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Re: Silly Bans -
December 24th 2012, 04:02 AM
I ban you because once a TH addict, always a TH addict. It's worse than crack
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Name: Hamed Khatiz
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 24th 2012, 06:40 AM
I ban you because I was the first AND last person on page 71 . And Coke (Cola) is REALLY addictive and in a good way .
“At times the world may seem an unfriendly and sinister place,
But believe that there is much more good in it than bad.
All you have to do is look hard enough,
And what might seem to be a series of unfortunate events may in fact be the first steps of a journey.”
~My Childhood Friend.
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Name: Jess
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 24th 2012, 07:22 AM
I ban you because you obviously don't realise how bad for you carbonated drinks really are . . .
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Name: Hamed Khatiz
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 24th 2012, 07:58 AM
Haha yeah, definitely not health drinks . I ban you because not even Powerade, Coke and Mango Juice COMBINED LOL, NOTHING, ZERO, beats a cold glass of water on an insanely hot Summer's day .
“At times the world may seem an unfriendly and sinister place,
But believe that there is much more good in it than bad.
All you have to do is look hard enough,
And what might seem to be a series of unfortunate events may in fact be the first steps of a journey.”
~My Childhood Friend.
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Name: Jess
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 25th 2012, 07:07 PM
I ban you because until you have been to Beijing in August, you will not fully appreciate water . . .
(although, if you stay in WA or NT, you might have some idea.)
Average Joe ***
Name: Ciara
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 25th 2012, 10:24 PM
I ban you cause I got a guitar today!!!
I wanna be alive well don't you? There's no use in feeling low.
7th March 2013 Met my Heroes Tonight Alive <3
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Name: Jess
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 25th 2012, 10:49 PM
I ban you because I got a lava lamp yesterday 
(guitars are awesome though.)
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Name: Jennifer
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 30th 2012, 10:28 PM
I ban you because Lava lamps are awesome and mine broke!
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Name: Jess
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 30th 2012, 11:09 PM
I ban you because I have waited nearly a week for someone else to come to this thread. Finally!
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Name: Hamed Khatiz
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 30th 2012, 11:49 PM
I ban you because I thought this thread was going to die LOL. I ALSO ban you because I am so intimidated by the massive crowds at tonight's Sydney NYE Celebration . One and a half million .
“At times the world may seem an unfriendly and sinister place,
But believe that there is much more good in it than bad.
All you have to do is look hard enough,
And what might seem to be a series of unfortunate events may in fact be the first steps of a journey.”
~My Childhood Friend.
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Name: Jess
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 30th 2012, 11:54 PM
I ban you because if you thought it was going to die, why didn't you come and ban me?
Silly Hamed.
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Name: Jennifer
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 31st 2012, 12:53 AM
Yes.. "it's alivee!" 
I ban you because I haven't talked to you.. I'm Jenn btw! 
and my dog is wacko..
Welcome me, I'm new! *
Name: Jess
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 31st 2012, 12:57 AM
I ban you because I'm Jess and I'm awesome, pleased to meet you, and I should probably be in inpatient/respite at the moment.
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Name: Jennifer
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 31st 2012, 01:09 AM
I ban you because I friended you just now!
And now worried why should you be in inpatient/respitte??
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Name: Jess
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 31st 2012, 01:12 AM
I ban you because I accepted your friend request. Yay! Friends!
For details on my (lack of) mental health, refer to my blog haha.
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Name: Jennifer
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 31st 2012, 01:33 AM
I ban you because school is starting soon.. 
I'm kinda mental too..  So it's alright..  ahah
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Name: Jess
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 31st 2012, 01:37 AM
I ban you because oh god, school lmao . . . I was 17 when I left.
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Name: Jennifer
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 31st 2012, 01:52 AM
I ban you because I still got 2 yearrs left..  and Psych is hilarious!  haha
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Name: Jess
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 31st 2012, 01:54 AM
I ban you because I boycotted my last year of high school. But as I had been granted early admission into not one but two tertiary institutes, it was all good.
(I chose art school and later dropped out lol.)
Welcome me, I'm new! *
Name: Hamed Khatiz
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 31st 2012, 04:03 AM
I ban you because I GOT ACCEPTED INTO COLLEGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“At times the world may seem an unfriendly and sinister place,
But believe that there is much more good in it than bad.
All you have to do is look hard enough,
And what might seem to be a series of unfortunate events may in fact be the first steps of a journey.”
~My Childhood Friend.
