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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 15th 2009, 07:00 AM
-Just in case you haven't figured it out, my brother isn't the one who thinks all those terrible things about you-- I am. I still like you, but you really need to go fuck yourself.
-I'm sick of playing your games.
-I consider you to be a friend, and I think I love you.
-I miss you, which is ridiculous because I'm not even supposed to care about you.
-I know what you think about me, and you're wrong. It's not that you haven't seen anything. It's that you haven't seen anything yet.
-Okay, so you can be really fucking stupid. I realized that you're overly critical of me, which is ironic because I'm not the one fucking up your life. Stop taking out your life on everyone around you and do something about it. (By the way, your art isn't all that wonderful. And if you ever move to Paris-- which is doubtful-- I'm not visiting you.)
-Your mood swings are fucking unnecessary, and I can't believe I'm about to live with them for the next three years. You could be happy if you just stopped pouting for once in your life.
-You are so much smarter than me. But I can outthink you.
-You're not tired-- you're lazy. You're also fake. And you've been getting on my last nerve lately.
-I really have a hard time liking you some days. I don't understand why everything I say is so laughable to you. You need to start taking me seriously.
-Why won't you just come find me already?
Nom ;D
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 15th 2009, 10:02 AM
no i'm not alright, i'm hurting. i want to hurt myself. but i'm not letting you know.
There's always light at the end of a tunnel, even if you have to pass a few bends to see it.
Proud reciever of a glance from Kyo xD
Mada tooi anataboshi
Touch My Deathstick
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 15th 2009, 05:29 PM
I don't care so why should you.
Nom ;D
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 15th 2009, 07:16 PM
i love you =( i'm sorry ='(
There's always light at the end of a tunnel, even if you have to pass a few bends to see it.
Proud reciever of a glance from Kyo xD
Mada tooi anataboshi
...and pitchfork red
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 15th 2009, 08:24 PM
why don't you come to me anymore???
why do i have to draw hints from little things, and find the big problem/s on here?
do you need to be anonymous? or is it just me?
is it because of what happened last summer?
because it's over now, i swear.
i understand if you can't forget it.
i don't think i'll ever forget it.
but i have experience
so i can help
if you let me.
(& to someone completely different...:
Have a free hug.

Why be stingy? Take another.

It's gonna be okay.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 15th 2009, 08:34 PM
I just don't care about you anymore.
You're everything I know that makes me believe
I'm not alone
You're in everyone I see
So tell me
Do you see me?
They'll never know.
I've been here a while ********
Name: Faith
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 15th 2009, 10:12 PM
Pringle – I couldn’t send it you, I couldn’t say anything to you…the blank email page was there. Your address was in the “to” box. There was a flashing cursor…but I just couldn’t type anything. What was I meant to say? You wanted me to go, I blew my chance of trying to get you to stay in my life. I’m trying to get better sis, I really am trying. Just sometimes, it’s harder than most days. Sometimes I need you to fall back on. Sometimes I forget that you’re not there and I come crashing down to the ground in tears. Someway, somehow I hope you see this. It’s been a year though, maybe you don’t even remember me, I hope at least I left some kind of mark. Everyday I look at that poem you wrote about us…and the chat logs. You made the days easier Pringle, you don’t know how much of an impact you had. Will you ever know?
A – I’m going to call you tomorrow or Wednesday, please find a way to cheer me up. Please tell me you’ll come see me, please even speak to me. I miss your voice.
R – 2 months this week, I want to go back in time to the park more time. 2 months last Friday you kissed me. The cuddle, closeness, your hair in my face, trying to look in my eyes. Everything. Just one last time.
You were the angel of my life, taught me to be free Now I'm a stranger in your eyes.
Last edited by *Faith*; June 16th 2009 at 10:45 PM.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 16th 2009, 01:14 AM
Thanks for ruining everything. I hope you realize how much this has affected me..again. I want it to escape my mind so badly but it won't go away. I can't believe you.
When all your friends have come and gone,
And the sun no longer shines,
And the happiness for which you long is washed away like an ocean's tide,
When all the hard times outweigh the good,
And all your words are misunderstood,
When the day seems lost from the start
You must follow your heart,
You must follow your heart.
Maturity is Relative
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Name: Kimmie
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 16th 2009, 01:39 AM
I don't even know why you even want to be friends with me'd care less if I wasn't. Then again, I was the one who broke it off because I was tired of 'making you feel hopeless' as you put it and now you come back and want to be friends again then say I don't care anymore. You confuse me, so fuck you then. I won't look into the past anymore and I won't try to fix us like last time. It's done.
Why won't you talk to me anymore? It's been months since we hung out. I miss you dammit..Then again, I guess I should make an effort too, but I don't want to bother you. Everytime I do, you're always busy or not home...
