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USA West Coast wildfires -
September 11th 2020, 12:47 PM
I've been seeing devastating photos of the wildfires in California and the other states in the western coast of the US all over social media and the news. They look really terrifying, and the orangish skies look straight out of a horror movie. If you live in any of these places, I really hope that you and your family are doing fine.
Re: USA West Coast wildfires -
September 11th 2020, 10:23 PM
I live in the general vicinity of one of the fires. It is definitely quite scary. Hopefully they will be able to get it contained sometime soon! I hope that everyone else who is impacted and having to evacuate will be okay!
Re: USA West Coast wildfires -
September 12th 2020, 08:53 AM
Originally Posted by .:Bibliophile:.
I live in the general vicinity of one of the fires. It is definitely quite scary. Hopefully they will be able to get it contained sometime soon! I hope that everyone else who is impacted and having to evacuate will be okay!
Oh my!! I really hope that the fires will die out/get extinguished soon, though they are of such a massive scale. It's sad to think that so many forests and homes had to be burned out as a result of a gender reveal party.
Re: USA West Coast wildfires -
September 13th 2020, 01:21 AM
I live in North Cal in the valley area. We don't have any visible nearby fire site, but the air is really suffocating with burned plastic smell, and the Sun has always be shadowned by thick clouds with dust. It must be really bad for people who have to work in the open.
Re: USA West Coast wildfires -
September 13th 2020, 08:36 AM
Originally Posted by Panda Solo
I live in North Cal in the valley area. We don't have any visible nearby fire site, but the air is really suffocating with burned plastic smell, and the Sun has always be shadowned by thick clouds with dust. It must be really bad for people who have to work in the open.
Oh my
It must be so hard to go about doing daily tasks. As if the pandemic lockdown isn't enough, these have further forced people to stay indoors. I hope you're taking good care of yourself! Perhaps using air purifiers (like the kind that keep out dust/pollen) in the house might be useful to keep out the smoke/ash?
Re: USA West Coast wildfires -
September 13th 2020, 11:27 AM
Sending everyone Hugs. Hope that you are all safe and will be okay soon.
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-Jacques d’Ambroise''
Re: USA West Coast wildfires -
September 13th 2020, 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by Mallika
Oh my!! I really hope that the fires will die out/get extinguished soon, though they are of such a massive scale. It's sad to think that so many forests and homes had to be burned out as a result of a gender reveal party.
Stay safe!!
One of the fires is a result of that gender reveal party, the other fires had already been going for a while.
Re: USA West Coast wildfires -
September 15th 2020, 12:15 PM
I don't mean to sound so dismissive, but it is wildfire season in California. The fires get pretty bad around September and October every single year. This year seems to be the worst for numerous reasons, from the strange storm season to the already on-going coronavirus pandemic. All we can do is provide emotional, psychological, and financial support to our friends (human and animal) in California, as well as the rest of the Western US, and hope it gets under control soon.
Re: USA West Coast wildfires -
September 16th 2020, 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by Melancholia.
I don't mean to sound so dismissive, but it is wildfire season in California. The fires get pretty bad around September and October every single year. This year seems to be the worst for numerous reasons, from the strange storm season to the already on-going coronavirus pandemic. All we can do is provide emotional, psychological, and financial support to our friends (human and animal) in California, as well as the rest of the Western US, and hope it gets under control soon.
That's true
This year has indeed been pretty bad in many respects, here's to hoping that better days will come
Re: USA West Coast wildfires -
September 17th 2020, 11:05 AM
This is all very scary. Last year Siberia and Australia were on fire, thousands of animals and birds died, and irreparable damage was done to nature. Now the catastrophe has reached us. I want to believe in the best, but the circumstances are still terrifying.