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They'll never know.
I've been here a while ********
Name: Faith
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January 6th 2009, 02:05 PM
I didn't want to change it so...I'm still *Faith*
Experienced TeenHelper ******
Name: Lauren
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January 6th 2009, 02:13 PM
Am i the only one who didnt think to change their name =\
Average Joe ***
Name: Casi
Age: 33
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January 6th 2009, 02:22 PM
Hello everyone.
It's great to be back. This is NeopetsLover.
Outside, huh? **********
Name: Ask Away!
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Location: Nowhere to be found
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January 6th 2009, 02:33 PM
lost-myself is now known as.... lost-myself  (Amy)
Maybe I should have changed it.... hmmmm oh well
Thank you Jered for making this thread, it was much needed.
[formerly ebb]
Welcome me, I'm new! *
Name: Remy
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January 6th 2009, 02:33 PM
formerly ebb!! :]
Bring me your enemies.
Welcome me, I'm new! *
Name: Casper
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January 6th 2009, 02:41 PM
I used to be StoneUsagi.
Stay determined
Jeez, get a life! ***********
Name: Cara
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January 6th 2009, 03:09 PM
I used to be BeautifulNightmare.
Um btw, where do you click to activate Quick Reply? I couldn't find any quick reply icons =/
Senior TeenHelper *******
Name: Sammy
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January 6th 2009, 03:09 PM
Yeh, i stayed the same as well. Shame old posts have been lost. But i'm glad its back on again xxx
I've been here a while ********
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January 6th 2009, 03:16 PM
Im still, as always, tk338  I nearly changed but decided no... I wasnt very well known before, but if you were one of the handful of friends, add mee again
Up In The Clouds...
I can't get enough *********
Name: Paige
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January 6th 2009, 03:20 PM
I didn't think to change mine but I think xxpaigiexx is pretty simple so I'll keep it the same.
Yay for TH being back! I've missed it.
~kiss it better~
Regular TeenHelper *****
Name: Vicki
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January 6th 2009, 03:26 PM
I used to be xxxVickixxx
I fancied a change
All you need is love <3
Not a n00b **
Name: Francesca or Frankie
Age: 33
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January 6th 2009, 03:27 PM
I decided to change my UN from *frankie* to innocentlyangelic as I wanted to be a bit more impersonal, in case of intrusions by family members etc...
SOOooooo happy TH is back!
Führer of the sausage people
I can't get enough *********
Gender: Male
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January 6th 2009, 03:28 PM
I'm keady, formerly keady?  ahwell =p
Welcome me, I'm new! *
Name: Erica
Age: 30
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January 6th 2009, 03:30 PM
Formerly elstarr05, still elstarr05. I decided to keep it simple.
You're everything I know that makes me believe
I'm not alone
You're in everyone I see
So tell me
Do you see me?
SimplyComplex :)
I've been here a while ********
Name: Melissa
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January 6th 2009, 03:30 PM
I used to be xo-SimplyComplex-ox. Now, thankfully, I'm just SimplyComplex.  Much easier to type.
01 // 10 // 11
Baby stand tall. You can have it all.
Don't you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine..
formerly pixied_37
Welcome me, I'm new! *
Name: Brianne
Age: 33
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Location: Oshawa, Ontario (.merulaworld.)
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January 6th 2009, 03:42 PM
Brianne here....well..merula lol
formerly pixied_37 <3
Rhymes with avacado
Welcome me, I'm new! *
Name: Liv
Age: 32
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Location: I'm Halfway to Everywhere.
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January 6th 2009, 03:59 PM
...and now I'm Simply Complicado.
Which is a lot shorter! (I'm Liv by the way!)
Awesome to be back. Glad to see everybody  x
Mark, Michael, Bry
Junior TeenHelper ****
Name: Mark
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Location: My mind
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January 6th 2009, 04:00 PM
i used to be(is it?or isn't it?) good to be back
Learn from yesterday live for today hope for tomarrow
Outside, huh? **********
Name: Katie
Age: 36
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Location: Ohio
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January 6th 2009, 04:11 PM
I'm glad I'm not the only staff member to KEEP my name, I was feeling left out. There are too many Katies in the world anyway.
together, we are infinite.
