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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
May 29th 2013, 02:32 AM
I know things happen for a reason, but it's breaking my heart. I know we've reached the end of our relationship and it was only a matter of time, but this still really sucks. I was willing to give up my future for you, but you wouldn't have it because you thought I would regret it in the long run. I wouldn't, I swear it. I have much better opportunities here in the city than in the country. This is my choice and I choose you, but you won't have it. Why? I thought this is what you've wanted for six years. What went wrong? I'm scared we can't come back from this and that we can't even be friends. I still want you in my life.
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
May 30th 2013, 02:28 AM
I'm lying to you and it feels so bad but... I don't want to upset you.
Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
May 30th 2013, 03:01 AM
I wish Cody hadn't ever shown up today.
I wish you had kissed me.
I wish I wasn't so fucked up.
I wish I was dead.
I'm sorry you're having anxiety problems.
I'm sorry I push you away.
I'm sorry I'm not perfect.
I'm sorry I can't do this right.
I'm sorry I'm not her.
I need you.
I need some help.
I need you to listen.
I need a break from grades and confusion right now.
I need my blades back.
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
May 31st 2013, 11:40 PM
I'm tired....but I want to keep fighting. Then again...what's the point? You want this to be over? Fine. Have it your way. I'm breaking apart here, but I will get through this. Just know our friendship will never be what it used to be.
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 1st 2013, 01:06 AM
--I'm even MORE stressed out than I was the first time we did this and I CAN NOT TAKE IT if anything like that happens again. If this breaks me you'll be the reason why.
-- Your instructions SUCK, please fix them or you will be getting an e-mail from me (and we both know how much you love those). Almost as much as I love it when you DON'T ANSWER THEM!
Member Since: September 19, 2007
LHO: March 31, 2008- October 13, 2012
"Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you." Jean Paul Sarte
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 1st 2013, 01:42 AM
Don't bust an aneurysm
The neon burns a hole in the night, and the Freon burns a hole in the sky.
You can find my kind living right on the fault line, eyes on the seaside, lives on the B-side, kites on the power lines.
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 1st 2013, 07:49 PM
You're my step-cousin. You're younger than I am. Why do you have to be so handsome, eh? And, I really liked splashing you when we were all in the pool today. I feel like a creeper, but I wish I could tell you I think you're cute. Always have.
Eh, who cares. -_-
Anna's Personal Keys to Happiness 1. Do what you want within the bounds of reason, whenever you want to, and regret nothing. 2. If you have an opinion, don't beat around the bush, or there isn't a point in saying it. 3. Don't keep the company of anyone who won't like you and will try to change you.
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 1st 2013, 09:51 PM
I wish you would talk to me more. I wish you would understand what's going on. I wish you would get all the hints I'm throwing at you. I wish you would save me from myself.
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 2nd 2013, 10:33 PM
Those two days were awesome. I wish we could do that every week.
Every time I am around you, I am reminded of the fact I love you. I try to bury it, to remind myself that now is not the right time, that we have to go slow, but it just rushes to the surface. As you sat across from me talking to me that night, I just wanted to take you in my arms and kiss you.
I miss you. I miss the connection we have. But I am so terrified. I am terrified I am going to fail you again, that I will hurt you again, that I won't be able to handle things, that I am not good enough, that it will end again and we will be done forever. And that would grieve me so deeply.
I'm afraid we will never be together again, despite the fact that we are perfect for each other, because I can't get over something so insignificant.
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 3rd 2013, 03:10 AM
I really like you.
Eh, but I'm going to stop trying.
Hope doesn't exist in this situation. -_-
Anna's Personal Keys to Happiness 1. Do what you want within the bounds of reason, whenever you want to, and regret nothing. 2. If you have an opinion, don't beat around the bush, or there isn't a point in saying it. 3. Don't keep the company of anyone who won't like you and will try to change you.
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 4th 2013, 07:20 PM
Grow a dick little boy. I'd say it to your face aswell if you were here right now. But if you were here... I'd probably throw you out of the window by your hair. Would do it by your pubes, but even aged 22 you probably still don't have any.
I spared a thought for that fool today when I was at the gym and saw someone trying to bench press the bar and failing. Reminded me of him. And he used to talk so much shit, trying to provoke anyone. Like he was looking for a fight all the time, knowing that if someone laid a finger on him everyone would take his side because of how skinny he was.
It's like I said before. Small dogs bark the most. As if they're trying to prove something to themselves and everyone else.
"I don't care about politics"
Then politics doesn't care about you either. Truth. You've got to make your voice heard, if you want to be listened to. But that's too logical for some people, so let me go a step further. Not making your voice heard, leaves other people free to hijack it by speaking on your behalf, even if they don't actually give a shit about you. That's politics. So, make your voice heard. That's not a quote from anywhere. That's just me.
