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Re: Questions for the opposite sex -
September 11th 2010, 01:44 AM
Originally Posted by Actress
Guys, why do you make fun of us? it doesn't make us like you
Because it's fun. I'm not sure that you're right, anyway. Obviously genuine insults are bad, but teasing always seemed to me like a good way to flirt. It's fun, it makes girls laugh, a witty riposte demonstrates your intelligence and sense of humour, and perhaps most importantly it shows you aren't scared of her. It's a way to be a nice guy without the pathetic, grovelling supplication that whiny "nice guys" default to.
Question for the girls of TH: am I right?
Last edited by Acheron; September 11th 2010 at 01:56 AM.
Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
September 11th 2010, 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by tk338
How did you meet your partner, if you have one?
I'm answering this one because I find it quite entertaining lol. I was at the bowling alley with my best friend Joey, and I decided it was "National Grab-Ass Day" hah. So I asked Joey if I could do it to "that kid" and he said "Sure, but don't be surprised if he does it back." "That kid" was Cory, and we started talking that night, exchanged numbers, and hung out/talked for about a month, and then started dating. It'll be 9 months on Tuesday
Re: Questions for the opposite sex -
October 11th 2010, 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by Geb12596
So I have a question for anyone (i'm not gonna name genders because they are stupid)
What is a good way to win a guys heart?
Originally Posted by Brandon
Be around him more often, have a personality that attracts him and possibility decent looks to attract him.
What he said, though the most you really need to do about your looks is be hygienic usually. If you have to go too far out of your way, it's not worth it. So just talk to him a lot, trust him, and good things can happen.
Why does it seem like girls are either shallow and dumb or bitchy and dumb? Is there no such thing as a nice girl who has a bit of depth?
Originally Posted by crissy97
yes everyone wants to win
i have a question for boys and girls if u dont like them why do u get wid em then dump them and break their hart
People change over time, and people realise a lot of stuff bothers them that they didn't notice at the start; over time the cracks start to show, and the little stuff that seemed insignifigant at the start take root and split it appart like a weed in concrete.
Further more, people over estimate their affection, and confuse love with lust, admiration with envy. Before you know it, these little confusions are corrected, and suddenly stuff you used to like about your partner gain a new light and get on your nerves.
To top that off, nobody stays the same over time. I wasn't the same person I am now than three years ago, and I know 3-years ago me would hate right now me.
Finaly, it seems to many that this happens (to paraphrase Dayne cook): "Love is weird, because when you are single, fuckin everyone is in a relationship. Your friends. Your enemies. The town idiots. Everyone has love except you. Its liek the whole neighbour hood threw a party, and you weren't invited, but you have to pass the party on your way home from work. And it's raining. And everyone inside is having an amazing time.
But once you are in the party, it's like "Where the hell are my shoes?!? Get the me the hell out of this damn building!""
Is love impossible? No. Is it improbable? Yes.
We have always been at war with Eastasia
Last edited by PSY; October 27th 2010 at 06:48 PM.
Reason: Merged consecutive posts.
Re: Questions for the opposite sex -
November 6th 2010, 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by Mel
The title of the thread explains it all! Write down a few questions you'd like to ask the opposite sex. The person who posts below you will answer your questions for you to the best of their ability. If they have any questions, they will be able to ask the questions as well.
Ask as many questions as you'd like, but please refrain from chit-chatting!
1: What do you look for in a girl??
2: Would you immeadiatley turn down a girl with glasses or would you try her for a while??
3: Do you care about breast size??
4: What attracts you most??
Re: Questions for the opposite sex -
November 6th 2010, 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by piglet677
1: What do you look for in a girl??
2: Would you immeadiatley turn down a girl with glasses or would you try her for a while??
3: Do you care about breast size??
4: What attracts you most??
1. Like it says in my profile, I like cute nerdy girls. It also helps if she isn't a bitch.
2. No, I wouldn't. Some girls look really good with them.
3. Not to any great extent. Really tiny or cartoonishly huge ones might be a little weird, but not a deal-breaker. It's more offputting if they're saggy or fake.
4. See my answer to 1.
Re: Questions for the opposite sex -
November 10th 2010, 03:31 AM
this question is for everyone how can a person be with more than one person realtionship wise for example say a guy is going out with a girl and this girl is also dating another girl but both parties know the score
Re: Questions for the opposite sex -
November 10th 2010, 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by confusedperson
this question is for everyone how can a person be with more than one person realtionship wise for example say a guy is going out with a girl and this girl is also dating another girl but both parties know the score
because some people are into that kind of thing and have no problem with it. Heck even some cultures (i'm not sure which ones) allow men to marry multiple woman and so on.To some people they like it and some people don't even consider it cheating etc.
