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  (#2881 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 5th 2010, 06:28 PM

Dear Jason Sorensen, I kind of understand why you left me, but I really think you should've just told me why, instead of waiting 2 months to tell me. You were the best boyfriend I ever had, and I would do anything to share those happy moments with you again. You still mean the world to me. I know we're bestest friends now, but I want us to try to get back together again. You were always there for me when I was sad or when someone was messing with my head. I know I cried over you for 2 months, but it was because you broke a promise that you made. I just hope we can work things out when I come see you next year. I will always love you and care about you no matter what

You can always PM or VM me. I'm always here if anyone needs a friend

I miss you babibear. You were my everything and you always will be

No one believes me about anything. That goes to show I'm not worth it anymore
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  (#2882 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 5th 2010, 07:05 PM

He scares me.
I hate him so much cuz of what he has done...
But inside....
I'm scared of him...

And would you be ok with... It?
I know you said you would
But It's hurt you so much
I don't want you to have flashbacks

WHY?! WHY?!!

Please get out of my life...
you have made my girlfriend cry...
hurt me...
and eat me inside
SH. Get. Out.

I'm Sebz ^_^
PM orVM me
I hope we become friends

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  (#2883 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 5th 2010, 07:32 PM

im sorry if i ever hurt you in anywway. truely all i wanted was ur undivided attention. you mean so much and i need you more than ever. evn though i hated you i always loved you

Pm me about anything&everything

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  (#2884 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 6th 2010, 03:47 AM

I miss you.. I wish you didn't have to move away
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 6th 2010, 04:17 AM

i'm not perfect, please stop acting like i can do everything instantly. I can't so this, please stop trying to make this impossible for me.

You're amazing just the way you are
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  (#2886 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 6th 2010, 04:34 AM

Why do I still love you?!
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  (#2887 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 7th 2010, 06:49 AM

It was almost two years ago now. You saved my life. You gave me something that nobody else will ever be able to give me again. For that, I hate you. I hate you for lying for so long. I hate you for lying and letting me fall in love with you, knowing full well that you were going to leave at the first chance you could.

But, I hate myself more for still loving you.

My life probably wouldn't still exist if I hadn't met you. But, I would be better off having never known you.

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  (#2888 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 7th 2010, 08:03 AM

I love you and I wish I could talk to you because I know you're hurting so much right now, but I also know that I need to give you space and that's just hard when I want so badly to make sure that you're okay. But I love you so much and if this is what you need, then I am going to do whatever it takes to give you what you need. I truly believe you are my soulmate and even though this is hard, watching you in so much pain, I know it's so much harder for you. I'm willing to endure any hardship for you, do anything for you.

And I know you're scared, but I will never hurt you, never as long as I live. I'd die before I let myself hurt you. I couldn't life with myself if I did. I know you're in so much pain and that pain has you really scared, but I just wish there was a way I could express how much I love you, show you that I will be safe, that I won't be like them, I won't hurt you and betray you like that, ever.

I just really love you and I hope that you feel better because you don't deserve this, you don't deserve this at all.


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  (#2889 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 7th 2010, 07:25 PM

James: I hate you! I really fucking hate you!! I mean, you said you were my friend and that you'd always be there for me, but it was all a fucking lie!

All you wanted was for me to show my chest to you, and when I stopped doing such, you got progressively bitchier. And last night, when you snapped out on me for complaining about my job? That was hypocritical bullshit!

I am allergic to the plants, I have a VERY painful rash on my chest as a combination of allergic reaction and heat rash, I had to BANDAGE it and Zinc it to be able to even sit comfortably. And when I complain about it, you have the NERVE to flip out on me? And yet, you're allowed whining and bitching when you don't have someone on Stickam willing to strip for you so you can whack off? That is disgustingly hypocritical.

I'm GLAD you're finally out of my life! I should've got rid of you a long time ago! Gotta love how you tried to convince me to get rid of Jason more than once because he's upset me. Sure, he did upset me, with the delaying of his trip, and the gaps where he won't respond, but at least when I have a problem, he fucking cares! He doesn't fucking bitch at me for complaining, he tries to help me feel better!

