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  (#3961 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - April 30th 2011, 04:20 PM

Seven years...today has been fine but I'm terrified of letting myself get tearful. I just want you to know that in no way am I letting you be forgotten in my mind. It makes me sad that you've been dead now more than half of the time you were alive. Sleep tight.x

Honey, you're familiar, like my mirror, years ago
I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door
Níl a shíltear mar a bhítear.
Things are not always what they seem.
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  (#3962 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - April 30th 2011, 06:45 PM

Yea. Okay. I fucking miss you. I love you. I need you. And I hate it because I'm just left here to deal with it because you're gone. And I'm pretty positive it's for good.

Maybe that's good? Maybe it's not. Maybe I'm just tired of one or the other. I was FINALLY getting happy...then you came back.
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  (#3963 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 1st 2011, 04:29 AM

Mom and Dad: It's been one year and one day since you found out so much that is "wrong" with me, and you hardly learned a fraction of the truth. You've found a suicide note since you found out, you're concerned about me, I can tell. You talk to me differently then you do to my siblings, and that lets them know that something is wrong. Lets them know that I'm wrong. I didn't end up like this on purpose, I am who I am, trust me, I want to change her too. But I can't, not without letting someone else in. Everyone who gets close to me just leaves as soon as they get a glimpse into my mind, I have only one exception, and she shouldn't be staying. I can't offered to hurt her anymore. Mom and Dad, I'm fighting this as hard as I can. I can't stand to admit defeat, but I can't do this on my own anymore. I'm stronger then you'll ever know, I've fought this monster inside of me for much too long. Please, I know that I'll try to talk you out of it, but please. Please be the strict parents for once and save me from myself. Please.

Bethany: I found out today that you broke down in front of two other people because you can't live without Hayley or I. Hayley's my best friend, but I can't speak for her. But for myself, her I can speak for. I say that I will forgive you if you ask for it, but I'll never let you back into my life. You've caused me too much hurt, too much pain. You asked me to leave, and I've left. Is that not enough? It kills me every time I fight you, every word I speak to you makes me hate myself more. But it doesn't matter, because this is what needs to happen, so it's what I'm going to do. Please, you got hurt by us walking away, we were hurt by you holding on. Please, just stop this Bethany. Please.
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  (#3964 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 1st 2011, 04:50 AM

L, I keep having dreams about you. I don't understand. Everything is so confusing right now. I don't even know you.

B, I never have been able to grasp why you go around and date all the sluts and whores, but yet I was never good enough for you.

When you can't find your way home,
and when life gets too hard to face on your own.
I will stand as a light through the darkness unknown,
I will walk with you, so you're never alone.
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  (#3965 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 1st 2011, 04:54 AM

-I love you, but - as a friend. You deserve the best guy in the world, and I'm not him. I hope my stupidity didn't hurt you too much, but I have to be honest with myself. It's nothing wrong with you - I never should have agreed to be your boyfriend. I still want to hear your problems and comfort you, but I can't take any more of your kisses away when I can't feel their magic. I hope that both of our second relationships turn out better than our first. If you're going to hate anyone, don't hate yourself - hate me. Please don't hate me. I already hate myself enough for this.

-You're my soul mate. Why did you have to be straight AND asexual?
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  (#3966 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 1st 2011, 08:18 AM

I hate you with every fiber of my being, you are a coward and you are weak. You play off of innocent people and their trust, you drag them into your world and tear them apart to make yourself feel better about your own insecurities. You are the dirt beneath my feet, and from now on I shall treat you like the weakling that you are!!

Wow, I feel a lot better.

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.

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  (#3967 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 1st 2011, 08:19 AM

Please don't ever leave me.

Join the Skeleton Clique on TH
Do you wanna come with me? 'Cause if you do, then I should warn you - you're gonna see all sorts of things. Ghosts from the past. Aliens from the future. The day the Earth died in a ball of flame. It won't be quiet, it won't be safe, and it won't be calm. But I'll tell you what it will be: The trip of a lifetime!

