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  (#681 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 5th 2009, 01:26 AM

I worked so hard so that you could see me walk and get my diploma. Now your not coming. I've been here your whole life, don't you remember me? I don't understand. I used to be so important to you. It's not okay. It's not okay. I'm never gonna forget those words now. I DONT CARE WHETHER SHE'S THERE! I JUST WANT YOU THERE! ='[

When all your friends have come and gone,
And the sun no longer shines,
And the happiness for which you long is washed away like an ocean's tide,
When all the hard times outweigh the good,
And all your words are misunderstood,
When the day seems lost from the start
You must follow your heart,
You must follow your heart.

Last edited by Beth.; June 5th 2009 at 01:43 AM.
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  (#682 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 5th 2009, 09:25 PM

What I would like to say...

I hate you, I hate that you drink. I hate that you will not listen. I hate the fact that you will not help me with anything. I can't stand being around you.


Some say the world will end in fire Some say in ice
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire
But if it had to perish twice
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great And would suffice.
-- Robert Frost--
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  (#683 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 5th 2009, 09:35 PM

Nessie- Thanks for this week, for talking to me backstage, eating lunch with me Wednesday, for making me smile when I was so nervous about winning that award. You are truely one of the most amazing people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.

Shoe- Thanks for the life lesson backstage yesterday. It's a pleasure as well as an honor to attend the same school that you did. You were right, we all need to write our legacy at some point in our lives. I think I know what mine will be, and your retiring address was amazing. Good job.

Minden- Freak accident. I don't remember if I talked to any of you Tuesday or Wednesday before I left Monroe. But I do know, all three of you were amazing people, while, I never saw or talked to anyone that saw the wreck, it really shouldn't have happend. To the one person in ICU at St. Francis, Good luck. I hope you'll be okay. You have 1,139+ people who are pulling for you. Get better soon, okay?

Northeast- Thank you, alot. You guys became my friends with little talking. Although I never got to say it, I love you guys okay? alot.

Savannah- I love you. Best frann. Schleeeerrpp! =]

Beaux Comeaux- Geaux Tigers. ;]

Ethan- You're my hero.

February 14th, 2009;
The day I set my heart free, forever.

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  (#684 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 6th 2009, 12:10 PM

I love you, everything about you. You're the only person I can see, the subject of all my poetry.I wish you loved me back, but that's pretty impossible...
This is a cool thread, it's like PostSecret
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  (#685 (permalink)) Old
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maybe this time...
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 6th 2009, 12:54 PM

You want to be friends again?
Seriously, WTF?
How the hell am I meant to trust you? You broke my heart and then deserted me. I hate you. I wish you realised that and just left me alone. The more time I spend around you the more hurt I get. Please, just go.

Feel free to PM me

We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think its forever
-Carl Sagan

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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 6th 2009, 12:58 PM

Mum&Dad: This is why i want to be a youth worker [explain]
X: I Love You

Dream ♥

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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 6th 2009, 02:17 PM

Go... Just... go...

How can one love themselves, when they love absolutely nothing?
Do something that is interesting. If it is not interesting, find out why it is not interesting.
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  (#688 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 6th 2009, 03:16 PM

I love you. I guess I always will. I just hate what you're doing with your life.
I love being with you, but I know that if we ever break up I'm probably not going to fall in love with a guy again.

I still hurt. I still feel. I'm still afraid. I cannot be expected to care about all your problems.

I wish you'd see the good times instead of what went wrong.
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  (#689 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 6th 2009, 08:35 PM

You ARE pretentious. And it's a BAD thing. Stop showing off about it.

Just shut up, you really piss me off sometimes.
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  (#690 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 7th 2009, 07:47 AM

I hate that I still feel like I'm nothing to you and I hate that you let me feel that way.
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  (#691 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 7th 2009, 12:17 PM

mom: im not bi, im gay

"No one can make you feel inferior with out your consent" Eleanor Roosevelt

"Come on:
Gentle my lord, sleek o'ver your rugged looks;
Be bright an jovial among your guests to-night"
(Macbeth, Act3, Scene2, William Shakespeare)

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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 7th 2009, 05:24 PM

I know you don't realise this but Im falling apart inside. Every time you ask me how I am I tell you Im fine. Well, guess what, Im not. All I want is to scream at you, scream that Im not OK, scream for you to help me. I don't though, I stay quiet. If only you could see how much Im hurting inside, how hard it is. The reason everyone thinks im fine is because of the pretense I keep up... I know you can tell somethings up so please, just help me. I want to let you in but you really have no idea how scared I am to just say it. I wish you would realise and just ask me because I am so close to giving up. I don't know how much more I can take. I just need saving. Help me. Please?

