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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 25th 2009, 02:36 PM
uysvgf\oduibgsfudofysaoufbvosnuycgutwakvkcf mvka\
Don't make me pissy. I'm already irritated for stupid little reasons. You told me you weren't free this afternoon but you suggested that I sleep over. Cool beans. So I told my parents I'd be out for the night but that yes, I would most likely be in for dinner this evening at six. And then I'd meet you at A's and afterwards we'd stay at yours. And then I could come home tomorrow morning and have the whole day to finish off my study, with the added bonus of NOT being sexually frustrated. And then you ask if I can come over for the afternoon...and when I say I can't but I'll see you at A's..and then to confirm sleeping over, you don't text me back. After a follow-up text (which I hate sending) it's 'I don't know I'll have to ask.' Your Parents Don't Care!!! And I know that you'll probably forget/not bother/not be able to to text me back, so I won't know until I see you at eight. And if it's no, I'll have to wait until tomorrow to hang out with you, and that means taking time out of study time. But I don't NOT want to see you. Argh. We're lucky we see each other in school, you know, because you are the most annoying person in the WORLD to text. No emotion, no punctuation except full stops, making you sound perpetually pissed off and/or robotic, and you either never have credit or only text when it's absolutely necessary. I know some people are just LIKE that, but I would appreciate it more if you were a little easier to communicate with. It's not that I can't go a day without talking to you; I appreciate my own space and as we don't always get a lot from each other... that's ok. I just wish you'd bother more with the little things.
You haven't actually really done anything wrong. I'm just in a bitchy pisser. And the annoying thing is, when I'm annoyed at you or I think you're annoyed at me or there's SOMETHING up, I can never properly get it off my head and it niggles at me until we sort it out. You don't seem to let it bother you. I just wish I had things that easy. I wish I was a boy sometimes.
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 27th 2009, 08:16 PM
To Mum
I love you and hate to see you get hurt, i know you think you could understand whatever it is you think im keeping from you... but the truth is i dont understand it myself. You need to put a little more trust in me, I would never do anything major to hurt you.
I love you. I miss you. I can't believe how lucky I am that you happen to love me back. I'd do anything for you
You are one of the bestest friends in the world and I love you! I actually could not have managed without you recently and I swear its fate that made you say hey that day Yes, I admit, I did used to love you in another way altogether but I realised i value you too much as a friend to ruin what we have. Also I care about you too much to hurt you in any way possible. Please never leave me.
This is for the best. We were never meant to be friends. You have caused too much pain. dont try.
Bestie LYL! never change suzie, not for anyone, we all love you fot who you really are!
Bestie! Stop trying to be someone your not, just tell people how you really feel!
Bestie! Just go for it, trust me.
Bestie! Don't ever hesitate to talk to us about anything, we'll always be there for you
To everyone everywhere
Hang on, when you think you'd rather not exist. Just hang on that extra bit longer, and that special person will find you.
Love Longer.
Laugh Louder.
Hug Harder.
Smile Bigger.
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 28th 2009, 03:28 AM
You know, i dislike you.
Always have, and i am starting to dislike you more and more each day. You keep pissing me off lately, and i am starting to wonder how much longer i can handle you before i just block you. I have enough shit going on right now. This is why when you asked me out i said no, not because i don't like online relationships but because i have no feelings for you.
I will probably never get the nerve to tell you this to your face.
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 28th 2009, 05:11 AM
To Catie (a girl who sits at the lunch table with Tyler and I that said "Woah, it actually talked!" when I was having a conversation with Tyler's friend Meg, a really nice girl):
You are a total bitch. Seriously. I have a name. I'm not just "Tyler's girlfriend." I'm a she, not an "it." What you said to me the other day was the meanest thing I've heard in a long, long time. So what if I don't talk much? I am me and a fairly quiet person. Not everyone can be loud and outgoing. I am shy, so what? You are heartless and mean. Of all the people I have ever actually met, you are the one I am closest to hating. Seriously. If it weren't for Tyler, Mike, and Cammie saying not to listen to you, I would have been sobbing at lunch the other day. I already told Tyler, he apologized for you and called you a cold, heartless bitch. He felt really bad. And honestly, if you say one more mean thing about my shyness, I am not going to sit at that lunch table anymore.
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 28th 2009, 05:15 PM
You are a terrible mother. You are so irresponsible it isn't even funny. Try buckling your baby in his carseat, you are endangering his life. 2yrs old is NOT an acceptable age to be left home alone. I should call CPS on you. Have you ever tried washing your dishes? your house is disgusting. You are a flat out fickle bitch.
"omg i might be pregnant!?!?!"
"ok..calm down..pee on your keyboard...nope its negative"
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 28th 2009, 05:23 PM
1)Sure ... at one point we were best friends.. but you turned into a backstabbing, slut of a poor excuse for a person... Maybe try being compassionate and stop being a bitch!!
