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Re: Post Your Picture Thread! -
January 24th 2010, 05:57 AM
This is me.
This is my mom and I.
And in summer...
When all your friends have come and gone,
And the sun no longer shines,
And the happiness for which you long is washed away like an ocean's tide,
When all the hard times outweigh the good,
And all your words are misunderstood,
When the day seems lost from the start
You must follow your heart,
You must follow your heart.
Last edited by Beth.; January 24th 2010 at 06:05 AM.
Re: Post Your Picture Thread! -
March 5th 2010, 09:14 PM
Photobooth at em's kitchen table. I'm the one wearing the viking helmet and the shawl. This was right before we went out to eat...and yes, I did remove said hat and shawl before going out.
Re: Post Your Picture Thread! -
March 10th 2010, 03:39 PM
I just want to say.. Emzy, I love all of your pictures! It must be the hair!
The first one is me and my best buddy Sean from 2 years ago.. I guess we were both high and drunk and he still had the "gangsta" look going on at the time. And lookie me subtely giving the finger!
The second one; I just got out of the shower and I dried my hair, all of it was just everywhere! So I took a picture of it and made an evil scientist laugh!
The third one; This morning, just woke up and the band-aid on my eyebrow was from karate last night, I ended up with a cut on my eyebrow. This'll get me laid I thought to myself! joking!
Re: Post Your Picture Thread! -
March 10th 2010, 05:17 PM
Well, I figured there was way too much prettiness in this thread and I should bring down the average a bit, so here is me from December. Close your eyes and sprinkle holy water on your monitor before scrolling down if you value your life.
Also, Nicola, you look so much like my friend Auburn.
Normal User
Last edited by TheNumber42; March 10th 2010 at 06:42 PM.
Re: Post Your Picture Thread! -
March 13th 2010, 04:13 PM
Cody, I'm sure if I sprinkled holy water on my monitor, not only would I have a broken monitor, but I'd have an angry priest wanting to know where his holy water thingy went >.> Also, I like the beard you've got going there dude .
Here be me. Just for the record, my hair is still there, just in a ponytail and behind me. Ignore my retarded facial expression and my general ugliness, focusing instead on how I'm wearing an awesome power metal t-shirt .
"My one desire is for peace -- peace for everyone"
Re: Post Your Picture Thread! -
March 15th 2010, 04:11 AM
Oh, Cody. I'm afraid I had no holy water on hand - - either I'm already dead, or you're just being ridiculous.
..I'm thinking it's the latter =].
You know that thing that every 13 year old girl does in pictures? The duckface/lip-pout/peace-sign/eyebrow quirk/looking-away-from-the-camera-wistfully?
VIOLA....(it was 3 am, shut up)
me, zweif-meister, and afro-girl - and yeah, it's fake =P.