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Nope. The birds here aren't stupid enough to do that...
Have you ever had a bird poop on you? (I haven't, but my mom has ^^')
I've said it once, I've said it twice, I've said it a thousand fucking times
That I'm OK, that I'm fine, that it's all just in my mind
But this has got the best of me, and I can't seem to sleep
It's not 'cause you're not with me, it's cause you never leave
Yes, when i was playing golf one day
Have you ever purposely sent a message saying you like someone to the person you like and then say you didn't mean to send it to them?
(sorry if that's confusing)
When I'm sad I think, "I got a jar of dirt, I got a jar of dirt!"
You can't change fate, but you can change your attitude towards it.
Former user: xArchDreamerx
This is the last night you spend alone
Look me in the eyes so I know you know
I'm everywhere you want me to be
The last night you'll spend alone
I'll wrap you in my arms and I won't let go
I'm everything you need me to be
~Skillet - The Last Night
When Michael died, Megan was born. And I won't go back for anything.
Have you ever had something happen to you that was really really weird? (Like meeting someone somewhere and then meeting them again somewhere else without realizing they were who they were until it hits you?)
I've said it once, I've said it twice, I've said it a thousand fucking times
That I'm OK, that I'm fine, that it's all just in my mind
But this has got the best of me, and I can't seem to sleep
It's not 'cause you're not with me, it's cause you never leave