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Re: Post Your Picture Thread! -
August 30th 2009, 04:21 PM
K time to stop the good looking run..
Me and bwaddaz
purely because this one makes me lol
"Another year over, and we're still together.
It's not always easy, but McFly's here forever
I know you believe me, when you look into my eyes
'Cause McFly never dies, because The Heart Never Lies!"
Re: Post Your Picture Thread! -
October 26th 2009, 01:40 AM
Taken at 5 am on two hours of sleeeeep - we were getting ready for a horse show.
My hair. It gets caught on things - car doors mainly, but sometimes when I go shopping it gets caught on clothes hangers too. I'm chopping it off soon, I swear.
This is oooolllld. I debated posting pictures up here with other people in them - but this is my bff, and she could care less. My hair was wet because I had just showered. We were experimenting with makeup that night, too ;P
I just dig this picture - back when my hair was quite a bit shorter - this is a horse I used to lease(like partial ownership) a couple years ago before I got mine.