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Questions for the opposite sex -
January 5th 2009, 10:12 PM
The title of the thread explains it all! Write down a few questions you'd like to ask the opposite sex. The person who posts below you will answer your questions for you to the best of their ability. If they have any questions, they will be able to ask the questions as well.
Ask as many questions as you'd like, but please refrain from chit-chatting!
Last edited by Mel; January 5th 2009 at 10:53 PM.
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January 6th 2009, 12:16 PM
Yay. We do have this back. How nice. Although we had PAGES before all this happened.
I have a question for the guys and girls out there:
How important is sex in a relationship to you? If the sex isn't good, would you still stay with that person?
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January 6th 2009, 12:31 PM
i think that sex is important, but it isnt the most important thing in a relationship. if you love the person youre with you should stay with him/her even if the sex isnt good....
i have a question for the guys.... if you are with someone why do many of you cheats on her???
I'll eather find a way or make one...
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January 6th 2009, 06:38 PM
Because they are complete idiots? I don't want you to think that we all want to cheat though. I know for myself and my friends that none of us would ever cheat. I remember I went to frat party with a friend who was getting drunk because he wanted me to make sure he did NOT cheat on his girlfriend.
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January 6th 2009, 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by drowningangel
How important is sex in a relationship to you? If the sex isn't good, would you still stay with that person?
I would love to say it doesn't matter, but I can't commit to that because I do not really know. As of right now, sex isn't too important in my relationship.
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January 7th 2009, 01:43 AM
How important is sex in a relationship to you? If the sex isn't good, would you still stay with that person?
Sex is important, but certainly not on the top of my list of important things. To be honest, it's probably not even near the top. I feel like as long as I'm in a relationship with someone that I really care about, that's what matters. As long as we can talk to each other, have a good time with each other, and trust one another, that's what matters. But, hey, if the sex is good, that's alright too. :]
And, I know I'm not a guy, but I'm going to give my input anyway.
i have a question for the guys.... if you are with someone why do many of you cheats on her???
I think that it really depends on the guy. Some guys are about the sex and do whatever it takes to "get their numbers up". However, that's not always the case. Sometimes things just happen when you're drunk. Other times, you're just not thinking straight and you do things that you'll later regret. OR there are also the times when something is going on in your relationship and you confide in someone about it and one thing leads to another. There are many, many reasons why someone would cheat on their boyfriend/girlfriend. That's not to say that any of the reasons are good enough to justify the cheating, though. No matter how you look at it, cheating is wrong. It can really hurt someone.
Edit- Woops! Forgot my question! For the guys: Describe your dream girl. From personality to beliefs to appearance.
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
January 7th 2009, 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by ThereIsHope
For the guys: Describe your dream girl. From personality to beliefs to appearance.
Ook, easy one, well I dont want to seem too particular, but I love Brunettes, erm winter time is my favourite time of year too, because I think girls look amazing in their winter outfits (most guys want girls out of their clothes, weird I know =/)
Preferably Christian and Unlike my ex Id love her to be really clingy and just devoted to me...
I remember once someone asked me this question and I managed to write nearly an A4 side on my ideal girl, I was really specific! But no because the next day I went out and met this lovely girl, literally the next day, and she contradicted everything I had written down! And its happened again recently.. A girl Id never have thought of describing, but I really liked her.
Shes just got to love me, not cheat and be someone I can have fun with, I generally like girls who others dont consider 'pretty'...
Ive given up on relationships for now because there are no girls here who really even like me (my exs' wonderful backstabbing work)... How did you meet your partner, if you have one?
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
January 7th 2009, 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by drowningangel
How important is sex in a relationship to you? If the sex isn't good, would you still stay with that person?
Sex isn't that important right now in my relationship [which will be 1 month the 17th.] and Sex never really has been anything guys in general has pressured me to do. But in general I guess I can say that a form of sex [fooling around] has always been there. And with out it-- as one of my exs once complained about, it has something to do with Sexual attraction :/ which I think guys need to feel??
Originally Posted by tk338
How did you meet your partner, if you have one?
I met him through a friend. She showed him a picture of me and he said I was pretty, then we met and hit it off that day.
As a guy, do you feel a need that a girl finds you sexually attractive?
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
January 7th 2009, 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by drowningangel
Yay. We do have this back. How nice. Although we had PAGES before all this happened.
I have a question for the guys and girls out there:
How important is sex in a relationship to you? If the sex isn't good, would you still stay with that person?