Just preference.
Re: Questions for the opposite sex -
November 12th 2010, 02:04 PM
If a girl/woman will wear black leather boots, a short skirt, a low cut top, or etc. Does that mean they are looking for a good time? I don't mean prostitutes, I mean regular people. It just seems very odd to me that no logic in the world could ever explain why anyone would wear that kind of revealing clothing and the purpose of it would be "for my boyfriend" or some other excuse. I just want an honest and reasonable explanation, as it seems that a good portion of the girls at my school seem like they just want to be picked up and have sex right there in the hallway.
My second question is why would a girl friend seem extremely curious with a hint of irritation that I could possibly have a date with someone else very soon, when she herself just met a guy that she is dating? *illogical dial is picking up again*
Re: Questions for the opposite sex -
November 13th 2010, 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by Work_In_Progress
If a girl/woman will wear black leather boots, a short skirt, a low cut top, or etc. Does that mean they are looking for a good time? I don't mean prostitutes, I mean regular people. It just seems very odd to me that no logic in the world could ever explain why anyone would wear that kind of revealing clothing and the purpose of it would be "for my boyfriend" or some other excuse. I just want an honest and reasonable explanation, as it seems that a good portion of the girls at my school seem like they just want to be picked up and have sex right there in the hallway.
Different strokes for different people, but you've pretty much nailed it anyway (The part I put in bold)
I prefer the "classy but still sexy" look. I don't find the kind of dress you describe to be at all attractive. It's just slutty, and to me, unappealing.
Originally Posted by Work_In_Progress
My second question is why would a girl friend seem extremely curious with a hint of irritation that I could possibly have a date with someone else very soon, when she herself just met a guy that she is dating? *illogical dial is picking up again*
If you have a girlfriend, why are you dating?
If she has a boyfriend, why is she dating?
Sure, if you've both agreed to have an "Open Relationship" then go ahead, but otherwise, I don't see why either of you would need to be dating? If she wants to date another guy at the same time you are her "boyfriend", tell her to get off at the next exit.
Last edited by Colt; November 13th 2010 at 01:20 AM.
Re: Questions for the opposite sex -
November 13th 2010, 01:33 AM
I said girl friend, not girlfriend. haha I apologize if this had confused you. No, this girl is just a friend to me. She was the first person I met at University, sure I had a crush on her, but a few weeks later I realized we would want different things later on in life and I never bothered asking her out.
Re: Questions for the opposite sex -
November 13th 2010, 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by Work_In_Progress
I said girl friend, not girlfriend. haha I apologize if this had confused you. No, this girl is just a friend to me. She was the first person I met at University, sure I had a crush on her, but a few weeks later I realized we would want different things later on in life and I never bothered asking her out.
Okay, so a female acquaintance (who is dating another guy right now) is very curious and slightly irritated that you are dating another girl.
It's certainly just a *maybe*, but perhaps she is a bit jealous about you being with another girl?
I suppose you could sit down and have a bit of a heart to heart about it?
Re: Questions for the opposite sex -
November 13th 2010, 02:23 AM
I have a question for girls.
Why are so many girls "baby crazy"?
We are taught never to shed tears, for to shed tears means that you have been defeated by emotion and that simple act of crying proves, without question, that negative emotions are nothing but a burden.
Re: Questions for the opposite sex -
November 25th 2010, 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by InnerDarkness
I have a question for girls.
Why are so many girls "baby crazy"?
In all honesty I don't understand that. I'm a girl, and I like babies and little kids. Butt I'm not "baby crazy". I think a lot of girls are looking forward to one day having children and a family. That's just my opinion.
Why is it that some guys (it can be anyone really) decide to cut things off when the relationship starts getting serious?
Re: Questions for the opposite sex -
November 27th 2010, 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by BloodKnight2012
A question for the girls: Would you date a tall good-looking but yet kinda skinny guy?
To this question, I understand if the guy is good-looking, but all of us girls have our own preferences as guys have their own. (I'd rather not state my own preferences.) Although, when a girl is getting ready to 'settle-down' I suppose, that is when they have their preferences set, and will end up picking who they prefer in the end.
My question to the guys: How do you deal with a girl that is self-conscious?
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If you can't reach me here, feel free to e-mail me or message me on yahoo. ^_^
Re: Questions for the opposite sex -
November 27th 2010, 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by InnerDarkness
I have a question for girls.
Why are so many girls "baby crazy"?
That's /mostly/ the hormones talking. Girls are built to have babies, so therefore it's natural for most of us to want children. From personal experience, while I love little children and playing with them, I'm not 'baby crazy.' Just awaiting a family in the future happily.
Last edited by Ol' Spazsauce; November 27th 2010 at 11:49 PM.