Not you though, you're just a selfish fucking prick who only pretends to care, hoping I'll get naked for you or what the fuck ever. You'll bitch about people to me behind their backs, then you'll be their best friend to their face only when it can benefit you in some way!

Like Evan, who you bitch about being a douchebag, a tool, and everything else, yet you're his best friend when he can drive you to a concert. You're a tool as well! And Cass, you bitch about how boring conversation is with her, and how she's so damn annoying. But then of course, you'll chat it up with her still, complain about her responses being so goddamn boring, and yet barely talk to me, because you hope she'll show you tits, because I stopped showing you anything!


Jason: Now that you've planned a date, have your passport, and are picking up your ticket to come up, I feel optimistic. Finally. Seems that this will really happen. Sure beats the crying, the suicidal thoughts, and such when you'd present me empty promises. I don't feel like I have to worry about that anymore... Unless something changes on the weekend, when you're supposed to get the ticket.

If you don't get it this weekend, I'm done. I love you, but I don't want to be strung along.

If you do get the ticket this weekend... I'll be so happy! Seriously, I've been waiting for this since, well, a long while. A date was promised back in April, and well, better late than never, I guess.

I just really hope you actually like me...

Dare to be Different, to be Weird, to be a Freak.
Overall, Dare to be yourself.

Stamp Out Prejudice Hatred and Intolerance Everywhere
The Sophie Lancaster Foundation

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  (#2890 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 7th 2010, 10:01 PM

well ok, i'll do as i can. but he won't be able to see it,i think. maybe thats the point. for an online person i once knew...
dear(you know who you are),
after that month,or months,i thought you are really my friend,that you are going to make my life brighter no matter what,ma you or anyone wouldn't spoil it. february 2010,i confessed my love to you,and you just...seemed to hate me and pushed me away,i still loved you like no one.you were just too stupid to realize that.
march 2010 i found you,you seemed different,you changed,you kept accusing and yelling me for stuff. its like i didn't know you anymore. that stupid redhead stole you from me. and after those cried nights,with you and not,i had to leave... again,it was all my fault.
the heart kept ripping,there was a sharp stone on it. i still cared. i still loved you.
the last time you accused me like i tried to kill her...HOW COULD I??! SHES TOO FAR! shes crazy. but i understood,i gave blessing and nothing in return... no, i cannot spoil my heart for you... not anymore. it felt before,so easy to hurt me till the last moment. no...you won't ever see me again. i will do fine on my journey without you. cause you are the ONLY reason i abandon everything that was mine. i wish it was foe someone who deserved it. i hate no one,though just please get out of my head. i won't take it anymore. i don't wanna see you, i don't wanna hear your name again,cause the next time my weak heart might rip, your success might get achieved...
july 2010 i deleted all your triggering messages,i got you out of my head. i am free. i realized my life cannot be a game anymore. things smile upon me. my prayers were heard and it took your words for me to get over you.
remember,i was the only one there for you, no one else. you have no personality and no goals. i tried to help you realize what life worth is. the day you killed me was the hard one to forget,but someone helped me,it was really amazing.
7 July,2010 i feel reborn.

dear Tasha's haters,
you have no reason to hate me. i did nothing to you. and nothing can be achieved with that,it will just get returned. i am not trying anymore. i was a good friend to you, guess you dont deserve it. NOT ANYMORE.
something else to say?
you make ME stronger.

thanks,this really helped.

I moved back while
my head was turned.

Upside down
closer to the end.

Afraid of the dark
within future times.

I'm drowning there,
my final chase.
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  (#2891 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 7th 2010, 10:22 PM

At times, I am scared breathless by the colossal vitality of our relationship.