PM // VM
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  (#693 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 7th 2009, 08:10 PM

You're such an immature child. You seem to be trying to come inbetween me, and my best friends. Which in fact, one of them, who you stalk, has NO FEELINGS FOR YOU. Will you ever learn? One thing you need to get hammered through your skull... I speak my mind. I always have. I'm not afraid; You're just behind a computer screen. I don't know why you think that I actually care about what you think of me... In fact, I never liked you. You're just some annoying person who tends to talk and talk and talk. I have all the friends I need; And I love them. I don't need you in my life to keep me living.

[Jer] Oh. And I have a habit of attracting whales, too.
Anything that's sea-like. I'm like a gay aqua man.

[Jesmica] Mark makes me want to have lots of children.

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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 7th 2009, 09:08 PM

Today's been a really difficult day, I got home and as soon as I got changed I knew that all I needed was to come home to you and everything would have been fine. I'm finding it so hard when i'm not with you. Sometimes just seeing your face makes my life alot better.

H a p p i n e s s.
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  (#695 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 8th 2009, 02:41 PM

How can you tell me not to get too close to her, when it's you who introduced us?

There's always light at the end of a tunnel, even if you have to pass a few bends to see it.

Proud reciever of a glance from Kyo xD

Mada tooi anataboshi
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 8th 2009, 07:01 PM

i love you, over anything that matters to me in my life and in this world.
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  (#697 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 9th 2009, 07:13 PM

You are a bitch and a whore and you couldn't get a blow up doll to do you. Whore.

“I can only hope that they’ll turn that anger and frustration and madness into something positive, so that two, three, four, five hundred will step forward, so the gay doctors will come out, the gay lawyers, the gay judges, gay bankers, gay architects … I hope that every professional gay will say ‘enough’, come forward and tell everybody, wear a sign, let the world know. Maybe that will help.” Harvey Milk, 1978

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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 9th 2009, 07:17 PM

this proves it. it's been proved. yeah, so you say i might not be this way forever, that it could just be a phase, that it's typical of my age and what with my friendship circle and so on and on and on...
well THIS PROVES IT. for now, at the very least, I AM BISEXUAL.
it doesn't make it any less embarrassing...=l
i dreamt about ... you.

Have a free hug.

Why be stingy? Take another.

It's gonna be okay.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 9th 2009, 07:40 PM

Jake, I spend everyday thinking about you. You were once my whole world. I should regret things with you but i don't, I would do anything for things to change back to the way they were, it's too late now...
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 9th 2009, 07:45 PM

Remember when I said I don't loved you anymore?

Yeah, I lied.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 10th 2009, 07:18 PM

I'm so sorry. I can't even put it into words how crap I feel about it all. I never wanted to hurt you...

And I can't even bring myself to say it to your face.


~Jess x

Whenever your world starts crashing down
That's where you'll find me
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 10th 2009, 07:26 PM

I'm the bitch, you're the whore. Why did you let it come to this?

You were the angel of my life, taught me to be free
Now I'm a stranger in your eyes.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 10th 2009, 10:01 PM

I actually KNOW what your doing. And okay yes you have got to me. I wouldn't say you have won thoough.
I want you to stop it I can SEEE what your doing. What I do know is that you want me to react. So because I know thats what you want im just going to have to sit and bare it.
Why oh why oh why did it come to this in the first place.?

B) Put me straight for heavens sake ure pissing me off now.

Always happy to help =)
I Love Andrea.... =)
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  (#704 (permalink)) Old
i love you...<3
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Red face Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 13th 2009, 03:33 AM

I love you so much. Well you already know that part.. but ive never met anyone who has made me more happy then you. I dont want us to ever end. I dont care how long we date.. its not gonna be long enough. I dont care how old we are I love you so much. I cant beleive you love me back... I dont understand. But it doesnt matter anymore. I dont care why or how you love me. I just love hearing that you do. I love hearing your voice, I love when you arms are around me. I love kissing you. I love every second that I'm with you, and every second that I'm not with you I miss you so much. It's un healthy how much I think about you really.. I wish I could be with you everyday. I could never get tired of seeing you or being with you. I just love you so much. The sad thing is... if you broke up with me... we wouldnt even be able to be friends.. it would be way to hard for me... to see you... and know that you used to love me... and know that your arms used to hold me whenever you were around me. It would kill me. You think I'm kidding, but I'm not. I cant see my life without you. That's pretty sad... but it true. You dont understand how much I love you and what a big part of my life you are. There's never a single second of time that I'm not thinking about you. If anything ever happend to you I dont know what I would do.. prolly kill the bitch that did it to you lol. I know you think you care about me more, and love me more. but i just.. im not good at showing my feelings... idk.. i dont want you to think im stupid.. i love you to much.. i dont wanna do something to make you not love me anymore. If you stopped loving me... idk what I would do.. Well actually I do.. I' cry.. and cry.. and cry.. for like over a month. I've never loved someone as much as I love you b4...but yeah... just wanted you to know how much I actually love you. <3
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 13th 2009, 03:42 AM

