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Re: Where did your username come from? -
March 12th 2009, 11:25 AM
Katrina, obviously, is my name.
AppleTini/AppleTini/AppleTini/AppleTini, however, my name before the reset, originated when, a few hours prior to joining this website, I was wondering around a Victoria's Secret, shopping, and looking at all the lotions. One of them is called Appletini, so yahh.
Re: Where did your username come from? -
March 12th 2009, 11:51 AM
When I was a kid, I was obsessed with writing stories and was convinced one day I was going to be a bestseller, I have always had a talent for making up names for charcters and i had a little fantasy obsession so I wanted an odd name to call a dragon and Tericon just came up from the randomness of my brain its also quite unisexish, so it suits me :P I use it everywhere online, sometimes tericon6 is someone has nicked it or i'd forgotten my pass xD
'If you've got the inclination
I have got the crime' - Oppurtunites - PSB <3
'Reel me in and cut my throat' - World- The Killerz <3
When we fall in love, we're just fallin' in love with ourselves... - Spiralling- Keane <3
Re: Where did your username come from? -
March 12th 2009, 01:06 PM
My friend called me Lozzaa, so thought I would use that. Wish I didn't because I think it sounds a lil chavvy. Anyway, It will have to stay, since I'm not making a new account! :P
Re: Where did your username come from? -
March 12th 2009, 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by Katrina
Katrina, obviously, is my name.
AppleTini/AppleTini/AppleTini/AppleTini, however, my name before the reset, originated when, a few hours prior to joining this website, I was wondering around a Victoria's Secret, shopping, and looking at all the lotions. One of them is called Appletini, so yahh.
Nothing to do with the cocktail also called AppleTini then?
Re: Where did your username come from? -
March 12th 2009, 06:32 PM
well i'm little (i am only 5ft 1)
mad (I can be a lil bit crazy in my own way)
angel (well-no angel, but i thought it just went well with the other 2!!)
Re: Where did your username come from? -
March 12th 2009, 07:40 PM
Because a while ago I realised that I was Just me. and that's pretty much all i'm going to be.
So from then on I was Just.Tegan. That's who I am i guess.
but now i wished i put something else in there.
because EVERYONE thinks i'm a guy!! Jeeze!
Re: Where did your username come from? -
March 12th 2009, 10:08 PM
I'm sure it's pretty obvious where I got mine from.... but for those of you who haven't seen the Dark Knight, it comes from the Joker, such an incredible character. ^^
~Where death is I am not, where I am death is not, so we never meet~
I'd rather die terrified
than live forever.
We will all die so gloriously, that having ever lived will seem like folly.
Re: Where did your username come from? -
March 16th 2009, 12:48 AM
i have no clue how i chose my username, really. i just remember having to create an account at the fanfiction [dot] net community, where i could write stories - i wanted a good penname, and i always chose my full name, which of course, wasn't the brightest thing to do - so to create a fresh start, i chose BBM, which stands for - butterflybookmark... have no idea how i got that though. just sounded cute. xD
Re: Where did your username come from? -
March 16th 2009, 03:17 AM
Originally (a few years ago) I was making fun of Puff Daddy's change to P-Diddy in order to soften his image. Primus was a band I liked a lot then (I still like them). It stuck because it's never when I join a site.
Searching my heart for its true sorrow,
This is the thing I find it to be:
That I am weary of words and people,
Sick of the city, wanting the sea;
Wanting the sticky, salty sweetness
Of the strong wind and shattered spray;
Wanting the loud sound and the soft sound
Of the big surf that breaks all day.
Re: Where did your username come from? -
March 16th 2009, 06:07 AM
Mine is the name of a pony I used to ride when I was like 10. Her name was ironic, she was actually kind of a bitch. There was another horse I liked much more, but his name was Pepsi and that wasn't original enough. So friendable it is.
Re: Where did your username come from? -
March 18th 2009, 09:58 PM
My name is Briana and I got tired of having my old username which was colorguard1526. That one was because I was a part of Color Guard and my sister was born on the 15th and I was born on the 26th. It is also a pattern (1526), which I like.
