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Birthdays! Use this forum to talk about yours or your friends' birthdays, or to wish other TeenHelp users a happy birthday.
Re: When Is Your Birthday? -
April 27th 2010, 10:29 PM
7:55 AM [Hotard] everything is triggering
7:55 AM [Hotard] what if someone is allergic to the dough
7:55 AM [Hotard] and they get maniac rage burst
11:22 AM [Metallica] men think with their penises...to some extent
11:22 AM [~Emily~] One head or the other
Originally Posted by Jess~
There is no way that you are pregnant, and if you are your child is Jesus.
Re: When Is Your Birthday? -
May 21st 2010, 07:35 PM
two of august
"There are invisible suicides. You stay alive for pure diplomacy, you drink, you eat, you walk. The others always fall into the trick, but we know, with an inner laugh, that they're wrong, that we are dead."
"Remember...whatever...it seems like forever ago.."
I still hope. My hope is a frail, pale, sweet creature, and is slowly dying. Hanging by a thread. Just like me, after all.
Re: When Is Your Birthday? -
July 7th 2010, 04:49 AM
July 29th 1991... I'm almost 19. WOAH MAN!
Like a diet of the mind, I just choose not to indulge certain appetites; like my appetite for patterns; perhaps my appetite to imagine and to dream.- A Beautiful Mind
I met Steven October 3rd, 2008. We've been practically inseperable ever since. ♥
Re: When Is Your Birthday? -
September 11th 2010, 05:46 PM
I just turned 19 on September 3rd so my birthday is 9/3/1991
I was born with a genetic disorder called neurofibromatosis, it causes tumors to grow in my body on nerves,my spine,and under my skin. I have a tumor in the thalamus region of my brain. I also have heartburn,hypothyroidism and secondary adrenal insufficiency these are under control with medication.
I also have hip dysplasia and scoliosis.