Sex is important to me, but I am not thrown off if the sex isn't very good at first. It is one of those things that tends to get a lot better with practice. I do need good sex eventually, but I am patient. If we don't eventually connect sexually, it usually means we aren't connecting other places as well, so I'd stick it out awhile, but lousy sex seems like a sign of a lack of compatibility after awhile.
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
January 8th 2009, 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by tk338
Ive given up on relationships for now because there are no girls here who really even like me (my exs' wonderful backstabbing work)... How did you meet your partner, if you have one?
I met my boyfriend at work.
Known him for 2 years before we started going out.
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
January 8th 2009, 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by drowningangel
How important is sex in a relationship to you? If the sex isn't good, would you still stay with that person?
Of course I would stay with him.
I mean, I love my boyfriend and is important but it's not the whole basis of our relationship.
I wouldn't end our relationship over it. =)
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
January 8th 2009, 07:02 PM
Oooh My question for everybody...
What is the most important apsect of your relationship (if you're in one) ?
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
January 8th 2009, 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by Kat
Sex is important to me, but I am not thrown off if the sex isn't very good at first. It is one of those things that tends to get a lot better with practice. I do need good sex eventually, but I am patient. If we don't eventually connect sexually, it usually means we aren't connecting other places as well, so I'd stick it out awhile, but lousy sex seems like a sign of a lack of compatibility after awhile.
I agree with them ^ for the most part, but I have been in some relationships where the actual sex wasn't amazing... but the feeling of closeness that I had with them was what really made me crave them. There's a certain attraction that comes to being in love no matter what their skill leve is in bed. Flaws are overlooked by that point.
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
January 8th 2009, 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by drowningangel
Question: How important is sex in a relationship to you? If the sex isn't good, would you still stay with that person?
Answer: Well I've only had sex twice and before losing my virginity I thought sex was this magical thing.... I can't really describe what I thought it'd be like but basically it wasn't as great as I thought. I realize I'm still quite inexperienced but I don't need to be experienced to know that sex isn't the most important part of a relationship and that other factors like love, trust, commitment, communication, honesty, and respect are far more important. If you have all those factors I don't see how the sex can be terrible. If it is, it's probably because there's a lack of communication. You can just tell your partner if you want them to do something or don't like something they're doing. Bad sex isn't an unfixable problem.
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
January 8th 2009, 09:45 PM
Question About Guys: How come so many of guys are able to have sex with drunk girls while they're completely sober and feel no guilt about it afterwards?? I don't understand. What's going through their minds?
I suppose girls and guys can answer this. This mostly pertains to college guys.
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
January 8th 2009, 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by tk338
Ive given up on relationships for now because there are no girls here who really even like me (my exs' wonderful backstabbing work)... How did you meet your partner, if you have one?
I met my partner through my ex boyfriend, whom I was with at that time. Even after my ex and I broke up, we (my boyfriend and I) would still talk. Eventually it developed into a friendship, until we realized that we were attracted to each other. The rest, as they say, is history. :P
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
January 8th 2009, 10:10 PM
Question for the Guys:
Though this sample size of the population is skewed (via TH's uncanny ability to attract the Mr. Sensitivo guys, excepting a select few, heh) --
When is a good age to get one's first boyfriend?
Last edited by Olive, always; January 10th 2009 at 07:25 PM.
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
January 8th 2009, 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by soulfulseductress
Question About Guys: How come so many of guys are able to have sex with drunk girls while they're completely sober and feel no guilt about it afterwards?? I don't understand. What's going through their minds?
I suppose girls and guys can answer this. This mostly pertains to college guys.
Most guys i know that had sex with drunk girls were wasted themselves. They wouldn't be able to tell the difference between grass and a tree at that point.
But to answer the question its because they wanna feel in controll
In that order...
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
January 8th 2009, 10:48 PM
Ive given up on relationships for now because there are no girls here who really even like me (my exs' wonderful backstabbing work)... How did you meet your partner, if you have one?
I kind of just watched him for a month or two before we actually met. (Creepy, I know. But I'm really quiet and I was kind of shy at the time.) Eventually, we met at church camp and exchanged emails and phone numbers before we left from there. We just kept contact and eventually became "us". Two and a half years later, here we are... Still together and still loving each other. :]
Question: Does it/would it bother you even just a little bit to know that your partner has had other sexual partners in the past?