My crush on you has sort of dissipated, it's still there just not as strong as it was before not since you told me the details of what happened on your trip. You really have changed and I'm starting to wonder whether I like you that way anymore. It's amazing how I just move on from one guy to another, but I just don't make any moves. I'm no serial dater.
"I will never let you fall."
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Name: Alissandra (Bella)
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 16th 2009, 01:49 AM
Why did you cheat on me? Am I not good enough for you? I just want you to try in this relationship. Sometimes, I feel like you're not trying at all, and you're just giving up. I love you so much. I never want to let you go. I cant wait to hold you in my arms for the very first time. Just a few more days, and I'll show you what true love is. I hope I dont let you down. I'll change your thoughts all around about everything, just wait. I miss the old person I fell in love with. The sweet you. I miss the way you would make everything better. Im not ready to move on into a serious relationship, dont you see?
I will never let you fall. But if you do, ill just pick you right back up. If you dont get up, I'll sit right beside you.
.//b e l i e v e;
JustCallMyName You'llBeOkay, YourScreamIsBurningThroughMyVeins. -Breaking Benjamin
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 16th 2009, 04:40 PM
When we were together you always said you loved me but you never acted like you did. You made me feel so small and insignificant, i got so depressed and i started to self harm, i'm not blaming you for that but it was partly your fault. When i first dumped you i cried for ages, i thought i still loved you but its obviouse now that you hate me, always have and now i have began to hate you. Sinse we broke up you have told me that you didnt even love me, that you went out with me because you 'felt like it' and you've also gone behind my back calling me a lesbian slut and i have no friends. I'd like to point out that i have lots more friends than you, that i've got a new boyfriend and that you weren't calling me a slut when you had your tounge down my throat. I can't actually bring myself to think i kissed you. The very idea now repulses me, i dont get what i liked in you! Everytime i see you i want to punch your face in but i'm trying to resist. Pity your in all of my lessons. I just can't seem to escape you!! It's ok though, because you blank me out and i blank you out, the only time we speak is when we're arguing and i'm happy about that because i have finally realised that its not me thats nothing without you. It's you thats nothing without me. I pitty the next girl that likes you. Poor unfortunate girl, she'll learn the hard way like i did. Goodbye Stephen and good luck in the future. I hope you can one day not be so mean and will perhaps realise that a gilrs heart is not to be messed with, its not a toy or a play thing. So goodbye, i'm glad to be rid of you and i'm sure your glad to be rid of me.
P.S: I am having difficulty stopping my current boyfriend from beating the living daylights out of you, sorry if he does, after all i'm just that stupid lesbian slut. What can i do?
I'll be your hope.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 16th 2009, 05:47 PM
I'm falling for you. And i know you have a girlfriend, and i know she's one of my friends. but how can you let her treat you like this? you know she goes and flirts with other guys ALL THE TIME then she comes back and talks about how much she likes being with those guys. you should also know all those sweet text she's ever sent yeah that was me. i hope you know that. you should know she and her ex are talking about getting back together. you're so sweet and you deserve better. I love how you fall on to me to help you. Don't you think it's funny how when you're sucidal she doesn't care? and i sit her and text you until you promise me you won't do anything? don't you find it funny how much i care about you and she doesn't even care enough to fucking text you? I love how you makes me smile and i love how you care so much about our friendship. I can actually be myself aroud you and tell you everything. we can joke for hours about super stupid things. we pretend to argue forever just to make eachother feel better about ourselves. you know my biggest secrets and when you text me i smile no matter what kinda of mood i'm in. and when you ask me for help i sit there wait for a text from you so i can make you feel better. I really shouldn't like you like this i know that but i do. and all my friends can see it.. except your girlfriend. the night at the movie theater.. i secretly couldn't help but wish that was me. maybe i'm just pathetic. or desperate. i don't know, all i know is that i like you a lot and i care about you a lot. maybe you're the reason i can't stay with my boyfriends, maybe i can't help but think about you.. maybe...
Failure is not falling; it is remainin where you have fallen. .
You laugh because i'm d.i.f.f.e.r.e.n.t, I laugh because you're all the s.a.m.e.
Last Self Harm:08/04/11
Last edited by Perfectly*Imperfect; June 17th 2009 at 02:14 AM.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 16th 2009, 06:21 PM
I love you Christina.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 16th 2009, 06:22 PM
Mom's planning to leave you. 
Nom ;D
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 17th 2009, 07:19 PM
i can't stop thinking about kissing you.
There's always light at the end of a tunnel, even if you have to pass a few bends to see it.
Proud reciever of a glance from Kyo xD
Mada tooi anataboshi
Cookie monster
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 17th 2009, 07:38 PM
I miss you...