Don't trust a perfect person and don't trust a song that's flawless.
RIP Granddad Terry. I'll miss you.
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  (#3968 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 1st 2011, 01:24 PM

....You told me last night that you liked me for four years and that I was the epitome of beautiful and the best looking girl in the room and that Conor is a lucky guy.

I'm not sure the jagerbombs were a good idea for anyone really....

Honey, you're familiar, like my mirror, years ago
I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door
Níl a shíltear mar a bhítear.
Things are not always what they seem.
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  (#3969 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 1st 2011, 10:18 PM

It's not that I'm no longer talking to you. Well, I am, but not due to a conscious decision.

I just find you very hard work. You don't listen to advice, you just continue to complain about how shit your life is. When it comes down to it, I DON'T KNOW HOW TO MAKE IT BETTER. You are nearly 30, it's up to you to find your own means of coping.

It's not like I haven't tried to assist you. But dishing out money, whether it's £60 or £6, is not actually helping you, believe it or not, because you are continuing to rely on other people.

You need to get a proper job, even if it's only 2-3 days a week. You need to start prioritising your money - getting off cigarettes and not spending £80 on Ugg boots that are made of fucking WOOL. Don't tell me you have no money for food - what am I supposed to do? Bring you over a sandwich? For a start, you live miles away. Secondly, this aint Meals On Wheels, love.

Sympathy will get you nowhere. Sure, it's nice to know people are thinking of you, but do you really want pity? I wouldn't. If you're hoping that the sympathy will materialise into money, it won't. So stop trying to garner it.

I hate to say it, but over the last year or so I have begun to see things from your ex's point of view. I'm not saying you're selfish, because you're not - you would give anything for your daughter. But when it comes to friends, you seem to lack any sort of concern for them. A simple "How are you?" when we meet would be greatly appreciated. It all seems really one-way, and a relationship has to work both ways. I wouldn't mind giving you money so much, if I got something in return. Anything. Or, if I knew you were spending it on something worthwhile, rather than stupid cigarettes.

So you see, I have tried to be there for you. But these days I am a forward-thinking, progressive person, who tries to see the positives in life and ways to improve my situation. You are a pessimistic, narcissistic, wallower who thrives on complaining and dragging people into your downward spiral. Sure, misery loves company, but I don't want to be that company.

I know how you feel, I've been depressed myself for years. Suicidal at some points. But I realised many things during these times, one of which can be summed up in the following quote from M People:

"You and only you alone, can build a bridge across the stream."

YOU have to be the one to make things change. No one else can do it for you. Similarly, "You can take a horse to water, but you can't make it drink." People can give you endless help and support, but if you choose to remain stationary and not aim to move on with your life, you will be forever stuck in this rut. I would hate for that to happen and have to watch you sink lower and lower, but what I would hate even more is to expend my precious time, energy and money, only for you to do exactly the same thing.

I've tried to turn people's lives around for them. At 17 I thought I was a social worker. I tried to change my boyfriend - both his life and his personality. But all that happened was that I became just as twisted and devious as him, with the same mentality of "life owes me a living". It doesn't. We owe ourselves a living.

You owe it to YOURSELF to get your life on track. Chloe will grow up regardless of whether you live in a house or a bedsit, if she wears Primark or Prada. Stop putting her first ALL the time to the neglect of your own needs. If push comes to shove, Chloe has her father. If you can't take care of her, she will have somewhere to go. Who will YOU have? Where will you go if you become bankrupt and lose the house?

You need to think of YOUR future and start putting money aside for a rainy day. Which means getting a job. This might entail Chloe going into a nursery for a day or so - maybe your Mum could have her for one/two days. But so long as you are acquiring money, does it really matter if she has to attend a daycare setting? She will have the chance to socialise and have new experiences with new people... why is that such a bad thing? I'm no psychologist, but it seems to me that subconsciously, you don't want Chloe to spend time with strangers because she is yours... and, by your own admission, she's all you've got. But the truth is, at some point, she is going to have other people in her life, so you need to get used to it. Harsh but true.

I wish I had the guts to copy and paste this into a Facebook message, but I think if you were to read it, it would end up doing more harm than good. I want you to feel inspired, feel passionate, angry even. The anger will drive you forwards and stop you from letting things get in your way. You can do anything with determination. But you have to realise that in your own time.

