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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 23rd 2011, 02:19 AM
To most of the people who call themselves my "friend": You're all fake as hell. All of you are just fair-weather friends. When everything is going great, then you want to talk to me and hang out, whatever. Things are going wrong in my life? You don't even fucking ask me what's wrong. So spare me the wasted energy and just go fuck off. I don't need you in my life.
To you: I don't think I can stay over anymore... Every time I come home, I get bitched at for smelling like smoke. And I don't have the money to be taking my clothes to the laundromat before I go home every time. I don't know what to do.. I feel like this is going to push us apart so much.. I wish you had the money to get your own place and then quit smoking, or that I could afford my own place. What if this ruins us...?
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 23rd 2011, 05:34 AM
Normality, my friends.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 23rd 2011, 05:35 AM
Dad.. why did you have to leave? And why couldn't I control it?
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 23rd 2011, 05:57 AM
Mommy I miss you soo much! I need you soo much right now. You were always my strength. It is strength I need the most right now. I love you!
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 23rd 2011, 03:16 PM
Why can't you see what I do? You're perfect. You deserve to love yourself.
Jesus paid it ALL.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 23rd 2011, 04:03 PM
one problem with what u think I do not claim Christ whether I claim to NOT know.

PM me
All or nothing for Christ Was I love dogs
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him should not parish, but have everlasting life John 3:16 ( 21st century King James Viersion)
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 24th 2011, 03:30 AM
These thoughts keep spinning around in my head. When will they end. I want to see you, but im afraid of what will happen if I do. We both know what will happen and then we will be back in this same old cycle again. I wish I could just be with u forever and not have to worry about one of us leaving.
just a hell raising sugar
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 24th 2011, 04:44 AM
please stop arguing, i cant take too much more of this. i love both of you so much and seeing the two of you arguing is killing me. please fine a way the settle this.
i am tired of everything i cant take it anymore
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 24th 2011, 01:54 PM
The whole using "gay" as an insult and making fun of people with it. Calling them "gross", telling me I'm weird for thinking gay storylines on tv are cute and adorable. Whenever you say "I hate my parents, I wish they would die" the whole "I am going to die if I don't go to this party/club/etc" or even just using death as a joke. Whenever you say I have it easy, that good grades come to me naturally. Whenever you tell me my dad is filthy rich anyway and I have no problems with money. Whenever you tell me I have no reason to be sad. Whenever you say my mother loves me, and I can't possibly think otherwise. Whenever you say I do nothig except sit in my room all day.
Stop. Just stop. You know NOTHING about me. You have NO idea how ALL THAT affects me and especially WHY. So just shut up. Stop being like that, because it's NOT cool or popular. And I can't handle all of it much longer.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 24th 2011, 02:31 PM
Why can't I love you the way I used to?
Every time you say something, I get angry. Because every time you say something, it's ignorant or offensive.
You aren't the same.
Why, Daddy?
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 24th 2011, 11:33 PM
Sometimes I just want to cuddle up with someone.
I wish I was the person who could just randomly give friends hugs. I'd hug you goodbye every time we hang out haha. All jokes aside though most days when I'm breaking a hug would be all it would take.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 25th 2011, 01:25 AM
I am the happiest Ive been in a longgg time. And seeing Sam today made me realize that even more. Honey bunch, you are soo cute. Soo perfect. Soo adorable. Everything about you. Your smile, your eyes, your lips. Just everything makes me smile. I am so glad we met. As I told you the first day I met you, everything happens for a reason. And damn it does. I can nottttttt wait until Saturday. To cook you dinner in MY apartment. To kiss you, to snuggle you, to get drunk with you. I cant wait to look into your eyes and tell you how beautiful you are. How perfect you are. And how much I hope this feeling lasts. I miss you. And I really, really like you too. <3
"It's all about where your mind's at" -Kelly Slater
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 25th 2011, 02:49 AM
I still have dreams about you everynight. Just about everything we could've had. We were too perfect for each other that my friends got threaten that they would lose me. I still have the biggest spot in my heart for what you used to be and even for the new you. I'm glad that you havfe found someone better for you i suppose, but looking at you and her will always break me a little everytime. I love you. Don't forget about our special times. I never will.
i live. i laugh. i love.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 25th 2011, 03:14 AM
i don't care what they say, i just want to be with you. <3
When you can't find your way home, and when life gets too hard to face on your own. I will stand as a light through the darkness unknown, I will walk with you, so you're never alone.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 25th 2011, 04:09 AM
You know that I do a lot for you and I want you to be happy. But I think you would be shocked to know just how much I do for you, and how much it pains me sometimes.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 25th 2011, 05:51 PM
I can't help but look at all the pictures of me & you, remembering all the good times we had. What went wrong?
