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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 15th 2020, 06:16 AM
I'm personally more concerned about contracting the virus and passing it onto my family.
Everyone is stockpiling groceries and other items from the supermarket, leaving hardly anything on the shelves for people who generally need it.
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 15th 2020, 08:13 AM
I'm so scared. My throat hurts.. I hope it's just because I'm thirsty
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 15th 2020, 08:28 PM
Not been to the grocery store in a few weeks, but my parents are in warmer latitudes. Got a pic from them today when they went shopping at the local Publix. The row where TPs and PT's were supposed to be were completely barren.
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 16th 2020, 01:13 AM
We're out of paper products, any kind of sanitizer (or things that can be used to make your own). Pet items, some foods (especially bread) are low in stock or gone, and detergents are low. We were low on it and found some. A lot of the stores around here (even our 24hour ones) are closing early to restock and sanitize. It seems like the bulk buying is slowing down, which is good because I know a lot of people need things they were unable to get.
The schools are shut down for two weeks but I am thinking they are going to re-evaluate after those two weeks. They've been talking about ending the school year now/finishing it off entirely online. We're in a rural area and not everyone here has internet access.
Some of our libraries are closed, as are some state buildings. No non-essential gatherings over 100 people.
I am nervous because I need to travel through several states to a hospital for additional surgical treatment. I'm not sure if it will be postponed. I don't want it to be but more surgery will put me at more risk and I'm already ill more than half of the time. I am supposed to cross state lines this coming weekend as well.
It seems like we're beginning to prevent spreading it more but I hope things begin to look up from here.
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 16th 2020, 04:02 AM
A lot more countries are going into lock down...
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 16th 2020, 07:34 PM
My university will be closed from next week onwards, but honestly, I wish they would just close it this week. I have to travel and I've heard quite a few people coughing on the trains, and I'm just wondering why they didn't stay at home? I can't tell the difference between a cold/flu/coronavirus but I'd err on the side of caution these days.
The supermarkets here put out a joint message basically saying not to panic buy. I just hate the fact that we need to hear that message to begin with. On the plus side though, one of the supermarkets is doing an 'elderly hour' where only pensioners will be allowed to their shopping, so that's something.
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 16th 2020, 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by Celyn
The supermarkets here put out a joint message basically saying not to panic buy. I just hate the fact that we need to hear that message to begin with. On the plus side though, one of the supermarkets is doing an 'elderly hour' where only pensioners will be allowed to their shopping, so that's something.
I like the elderly hour idea a lot. One of the stores here was limiting items like hand sanitizer per customer. I think it was like four a customer and you had to get them at customer service. I thought that was a good idea too.
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 17th 2020, 11:24 PM
There are stores here that are opening an hour earlier and letting elderly, pregnant woman and disabled individuals do the shopping
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 18th 2020, 06:35 AM
Originally Posted by .:Bibliophile:.
There are stores here that are opening an hour earlier and letting elderly, pregnant woman and disabled individuals do the shopping
Over here, they've opened stores an hour early too for the elderly and disabled.
A lot of things such as concerts and sports events have been cancelled and they've put new restrictions on the country.
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 18th 2020, 12:56 PM
So glad to see that people are banding together and helping out the most vulnerable populations! Now that the initial shock and panic are dying down a little bit, I think we'll begin to see a lot more acts of kindness like this, which makes me hopeful. It's a very scary time for everyone and I'm sending you all love, hope, and strength. <3
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 18th 2020, 05:48 PM
The UK has just announced that all schools will close as of Friday for all children except those of key workers. The supermarkets are empty. We bought a weekly shop for this week but I'm starting to really worry about next week and the weeks to come because the situation seems to be getting worse. My work have issued hardly any information on what happens if any of the colleagues get sick, or what happens in the event of a lock down. It's really quite scary and I don't like this at all.
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 19th 2020, 06:38 AM
How is everyone holding up? Has anyone actually been diagnosed with Corona Virus?
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 19th 2020, 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by Omen.
How is everyone holding up? Has anyone actually been diagnosed with Corona Virus?
I'm quite well. At the same time, kind of miserable because my gym has seen a strong reduction in member visits... which means no clients for me... which means 0 money. Management is encouraging us to take our services online. I want to do that though I just feel really deflated.
I haven't caught it. Though some cases reached where I live.
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 19th 2020, 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by Omen.
How is everyone holding up? Has anyone actually been diagnosed with Corona Virus?
Doing well so far. We're not leaving our house at the moment, so none of us have the virus, nor does anyone that we know personally so far. An employee at the diabetes clinic my sister goes to was just diagnosed, though. Thankfully she has enough insulin for a while.
Hoping for the best!
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 19th 2020, 07:43 PM
I think I'm dealing with this better than I thought I would be. But then again, I barely go out so I'm at a less risk for catching it to begin with. That said, it is worrying how many people globally have coronavirus and how we have to go to such extremes to try to control it. Part of me can't really believe it's actually happening in a way?
