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Re: Trump impeachment -
February 16th 2021, 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by Flight.
I've heard he wants to run again for president.
I doubt it. Trump will be even more of a grumpy old codger by then, close to 78 and unwilling to give up his beloved golf. I reckon it'll be one of his sons, likely the most aggressive mouthy type.
Perhaps by then, Joe Biden will have restored democracy enough to have Kamala run for a successful presidency. Kamala Harris has had an almost meteoric rise and we can see her going for the next presidency.
I know little of American politics, so let's just wait and see.
“Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” - Thomas A. Edison.
Thomas Edison tried over two thousand times to invent the lightbulb.
Re: Trump impeachment -
February 18th 2021, 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by Flight.
I hope Michelle Obama ran for president.
The Obamas were definitely my favourite. Michelle seems very straight forward and personable. Barack had a lot of style and was such a great speaker. Some of his jokes and quips always cracked me up. Especially his poor turkey pardoning jokes.
Having Barack as president, and Kamala as the new vice president, it gives me a lot of hope for a more diverse leadership in the future.
Re: Trump impeachment -
February 24th 2021, 07:31 AM
Barack Obama is busy doing TV interviews for his book, so I doubt he'll ever run for the presidency again. We've a strong hunch that Kamala Harris is likely to in 2024. Her rise has been meteoric!
Re: Trump impeachment -
February 25th 2021, 06:59 AM
Barack Obama can't run again. You're only allowed to serve 10 years total as president and for two of those years, it has to be a situation where the current president dies/resigns and hands it over to the VP; the VP (then president) would have to win re-election twice.
Term limits were put in place because FDR won 4 times. The Republicans realized that they'd basically never win the presidency again if they went up against somebody who opposed the wealthy.
Re: Trump impeachment -
February 25th 2021, 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by Pork Chops
Barack Obama is busy doing TV interviews for his book, so I doubt he'll ever run for the presidency again. We've a strong hunch that Kamala Harris is likely to in 2024. Her rise has been meteoric!
FDR is the last president who served 3 or more terms
In the greater cosmic scheme of things, does it really matter?