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 25th 2011, 06:50 PM
If there is still enough room left in your heart, I just ask for a second chance. You may have already found someone, but I just don't want you to think of me badly because of the words that went wrong. The true side of me, there is no one that doesn't like it
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 25th 2011, 06:54 PM
Person 1 - Honestly, I HATE you ... even though your biologically my parent. You lie to others and to me, you treat me badly and treat strangers as kindly as ever. You complain about everyone and everything. You abuse me even though you don't realise that. And maybe if you just open your eyes a little bit you'd see that I'm not alright.
Person 2 - Look dear, I'm sick of it ! Can't you see that my sympathy doesn't last long? Please I tried to open you up but it doesn't seem to work and now I gave up. I don't care suffer alone if you want but don't dare commit suicide, you can't just leave your family and other friends like this
Person 3 - Please talk to me 
I need you so badly, and yes I'm too cowardish to come and talk to you myself and I'm also scared that if I do that I might be pissing you. Please just a message would do 
Person 4 - Sorry I ruined it, all of it, sorry but I still think about you and I still check your facebook profile to see if your fine. I really miss us being friends and I really miss you </3
~ I am Lost Between Fighting and Giving Up ~
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 25th 2011, 07:21 PM
Why aren't you talking to me? Have I done something wrong? I know you're stressed, but if you can get on Facebook to talk to your friends, why can't you talk to me? Do you even feel the same way anymore? I care about you and I want to keep this going, but only if you show me you're worth the fight.
You member.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 26th 2011, 03:42 AM
I QUIT! Makes me happy to say that. You don't know it yet, but I've already got an interview and and super excited to get the fuck away from you. You and your puppet master are no longer in my thoughts.
To you, everything's funny. - ♥ - I'd give all I have, honey. - If you could stay like that.Stay this little. - ☂ - I won't let nobody hurt you. Just try to never grow up. - ♫ - Never grow up.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 26th 2011, 02:18 PM
Look if you'd wanted me to come out that badly you would have said something to me about hanging out tonight before now. I know I am twisting things slightly because I do know that we vaguely said Monday or Tuesday instead of Friday, but I'm still kind of annoyed about Friday after waiting around all day and then nothing happening. It just makes me feel kind of insignificant if she's down for five days and I still have to make all the effort to see her.
And I got annoyed when you wanted me to change the plans I'd made with Conor ~ I can't afford to spend hours out tonight with you guys. I have an oral exam on Friday that I'm really screwed for. I'm terrible at speaking Italian, and walking in there knowing I'll get my usual D isn't very heartening. Plus I'll only be seeing him once or twice until the 15th of May, which is for our one-year anniversary. Kerrie will be nearly home again by then.
To be honest what I really, bitchily want, is that for once, you feel bad about this, and you don't make me feel bad. I do love you but there's so many times when you make me feel guilty and like a bad person and it gets tiring which is one of the reasons I would honestly prefer to see my boyfriend tonight ~ he makes me feel happy about myself and often you guys have the opposite effect. So just leave me alone. I told her I was free Saturday night and Sunday night and yesterday, if she wanted to see me that badly she would ahve said something by then. :/
Honey, you're familiar, like my mirror, years ago ..... I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door ... ... Níl a shíltear mar a bhítear. Things are not always what they seem.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 26th 2011, 02:43 PM
Stop trying to make me feel bad. It's just annoying. I'm sending you purposely airy messages now with lots of exclamation marks and smileys until you get the fucking point. I don't feel guilty. I just feel slightly irritated.