I am sad my university closed even though it was for the best (the city where the university is in had quite a few cases of coronavirus) and am worried I'm going to struggle to stay on track with assignments.
Shelves in the shop are looking pretty bare these days too...doesn't seem like they are being replenished that often? Though maybe people are still panicking buying.
I worry mostly about my mum as she works in a pharmacy, which is stressful in general, but more so in times like this. Plus, she's at a higher risk of being in potential contact with someone who has the virus to begin with, though I'm not sure how many cases there actually are in my area.
On the plus side though, many coffee shops and cafes are offering free hot drinks to health care and emergency workers. And my university, which offers nursing training, is hoping to offer the campus as a space for trainee nurses to train and work in the field ASAP to help combat the virus.
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 19th 2020, 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by Omen.
How is everyone holding up? Has anyone actually been diagnosed with Corona Virus?
I'm terrified of not being allowed to work. Will still get base pay, but it isn't enough to live off of without hours of overtime per week, every week.
I'm also immunocompromised. I know I'm at higher risk of getting it, but I don't know if I have higher risk for complications or not. Also worried about people I care about. More so them than me.
I'm prepared and doing everything I can reasonably do.
But this anxiety of just waiting..., powerless, for who knows how long, is breaking me. Everyone is telling me to panic more. I can't talk to anyone without them freaking out so much. So I'm trying to reassure myself alone. I'm barely holding together when I have to and slowly falling apart when I don't have to. I tell myself I'll survive. I'm confident that mentally I can because I'm a trauma survivor. But my body is not in great condition, so I'm not sure that matters...
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 20th 2020, 08:59 AM
I'm doing surprisingly OK as well. I'm more worried about my work closing and/or if I pass the virus on to someone else with a weaker immune system/underlying medical condition IF I do catch it.
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 20th 2020, 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by Omen.
How is everyone holding up? Has anyone actually been diagnosed with Corona Virus?
No, but the first case has been diagnosed in my city.
My neurologist appointment that I've been waiting months for was rescheduled to three months from now. I'm frustrated but understand.
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 20th 2020, 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by Omen.
How is everyone holding up? Has anyone actually been diagnosed with Corona Virus?
It's hard being in self-quarantine, but I have to remind myself that I isolate all the time so this isn't really anything new; however, I think it's knowing that it is now a requirement is what makes it more difficult. 
Been feeling congested, but that's due to another disorder I have; otherwise, I am fine. There are a few cases of the COVID-19 that have popped up in the past week or so in my part of the state.
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 20th 2020, 03:14 PM
I agree with it being more difficult now that it's required! Now that I basically have to stay home, I really want to leave the house LOL
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 20th 2020, 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by Omen.
How is everyone holding up? Has anyone actually been diagnosed with Corona Virus?
They're not testing everyone with symptoms in the UK, but more and more people I know are starting to complain of a cough and/or fever, so it's only a matter of time I think. There's so many cases in London, and quite a lot of confirmed cases near me.
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 21st 2020, 03:40 AM
We now no longer allow international travellers to enter the country.
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 21st 2020, 09:32 PM
I can say that I’ve never got into an argument with a close friend about toilet paper until now. :/
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 22nd 2020, 06:34 AM
Originally Posted by Spoons
I can say that I’ve never got into an argument with a close friend about toilet paper until now. :/
People are going crazy over toilet here as well. Now it's hand sanitizer and anti-bacterial wipes (which I can understand) and meat as well as other things. People are panic buying and there's others (like me) who generally go out to shop for groceries and other household items.
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 23rd 2020, 02:38 PM
Coronavirus, in my opinion, is exaggerated. They write that he died from a coronavirus, but then it should be, at a minimum, a disease. But this disease is not in the classification of diseases. Then why do they die and how do they get sick? A virus? No, the symptoms only served as a complement to a weakened immune system and die from a weakened immune system, but not from a coronavirus
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 23rd 2020, 09:15 PM
The UK has announced tonight that all non-essential shops need to close from tomorrow. They're allowing police to fine people for being out when they don't need to be and people can't meet in groups larger than 2. They're also banning weddings and christenings and closing churches and libraries etc.
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 24th 2020, 09:04 AM
The number of people in my state being tested positive for COVID-19 have risen a lot.
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 24th 2020, 04:02 PM
We find out in a few hours if the state will lockdown. I'm not in a good place mentally.
Trying to come to terms with the fact that if I'm already infected and don't know it, I could die in a couple weeks because of my immunosuppressants. Or if I get a severe Crohn's flare up, I will probably be turned away from the hospital, even if I need emergency surgery.
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 25th 2020, 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by Tigereyes
We find out in a few hours if the state will lockdown. I'm not in a good place mentally.
Trying to come to terms with the fact that if I'm already infected and don't know it, I could die in a couple weeks because of my immunosuppressants. Or if I get a severe Crohn's flare up, I will probably be turned away from the hospital, even if I need emergency surgery.
I'm really sorry to hear that you are struggling. If there is anything I can do, please let me know.
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 25th 2020, 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by Tigereyes
We find out in a few hours if the state will lockdown. I'm not in a good place mentally.