~Jess x 17|10|09
Whenever your world starts crashing down That's where you'll find me
done w/all the fake ppl
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 17th 2009, 07:49 PM
your really making me think about hurting myself again,not just hurting myself again,but your making me think about if you really care,why would you say you hate me and that you wish i'd die or that someone would kill me? what the fuck have i done to you?!
done w/all the fake ppl
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 17th 2009, 08:01 PM
you dont understand what it means to me that you hate me.
you dont understand what it does to me everytime you say you hate me.
you dont care what it does to me everytime you say it.
you dont want to care about me.
you wish i didnt exist.
you wish we werent related.
you wish your friends didnt know.
you wish sara's mom didnt hate me.
you wish i would be normal.
well guess what?
im not normal.
i didnt tell your friends.
i know sara's mom hates me,oh fucking well.
sometimes i wish we werent related either.
sometimes i wish you didnt exist too.
but i dont tell you i hate you.
i dont tell you i wish youd die or that someone would kill you.
i try to protect you,you dont notice it,but i do.
i try to keep you out of the problems i had,so you wont start the shit i got into.
i try to keep you away from friends who will only hurt or use you because i know how bad that feels.
but,you,you dont care or notice this.
im not gonna stop protecting you just because you wish id die or because you hate me or because you wish someone would kill me.
your my little sister,im not going to let you slip into what i did. i will NOT!!!
Nom ;D
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Name: Jessy
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 17th 2009, 08:12 PM
I think I might convert to satanism... if any religion's for me, that is =P
There's always light at the end of a tunnel, even if you have to pass a few bends to see it.
Proud reciever of a glance from Kyo xD
Mada tooi anataboshi
done w/all the fake ppl
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 17th 2009, 11:36 PM
actually you know what,you spoiled little bitch,i think im done protecting you from your so called friends. maybe after you realize how bad they can hurt you and how much it hurts to be stabbed in the back by them you'll realize what ive gone through with almost every single one of my friends and finally leave me alone about having so little friends.
there,happy,you finally pshed your big sister far enough to the edge that shes giving up on protecting you from those harsh little cunts you call friends who talk about you behind your back(you should hear the shit they call you).
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 17th 2009, 11:52 PM
Your boyfriend treats you like dirt! you let him walk all over you..... how did you let him make you so weak, he has complete control over you!
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Name: Jillian
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 18th 2009, 12:08 AM
You're a fucking joke, and so is your business. Someday you're going to wish you were a lot nicer to me.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 18th 2009, 12:20 AM
x) I Don't want your ex to come round yours. =( I hated it. It hurt okay yes I was jealous. But like what the heck why do you want him to come round? He hurt you? Why do you wish for his company then? And even more what got to me you know what your capable of the both of you.. But you still let him round?has much that its killing me knowing he is with you whilst i talk to you, i wont tell you to stop he obviously akes you happy.. id rather u happy then depressed. because i love you. please dont stop seeing him on my behalve.
z) you should come back.. but i cant take your lies.. so mayb stay away? do you think u will ever stop lying?
Always happy to help =) I Love Andrea.... =)  Forever.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 18th 2009, 09:47 AM
it's been exactly a year since i saw you, and you looked so healthy and i was looking forward to getting you home, then what went wrong? we know you didn't want to go, i hope your looking after me cos i really need you right now x
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Name: Lindsay
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 18th 2009, 05:17 PM
i can't believe you would dare say you care so much. when you hurt me every day. It makes me uncomfortable just having you in my room. bitch. i don't know why you can't love your own daughter for who she is.
"If you are going to tell the truth, be funny, or they'll kill you."
-Billy Wilder

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Name: Lyn
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 18th 2009, 05:44 PM
Look, asshole, don't you dare tell my kitten that I'm just a place-holder. Fuck you. I'm her mistress and girlfriend, not some object of your control. She doesn't speak to you as often as she likes. 5 minutes every 3 or 4 weeks? You are no master. She cries over you, and you don't deserve sympathy. Just end it already. She deserves better. Frankly, she deserves someone who treats her right, like I do. To say you're not worth her tears is an understatement. Just buzz off and leave her future to me. I know how to make her happy, cuffs and all. My kitten is just that, MINE.
They'll never know.
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Name: Faith
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 18th 2009, 09:55 PM
In 2 months, you'll know everything. What you do with it is your choice.
You were the angel of my life, taught me to be free Now I'm a stranger in your eyes.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 18th 2009, 10:03 PM
Um, I love you.
Thanks for putting up with me <.<

~3 year member~
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 19th 2009, 01:03 AM
wow really?
you wouldn't stop for me, but you did for her?
well thanks.
another one to add to the list of things that make me feel worthless.
Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained
Remember happy?
PM me anytime.