Welcome me, I'm new! *
Name: Hamed Khatiz
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 31st 2012, 04:03 AM
I ban you because I GOT ACCEPTED INTO COLLEGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“At times the world may seem an unfriendly and sinister place,
But believe that there is much more good in it than bad.
All you have to do is look hard enough,
And what might seem to be a series of unfortunate events may in fact be the first steps of a journey.”
~My Childhood Friend.
Welcome me, I'm new! *
Name: Jess
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 31st 2012, 04:22 AM
I ban you for your double post. Silly, silly Hamed.
I've been here a while ********
Name: Jay
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 31st 2012, 05:12 AM
I ban you because I'm over people bullshitting!
Buddy since 18/11/12 LiveHelp Operator since 22/12/12 Add me on Facebook Jay Louise Shorrock!
A whisper in the dark; is better than silence in the light. -Courtesy of your's truly. 
My blog is open to all, those whom are easily triggered avoid, it's a story about a girl and her life and how far she has come over the years. If you read it, I hope it inspires you to keep fighting and to NEVER give up!
When you can no longer think of a reason to continue, you must think of a reason to start over.
Welcome me, I'm new! *
Name: Jess
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 31st 2012, 05:50 AM
I ban you because I have a severe allergy to bullshit. You might be developing a similar condition.
I've been here a while ********
Name: Jay
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 31st 2012, 06:40 AM
I ban you because I was laughing so hard I might have vomited over this one girls bullshit!
(Good thing is I caught her out! I'll PM you or email you about it!)
Buddy since 18/11/12 LiveHelp Operator since 22/12/12 Add me on Facebook Jay Louise Shorrock!
A whisper in the dark; is better than silence in the light. -Courtesy of your's truly. 
My blog is open to all, those whom are easily triggered avoid, it's a story about a girl and her life and how far she has come over the years. If you read it, I hope it inspires you to keep fighting and to NEVER give up!
When you can no longer think of a reason to continue, you must think of a reason to start over.
Welcome me, I'm new! *
Name: Jess
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 31st 2012, 06:42 AM
I ban you because I just don't know anymore.
I've been here a while ********
Name: Jay
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 31st 2012, 06:46 AM
I ban you because I realised I didn't have your email :/ hehe.
And also, I ban you because whatever you're going through it will be okay, hopefully soon
Buddy since 18/11/12 LiveHelp Operator since 22/12/12 Add me on Facebook Jay Louise Shorrock!
A whisper in the dark; is better than silence in the light. -Courtesy of your's truly. 
My blog is open to all, those whom are easily triggered avoid, it's a story about a girl and her life and how far she has come over the years. If you read it, I hope it inspires you to keep fighting and to NEVER give up!
When you can no longer think of a reason to continue, you must think of a reason to start over.
Welcome me, I'm new! *
Name: Jess
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 31st 2012, 06:49 AM
I ban you because I should probably be in respite but I'm too scared to ask.
I've been here a while ********
Name: Jay
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Location: In the deep, dark, treacherous place called my mind. Oh and Australia!
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 31st 2012, 07:02 AM
I ban you because you've piqued my interest, what's going on lovely?
Buddy since 18/11/12 LiveHelp Operator since 22/12/12 Add me on Facebook Jay Louise Shorrock!
A whisper in the dark; is better than silence in the light. -Courtesy of your's truly. 
My blog is open to all, those whom are easily triggered avoid, it's a story about a girl and her life and how far she has come over the years. If you read it, I hope it inspires you to keep fighting and to NEVER give up!
When you can no longer think of a reason to continue, you must think of a reason to start over.
Last edited by Validity; December 31st 2012 at 07:14 AM.
Welcome me, I'm new! *
Name: Jess
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 31st 2012, 07:05 AM
I ban you because you probably mean piqued, not peaked, and also if you PM I will elaborate . . . but not here. Silly bans is my silly place.
I've been here a while ********
Name: Jay
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 31st 2012, 07:12 AM
Damn my spelling, haha, yes, thanks for the correction! I love you for it.
I ban you because in a minute or less a PM will be in your inbox!
Buddy since 18/11/12 LiveHelp Operator since 22/12/12 Add me on Facebook Jay Louise Shorrock!
A whisper in the dark; is better than silence in the light. -Courtesy of your's truly. 
My blog is open to all, those whom are easily triggered avoid, it's a story about a girl and her life and how far she has come over the years. If you read it, I hope it inspires you to keep fighting and to NEVER give up!