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
January 9th 2009, 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by ThereIsHope
I kind of just watched him for a month or two before we actually met. (Creepy, I know. But I'm really quiet and I was kind of shy at the time.) Eventually, we met at church camp and exchanged emails and phone numbers before we left from there. We just kept contact and eventually became "us". Two and a half years later, here we are... Still together and still loving each other. :]
Question: Does it/would it bother you even just a little bit to know that your partner has had other sexual partners in the past?
No, personally I'm in college and there are few and far between those who are virgins and I have come to terms with that fact. I gave up the whole ideal of losing it with another virgin and I honestly dont care who they gave theirs to.
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
January 9th 2009, 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by ThereIsHope
Question: Does it/would it bother you even just a little bit to know that your partner has had other sexual partners in the past?
I mean, I know about my boyfriend's sexual partners & he knows about mine & were both okay with that.
But sometimes I do think about the last girl he was with and I compare her to myself ... =/ Not good cuz I end up quite upset & jealous .lol
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
January 10th 2009, 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by ThereIsHope
Question: Does it/would it bother you even just a little bit to know that your partner has had other sexual partners in the past?
Not at all, I mean I think it would bother me if I knew he was promiscuous and like slept around, but it's actually reassuring to know what his past is because it's not like that all. Just a previous ex gf. So i think not.
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
January 10th 2009, 01:39 AM
Does it/would it bother you even just a little bit to know that your partner has had other sexual partners in the past?
Not at all, in fact I like that he's experienced and knows how to give me what I want.
For the girls; have you ever been "the other woman" ? Would you ever? Why?
if you are with someone why do many of you cheats on her???
Ok, so I'm not a guy, but I've been the other woman before, so perhaps I can offer my perspective of it. One of the guys I was with, he and his wife just did not have the same sexual needs. He was comletely in love with her mentally, but whereas she was fine having sex once or twice a month, he had a bit stronger urges. Enter me.
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Last edited by Grizabella; January 10th 2009 at 01:49 AM.
same same, but different.
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
January 10th 2009, 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by ThereIsHope
Question: Does it/would it bother you even just a little bit to know that your partner has had other sexual partners in the past?
Never once has, I joke with my boyfriend about him being a whore [he's not, but I find it funny] and him with me, we don't see that as our relationship, but a part of who we are, and there's no point getting worked up over it, as it is in the past. If it was current, well that's a whole other story.
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
January 10th 2009, 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by OohLaLa
Oooh My question for everybody...
What is the most important apsect of your relationship (if you're in one) ?
Unless I've missed it, I don't anyone else has answered this yet, sooo... I think, to me, the most important aspect of my relationship is my boyfriend's happiness. Above pretty much all, I want him to be as happy as possible with our relationship - I want to make a positive difference in his life. To use a cliche, I want to be his "light." This doesn't mean that I would do absolutely anything to make him happy, but I'd go out on a limb, probably pretty far (already have at times, by my standards). Nor would I start sacrificing my happiness for his if he were some kind of abuser or something, but thankfully that's about as far from the case as could be. I'm not sure if this answers what you were asking, because "aspect" is kinda vague...
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
January 12th 2009, 08:49 PM
Yeah! This forum's back! I've got a question for girls but dudes can answer too.
Which gender has it the hardest? (Difficult life, problems, relationships, physically, every category!)
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
January 14th 2009, 02:48 AM
Originally Posted by Zoombini80
Yeah! This forum's back! I've got a question for girls but dudes can answer too.
Which gender has it the hardest? (Difficult life, problems, relationships, physically, every category!)
well i used to think that women have it the hardest... and i still do but as ive grown ive come to realize that guys go through a lot of shit too and have a lot of pressure... the thing with women that makes it worse for us is how much pressure we put on ourselves in addition to the pressure exerted on us by males and the media. there is so much pressure on women to act and look a certain way nd guys just dont get the same pressure we do. plus we're more sensitive and so we handle the pressure differently and it gets to us more. && if you're a black women its even worse...real talk
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
January 22nd 2009, 07:08 PM
My Question to guys: Would you date someone who's shorter then you by a foot?
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
January 23rd 2009, 07:46 AM
Originally Posted by DontGiveUpHope
My Question to guys: Would you date someone who's shorter then you by a foot?
Yeah i would. I don't think height should affect stuff too much!