Reason: typo
Re: Questions for the opposite sex -
November 29th 2010, 04:24 AM
Originally Posted by CrimsonTippedPetals
My question to the guys: How do you deal with a girl that is self-conscious?
My girlfriend is quite self-conscious; she finds herself to be very ugly, but I find her to be the most beautiful girl in the world. She thinks she's stupid, her grades and I say otherwise.
Sometimes it's tricky. It really can be. So I do my best to keep her happy - compliment her frequently, but not overkill; don't jokingly tease her about looks or anything because she'll take it literally; tell her how much I missed her when I haven't talked to her in a while, ask her for help on homework when I need assistance and thank her for it, assist her on homework and try to stay patient (which is more of a theoretical here, I'm very impatient when it comes to trying to explain mathematical concepts that I understand and I can become a jerk about it, frankly it's one of my biggest flaws). if she says "you have to say that", I tell her that I don't have to say anything, I could just say nothing at all, send her emails and random notes telling her that I love her and that she's the best...
Some of this is just stuff I do because I love her, but I suppose it would probably be different if she had self-esteem.
Re: Questions for the opposite sex -
December 9th 2010, 10:09 PM
I've got a few questions for the guys,
If a guy likes someone will he tell his guy friends?
Oh and do u guys ever feel self-concsious or embarrassed around someone you do like?
One more, what's something in a girl that's really a turn on for most guys?
Re: Questions for the opposite sex -
December 11th 2010, 03:18 AM
Originally Posted by girlinluv
I've got a few questions for the guys,
If a guy likes someone will he tell his guy friends?
Oh and do u guys ever feel self-concsious or embarrassed around someone you do like?
One more, what's something in a girl that's really a turn on for most guys?
1.) Well, it really depends...if its a person that none of his friends also like, then he might, but he won't go yelling it, maybe tell one-two people but probably not; I really wouldn't bank on it, guys tend not to talk about it amongst other guys for whatever reason...maybe occasionally but not all the time.
2.) Everybody does sometimes, guy or girl, dating or flirting or crushing on. Personally everybody could tell that I liked my girlfriend when we were still just friends, but yeah, I recall feeling self conscious sometimes.
3.) Also depends; could be a smile, a laugh, personality, figure; if the main turn on for the guy is that your sexy, you should probably reconsider liking him.
Re: Questions for the opposite sex -
December 23rd 2010, 09:07 PM
I have a question for whoever reads this:
A boy tells you one day - during chatting full of and :P I might add - that he "would be interested" in a relationship with you, and the next day he seriously says in a conversation that "you should find a boyfriend".
Does the second statement delete the former?
Thank you.
“Suicide sometimes proceeds from cowardice, but not always; for cowardice sometimes prevents it; since as many live because they are afraid to die, as die because they are afraid to live”
Re: Questions for the opposite sex -
December 23rd 2010, 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by mispulka
I have a question for whoever reads this:
A boy tells you one day - during chatting full of and :P I might add - that he "would be interested" in a relationship with you, and the next day he seriously says in a conversation that "you should find a boyfriend".
Does the second statement delete the former?
Thank you.
That can be taken a few different ways.
It can either be he thinks you should move on to someone else.
Or it can mean that he's hinting that he wants to be your boyfriend.
It all depends on the context and surrounding words that were used as well.
When you can't find your way home,
and when life gets too hard to face on your own.
I will stand as a light through the darkness unknown,
Re: Questions for the opposite sex -
December 24th 2010, 04:08 AM
Originally Posted by mispulka
I have a question for whoever reads this:
A boy tells you one day - during chatting full of and :P I might add - that he "would be interested" in a relationship with you, and the next day he seriously says in a conversation that "you should find a boyfriend".
Does the second statement delete the former?
Thank you.
It means he's impatient.
Maybe too much time has passed, but I think you should tell him "You're right, I should find a boyfriend. So when are you going to man up and ask me out?"
Re: Questions for the opposite sex -
January 9th 2011, 12:22 PM
I'd like to ask guys...
Why can't you control yourself from commenting on a girl, hotting and sometimes even go as far to touch her/rape her? Why can't we just walk alone without feeling afraid of you?
Re: Questions for the opposite sex -
January 12th 2011, 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by Pisces
I'd like to ask guys...
Why can't you control yourself from commenting on a girl, hotting and sometimes even go as far to touch her/rape her? Why can't we just walk alone without feeling afraid of you?
just wanted to comment on this.
not all men rape and touch women in inapropriate ways. Often rapists can't help themselves, same as sex addicts or porn addicts or even some serial killers, these people often need help to control there actions. And trust me, when you are in a position where you cannot control what your doing it's HARD.
obviously thats only one of the many reasons though.