Senior TeenHelper *******
Age: 30
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January 6th 2009, 04:19 PM
Formerly sarahbop94, now ForeverAutumn.
how could anyone ever tell you, you are anything less than beautiful?| PM Meself-harm free since 06.10.11.
used to be WomanOfChrist
Welcome me, I'm new! *
Name: Emily
Gender: Female
Location: Georgia
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January 6th 2009, 04:29 PM
I've been here a while ********
Name: Steph
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January 6th 2009, 04:33 PM
I was Stephiie and am now just Steph. I know, it's confusing.
One day I am gonna grow wings
Average Joe ***
Name: Nash
Age: 31
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Location: Washington, USA
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January 6th 2009, 04:40 PM
I'm kenzie now
Formerly fantasmo
So I will find my fears and face them
I will cower like a dog
I will kick and scream
I will kneel and plead
I'll fight like hell to hide that I'm givin' up Another Travelin' Song ||| Bright Eyes
Last edited by Banshee Prince; January 7th 2009 at 12:14 AM.
The final horcrux
I've been here a while ********
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January 6th 2009, 04:52 PM
Formerly, Amore.
"Years ago, I knew a boy who made all the wrong choices."
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January 6th 2009, 04:54 PM
I'm sushi_error or Mai.
Outside, huh? **********
Name: Janos
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January 6th 2009, 05:08 PM
I used to be LightningSword or Janos...
I thought Invictus was kinda cool ^^
I can't get enough *********
Name: Amanda Kate
Age: 32
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January 6th 2009, 05:10 PM
The quick reply button is the one on the far right at the end of posts that looks like arrows.
I was udontno and I decided to stay the same. I think I have a reputation here with that name, everyone knows me by it and I just want to keep it.
Curioser and curioser . . .
Average Joe ***
Name: Reid
Gender: Female
Posts: 130
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Join Date: January 6th 2009
January 6th 2009, 05:17 PM
I was marshmello kid
Now, I added capitals =D
So now I'm Marshmello Kid
“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want
them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.”
-Albert Einstein
amber_teh_shark since 2004
Experienced TeenHelper ******
Name: Amber
Age: 34
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January 6th 2009, 05:26 PM
I'm Amber. Formerly known as... Amber! Or for all of you super old TH members... amber_teh_shark! :]
I've been through hell and back and came out stronger than ever.
Regular TeenHelper *****
Name: Lea
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Location: Let's pretend we're in Antarctica!!
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January 6th 2009, 05:29 PM
mine pretty much the same
so formerly known as Leaaaa (:
and now im just...Lea (:
The Mighty Grape
Junior TeenHelper ****
Name: Liv
Age: 32
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January 6th 2009, 05:40 PM
justalittlethingcalledluv -> Simply Complicado -> Ergg
I am Liv, so yeah.
- Love It
Not a n00b **
Name: Kyle
Age: 30
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Location: The Frickin Cold Michigan.
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January 6th 2009, 05:54 PM
Went by..
Now by
Find out why in my profile
Experienced TeenHelper ******
Age: 33
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January 6th 2009, 06:03 PM
I was KI-YUL, Kyle is so much easier.
I can't get enough *********
Name: Brandon
Age: 34
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Pronouns: Apache helicopter
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January 6th 2009, 06:07 PM
I'm Brandon.
Formerly Classic Rock.
Not a n00b **
Age: 35
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January 6th 2009, 06:10 PM
I have changed to .Sarah. and was previously known as xxstarletxx.
Welcome me, I'm new! *
Age: 34
Posts: 1
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January 6th 2009, 06:15 PM
I was Chazzz, but to save all the gender confusion (hopefully) reverted to Charlotte.

Regular TeenHelper *****
Name: Achava Elah
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January 6th 2009, 06:17 PM
I was achava_elah_18 (unsure bout the 18 part) and now I am I_love_music_achava
A strong fighter
I can't get enough *********
Name: Bri
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Location: Neverland, Ohio
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January 6th 2009, 06:22 PM
I was colorguard1526
but since can't do color guard until I recover from my surgery I am...
but call me Bri.
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January 6th 2009, 06:38 PM
Vincent is Trickmatic.
I can't get enough *********
Name: Amanda Kate
Age: 32
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Location: VA, USA
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January 6th 2009, 06:52 PM
For at least a while now guys, it would be a good idea to put your old username as your user title or in your signature. I'm already loosing track of who is who and the new icons and things aren't helping. I'm guilty of an icon change myself, so I can't say much. Anyway, having your old username in your signature/member title would be good if you want folks to know who you are.
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