Trying to come to terms with the fact that if I'm already infected and don't know it, I could die in a couple weeks because of my immunosuppressants. Or if I get a severe Crohn's flare up, I will probably be turned away from the hospital, even if I need emergency surgery.
A lot of states are going on lock down, sadly. Mine is an advisory, not yet mandatory; but we'll see how long it will take and how many ignorant people will get themselves and potentially others sick before the Governor makes it a crime to be out.
Please keep taking care of yourself. Whether any of you are sick or not, do not think about the what if's due to either COVID-19 or COVID-19 worsening already existing disorders... please keep taking care of yourself and don't give up.
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 25th 2020, 06:12 PM
My county goes into mandatory lockdown tomorrow. One other county already did, and another will this week too. The state hasn't shut down yet though.
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 25th 2020, 07:25 PM
The number of cases in my city has increased exponentially in just a few days. The Governor issues a shelter in place order. Basically no travel allowed except for essential things like groceries or getting medical/veterinary care.
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 27th 2020, 09:51 AM
I've heard rumours that Australia might go into lockdown by Sunday/Monday. We're just taking it day by day.
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 27th 2020, 03:02 PM
The UK PM and Health Secretary tested positive for mild corona today.
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 27th 2020, 04:28 PM
No one is following the stay at home order.
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 27th 2020, 09:25 PM
I currently live in the state in the US that has the most cases. New York. Thankfully I live in Upstate NY where things are not as bad as NYC, but its only time. My county today announced we have over 40 cases.
Its interesting, especially because I'm paying attention to what is going on in my state, as well as where my boyfriend lives because we are in different states. And they are taking very different approaches.
But meanwhile, my boyfriend has an essential job (he works in a hospital lab, no his hospital doesn't currently test for COVID-19. BUT there is a hospital in his system that does, so they are having to handle samples of COVID-19 at his hospital to send out to the other hospital) So I have a bit more of a inside view of that part of this situation.
Thankfully, my household and my two grandmothers who live nearby are all fine. As well as my father, and aunts and uncles who live in other cities from me.
But my brother has been sick for weeks now, with VERY similar symptoms. My sister-in-law JUST got sick, and she got tested yesterday and we are now awaiting the results. Apparently a bunch of my brother's co-workers are all sick with the same symptoms, and one of their wives got tested and came back positive. So that is a major stress, though thankfully my almost 2 year old niece is fine so far.
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 28th 2020, 03:22 AM
Originally Posted by Rivière
The UK PM and Health Secretary tested positive for mild corona today.
I saw that on the news as well. I also heard Prince Charles was tested positive for it. How bad is it over in the UK? I have family over there, that's all.
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 28th 2020, 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by Omen.
I saw that on the news as well. I also heard Prince Charles was tested positive for it. How bad is it over in the UK? I have family over there, that's all.
Currently there's just over 17,000 confirmed cases, with about 14,000 of them in England. The highest number of cases so far is in Birmingham with nearly 430 cases. In terms of deaths, the UK has recently hit the 1,000 mark, with 260 of them being from today alone.
The lockdown does seem to be helping, though there are still quite a few people who remain defiant. The government has given police powers to hand out fines if people are out for non-essential reasons, as well as arrests if fines have no effect.
I think the thing that concerns a lot of people the most, is the fact that they need money to pay for bills like food and rent. A lot of people have been made unemployed because of the lockdown. Those whom are self-employed are also struggling. The government is willing to pay 80% of an employees wages providing they're under about £2.500.. which is still also taxable.
Overall, confirmed cases and deaths continue to climb, the NHS is working around the clock to take care of people, but much of people's concerns have been money-related I think. We're supposed to be on lockdown for 3 weeks, but we'll see how it goes.
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 29th 2020, 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by Rivière
Currently there's just over 17,000 confirmed cases, with about 14,000 of them in England. The highest number of cases so far is in Birmingham with nearly 430 cases. In terms of deaths, the UK has recently hit the 1,000 mark, with 260 of them being from today alone.
The lockdown does seem to be helping, though there are still quite a few people who remain defiant. The government has given police powers to hand out fines if people are out for non-essential reasons, as well as arrests if fines have no effect.
I think the thing that concerns a lot of people the most, is the fact that they need money to pay for bills like food and rent. A lot of people have been made unemployed because of the lockdown. Those whom are self-employed are also struggling. The government is willing to pay 80% of an employees wages providing they're under about £2.500.. which is still also taxable.
Overall, confirmed cases and deaths continue to climb, the NHS is working around the clock to take care of people, but much of people's concerns have been money-related I think. We're supposed to be on lockdown for 3 weeks, but we'll see how it goes.
That's pretty scary! Over here, there's been 3,809 confirmed cases with the death toll being 14. All those that have landed at the airport are being taken to a hotel room for 14 days.
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Re: Corona Virus. -
March 30th 2020, 04:14 AM
My city is up to sixteen cases. The governor came on and said in general cases are down but we're testing yet. This contradicts every source though that says cases are up.
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