"You, and only you alone,
Can build a bridge across the stream..."

TeenHelper since 07/07/2005.
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  (#3970 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 2nd 2011, 12:11 AM

Why do you need to know my story, if what you're going through is about you?
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  (#3971 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 4th 2011, 12:01 PM

"you cut me up inside so deeply when you give me that look that look that shows i have done some thing wrong or i have upset you in some way... i love you so much it hurts when you give me just the smallest look that says i have done something wrong ;s"

"Life isn't about how popular you are... What girl or boy you are dating or who you know. Life is about always being true to who you are or what you believe in. Never let anyone convince you that their way is better than your way. In the end all we have is our hearts... and our minds. This is the reason why we sing... this is the reason why we cry... this is why we live."

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  (#3972 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 4th 2011, 05:33 PM

You never do anything. Ever. You never help. And you get away with everything. I hate you. I honestly do.

Join the Skeleton Clique on TH
Do you wanna come with me? 'Cause if you do, then I should warn you - you're gonna see all sorts of things. Ghosts from the past. Aliens from the future. The day the Earth died in a ball of flame. It won't be quiet, it won't be safe, and it won't be calm. But I'll tell you what it will be: The trip of a lifetime!

Don't trust a perfect person and don't trust a song that's flawless.
RIP Granddad Terry. I'll miss you.
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  (#3973 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 4th 2011, 08:41 PM

Well. This is kinda awkward..

A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.
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  (#3974 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 4th 2011, 09:03 PM

If there ever was or is a way to put my feelings and concerns into words, I would give everything I own or have worked for, just for the one chance, the one day that I could.
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  (#3975 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 5th 2011, 02:43 AM

you realise you piss me off so much i want to bomb your country. ;o even tho you live in the same town as me !!

"Life isn't about how popular you are... What girl or boy you are dating or who you know. Life is about always being true to who you are or what you believe in. Never let anyone convince you that their way is better than your way. In the end all we have is our hearts... and our minds. This is the reason why we sing... this is the reason why we cry... this is why we live."

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  (#3976 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 5th 2011, 10:36 PM

I hate you. I hate you. I am so glad I cheated on you,. You're a worthless piece of shit and I've nevr ever hated one person so much in my life as much as I hate you. Ther's no words even to describe it. You're a filthy shitsucking cunt and you actually physically deserve to rot in hell.

Honey, you're familiar, like my mirror, years ago
I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door
Níl a shíltear mar a bhítear.
Things are not always what they seem.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 6th 2011, 02:56 AM

Stop calling me. The only reason I pick up is because I feel like using you. And I might cave in and do so if you don't fucking leave me alone. I don't love you nor have I ever. You deserve this. I don't even have time for you now. I don't feel sorry for you, you are absolutely pathetic.

When all your friends have come and gone,
And the sun no longer shines,
And the happiness for which you long is washed away like an ocean's tide,
When all the hard times outweigh the good,
And all your words are misunderstood,
When the day seems lost from the start
You must follow your heart,
You must follow your heart.

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  (#3978 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 6th 2011, 07:54 PM

This is a load of falsified shit.

Just wait 'til you ask me to return. I will go to town on your arse.

"You, and only you alone,
Can build a bridge across the stream..."

TeenHelper since 07/07/2005.
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  (#3979 (permalink)) Old
losing touch. Offline
oh, really?..
Jeez, get a life!
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 6th 2011, 11:31 PM

the reason i didn't go is because i kept imagining what it would be like if it was the other way round. it's too painful to think about. i hope i didn't let you down.

..and our dreams will break the boundaries of our fears..

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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 6th 2011, 11:42 PM

I looked at those photos. The photos of that perfect day.

Its been three years. Three fucking years. what happens in three years? Everything. Everything breaks and smashes and tumbles to the ground. Its like God picked up our perfect world in a rage and threw us at a wall. We where so fucking beautiful.