When you can no longer think of a reason to continue, you must think of a reason to start over.
Welcome me, I'm new! *
Name: Jess
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 31st 2012, 07:17 AM
I ban you because I got your message . . . and I was an English major prior to dropping out, so I know these things
I've been here a while ********
Name: Jay
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Location: In the deep, dark, treacherous place called my mind. Oh and Australia!
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 31st 2012, 07:21 AM
I ban you because I've never said piqued in type before. I usually say it so I never really thought about looking it up. I have a rather large vocabulary and pride myself on English skills.
Buddy since 18/11/12 LiveHelp Operator since 22/12/12 Add me on Facebook Jay Louise Shorrock!
A whisper in the dark; is better than silence in the light. -Courtesy of your's truly. 
My blog is open to all, those whom are easily triggered avoid, it's a story about a girl and her life and how far she has come over the years. If you read it, I hope it inspires you to keep fighting and to NEVER give up!
When you can no longer think of a reason to continue, you must think of a reason to start over.
Welcome me, I'm new! *
Name: Jess
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 31st 2012, 07:24 AM
I ban you because my verbal comprehension has been tested to be in the 99th percentile or higher. (Meaning I'm in the top 1%. Everything else is top 5%.)
I've been here a while ********
Name: Jay
Age: 27
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Location: In the deep, dark, treacherous place called my mind. Oh and Australia!
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 31st 2012, 07:30 AM
I ban you because you are really smart My spelling/grammar is in the top percentile of the nation (says NAPLAN but I try my hardest on them anyway and most don't). I am an aspiring writer so I'm trying to learn as much I can about the english language, what is acceptable and everything within the confines of imagination. Also, it's ironic that I know how to structure a sentence but I can barely remember what an adverb, and all that is. Noun-Naming word, ver-err doing word? adjective-errrr can't remember. haha, I need to write them on my damn wall because I never can remember them.
Buddy since 18/11/12 LiveHelp Operator since 22/12/12 Add me on Facebook Jay Louise Shorrock!
A whisper in the dark; is better than silence in the light. -Courtesy of your's truly. 
My blog is open to all, those whom are easily triggered avoid, it's a story about a girl and her life and how far she has come over the years. If you read it, I hope it inspires you to keep fighting and to NEVER give up!
When you can no longer think of a reason to continue, you must think of a reason to start over.
Welcome me, I'm new! *
Name: Jess
Age: 36
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 31st 2012, 07:47 AM
I ban you because . . . . (*dun duuun
Three little words you often see
Are articles, a, an, and the.
A noun's the name of any thing,
As school or garden, hoop or swing.
Adjectives describe the noune,
As great, small, pretty, white or brown.
Instead of nouns, the pronouns stand -
Her head, his face, your arm, my hand.
Verbs tell of something to be done,
To read, count, sing, to laugh or run.
How things are done the adverbs tell,
As slowly, quickly, ill, or well.
Conjunctions join the words together,
As men and women, wind or weather.
The preposition stands before
A noun, as in, or through a door.
The interjection shows surprise,
As, "Oh! How pretty!", "Oh! How wise!".
The whole are called nine parts of speech,
Which reading, writing, speaking teach.
- you're welcome.
Welcome me, I'm new! *
Name: Jennifer
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 31st 2012, 06:44 PM
Welcome me, I'm new! *
Name: Jess
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 31st 2012, 09:58 PM
I ban you because it doesn't snow in Auckland, you have to go down south for that.
I've been here a while ********
Name: Jay
Age: 27
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Location: In the deep, dark, treacherous place called my mind. Oh and Australia!
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Re: Silly Bans -
December 31st 2012, 10:04 PM
I ban you because thank you for the poem! It's lovely and will help me a lot!
Buddy since 18/11/12 LiveHelp Operator since 22/12/12 Add me on Facebook Jay Louise Shorrock!
A whisper in the dark; is better than silence in the light. -Courtesy of your's truly. 
My blog is open to all, those whom are easily triggered avoid, it's a story about a girl and her life and how far she has come over the years. If you read it, I hope it inspires you to keep fighting and to NEVER give up!
When you can no longer think of a reason to continue, you must think of a reason to start over.
Welcome me, I'm new! *
Name: Jess
Age: 36
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Join Date: February 23rd 2010
Re: Silly Bans -
December 31st 2012, 10:22 PM
I ban you because our teacher gave it to us to memorise in year 8 (year 7 for you guys) and remembering bits of it was enough to find it in a quick google search
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