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Re: Count to 50 Before a CMod, SMod, or Admin posts. -
December 13th 2010, 05:45 PM
My Friends Say the Darndest Things
"I'm so wary right now that I'm slightly levitating!"
"Levitating?! DID YOU BUY CRISS ANGEL'S SELL-OUT KIT?!" -SirNavi AND Myself
"...i can go frolic freely with the leprechauns..." -SirNavi "If Santa can squeeze through chimneys,
then Santa's spawn can squeeze through a urethra." -Myself "Are you suggesting later would be a good time to cadoodle?" -Damien
Re: Count to 50 Before a CMod, SMod, or Admin posts. -
January 3rd 2011, 02:33 AM
Sorrryyyyyyy <3
Life is to short to put it off anymore
You gotta live it before it’s too late
I can’t turn that clock back around
On what you’re dreaming about
You better do it now, don’t wait Do something crazy and dumb, while your still young. <3