Why couldn't you think of anything to say to me? WHY? You texted him telling him you didnt know what to say to me, in fear of getting emotional and upset. Its you and me, you and me, just a fucking smiley face or a kiss. We shouldnt feel awkward. You've made this awkward. I keep thinking over and over...what if you die in America? What if you die and I can't get to you? What if our last words are 'have fun'?! I can't cope with that. I cannot cope with this. I act strong. I am not strong. I don't even need you here. I just need you.

Please phone me soon,or text, or email, or whatever.
I love you mum

If the world is a cold place
Make it your business to start some fires

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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 7th 2011, 12:07 AM

I feel like I've let you down. I feel like I've let myself down. But I don't want to try....if I procrastinate or don't put my effort in then I can rationalize it. Otherwise Im just a failure and a disappointment. Either way though Im kinda a screw up.

I'm just as worried about our house, Grandma and everything else as you are. I'm trying to be strong and not let you see that but while I'm faking this smile... My grades are close to failing and I'm falling apart. You don't know this but these last few years have been incredibly hard for me and most days I just wanted to disappear. Part of me wishes I had and others want to get better. But what does that even mean? How did I get so low?

I haven't cut, burned or anything of the sort in over a month. I don't miss it as much as I thought I would this time but I still want to do it a lot. Right now is one of those times and being alone doesn't make it easy to resist. I guess I just want to feel needed and I guess not so lonely. My best friend is away and my parents are gone. My brothers outside and out and about with friends and idk I went outside to chill with them briefly because really I had nothing else to do and if I stayed inside by myself for the rest of the night I might have done something. It would have been easy to.
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  (#3982 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 7th 2011, 12:41 AM

I don't care. Runaway, leave I just don't care anymore. Both of you argue all the time, i can't take it anymore. I tried to help tried to moderate but nothing stops you and mom fighting. I don't care about either of you.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 7th 2011, 08:34 AM

You have no idea how much I miss you :/

But it will most likely be better this way.

Hopefully, something big will have happened with you before I get back, so that we can be friends again :/

I guess I can at least hope for that...
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 7th 2011, 12:44 PM

It was 3 weeks yesterday we split up, and no matter how hard i try and convince myself it was for the best, i need you and i love you. Breaking up with you was the worst mistake of my life, and something i'm always going to regret, but you're not the person i thought you were. I miss you..


"The stars are always there but we miss them in the dirt and clouds. We miss them in the storms. Tell them to remember hope. We have hope."

"But in the ruins there is still a canvas. There is still beauty in your brokenness. The faded scars show healing reminding me that even though I’ve been in dark places, I’ve survived and learned and become stronger".

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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 7th 2011, 07:53 PM

I'm sick of you not helping out. Why is it up to me to do everything while you sit around playing your video games or go out with Kyle? Can't you see our parents are stressed and we need your help? Sometimes you make me want to just idk...knock sense into you some how.

Make your decision. You can't have everything both ways.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 7th 2011, 08:31 PM

i kinda sorta like you... a lot.

When you can't find your way home,
and when life gets too hard to face on your own.
I will stand as a light through the darkness unknown,
I will walk with you, so you're never alone.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 7th 2011, 10:25 PM

I feel so alone without you in my life. I didn't realise how much you give me hope everyday and how much I rely on you. I'm sorry for that.

I love you so much. Without you by my side it feels like part of me is missing

"Friends are like stars; you don't always see them but you know they are always there"

"It gives me hope. I love you so much. You give me a reason to breathe. Its something for me to not kill myself for" >>> means so much :')

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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 8th 2011, 04:48 AM

Thank you for saying that you'll always remember me as the chick with the purple hair and the voice. You have no idea how much that means to me, how many words I would need to thank you. You are the first person who knows my older siblings, but doesn't refer to me as the kid sister when we first met. You have no idea how good you made me feel. =) Thank you, thank you so much.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 8th 2011, 07:42 AM

We've been together a year. I can say that to your face. And I can say thank you. But what I can't is that without you I'd be dead by now. You've saved my life by sticking by me.

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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 8th 2011, 03:02 PM

Please talk to me.