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
January 24th 2009, 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by DontGiveUpHope
My Question to guys: Would you date someone who's shorter then you by a foot?
Short girls = the ones I date.
It has just been a pattern. :-P
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
January 27th 2009, 07:19 AM
I'm 6' 3", and my last girlfriend was 5' 0".
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
January 27th 2009, 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by ThereIsHope
Question: Does it/would it bother you even just a little bit to know that your partner has had other sexual partners in the past?
My bf has had a ... busy sexual past. It does bother me to a certain extent. I find myself comparing myself to other girls he has been with, and I have only seen one before. But she was so pretty ... ugh. Anyway. I always wonder if he is comparing me to them, but he says he doesn't.
All in all, my insecurities are my own. I get jealous and upset, but he deals with it. I try to handle myself, and I usually can. It bothers me, but I am not going to let it ruin my relationship.
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
January 27th 2009, 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by Grizabella
For the girls; have you ever been "the other woman" ? Would you ever? Why?
I have never actually been "the other woman". I never had sex, kissed, etc. someone who was with someone else. But I have had someone try.
I would never be the other woman in the actual sense. Its disturbing .. and you just set yourself up for heartache.
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
January 28th 2009, 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by Grizabella
For the girls; have you ever been "the other woman"? Would you ever? Why?
No, but I've fallen for taken guys a lot. including the guy I like right now. His girlfriend is terrible to him, bullies him constantly, just in general treats him like shit. I've always been very nice to him, and he (in addition to all of our friends) makes a lot of jokes about how I'm his only friend/the only person who actually cares about him. People constantly tease me about how we're going to get married (they don't even know that I like him...)
It's gotten to the point where he is unbearably sweet to me (always looks for me, is very friendly in general, makes a ridiculous number of jokes). He's gotten to be quite touchy, too; he gives me these great bear hugs every time he sees me (lifts me up in the air, talks into my ear, holding onto me afterwards- even when we stop hugging, he keeps his hands on my waist). He's always putting an arm around my shoulder or touching my waist or resting his head on me and just stays quite close.
Nothing major has happened with us, it's stayed at a just-friends level in all aspects, but it's very confusing. He is the way he is, but always goes back to his girlfriend at the end of the day. I never know what he wants... But yes, that's about the extent of my experience as anything close to the other woman. I can understand why girls would do it, unfortunately, but hopefully I never get into anything serious like that myself. It's a painful and messy and unfair situation all around.
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
January 29th 2009, 07:11 PM
Do any of your boyfriend/girlfriend's friends of the opposite sex bother you?
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
January 29th 2009, 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by drowningangel
How important is sex in a relationship to you? If the sex isn't good, would you still stay with that person?
Extremely important. I'm a sexual person, and need to be with someone who also is. If the sex wasn't good, I'd work on it with the person but if things didn't improve, a breakup could be possible but not necessarily the only option.
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
January 30th 2009, 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by kaydee
Do any of your boyfriend/girlfriend's friends of the opposite sex bother you?
Some do but that's because they're *insert expletive here*. I've no problem if they are good people to her/to me regardless of gender.
Q: Is there ever a time when a man can never say the right thing to a woman's problem?
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
February 3rd 2009, 02:16 AM
Do any of your boyfriend/girlfriend's friends of the opposite sex bother you?
Not particularly. My girlfriend catches a bus with this guy that she talks to quite alot - he's a nice guy, and they've dated before, but I trust her completely. I mean, of course I get protective sometimes - I don't want to lose the girl I'm crazy about, but we both have our space... I can't really prevent her from being friends with someone.
Then again, she gets really protective when I talk to other girls... she's afraid she'll lose me to one of them. A lot of my friends are girls and often they're really flirty, but they know I'm with someone... And I wouldn't do absolutely anything to hurt her.
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
February 3rd 2009, 04:06 AM
Females: Why does it seem you always have to win? lol.
same same, but different.
Outside, huh? **********
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Re: Questions for the opposite sex - Volume I -
February 3rd 2009, 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by guyofpain
Females: Why does it seem you always have to win? lol.
We don't really, but it's a source of power for some girls. They want to feel in control. And this is one way they can do this. Also, we like winning. Who doesn't like to win? Honestly?
"Life is pain, anybody that says different is selling something" ~ Fezzik's Mother, The Princess Bride. ♥
"To die, would be an awfully big adventure."~ Peter Pan
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Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumoured by many.
Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books.
Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders.
Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations.
But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it."
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