2)I love you.. I loved you then.. i do now and i will always!!! Never let me have to tell you again because every time i say it... i realize.. youll never love me!
Last edited by Brittany123; April 28th 2009 at 05:24 PM.
Reason: Multiple posts have been merged automatically.
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 28th 2009, 05:42 PM
You're my best friend, but I can't stand to be with you so often. The paranoia you have about yourown self image does my head in and I HATE the fact that you're constantly in a mirror no matter where you are. You woke up this morning and the first thing you did after you got out of bed was go to look in my full length mirror.
I hate that you look in every mirror you go past, even at work. I hate that you're so obsessed with your image and becoming "thin". It's shallow and you could be something so much more if you didnt care so much about that crap.
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 28th 2009, 06:49 PM
Z: You're the reason I can't say 'always' anymore, to anyone. Because in my head you are still my future, you're still the only person who knows me all too well, you're the only one who I can hate and love passionately at the same time. I never regretted dating you...nor do I regret our break...but I wish I felt like our time wasn't running out. I don't know what I'll be like if you find someone else again.
A: Epic...darling. I wish I knew why you haunt my dreams and seeing you always feels so significant, even though I can make vows never to care again because you're an on-and-off friend. Some nights I think I want you more than I should, but I know that my care for you is innocent. I just wish that for once...I was just as important to you.
J: I wish I could be the person you used to think I was :-(
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 29th 2009, 07:40 PM
that's right. put me down. see if i care.
i don't care. you're not that important to me. i don't care.
i don't care i don't care i don't care i don't care i don't care i don't care...
if i say it enough times, will it be true? i care.
you don't think anything of putting me down. you don't think anything of making me angry. you don't care. but i care.
you'll carry on like nothing happened. you'll continue without a second thought for me. you'll continue without a care. but i will care.
and because you don't think anything of it, you'll never stop. you'll keep putting me down and making me feel stupid and slow and ugly, and you'll never stop. and i just want you to stop, i tell you to stop, but you never care. but i will care anyway.
you'll argue with me and make me feel upset and make me cry and say you hate me and say you wish i wasn't around and you'll say that you don't care. but i will always care anyway.
you're my brother. i love you.
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 29th 2009, 08:46 PM
1) I just want go back and see if my dream could come true if I told you how I think I'm feeling. That you make me smile and my heart race. Partly because we'd be totally wrong together. But you did hug me, when that wasn't 'strictly speaking' right .
2) You asked me if I still wear the bracelet; I said no because I can't; it's too hard, I'd think of you and what we'd be like if we were still together every goddamn minute of the day. And then it'd hurt that I know we're not right either.
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 30th 2009, 04:26 AM
I thought I said to forget me?
"You've just been B-Wildered." -Brian Wilson <3
Trumpet love; Tenderlips.
"Where there is love there is life."- Mahatma Gandhi
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 30th 2009, 04:41 AM
I thought I could stay mad at you but turns out, I can't. Know why? I just dont care anymore. I don't need you to feel good about myself. Yeah, it still hurts you went to every one of his basketball games, only to watch him sit on the sidelines the whole game because he's ineligible, but on the rare occasion that we have a home track meet, you could care less. I'm so used to it by now.
It still hurts, in the back of my mind its always a tiny prick of pain like a needle, but...
I realize I stopped needing you a long time ago. Thanks for making me so detached from you all. And you wonder why I could never talk to you about anything, especially how I was feeling. Its almost enough to make me laugh.
Yesterday I saw you kissing tiny flowers
But everything that lives is born to die
And so I say to you that nothing really matters
And all you do is stand and cry.
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 30th 2009, 05:21 PM
Sometimes, all I really want is to be with you up there. I will be soon.
When all your friends have come and gone,
And the sun no longer shines,
And the happiness for which you long is washed away like an ocean's tide,
When all the hard times outweigh the good,
And all your words are misunderstood,
When the day seems lost from the start
You must follow your heart,
You must follow your heart.
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
April 30th 2009, 06:15 PM
I believed you when you said you loved me, it made me feel happy. I was stupid. From the start i knew it was too good to be true and i was right. No way that you could have been attracted to me, no way taht you could have loved me.
I was afraid that i was gonna hurt you.
Im going to be honest now, when u said u liked me, i asked you out because i was desperate to be in a relationship. I didnt think lydia ever give me a chance and so i said okay. But with time i started to like you more and more.
You were my first girlfriend, yet i still though bout other girls that were more attractive than you. and i felt bad. I would have never cheated on you, yet i still felt like a bad person.
You were the first person that i let in. I never did b4, because i was afraid something like this would happen. I was right.
I'm glad you told me b4 i actually fell in love with you, that might have hurt more. Just wish things would have ended in better terms. who knows, maybe we would have still been friends.