I need to know you're okay.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 8th 2011, 05:25 PM

i love you so much, i wish we could be together, but i dont want to ruin our friendship. or whatever we have. all i know is.....i love how you make me smile. <3

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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 8th 2011, 08:19 PM

G, I cant believe you did that to her. I mean, I dont know either of you that well. But I know enough to know that if someone tells you something in confidence, as a friend, you dont go blurting it to other people. Nor do you wind her up when she gets annoyed about you doing so. You created a really tense, bad atmosphere today for everyone there. She was visibly upset and you didnt even apologise. What a friend you are...

C, I hope you are okay.., I dont know the full story. But I know he upset you. Chin up and move on, you deserve better than that x
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 10th 2011, 12:41 AM

I hope you're aware of how much disruption you are causing.

Thing is, you probs don't, which means I'm gonna have to spell it out for your sorry arse.

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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 10th 2011, 09:19 PM

I wonder how much she's told you about me&her.

Honey, you're familiar, like my mirror, years ago
I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 11th 2011, 02:13 AM

Second best is good, second best is great, second best is wonderful. But what do I always get? Second best. I'd rather be a complete failure, I'd rather not have the courage to even try because every time I do, where do I end up? Second place, second best! ALWAYS! You know how hard I try, how much work I put into everything I do, you know how after every new second best, it makes it that much harder for me to try again. But I do, every single time. I don't give up. But how much longer can I do this? How many more times can I be told I'm just a smudge away, I'm second best? Ten times? Five times? One? How many times have I been told that I'm close, I just need to put in a little bit more work? Ten? Twenty? Fifty? Lets try a million! Most of those come from you too! Do you not understand that I put everything I've got into what I do, I can't put anymore in!? You know how hard I work, how many extra hours I put in, how hard I get hit every time I'm told I'm only second best. The only thing you don't know is how hard I cry. The only thing you don't know is that when I say there is always next time, the little voice inside of my head is screaming: "GET A GRIP GIRL! YOU CAN'T HANDLE THIS ANYMORE! THERE ISN'T A NEXT TIME FOR YOU! YOU KNOW THIS!". I know that little voice is right, but I must think that I'm invincible. For six years I've been told to just keep working, just keep trying and I'll get best. Well guess what? I'm as close as I'm ever gonna get. I've put everything I have into what I do, and I don't have anything else to give. Second best isn't good enough, just let me quit. Please, I love it so much, but it only hurts me. Please, just let me quit for once in my life! PLEASE!
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 11th 2011, 02:51 AM

I can't apologize if I don't think I'm doing anything wrong.
I know you think I'm just going to fall for him again, but I'm not.
It's okay, I'm strong.
I just need to know if he's okay...I'm worried. Really worried.
I keep having these horrible nightmares and daydream scenarios of how he could be living right now...of the ways he could die, and it would be my fault..
I'm filled with guilt, sadness, anger, and longing.
Please. I need this.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 12th 2011, 05:05 PM

Why did you ask yesterday if we were ok?? It's really been bothering me. Do you not think so??

Why did you ask if I was sure when I said I love you??

Honey, you're familiar, like my mirror, years ago
I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door
Níl a shíltear mar a bhítear.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 12th 2011, 11:22 PM

I see the way you look at me.
I hear the way you talk to your friends about me.
I see the way you try to make me jealous.
I hear the way you always talk loud enough for me to hear.

I hate the stares.
I hate that you tell them everything that happened.
I hate that I actually do get jealous.
I hate that I always keep listening when you say such awful things.

You were able to love me for a year and a half..
Why not now? /:

When you can't find your way home,
and when life gets too hard to face on your own.
I will stand as a light through the darkness unknown,
I will walk with you, so you're never alone.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 14th 2011, 01:22 PM

Text backkk, stop making me unreasonably annoyed at you or I'll start dreading tonight.

Honey, you're familiar, like my mirror, years ago
I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door
Níl a shíltear mar a bhítear.
Things are not always what they seem.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - May 15th 2011, 03:54 AM

I really hate feeling like this towards you because it downright terrifies me to death of what you would do or how you would respond. I know you pretty well though, at least I think I do. But despite me wanting something more between us with every fiber of my being I know it will never happen. Because if it did and it doesn't work, I know I would lose you forever and I'd rather die than let that happen. I guess the only thing that I have left to hang to is your friendship and cherish every moment I have with you.
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