But at other times, I understand that it is exactly what I have always wanted.

let me light up the sky, light it up for you
let me tell you why, i would die for you
When you whisper, you must be absolutely as sincere as when you scream.
9 out of every 10 problems in relationships can be solved by talking. So why are we so damn quiet?
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 8th 2010, 12:31 AM

Why do I always have to give in? I really dont want to be here or go anywhere tomrorow.
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  (#2893 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 8th 2010, 01:28 AM

Thank you for hurting me, because I'm happier than I have been in a long time. I realize now who my real friends are and that those are the relationships that really count. I realize that I can't depend on other people to be happy. I think you at least deserve credit for that.

A lonely soul in a land of broken hearts

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  (#2894 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 8th 2010, 04:53 AM

I want to kiss you, and even though you're my girlfriend, I don't feel like I can because I feel like you'll compare me to all the other people you've been with. Also, I wish our relationship could be public, but I'm too scared of what people will think of me if they know I'm gay.

You have ruined my life, and every day I pray that you will leave it, even though I know you never will. I resent you every day.

I wish you could care more about me and less about yourself. I put all of the effort into this friendship, and all I get are complaints from you. How about not bitching every five seconds about "how few friends you have" and be grateful for the ones you do have. I love you, but seriously!

I wish we were friends. I really think we would get along. Social ladders are tough things to climb.

If you read this signature,
know that someone cares about you.
You are not alone.

<3 Contact me

last cut: 4 august 2010
last purge: 13 march 2010
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 8th 2010, 05:01 AM

I'm winning Dad, I'm at the top of my game. I've broken free from having to drink. I've broken free from feeling fucking cursed. I fucking broke free from you, so rot in hell Dad thanks for being a bastard. fuck off.

"Maybe I just like people. Maybe sexuality isn't one thing or the other. Maybe it's just something that's shifting and moving. I just know I'm not thinking man or woman."
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 8th 2010, 10:50 PM

One: i still think about you sometimes, and I wish you would have called me like you said you were going to.

Two: i can't believe you're with her.

Three: I'm not sorry for what I said.

Four: You act like everything is fine, but I'm still hurt by what you did two years ago, and as much as I try to let it go, I can't. You hurt me and you didn't even care.

When you can't find your way home,
and when life gets too hard to face on your own.
I will stand as a light through the darkness unknown,
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 9th 2010, 07:48 AM

I was wrong. I NEED you Dad. why'd you leave?

"Maybe I just like people. Maybe sexuality isn't one thing or the other. Maybe it's just something that's shifting and moving. I just know I'm not thinking man or woman."
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  (#2898 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 9th 2010, 07:10 PM

wow, it's incredible to say that i haven't even known you for an entire year. it amazes me everytime i think about it. right from the first time we talked over the over, you treated me better than the rest of my friends did. you were polite and courteous and gave me respect. i thank god for putting you in my life and giving me someone like you to be my friend. within the first week of meeting each other, you started calling m everyday to make sure that i was okay and that nothing was wrong with me. i didn't even know you but whenever i cried, you were the first person i ever thought of calling. you put up with me and you told me that everything would get better in time, and you were always right. you were the only person who could ever calm me down when i was having an anxiety attack and you were the only person i felt comfortable telling what was going on in my life that cause me to be the way i am. the times that we weren't allowed to talk to each other because mikaela got bad, those were really hard for me because i had no one, and i couldn't think straight. i would still sit by my phone and just wait for you to call me even though i knew she told you you weren't allowed to. bleh. we've been close for eleven months and i hope that we stay close. hah, it's funny to think that we've only hung out a couple times in person. but since you got your liscence we'll be hanging out a lot more often once i get back from mexico. i miss you elijah. and even though we still talk, i can't help but wish i could see you more often. you're like the friend i've always wanted and although everyone may be mad at you right now, i could never be mad at you. you're one of my closest friends and i don't think you know how much i appreciate you. :]

ELIJAH, you are definitely a soldja (;

When you can't find your way home,
and when life gets too hard to face on your own.
I will stand as a light through the darkness unknown,
I will walk with you, so you're never alone.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 9th 2010, 08:11 PM

you: i need you. and i cant wait to meet you. everyday i think about you and what you're like.