I'm so sick of all your crap and two-faced lies. You honestly make me sick with every fiber of my being. I loathe seeing you, hearing your voice, and even being trapped in the same room as you. I honestly can't believe you would pull the same crap as you did last time. Then you had the nerve to ask for my forgiveness, and I was stupid enough to hand it over. Quit taking advantage of my emotions you jerk. Oh, and I'm sick of you bitching about how you're a failure. Damn right you are! You brought it on yourself! Stop complaining about one of the best teachers this side of the earth has ever seen when you're too much of a pathetic excuse of a student to even do the assignment. Seriously, go back to Pre-K and let me know when you grow up.

... Because you know I still love you.

Last edited by Good Morning; June 13th 2009 at 03:46 AM. Reason: angry grammar fail
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 13th 2009, 03:49 AM

please don't hurt me.

Failure is not falling; it is remainin where you have fallen.
You laugh because i'm d.i.f.f.e.r.e.n.t, I laugh because you're all the s.a.m.e.

Last Self Harm:08/04/11
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 13th 2009, 03:57 AM


I have struggled with depression. I have self harmed. I have thought of committing suicide. I have done your job. I am the mother in this family not you. The only thing you ever did for me or your other two kids was discipline us. You never nurtured us.
This is for you:

What do you want me to say?
Do you want me to say I’m sorry
For not wanting to hear you bitch
For wanting to be a teenager
For not wanting to take care of everything
For wanting you to take care of me…
I will never say sorry for any of that

But I will say sorry
For trying to hold everything together
When hell was all we faced
And I’m sorry
For holding you when you cried
Knowing you would never hold me
Just wait till I’m gone
Then you will appreciate me.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 13th 2009, 04:10 AM

To my mom:

Apparently I'm the one who does everything wrong. Everything is my fault.
It's everyone else's fault, but NEVER your fault. What do you have against me?!
You're just SO perfect, you can't do anything wrong. I wish you could come to facts that I do have depression, I have tried to kill myself, and I DO need help!
It's not just symptoms, I'm not crazy, I think I know myself a little better than you do!
Just because I'm your daughter and I take your verbal abuse all the time, doesn't mean I want to be what you've always wanted me to do.
Let me live MY life, and don't force me to be you!
I am not, nor never will be you.
I've tried to get help from you for so many things, but yet you won't listen to me.
I wouldn't be suprised if you burned everything of mine if something happend to me.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 13th 2009, 04:10 PM

Pringle – 2 years ago you were my best friend and the closest thing I had to a big sister, we were inseparable. You knew me inside out and I couldn’t lie to you. 1 year ago you walked away and my world came crashing down. I thought I wouldn’t be able to survive without you. I’m still standing, shaky but here. There's no explanation as to why, the ground beneath me is crumbling pretty quickly. You changed me into a better person and now I’m losing her because I’m without you. I know you’re going to be 18 in over 2months. Do you know that’ll I’ll be 18 in 7 months? Come back to me? It’s the only thing I want.
I started lying to people again Pringle, you were right, it gets me nowhere if anything it makes things worse.
Did I tell I went to prom in a dress? Did I tell you that ‘it’ went to?? I want so badly to show the pictures so we can have a laugh like we always used to.
Everything I look at reminds me of you. Heh, now I know how bad I hurt you when I tried to leave you. Y’know I have £200 saved up still for when I was going to come see you? You were right that people can’t do it alone, I lost you, I lost many and because of that I’ve lost my way.
Maybe I’ll send this to you tonight, maybe I’ll tell you all that’s happened in this past year. Maybe you’ll come back and make it better.

