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Coffee. November 16th 2011 04:46 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I'm still not over him

Zyzz November 16th 2011 04:03 PM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
No matter how much I convince myself I cant not bring myself to eat without having the need to excessively workout.

Turtle760 November 16th 2011 05:08 PM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
Am I the only 17 year old schizo gay bedwetter??

TrevorTime November 16th 2011 11:35 PM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I like to sniff my boyfriends underwear. Now that's some secret, huh?

Sincerely Yours ♥ November 17th 2011 06:17 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
No matter what, I seem to be in some sort of Hell.

Coffee. November 17th 2011 06:17 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I don't always think about him when I'm "alone".

Zyzz November 17th 2011 07:16 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
Everyday I battle my inner demons. And each day they win. I wish one day that I could win.

Tigerlily. November 17th 2011 08:21 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
Almost every night lately I dream about smoking or when I'm living with my dad how maybe I could make it a habit. I used to be the social smoker that never really got urges, but I'm starting to get addicted I think and I don't want to stop. I don't care about all the crap in them or how they shorten life expectancy, etc... I don't care and I just want to be able to go and smoke when I want to and not have to hide it from parents.
I'm addicted to laxatives and although the side effects scare me, I don't want to stop.
I'm addicted to the feeling of my empty stomach and if it's not growling in hunger I just want to die for failing.
I'm not ready to get better again, I love the feeling of hunger and losing weight, the feeling of the blade on my skin, and I deserve to hate myself.
I want to kill myself again and I don't think I'll tell anybody this time.
I sort of wish someone would tell on me who knows I don't eat so I'd have to get help.
I still love him even though he has broken my heart 3 times or more in 2 months.
I deserve the pain I'm in emotionally, I deserve to be abused my aunt, I don't deserve the freedom I may soon be getting.

~Mr. Self Destruct~ November 17th 2011 09:38 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
Your dreams are futile and your ingenuity was lost long ago.
And you can't blame me for it either.

Zyzz November 18th 2011 01:45 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
Contrary to popular belief I am not a strong person, I only put on the mask of a strong person for the hopes one day it will happen.

Sincerely Yours ♥ November 18th 2011 05:10 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I just want someone to tell me what to do. No more decisions. I can't handle this anymore. Someone take over.

Zyzz November 18th 2011 01:42 PM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I always wonder why I should even bother doing anything. I know when I go for something I never get it. No matter how hard I try it never happens. Fate just hates me.

Eternal November 19th 2011 01:33 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I feel like there is no way out of this and I just have to accept it.

Zyzz November 19th 2011 02:44 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I haven't in 5 days. Oddly enough I haven't felt hungry at all.

Halo345 November 19th 2011 06:14 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I'm pretty sure God hates me... That or he's a cruel some of a bitch that like fucking me over.... One of the two..

Halo345 November 19th 2011 06:20 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I hate that I'm almost 18 and 16 year olds have done so much more then me. I fucking hate that.. I want to go out and have fun... and be social... but my fucking mom makes that so god damn hard... but thats right... everyone else can do shit.. bitch about doing the shit... and i have to work my ass off just to have a social life... so FUCK EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU that bitch about being tired on the weekend.. or "that youve done too much"... FUCK YOU

Sincerely Yours ♥ November 19th 2011 09:35 PM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I think I like you more than I'm letting on. It's so confusing.

Zyzz November 20th 2011 03:47 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
Ive never felt this feeling before, It feels odd, But in ways I like it.

Eternal November 20th 2011 04:41 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
You make me feel so guilty.

Disappearing November 20th 2011 07:26 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
Where to begin. I was molested by a family member and dream about it every night. I don't eat nearly enough because the thought of eating food makes me nervous and the thought of gaining back weight makes me sick. And I cut more often then I would admit to anyone.

Sincerely Yours ♥ November 20th 2011 08:19 PM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I just want to hurt myself right now.

Nomophobia November 20th 2011 08:50 PM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
R, you have no idea how much I would give for you to be here right now to save me from myself

no-one knows how bad it has gotten. my starving,cutting,suicidal thoughts,etc

FairyPoppins November 20th 2011 08:53 PM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I yield to temptation far too much.

Eternal November 22nd 2011 12:37 PM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I keep getting sick, and deep down I know that its my fault. What if I really screwed up this time?

Stargazed. November 22nd 2011 06:13 PM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I hate food.

Sincerely Yours ♥ November 23rd 2011 05:57 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I don't think anything will ever be enough for me, as much as I wish it was. What's the point in living?

Eternal November 23rd 2011 11:42 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I'm a bad influence to all my friends. They would be better off without me.

Stargazed. November 23rd 2011 07:03 PM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I feel hungry and I'm happy about it.

Evanescent November 24th 2011 05:23 PM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
My mental state is once again going downhill, and it's happening quick. I wish I knew what to do to stop it, but I know that once I it gets so bad there is no stopping it, except for one way: suicide.

DeletedAccount39 November 27th 2011 03:09 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I don't want to do this anymore. I don't want to keep throwing up and starving myself. Nothing is happening anymore. I lost so much weight in the beginning, but now I'm stuck. And I'm still fat. I'm still so fat. I want someone to help me through this, I'm afraid. I'm so afraid. Jeans that were once tight are now loose but I'm still fat. I'm always so tired and so hungry, but I stay up all night and don't eat until at least five or six each night. If I eat at all. I've thrown up blood more than once. I didn't tonight. I threw up everything in my stomach and there wasn't any blood this time. I'm glad there wasn't, it scares me even more when there is. It isn't much blood, but I really hope it's from an irritated throat and not from my stomach. I want help. I really want help, I want to stop before I end up killing myself. I don't want to die. I want help, but if I let anyone know they'll send me to a hospital and Carmen wouldn't understand. She couldn't understand, she was so upset when I was absent for one day. She's very autistic, everyone is so mean to her. She told me that I'm her sister. I can't leave her like that. I just can't.

Stargazed. November 27th 2011 02:11 PM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I want to live a happy life or not at all.

Haylee. November 28th 2011 04:34 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I don't care. I know i'm loved..but i'm still selfish enough to want to kill myself. and even to try.

I don't want to get better. like for real.

I don't even know how I feel about you. I have to many things floating around in my head to know. And it makes me mad.

Halo345 November 28th 2011 04:46 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
im not perfect. learn this now.. maybe youll realize that and leave...

ElsatheDepressionSlayer November 28th 2011 08:31 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I get mesmerized when I look at pictures of SH online...

Eternal November 28th 2011 12:15 PM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I don't know what love is anymore.

Zyzz November 28th 2011 01:31 PM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I always tend to want something I know I can never get.

Zyzz November 30th 2011 04:40 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
No matter how often I try to get it out of my head, There is nothing more I want in life then have a chance to be with you. Its like a slim to none chance that it will ever happen. And I know I should just accept it. But I can't really let go of that sliver of hope. God I'm a loser.

Sincerely Yours ♥ December 1st 2011 05:58 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
Soo triggered right now.

Guile December 1st 2011 06:54 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I watch shows marketed for six year-old girls! (MLP:FiM)

Complete Love. December 1st 2011 07:13 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
i know this is wierd to you but...I want To be anorexic so leave me alone until i become skinny then come find me. Food is my enemy.

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