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This isn't the first hate crime that has been committed against Asian Americans in the past year, since the COVID pandemic began.
What are your thoughts on the ongoing hatred towards Asian Americans? I think it's outrageous that there are actually people out there in the world who think the Asian community were the one that 'started' the COVID-19 pandemic.
This is no thanks to the false news perpetuated by Trump beginning early last year, and people just latch on to his words like leeches. I am acquainted with a few Asian-born Asian Americans, and they are legitimately terrified. They're actually Chinese too.
Re: Atlanta Spa Shooeting -
March 17th 2021, 07:32 PM
This is such a terrible story and my heart goes out to all of the victims and their families while they're dealing with this. I guess I am a little bit uninformed about the other attacks that have happened in the states, but I have watched a number of videos of Asian people reporting racist remarks and abuse in the streets as a result of the covid pandemic. Honestly I think it's shameful that it happens and it disappoints and upsets me that there are people such as Trump who are awarded positions of power and influence, and they use it to advocate hate and misinformation instead of bettering the world.
Re: Atlanta Spa Shooeting -
March 20th 2021, 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by Everglow.
This is such a terrible story and my heart goes out to all of the victims and their families while they're dealing with this. I guess I am a little bit uninformed about the other attacks that have happened in the states, but I have watched a number of videos of Asian people reporting racist remarks and abuse in the streets as a result of the covid pandemic. Honestly I think it's shameful that it happens and it disappoints and upsets me that there are people such as Trump who are awarded positions of power and influence, and they use it to advocate hate and misinformation instead of bettering the world.
I'm seeing shared Tweets that makes Trump's comments not look as bad: covert racism and false information. These Tweets are making it about non-existent competition; the Asian community against the African American community.
It's fucking disgusting. Can we take a moment and analyze the situation here?
The perp of the Atlanta shooting fetishized Asian women. He made them out to be nothing more than exotic objects for sex. That's what these massage parlours were — in Atlanta's redlight distrct — these ladies were doing unlicensed sex work... because any work involving sex is illegal in the United States, unless you work in the film industry.
That's what the majority of America see Asian women as: nothing more than sex objects.
Do we really need to start a race war? Seriously? The Asian community has gone through enough in the past 400 something days what with being targeted by those too stupid to realize they did not create COVID-19.
Re: Atlanta Spa Shooeting -
March 20th 2021, 12:29 AM
My best friend was born in the US to Vietnamese parents. Even before the pandemic, every so often he would tell me of how someone would try and speak Chinese to him. Then another customer would ask why he isn't responding to them or something similar. He'd have to explain that he doesn't even speak Chinese, that he was born in the US, and barely even speaks the same language as his parents.
Since the pandemic he's had people come into the shop he works at and become very angry at him because he asked them to put a mask on or pull it up over their nose. I fear it'll reach a point where he'll get racially abused or worse.
Needless to say that any kind my thoughts and feelings on the matter aren't great. People are so quick to blame others without fact-checking or doing proper research. Instead, people look for the nearest lookalike to blame for something they didn't even do. Anger doesn't even begin to describe how I feel.
Re: Atlanta Spa Shooeting -
March 24th 2021, 08:24 PM
This actually isnt about asian americans at all. “Asian Massage parlours” are usually prostitution hubs, and looking at the reviews of these places- these particular massage parlours were exactly that.
The man was clearly deranged and his motive was that he felt he had a “sex addiction”. Obviously fucked up- but calling this an attack on asians is inaccurate.
Re: Atlanta Spa Shooeting -
March 24th 2021, 09:00 PM
I have friends that are laotian and they've been impacted by this because of the increase in hate crimes against Asian Americans and then to see this makes it even more devastating.
To call this anything other than a hate crime is wrong. I know there was a sheriff who tried to condone it and say he was having a bad day. I find it interesting that when it is a white American, excuses are made such as mental illness, sex addiction or any of the others we've seen in the media.
However when it's a person of color it's terrorism. Example of this is the events in Colorado, it didn't take long after the shooters name had been released for people to say he's an Islamic terrorist. The shooters family has come out and said the man was seriously mentally ill (I'm holding judgment till I learn more) but that's being ignored because he's Islamic or has an Islamic last name.
This example, along with many show why people are trying really hard to speak out about the Atlanta shooting and make it known that it was a hate crime. Unfortunately, there are going to be people in society who continue to deny it and there's nothing much that can change them unless they want to change and acknowledge the rampant racism within the USA
Re: Atlanta Spa Shooeting -
March 24th 2021, 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by .:Bibliophile:.
I have friends that are laotian and they've been impacted by this because of the increase in hate crimes against Asian Americans and then to see this makes it even more devastating.
To call this anything other than a hate crime is wrong. I know there was a sheriff who tried to condone it and say he was having a bad day. I find it interesting that when it is a white American, excuses are made such as mental illness, sex addiction or any of the others we've seen in the media.
However when it's a person of color it's terrorism. Example of this is the events in Colorado, it didn't take long after the shooters name had been released for people to say he's an Islamic terrorist. The shooters family has come out and said the man was seriously mentally ill (I'm holding judgment till I learn more) but that's being ignored because he's Islamic or has an Islamic last name.
This example, along with many show why people are trying really hard to speak out about the Atlanta shooting and make it known that it was a hate crime. Unfortunately, there are going to be people in society who continue to deny it and there's nothing much that can change them unless they want to change and acknowledge the rampant racism within the USA
Asian americans have literally gone on shootings and they were blamed on mental illness and not terrorism. Your point does not stand
Have you heard of Virginia Tech shooting ?
Its more like: in 2021, every crime committed against someone who happened to be a particular demographic is politicised as a hate crime
This isnt a crime against asians- he just used the massage parlors because that is just the form of prostitute he was into seeing. He had some sort of major issue obviously, but asians dont get to make this about them- because it isn’t
Re: Atlanta Spa Shooeting -
March 24th 2021, 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by Proud90sKid
Asian americans have literally gone on shootings and they were blamed on mental illness and not terrorism. Your point does not stand
Have you heard of Virginia Tech shooting ?
Its more like: in 2021, every crime committed against someone who happened to be a particular demographic is politicised as a hate crime
This isnt a crime against asians- he just used the massage parlors because that is just the form of prostitute he was into seeing. He had some sort of major issue obviously, but asians dont get to make this about them- because it isn’t
My point does stand. It's not one that's hard to see if you follow numerous news sites like I do. Not going to argue over whether or not something was racist. It isn't an argument that should be needed and it's not gonna change the mind of people who don't want to see it.