BB - Why do you pass judgement upon someone you don’t even know or understand? I know you hate me and I’m fine with that, you can hate me as much as you like. You know it won’t affect me. But do you really have to judge my drawings? In the past 5yrs you’ve never spoken to me unless there were only a few of us in the form and you were bored so you thought it would be good to have some fun with the girl in the corner. You saw what I’m capable of when you tested me, try it again and I will come back 10x worse. I have never once bothered you and in all honesty I try to avoid you. Why can’t you do the same?
Laugh in my face about the SH, about the rape, about the fact I'm 'different'. Laugh! See what happens when you push me as far as I can go! Dare me to jump off a cliff, you know I'm not afraid to.

You were the angel of my life, taught me to be free
Now I'm a stranger in your eyes.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 13th 2009, 04:43 PM

A) Regret is a horrible thing to feel it really is. I have these images in my head, where i find you in the storming rain thunder lightning and pouring rain and im just in a T-shirt holding those big cards one saying "COME BACK" another saying "IM SORRRY" and another saying "I MISS YOU LETS START FRESH" and you run and hug me.. and everything is back to normal, I'm sorry okay? Im sorry. And I'm too friggin stubborn to tell you I made the wrong descision. You seemed to have moved on though, like you seem fine so i'll leave you be. But gosh do i miss you.

b) I know you don't like me its fine,To be honest i would rather you didn't it'll be weird. I don't like you, you annoy me and im scared of you.. I talk to you because im being civil.... Oh dear your really annoying me please just shutup.

c) I'v developed feelings for you.. In a way that I care nothing more then that. I swear its like a motherly daughter love. I feel responsible for you and I have no clue why. I have such a soft spot for you I really do. Gosh its really weird, I'm sorry if you feel like i be little you when there is only 2 years between us. But wow I cant help be so protective over you.

Always happy to help =)
I Love Andrea.... =)
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 13th 2009, 07:08 PM

Wow, you really are gay! You're just damn lucky I was blind enough to ask you out. Peace out. ;D

Live and let live.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 14th 2009, 01:28 PM

~ Call me. It's been three fucking days. Are you pissed at me or something?¿

~ That was so weird seeing you yesterday :P
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 14th 2009, 01:43 PM

` I love you, I may not say it very often but I really do. Please give me time to open up to you. I may not be the perfect girlfriend in the world but believe me, I'm trying. God, I'm trying.

``` I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I’m awake, you know? – Ernest Hemingway.

Last edited by anonymous326; June 14th 2009 at 01:50 PM. Reason: Multiple posts have been merged automatically.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 14th 2009, 06:47 PM

Fuck you. I don't have to be there for you whenever things go badly with Josh, but I am. I don't know why. Fuck you.

There's always light at the end of a tunnel, even if you have to pass a few bends to see it.

Proud reciever of a glance from Kyo xD

Mada tooi anataboshi
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 14th 2009, 07:05 PM

Stop telling me what I can and can't do! I know what I'm going to say on Monday, I'm going to tell him what you did to me! And I'm going to go down alone, I don't care what you say, I need to go down there to find myself.

You were the angel of my life, taught me to be free
Now I'm a stranger in your eyes.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 14th 2009, 07:18 PM

I know you want me to give you a chance to 'prove your love to me' as you put it, but I can't. I know how you are, I've seen how you are with girlfriends and frankly, I don't want to be one of them. Stop asking me.

A part of me is still angry with you for choosing her..I feel like I was just a stand in until she was available so you wouldn't have been alone. You said you were happy with me, but I know it's lie. After all, you did get her pregnant.

I think I'm starting to fall in love with you again. You just seem riight to me. Last time you knew I liked you, but never did anything about it. However, silly me, I don't even know if you're with someone or not. I'm too nervous to ask, but still I'll always admire you.

I don't know what it is with you...it's my mind I guess..but everytime I see you I feel like hitting you or kissing you...Damn the feeling..I feel like such a ho..

Last edited by Alucard; June 14th 2009 at 07:42 PM.
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 14th 2009, 07:36 PM

does it mean you don't love me?

There's always light at the end of a tunnel, even if you have to pass a few bends to see it.

Proud reciever of a glance from Kyo xD

Mada tooi anataboshi
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 15th 2009, 12:46 AM

Baby, Will You Marry Me?

February 14th, 2009;
The day I set my heart free, forever.

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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 15th 2009, 12:48 AM

I'm still madly in love with you and if i can't have you we need to stop talking.. it hurts too much..

Thanks for putting up with me <.<

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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - June 15th 2009, 01:14 AM

ha, i hate your girlfriend. she doesnt even want to see you, i hope you grasp that. but at the same time i dont want you to get hurt. stop asking me to help you.

Don't follow me. I'm lost too
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