Re: Where did your username come from? -
March 19th 2009, 02:36 AM
My username was one that I had on an old forum. If you haven't read or seen Lord of the Rings, you probably don't know the character, but 'Strider' was the ranger name for Aragorn. I thought it was a pretty cool name and I liked how it sounded. My grade 4 teacher actually named her son after the character. So, basically, I thought it was cool and it stuck.
I didn't want to come up with a new one when the forum reset because I didn't want to start all over again. I wanted people to be able to see a familiar face. That, and I couldn't give up the name
The great artists of our time are the ones who created something timeless. But it was never them defining it that way.
Everyone has a story. What's yours?
Re: Where did your username come from? -
March 19th 2009, 04:40 AM
careyjonz95 came from my dad. He plays alot of online poker, and you aren't allowed to use your real name, and there has to be numbers. So, my dad, being the smartass he is, put brianjonz71. Our last name is Jones, he was born and 71, and I adopted it. Its my screen name on every thing (cause its catchy) except my AIM (made before I knew about it.) so there you go!
Re: Where did your username come from? -
March 19th 2009, 03:39 PM
Me getting angry not being able to find a good username and randomly smashing on the keyboard a while ago. Now I use it for all my screen names and it's never taken - unless I've made an account already.
Re: Where did your username come from? -
March 23rd 2009, 01:09 AM
cool thread. =)
I just came up with it. No real reason behind it I guess its because I wanted to remain a mystery to a certain extent and I thought it sounded kind of cool.
Re: Where did your username come from? -
March 24th 2009, 12:30 AM
well... I'm a big fan of TWLOHA... and I really liked the word "rescue" in "rescue is possible"... but I wanted something longer, I guess. So when I was making a blog this summer... I just came up with "rescue is not a myth" (typically, I'm very good at things like that). And at the time I was trying really hard to believe that I could over come self-injury. So... there you go... rescueisnotamyth (and it's kind of inspirational sometimes. )
another username I use is ecabuzzgirl. this came from sixth grade when my dad finally let me have IM. For the life of me I could not come up with a username that he would allow me to have... so.... ECA is the initials for my school. buzz is my dad's high school nickname (it comes from our last name) and... (shocker) I'm a girl. (x])
Re: Where did your username come from? -
March 24th 2009, 12:58 AM
I was originally souloflostchild. I came on the site really suicidal one day and didn't take two seconds to think of a decent name because I never thought I would be on again. Well here I am almost half a year later. I stuck with soul after the reset because I wanted all of my wonderful friends to recognize me. I was also feeling a lot less depressed and emo so I left out the lost child bit.
Re: Where did your username come from? -
March 24th 2009, 01:23 AM
My username is inspired by a metaphor in Tim Burton's "Sleepy Hollow" staring Johnny Depp and Christina Ricci. In the movie the main character Ichabod Crane is shown releasing a red cardinal from its cage and letting it fly free out his window, it's also part of an optical illusion toy he frequently plays with during the film.
Amazing film and if you haven't seen it, GO WATCH NOW <3
Re: Where did your username come from? -
March 24th 2009, 04:00 AM
I was Omar the Lobster! before the big crash, which, directly translated, meant "Lobster the Lobster" from Russian to English. This time around I did the same thing, but with a bird.
Hey guys, like jewelry that can withstand the blow of a sword? Jewelry that can put up a fight? Check out ChainCreations!
When you whisper, you must be absolutely as sincere as when you scream.
Re: Where did your username come from? -
March 25th 2009, 08:30 AM
Cute-ish nickname from my name (not my real name but the 1 I go by on here) that I made up when I was creating my first account. And didn't think about changing it after the reset. I would've liked to have made it my_beautiful_heart just cause I think that's such a pretty username and I love the human heart. but I didn't think of that then, so w/e I guess!
Re: Where did your username come from? -
March 25th 2009, 01:00 PM
i watch the mighty boosh alot!!
and theres a couple of girl characters in it, one called Ultra one called Neon.
but ive got violet in my hair, so i changed it, hence UltraViolet!!
before i had to sign up again i was called hide-myself-away cos thats was i did/do