Honey, you're familiar, like my mirror, years ago ..... I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door ... ... Níl a shíltear mar a bhítear. Things are not always what they seem.
oh, really?..
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 27th 2011, 12:05 AM
Person 1- please change. I've tried my best to help you but there is only so much I can do. You've let the family down so many times. You have no idea how many times I've defended you. Please... Just stop fucking your life up.
Person 2 - I wish we were as close as we were 2 years ago. I really miss you. Do I still mean a lot to you? Sometimes I get the impression you have no idea what you mean to me. I wish we could rewind time. I miss what we had.
Person 3 - I realise what an idiot I was to trust you. You are so unbelievably selfish. When you go to uni in September I'm never going to speak to you again. I'm only being civil because I feel like I have to be.
..and our dreams will break the boundaries of our fears..
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 27th 2011, 12:35 AM
I don't know. I just want to be friends, you seemed like someone who could be a good friend, but how I made you feel, I don't know. Just wish to talk soon.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 27th 2011, 07:03 PM
Dear you,
I don't mean to sound like a bitch or a drama queen, but there is something I just have to say: it feels as if you're trying to erase me from your life. Don't! You were and still are one of the most important people in my life. The break up hurt like hell, but I'll get over that. You're supposed to be my best friend, so be him. Don't turn into that guy I slept with for a couple years and never spoke to again. I've been saying forever that you are the best thing that ever happened to me, so please don't turn out to be my biggest regret. I love you, babe, for ever and always.
Platonically yours,
and if you should hear the cries and calls through the thinnest of the walls don't you get yourself so blue it's just the sound of me getting over you
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 27th 2011, 09:04 PM
Looks like we are definitely heading our separate ways then. No real surprise seeing as we haven't spoken in over 6 months, but I suppose there is a certain finality to it now. Can't help thinking how differently it all could have worked out, but I guess deep down we just weren't as right for each other as I first thought - maybe not even right for each other at all. Otherwise it never would have gotten that bad. Maybe you pushing me away like that was just the last in a long line of signals. It doesn't really matter now anyway.
" The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." - Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom
However bleak things seem, however insurmountable the darkness appears, remember that you have worth and nothing can take that away.
Originally Posted by OMFG!You'reActuallySmart!
If you're referring to dr2005's response, it's not complex, however, he has a way with words  .
RIP Nick
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 27th 2011, 09:20 PM
Another day that you don't even want to notice me, I hope and pray that I could just talk to you one last time and set aside what went wrong. I have few friends and just wish to have another female one, that was the entire point of everything I did was to make a friend. I'm sorry that I could have approached you differently but nothing seemed to come out right. I made an impression of me that I have never made to anyone else before, and its the only reason why I have been trying to talk to you this entire time
Sorry for what went wrong, I just wish for a chance to make it right.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 27th 2011, 10:33 PM
help me.....
"Friends are like stars; you don't always see them but you know they are always there" 
"It gives me hope. I love you so much. You give me a reason to breathe. Its something for me to not kill myself for" >>> means so much :')
Paramore! <3 Pm me anytime, I like to help!
Purr Purr Purr.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 27th 2011, 10:34 PM
i think i might kill myself.
’Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light.’
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 27th 2011, 10:39 PM
tonight might be the night I go too far and take all the pills. im scared. dont know what to do...
"Friends are like stars; you don't always see them but you know they are always there" 
"It gives me hope. I love you so much. You give me a reason to breathe. Its something for me to not kill myself for" >>> means so much :')
Paramore! <3 Pm me anytime, I like to help!
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 28th 2011, 01:41 AM
I hate you for making keep that secret. I only kept it for your well being. It's killing me inside. You betrayed me right afterwords and I can't stand that you would do somehting like that. It's all because of u I get to act like you're still my friend. It's been a year sinse i swear you ruined my life and our friendship. I wish you never told me. I wish I had the guts to say this to your face. I wish you could read this and feel everything I felt in the past year.
But wishing hasn't done any good now has it...
Wishing hasn't restored what once was...
Wishing has left me in tears today and so many before...