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 5th 2013, 06:35 PM
I have NO IDEA what this question is asking, but here's what I need from you/the class if we're really going to do this again:
The RESPECT I deserve
The passing grade I earned the first time
Concrete and practical answers to my questions
CONSTRUCTIVE feedback on things that I can do something about
Meetings with you that don't make me feel like falling apart
Do you think you can handle that?
Member Since: September 19, 2007
LHO: March 31, 2008- October 13, 2012
"Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you." Jean Paul Sarte
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 7th 2013, 06:14 AM
T: Do you have any idea how much this hurts?
G: If you don't go to jail for this, then you better hope none of us find out where you are. You hurt her and you deserve to rot in hell for all the pain you've caused her for her entire life. You're vile, you're disgusting, you're cruel. And I feel bad for you, there is something wrong with you but that gives no justification to what you've done. Go. To. Hell.
D : You have no idea.
T: You're killing yourself, and if you die, what will happen to your nephews? What will happen to your sister? Your parents? Your cousins? We need you to live, we need you Tony, we need you alive.
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 7th 2013, 07:58 AM
Ffs, please just see what I see in you... don't take too much stock in what I say, I'm still the crazy bitch C said I was, and now that you've truly seen it you really shouldn't take me as seriously as you do. And for the sake of my sanity if nothing else, just stay alive.
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 8th 2013, 05:20 PM
You obviously posted that anonymously because you realized how rude and arrogant it was. In fact, rude and arrogant doesn't even begin to describe it. You obviously know NOTHING about mental health or what it's like to know someone with a mental illness. And I'm glad for that because that person would be subjected to an unbelievably large amount of RIDICULE. As a future professional I should feel like rising above my own feelings and educating you. Unfortunately, I'm not that mature yet and I don't have to explain s*** to you.
Member Since: September 19, 2007
LHO: March 31, 2008- October 13, 2012
"Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you." Jean Paul Sarte
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 8th 2013, 05:27 PM
I need to see you. I'd like to talk to you, because I think we'd get along well. I want to ask you out, but we have to do more than just look at each other and splash each other and throw things at each other. I'm terrified I won't get the chance to go after you before school begins this fall. I'll not be there, but you will. How freaking unfair is that?
Anna's Personal Keys to Happiness 1. Do what you want within the bounds of reason, whenever you want to, and regret nothing. 2. If you have an opinion, don't beat around the bush, or there isn't a point in saying it. 3. Don't keep the company of anyone who won't like you and will try to change you.
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 10th 2013, 02:26 AM
I don't know if I should appreciate what you say or if it makes it worse. I'm thinking worse.
Seeing you on Tuesday.. I don't know how I'll feel.
Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive
Last edited by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯; June 10th 2013 at 12:57 PM.
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 10th 2013, 02:36 AM
You have no idea how much you've hurt me. What you've done--how it's affected me. I shouldn't even bother with you, if you were someone else, I would have left a long time ago.
But you're you, and somehow, I always manage to forgive you. And I'm afraid I always will.
"Don't tell me you're not beautiful. You're the kind of beautiful the blind would see if we could figure out some way to give them three seconds of sight." -- Shane Koyczan
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 10th 2013, 02:53 AM
To A: I've always loved you. Whenever something bad goes on in my life, I crave you to talk to. You to make it all better. You were the first one to know the real me. I wish you never moved away, I wish you never got a new girlfriend, I wish you could email me and tell me you feel the same way. My last relationship made me realise that even years after, it was just to fill the void. You are the one I love, I will never stop. I'm sorry I was too late and too scared.
To B: I wish I never bothered with you, the pain you put me through. The lies, the games, how the hell do you expect me to ever trust a single person again!? I hope you don't pass your driving test, I hope you don't get an apprenticeship, I hope you don't get to university, I hope soon you'll be crying in your bed because you miss me and you messed up big time. You don't deserve anything or anyone, I hope you rot in hell.
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 10th 2013, 11:08 PM
There's a lot of things I wanted to tell you. A lot of things I couldn't. A lot of things I wished I'd never said, a lot of things I wished I had. Past's the past but sometimes I can't seem to look to the future without wishing you saw what I saw and knew what I still know.
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 10th 2013, 11:13 PM
I know we get reviewed every year, and yes it scares me to death. It would've been nice to know before now that he has seen that, although it probably would've scared me worse. Now I have to face him, I hope you're right about him not carrying it over. Hooray for extra work, but if it gets me to prac then I guess it's worth it.
Member Since: September 19, 2007
LHO: March 31, 2008- October 13, 2012
"Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you." Jean Paul Sarte
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 12th 2013, 09:10 PM
Yes. I am scared. I'm terrified. Middle school sucked. If I went to run with the high school cross country team, that just makes everything real. I'm going to high school. I have 3 months now but soon that will end and I'll go back to that hell. I want to enjoy these 3 months, I don't want to spend it thinking about high school things. I never want to go to high school. I wish I could drop out.