her: i'm sorry. this situation sucks. ask me to choose and i'll choose my parents. why? well they havent ever scewed me over, they only lied to me once and it was for the best, they love me forever, and because we need eachother. stop blaming me for everything. logically it doesnt make sense to be your friend. but i keep coming back because of last year. well your not the same person you were last year, you hav a different face face now, you do drugs now, you smoke now, you drink now. and i cant really accept that. sorry my religon is drilled into me. and as much as i used to hate that, i love it now. i cant accept you anymore. you screwed me over too many times, lyed to me too many times because we're so different. we pretty much live in two different worlds now. your hav never been yourself around me, not fully. cuz you think that we're too different and that i'll never understand. well now you're right cuz i've grown cold to you. but i didnt use to be cold, there was a time when i only wanted you and there was a time when i thought you were perfect and it didnt matter what you did or what you were going to do. but now it does because the situation is different and in the end i love my parents. so goodbye. i'll take the void anyday. because one day someone will fill it up again.

she: at first you were someone to jsut fill the void. but now you're my friend. you're not her, you're you. and i cant wait to meet you.

" One day at a time, this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering. "

i wonder when i'll finally jsut start accepting myself, when i'll stop saying i wish i could be like that person.

i have facebook, and myspace. and you can ask for it. :P
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 9th 2010, 08:22 PM

I call you Dad, I do love you, I remember your b-day and father's day...but they're never happy days. When someone mentions "dad" I don't think of you. I don't think of anyone. I think about that blank space I have in my memory without a father. I've never had one. Not even a stepdad. I've grown up without any men in my life. So i crave attention from them. I don't trust them though, and I "KNOW" they're going to leave.

Before I met Jeff, I imagined me having kids but no husband. You're in and out of my life and soon enough I'm going to tell you to pick one. And if you do choose to stay in, but don't...I'm cutting ties, because I can't continue this emotional rollercoaster with you dad. I love you...I miss you every day. I miss when i was little and you actually cared about me...took me driving, made munchies, made us a train set which you then destryoed...I was daddy's little girl, and I wish I could still be, but you won't let me.

Come back daddy...your little one wants you.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 10th 2010, 02:39 AM

Please reassure me that we will be okay, after you get back from camp. please.. it's all i need. I need to hear that from you. I was worried about this same thing last year, and things were okay. I know you love me. Maybe this will make us stronger. I love you with all my heart.

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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 10th 2010, 07:51 PM

You're an immature, annoying, highly irratating twat, and I wish you'd stop calling me your friend.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 10th 2010, 09:48 PM

I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 11th 2010, 12:59 AM

- I don't care how much you dislike me, or are even sick of me. I love you. I will always love you, until the day I die. This next part, in white, is less important than the preceding sentence.(But I think if you had not a single friend other than I, you'd be consumed by it too. Don't assume that I'm making a big deal out of a slight problem. You're a fantastic friend, but I do need others for my mental health, sanity, intellectual stimulation, fun, and life. Imagine, for a second, only having me. Don't say, 'oh, well that'd never happen because I know how to make friends'. Imagine you tried and failed for four years. Imagine you were terrified of never making another friend for the rest of your existence on this planet, and had experience to substantiate your fears. You'd go crazy, too.)

-I like you. Do you like me: yes or no? Just shake your head or nod, and then we'll forget this ever happened. I'd like to know whether I have a chance.

-To you, person from the shop to whom I've never spoken: Where are you from? I like your accent. Let's elope. Our marriage would be legal in Massachusetts.

-I'm not as creepy as I seemed, I promise.

-You're not much less socially awkward than I am. Let's build a friendship on that premise.

-I'm as intelligent as you are. Probably/almost. Don't be put off by the rest of it.

-Thank you thank you thank you thank you

-Please keep an open mind.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 11th 2010, 01:11 AM

I just wish I could make you feel horrible agonising emotional pain. You're a fucking wanker, really, and I hate you. You're a worthless piece of shit. You're stupid and conceited and childish. I really want to tell you that I cheated on you, but then I won't have any more delicious secrets..