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Name: Lyn
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 19th 2009, 04:11 AM
Fuck you both. You toyed with me for nearly 3 whole months. What did I do? I cared. I loved. And I got played. She never wanted me. Always him. Why? Because she, oh how did you put it? "Needed someone there in real life until you could be there." BULL-FUCKING-SHIT. Fuck you both. I don't need you. I'll stick to myself, thanks. I'll do what I did before, and do what's best for ME.
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Name: Lee Awesome
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 19th 2009, 10:23 AM
If all of you don't start supporting my dreams, I'm gone. I'll never forgive you fully either. Ffs my co-worker supports me, helps me to get towards my goal. You lot just snicker behind my back and tell me that you hope I hate my dream. You're meant to be my family.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 19th 2009, 01:34 PM
i smoked earlier. it was nice. felt so guilty after tho.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 19th 2009, 10:35 PM
you all have betrayed me, your all shit friends just fuck you GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY LIFE YOU PIECES OF SHIT unrealiable wankers you made me this insecure resentfull twat THANK YOU NOW FUCK OFF AND DIE
well that was angry...
Last edited by DistanceIsDarkness; June 19th 2009 at 10:45 PM.
Reason: Multiple posts have been merged automatically.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 20th 2009, 06:14 AM
Arrogant, sexist pigs like you deserve to be shot in the fucking dick. I'll never forget the time I wasted on, nor will I accept your pathetic half assed apology. I've never disliked someone this much. Enjoy your herpes.
I need to get over you. It's been so long. I've met someone amazing. Why am I still carrying a passionate hatred for you?!
Help my little eggiweggs! =D Prease?
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Name: Beth
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 21st 2009, 04:23 AM
When I opened that card today, and saw those words, I actually felt like you loved me as much as mom. Too bad you can only write them.
When all your friends have come and gone,
And the sun no longer shines,
And the happiness for which you long is washed away like an ocean's tide,
When all the hard times outweigh the good,
And all your words are misunderstood,
When the day seems lost from the start
You must follow your heart,
You must follow your heart.
They'll never know.
I've been here a while ********
Name: Faith
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 21st 2009, 11:07 AM
BB - don't you dare push my buttons tomorrow, I really don't have the temper for it.
A - I'm proud of you for what you did, you're not heartless! I am.
You were the angel of my life, taught me to be free Now I'm a stranger in your eyes.
They'll never know.
I've been here a while ********
Name: Faith
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 22nd 2009, 09:53 AM
AB - Don't tell me, it'll hurt too much.
You were the angel of my life, taught me to be free Now I'm a stranger in your eyes.
Peep ^_^
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 26th 2009, 01:56 AM
Daddy Dearest, It's a shame.... I don't love you anymore and I want nothing to do with you... I'm so sick of you and the way you treat me.
February 14th, 2009; The day I set my heart free, forever.
3.17.10 7.17.10 7.27.11 7.29.11
i love you...<3
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 27th 2009, 10:22 AM
You have no idea how much I love you.. You always so you love me more but I know for a fact that isnt true. If you loved me as much as I loved you than you would quit doing drugs for me like you promised you would try. You dont understand how much it hurts me.. I'm scared your going to hurt me... Loving you as much as I do hurts you know.. if you loved me as much as I loved you it wouldnt hurt though. I havent been this happy in a long time.. but i also havent been this sad in a long time either.. im either extremly happy or really sad... right now im sad... your off doing all these things.. and your bestfriend is the one making me feel better... shouldnt you be the one doing that? he tells me sweet things that he would do that your not doing.. i kind of like him.. which i feel bad about.. i still love you with all my heart and soul.. but i still like him a lil bit.. this wouldnt have happend if you would have kept your promise you made me... you said you would do your best in the relstionship.. and you were gonna try your best not to fuck anything up.. yeah... i never want you to promise me anything ever again... it will only hurt me more.. i cant stop crying..i love you so much. i miss you so much. i wanna be in your arms right now.. but if i was with you right now you would see me crying.. and i dont want you to know how upset this makes me.. its stupid.. ive been talking to your bestfriend all night.. well its moring now cuz we pulled an all nighter.. cuz you fell asleep while texting me.. but whatever.. i love you so much... i just wish that you loved me as much as i love you...
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Name: Silje
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Location: A little bit all over
Posts: 47
Join Date: June 14th 2009
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
June 27th 2009, 01:00 PM
S: I love you so insanely much, and I wish you could love me back though I know you never will. You keep joking that if I were a guy we'd be the perfect couple (heck, everyone already thinks we are a couple), and I keep thinking to myself that we could be now too.
On another note, you're my lifesaver.
Also, you're beautiful, I just wish you'd realize that.
K: I miss you. I need you. Please. Pleasepleaseplease, just don't push me away.
"All because of you
I believe in angels.
Not the kind with wings,
no, not the kind with halos"
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