.
It's actually just called Church of Satan, my bad. They even have a website, although I haven't explored it much yet.

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Re: Texas abortion law - September 6th 2021, 12:37 PM

Here is an article pertaining to the Church of Satan.


It's really the satanic temple and they do a lot of good to continue with separation between church and state. They're needed in these times.
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Re: Texas abortion law - September 6th 2021, 05:43 PM

Originally Posted by .:Bibliophile:. View Post
Here is an article pertaining to the Church of Satan.


It's really the satanic temple and they do a lot of good to continue with separation between church and state. They're needed in these times.
It am having a hard time seeing that the prohibition on performing abortions after 6 weeks is a religious. Im not allowed to push laws about abortion because many who oppose it are religious?
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Re: Texas abortion law - September 6th 2021, 09:43 PM

Originally Posted by Proud90sKid View Post
It am having a hard time seeing that the prohibition on performing abortions after 6 weeks is a religious. Im not allowed to push laws about abortion because many who oppose it are religious?
It's simple, religion holds no place in those with uteruses medical decisions. There's evidence from epidemiologists (I shared one link) that shows that these laws harm people and don't stop abortion.

Not really sure what you're struggling to understand? These laws are being pushed by Republicans because the religious community wants it. So, this group is basically coming out and saying if you're gonna enforce deadly laws based on religion, we are going to use religion to help people.
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Re: Texas abortion law - September 6th 2021, 11:12 PM

Originally Posted by .:Bibliophile:. View Post
It's simple, religion holds no place in those with uteruses medical decisions. There's evidence from epidemiologists (I shared one link) that shows that these laws harm people and don't stop abortion.

Not really sure what you're struggling to understand? These laws are being pushed by Republicans because the religious community wants it. So, this group is basically coming out and saying if you're gonna enforce deadly laws based on religion, we are going to use religion to help people.
I am pro-life and non-religious. Sorry I just dont support women’s right to choose. People are are pro-abortion are often very liberal and give me a bad taste in my mouth. That is a good enough reason. Im confused what your point is.
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Re: Texas abortion law - September 6th 2021, 11:25 PM

Originally Posted by Proud90sKid View Post
I am pro-life and non-religious. Sorry I just dont support women’s right to choose. People are are pro-abortion are often very liberal and give me a bad taste in my mouth. That is a good enough reason. Im confused what your point is.
Did you care to read the fact based article, written by an epidemiologist, that I shared? The one that shows that these laws don't stop abortion. People with uteruses die and it disproportionately impacts people of color. Did you care to read how being denied access to abortion harms people's mental health?

Because to be completely frank, people ignoring and harming living breathing people leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I care more about the wellness and well-being of the person that is here. Less so about a fetus that lives off its host for many months.
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Re: Texas abortion law - September 7th 2021, 01:05 AM

Originally Posted by Proud90sKid View Post
I am pro-life and non-religious. Sorry I just dont support women’s right to choose. People are are pro-abortion are often very liberal and give me a bad taste in my mouth. That is a good enough reason. Im confused what your point is.
So you don’t support abortion because there are women involved? Or is it simply because liberals support it?
Politicians who are so against supporting anything the other party does is why we can’t get anything done. I’m not even going to start with the possibility that it’s because there are women involved because this is the 21st century so I’m hoping that I just misunderstood.

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Re: Texas abortion law - September 7th 2021, 06:49 PM

Originally Posted by Proud90sKid View Post
I am pro-life and non-religious. Sorry I just dont support women’s right to choose. People are are pro-abortion are often very liberal and give me a bad taste in my mouth. That is a good enough reason. Im confused what your point is.
I'm sorry you are struggling to understand the basics of human rights — namely women's rights. Women are living, breathing human beings. They have more feelings and a more complex thought process than a clump of cells that is using her as its host for nine months. There are many reasons abortion is advised:

- Mass of cells has severe defects — for example, anencephaly. Abortion would free it from any pain after birth.
- Woman was victim of assault and the cells have deleterious genes if a product of consanguineous conception.
- Mass of cells never go beyond the blastocyst phase and is stuck in the Fallopian tube; an ectopic pregnancy.
- Woman has limitations that prevents her from carrying the mass of cells to term with no health issues arising.

I mean, you can be anti-abortion if you want; but on the flip side, do the right thing as a man...

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Re: Texas abortion law - September 8th 2021, 10:30 AM

Originally Posted by Proud90sKid View Post
I am pro-life and non-religious. Sorry I just dont support women’s right to choose. People are are pro-abortion are often very liberal and give me a bad taste in my mouth. That is a good enough reason. Im confused what your point is.
I'm a little confused as to why you don't support women's right to choose whether or not they keep an unborn child. At the end of the day, a lot of women are raped and incest still unfortunately happens in todays society. Why would women want to keep a child that is part of a horrific time in her life and want to raise a human being that they didn't plan or want? This child will be left feeling unwanted for the rest of their lives because essentially that's what they are - unwanted. The child will face all kinds of problems - psychologically, physically and/or mentally. I'm all for pro-life but to some extend.

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Re: Texas abortion law - September 9th 2021, 01:04 AM

How does this not violate the ruling of Roe vs wade

In the greater cosmic scheme of things, does it really matter?
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Re: Texas abortion law - September 9th 2021, 04:32 AM

Originally Posted by Blackwing View Post
How does this not violate the ruling of Roe vs wade

The theory is that they aren't requiring the state or federal government to uphold the law. They are requesting that citizens turn in people that violate the six week ban and issue a civil suit that can cost up to 10k.

I say theory because that's what they're hoping will keep it going without interference.
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Re: Texas abortion law - September 10th 2021, 03:01 AM


This popped up recently and this makes me glad we have the administration that we do. Anyone administration working to take the rights away from a group of people, is not the type of administration I'd support.
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