Honey, you're familiar, like my mirror, years ago
I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door
Níl a shíltear mar a bhítear.
Things are not always what they seem.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 11th 2010, 03:05 AM

PLEASE get online. I miss you.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 11th 2010, 03:09 AM

I miss you mate...

Life is a waterfall,
we're one in the river,
and one again after the fall.
We drink from the river,
then we turn around and put up our walls.
When you lose small mind,
you free your life.
When you free your eyes,
eternal prize.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 11th 2010, 06:51 PM

I love you, but I don't think you'll love me after you meet me. You're worried about your self-image, how do you think I feel about mine?

I don't know your level of superficial idealization, but I know I'm not a superficial person by any means. So what if you have a few extra pounds, or whatever else you may be worried about? I'll still love you for who you are.

However, I don't think you'll be as accepting of me.

Dare to be Different, to be Weird, to be a Freak.
Overall, Dare to be yourself.

Stamp Out Prejudice Hatred and Intolerance Everywhere
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 11th 2010, 06:52 PM

Why did you do that to me? Do you feel any remorse, even after all these years
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 11th 2010, 08:50 PM

Dear Dick-Head Neighbour:

I don't want to talk to you. Seriously. That time you were over, drinking with my dad, and not only belittled my opinion on a subject, despite it being perfectly valid, but also called me a lying sack of SHIT, is unforgivable.

I don't give a fuck what you said to my mom in e-mail about feeling bad, about your bribes to try and make it better, IT DOESN'T MATTER. You say you said it because you were drunk, and that you can be an asshole while drunk, yet you're chatting with my parents in our driveway, DRINKING! Yes, that makes PERFECT sense.

Then you expect to converse with me as if everything is fine? Really? Oh, and beautiful, my mom tells you how her and I are working together, and fucking mentions how I plan to save my money to move out, and you have the nerve to ask me where?! Fuck off, I'm never telling you where I'm moving to.

Take the hint, and either grow some fucking balls and apologize TO MY FACE, or shut the fuck up and don't even mutter my name, which you keep saying WRONG, by the way! It's not JULIE, its JULIA.

Dear Grandma:

Gee, I wonder why it seems like I don't like you. Every time you talk to me on the phone, you're always so negative towards me. You treat me like a failure, like a piece of shit.

When I finished Tech College and got certified for Welding, you didn't congratulate me, NO. All you could focus on was Perfect Cousin Sarah being Captain of her high school Golf Club! Oh, and the lovely response when I didn't find a job right away. What was it, a month or two? Then you told me "Oh, you should've become a hairdresser". Why THANKS FOR BELIEVING IN ME, YOU WRETCHED BITCH!

Don't forget your seen advantage to my job. Telling me how it'll help me "sweat away those extra pounds". Love you too, miserable hag.

Everything you say to me is so negative, you never have positive things to say, and haven't had anything positive to say for what, at LEAST 8 years! You hate me, but you try to act all lovey-dovey to make me out to be the bitch. Fuck that, everyone else may be fucking stupid, but I see through your game.

Dare to be Different, to be Weird, to be a Freak.
Overall, Dare to be yourself.

Stamp Out Prejudice Hatred and Intolerance Everywhere
The Sophie Lancaster Foundation

Last edited by Batman.; July 11th 2010 at 09:01 PM.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 12th 2010, 12:15 AM


If the world is a cold place
Make it your business to start some fires

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  (#2912 (permalink)) Old
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oh, really?..
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 12th 2010, 12:17 AM

why are you being so fake? don't tell me how much you hate her then go and ass-lick her. make your mind up, you're pissing me off.

..and our dreams will break the boundaries of our fears..