You did this, and you will never know how it has affected me, you wouldn't care anyways. Hope you think that secret was worth telling me now, because after all of this, I need to just stand up and tell you how much you affected me and that I know that the friends I want would never do this.
I wish I could say this to your face with every fiber in my body Derek, and maybe i will.
i live. i laugh. i love.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 28th 2011, 04:42 AM
A, i've thought about you all day, everyday, since the day i met you.
When you can't find your way home, and when life gets too hard to face on your own. I will stand as a light through the darkness unknown, I will walk with you, so you're never alone.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 28th 2011, 11:16 AM
I love you more than my life and also I can’t do anything without you. I will love you forever and ever, after my death also, because the true love is never dying and never end. In our life love is give energy to us to do many things. I never leave you any situations don’t mind I will be with you forever.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 29th 2011, 12:14 AM
I love that you called me just to see if I was ok (: agh I just love you.xx
Honey, you're familiar, like my mirror, years ago ..... I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door ... ... Níl a shíltear mar a bhítear. Things are not always what they seem.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 29th 2011, 10:37 AM
Why won't you listen to me? Why do you think that I'm ok? Why do you think I'm just trying to make myself interesting? Why won't you accept that I have a problem?
Do you wanna come with me? 'Cause if you do, then I should warn you - you're gonna see all sorts of things. Ghosts from the past. Aliens from the future. The day the Earth died in a ball of flame. It won't be quiet, it won't be safe, and it won't be calm. But I'll tell you what it will be: The trip of a lifetime!
Don't trust a perfect person and don't trust a song that's flawless.
RIP Granddad Terry. I'll miss you.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 29th 2011, 03:00 PM
I can NOT wait to spend tonight with you.. And tomorrow. I just wanna spend every second together. In your arms. You are so amazing. I just cant get enough.
RIP Johnnie. 11 months today. I cantt believe it. I miss you so much. I love you.
"It's all about where your mind's at" -Kelly Slater
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 29th 2011, 05:40 PM
I wish we were still as close as we were last year. I really miss you. I wish you just knew that I still consider you to be my best friend. It really hurts to know that you don't care about me so much anymore. I hate how when we hang out it's only because I asked you to, and you generally seem bored and uniterested. But when you're with your boyfriend or your new 'cool' friends you seem to be having so much fun. I wish I could be someone you really wanted in your life. That would mean the world to me. It sucks liking someone way more than they like you, you know.
You have no idea how hard it was for me to tell you that. Now you're just going to brush it off, try and forget about it, right? Yeah well I won't forget about it. It's never, EVER going to leave me. Nor will knowing you don't care. I've always listen to your problems, help you through them. No matter how stupid I thought they were, I knew that they were somehow important to you, so I sat through them and was your shoulder to cry on. This one time, just this once, I want a shoulder. I want to be held, not to hold. Please. notice me again.
I can't wait to get away from you. I hate you. And I hate knowing that I hate you, but it's true. I don't control my feelings. You're a liar. You lie to everyone about everything. You're greedy, you're selfish. You're oblivious to the fact that why you complain about how your life sucks and blah blah blah that maybe i'm not exactly on cloud nine either. Maybe you're the one that's keeping me from being there. Maybe I don't give you sass, maybe I don't rebel agenst you, maybe I'm not a trouble maker, but that does NOT mean I agree with you.
sorry for writing a novel everyone.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 29th 2011, 07:00 PM
I hate how you spend so much money and don't care that we have bills to pay for.. Grrrr..
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 29th 2011, 07:51 PM
guess what dad? I am in love with the most amazing guy ever, and I am not going to let you stop me. He is going to be 28, if you did the math he is about 10 1/2 years older then me! and we are some how related distantly, and guess what I LOVE HIM. and he loves me back! ha!
Jennifer Marie "learn how to apologize, learn how to say 'i love you' to someone other than your cat and mean it, learn how to express yourself, learn how to smile a "fuck you" regardless of the outdated traditions, the talentless critics or what is fashionable or give up."
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 30th 2011, 01:53 AM
I wish you would all stop seeing me that way.
I wish you would all stop breaking me down.
I wish I didn't feel like I have to stay perfect.
And here you are living, despite it all.
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