"I hate that my blood makes me crazy. I hate that I can't function without being chemically altered...
And inside I feel like tears are streaming down my cheeks. But they're not are they...
I'm so lost inside. I wish that i could get out. But I don't think I ever will..."
Last edited by ElToroLoco; April 30th 2009 at 07:32 PM.
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
May 1st 2009, 07:12 AM
Of three things I am most certain.
1. You haven't tried to contact me like I thought you would
2. No Matter how I try to prevent it you come to my mind.
3. I will hurt for a long time over this but I will go on.
I can only hope that you are doing as well as I am. The last I heard from you before the fight you were doing awful.
I Beg you.... To have patience with everything
unresolved in your heart and try
to love the questions themselves as
if they were locked rooms
or books in a very foreign language
Don't search for the answers
Which could not be given to you
right now because you wouldn't be able to
live with them
and the point is to LIVE Everything live
the questions now
Perhaps then some day
far into the future you will
gradually live your way into THE ANSWER
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
May 1st 2009, 09:37 PM
I hate you! I hate you! How could you do this? You cheated on me and you lied. I should just break our deal that we made. You did something stupid, now I should, too. I hate you... even though I swore I loved you.
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
May 1st 2009, 09:38 PM
David, you're just like the rest..
you will never know how to handle anything real..
and you continue to play these immature little boy games.
. . im done
im moving on
. .you had it
and now you lost it..
. .watch me as i walk away, laughing as i break ur heart.
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
May 1st 2009, 10:21 PM
you are actually the coolest person i really want to get to know you better. why do you have to go back?? australia is so lucky. Its very rare i meet someone i think is really understanding. and i am so curious about the scars.
A single thread in a tapestry
Through its color brightly shine
Can never see its purpose
In the pattern of the grand design
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
May 1st 2009, 10:30 PM
You are the most ANNOYING person I have EVER met. We all bitch about you behind your back, you know. We don't want to hang out with you every second of the day. And guess what? Your hair is HORRIBLE. Only four year olds cut their own hair. And yeah, we DO notice that it's cut more every day. Just put away the scissors before you're bald. And what kind of a person goes with someone they've NEVER met?
Gosh, just get out of my life. And stop insulting me so much.
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
May 1st 2009, 10:56 PM
I'm not over you. Not even close.
"Another year over, and we're still together.
It's not always easy, but McFly's here forever
I know you believe me, when you look into my eyes
'Cause McFly never dies, because The Heart Never Lies!"
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
May 2nd 2009, 01:26 AM
it is amazing to me how you think you make me miserable, when everything you say to me, I blow off. I never needed your permission to date who I wanted. I never will. So smile, and suck it up; Or, you can fuck the hell off. kthx.
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
May 2nd 2009, 03:30 AM
I watch what I say on the internet very carefully these days. No one knows the reason why I chose not to say what's on my mind most of the time,but you. I fear that you still come to look for someone who post similarly to me. Irrational as that may be it is still true.
I Beg you.... To have patience with everything
unresolved in your heart and try
to love the questions themselves as
if they were locked rooms
or books in a very foreign language
Don't search for the answers
Which could not be given to you
right now because you wouldn't be able to
live with them
and the point is to LIVE Everything live
the questions now
Perhaps then some day
far into the future you will
gradually live your way into THE ANSWER
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
May 3rd 2009, 05:22 PM
I want nothing more than for you to be happy. I would do anything for that. I thought you were my best friend, and I still care about you crazy amount. That is why I am leaving, it hurts me like hell to not talk to you. But if I'm gone, that's one less problem you guys have. It hurts so much, but I have to go so you can be happy.
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
May 3rd 2009, 07:04 PM
You've really hurt me today...you did yesterday too.
There's no need to get mad just because I got confused over dates. I had been up ALL NIGHT working a 12 hour night shift...so sorry if my brain dosnt work aswell right now, but neither would your's if you'd been working your ass off over the past 2 nights with only 4 hours sleep between them. Why are you getting so frustraited with me so easily? Do I really annoy you that much? I feel like you see me as more of a nusience than anything else.
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
May 4th 2009, 06:56 AM
I am Bella without her Edward. I'm okay with that as long as I don't have to think about you. Somehow I've pictured a life with you. that I know is impossible,but one can dream can't they?
I Beg you.... To have patience with everything
unresolved in your heart and try
to love the questions themselves as
if they were locked rooms
or books in a very foreign language
Don't search for the answers
Which could not be given to you
right now because you wouldn't be able to
live with them
and the point is to LIVE Everything live
the questions now
Perhaps then some day
far into the future you will
gradually live your way into THE ANSWER
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
May 4th 2009, 12:52 PM
You lied to me, betrayed me and I am so angry at you.. but I still love you, and all I wanna do is run back to you for you to hold me in your arms. Just like you used to.