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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 12th 2010, 02:18 AM

Ann, listen to Thank You by Simple Plan closely. pay attention to it. thats how i feel. you were my best friend and i trusted you with my very soal. you broke me down leaving me stranded when i needed you the most. and when im finaly over you, and im finaly alright, youll miss me. youll come crawling back to me begging my forgiveness, but i wont give it. ill NEVER give it. ill NEVER say those words to you. but this i will tell you: 'ive gone through my pain of your leaving. now its time for you to pay for hurting me like you did. even when i hated you for it, i still loved you, and i will always, somewhere deep in my shattered, broken, crushed, and sewn back together wrong heart. ill never forget what you did, and in a way, you showed me something that i needed to see. but ill never be able to trust you, or anyone like you, ever again. you made me loose all i cared for, because when i needed you most, you left me standing in a sea of blood, drowning. your a fucking bitch, and i hate you girl. but ill never forget you, and ill always love you, deep down inside. so now you can take all our memories from our time together and hold them close to you, because i dont need them anymore. your no longer part of my life, and our time has passed. so go crawl in a ditch and cry yourself to sleep in a sea of blood like i had to for so long.' yup, my Ann, thats what ill say to you when you come looking for the ghost of me. but for now, now you know how ill be spending my time until you try to come into my life again.
with all the hate i can give, and the love that has been destroyed by you,

-Jordan X]

formerly snowstorm, GoneBeyondRepair, and Breathless in Love
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The world will bleed its bloody tale. People will throw their stones. But the one thing you must always remember is:
You no longer walk alone.
-Blake Bliss
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 12th 2010, 03:35 AM

you shouldn't have held me up at all if you were just planning on letting me go.

When you can't find your way home,
and when life gets too hard to face on your own.
I will stand as a light through the darkness unknown,
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 12th 2010, 03:44 AM

I'm sorry. I'm not as strong as you think I am.

I'm scared, and I dont know what to do.

I feel completely alone, despite the fact you are right next to me.

Shut up && Fuck off, I dont need you in my life, what the hell do you know about what it's like to be me, you dont understand and you never will, you havent changed one bit and I hate everything that you've become, so different from when we were little.. Life's not fair, I didnt wanna grow up, I wanna go back, back before you changed, before I changed, before you did what you did, I wanna go back to the first time you held me, after I'd argued with my mum and was crying, and told me that it didnt matter because you loved me and would always be there.. Well guess what; looks like you lied.

[x] Even though I'm the sacrifice,
You wont try for me, not now,
Though I'd die to know you love me,

I'm all alone,

Isn't something missing?
Isnt someone missing me [x]

Baby, i want you to be my superman.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 12th 2010, 05:00 PM

To Vicky.

I hate you with a passion!
You only stuck with me because nobody else liked you! We haven't been friends for around four months and neither have we spoke, but today you walked up to me and demanded my attention.
I had no idea what you was going to say, but then you came out with the biggest problem.
You asked me why i called you a lesbian. Well...Shouted it really.
I told you it was because you are a lesbian. When i was straight, you walked into the shower on me and then pretended like it never happened. I know you have a small crush on me because you always tried to touch me and you wanted me to look at your god damn ass etc. It angered me at first because i wanted you to fuck off. I don't fancy you and sorry, but i never will. You're a really nasty person, say shit about people, exceedingly vain, and don't want to know nothing about anything else.
When i was going through a rough time with my cutting you couldn't care less.

I wish you would just leave me the fuck alone!

How come dumb stuff seems so smart while you're doing it?
Good friends get drunk with you. Best friends hold your hair back when you've had a bit too much to drink!
There's no such thing as good girls gone wrong, only bad girls found out.
I've learned...
that maturity has more to do with what types
of experiences you've had and what you've
learned from them and less to do with how
many birthdays you've celebrated.

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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 13th 2010, 12:25 AM

You are the most plain, vanilla, unoffensive average person I know and it is the most annoying thing. Dare to do something risky. You are wasting your life.

If the world is a cold place
Make it your business to start some fires

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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 13th 2010, 01:46 AM

I want your number (;

When you can't find your way home,
and when life gets too hard to face on your own.
I will stand as a light through the darkness unknown,
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 13th 2010, 09:32 AM

I think I might be falling.........

Honey, you're familiar, like my mirror, years ago
I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door
Níl a shíltear mar a bhítear.
Things are not always what they seem.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 13th 2010, 11:56 AM

I can still taste you. It's so fucking amazing.
All I can think about is being with you again.
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