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AmazonQueen September 5th 2010 07:54 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
i would give my life to be with him again, he's the only one who can make me feel safe from the abuse god i love him and need him so much 2 and a half years until i can be with him im praying he doesn't find someone permanent in that time, and im praying i can get a hold of him when the time comes, im scared to death of losing you

Metal♥Lover September 6th 2010 01:53 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I hate this. I hate this so much.
I need my knife.

SongsaboutHelena September 6th 2010 02:19 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
i like your boyfriend more than you think emily, and it kills me everyday

Metal♥Lover September 7th 2010 08:51 PM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I scare myself so much that I now want to hide from myself.

escape_thereal_world September 10th 2010 06:10 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
Im itching to cut...and nobody knows

stupidity September 10th 2010 07:11 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
i've planed my death and don't want help because i know people will stop me from doing it but i need to ......

EndureEmo September 10th 2010 10:43 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
i am in love with my best friend ,, i am 14 yet he is almost 17 i love him!! ,, he loves me too but his ex gf is a bitch!!! if she left us alone we would be fine!!! omg!!! we love each other!!! way 2 much ,, or is that just me ,,is this a crush or lust or love!!!

escape_thereal_world September 12th 2010 02:08 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
i tried to kill myself, but nobody will know unless they read this...

savealife723 September 12th 2010 09:23 PM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I want to kiss him SO DAMN badly.

taylalatbh. September 12th 2010 09:33 PM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I just want to smoke myself silly. I've had enough.

PGP September 12th 2010 10:21 PM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
i want to be with my best friend so fucking badly.
i live with her, work with her, and do EVERYTHING with her.
i love her so damn much,
but nothing can ever happen between us..
i want to end it all to escape this pain

AmazonQueen September 15th 2010 02:03 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
i want i love him more than i love you, you were never there for me i took care of myself you only caused me more pain im safe with him and i'd give my life to make these two and a half years go faster im sick of all your bullshit and i want to move out at 16

savealife723 September 15th 2010 07:38 PM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I'm going to win.
And when I do, I'm going to kiss him.

Commiseration September 16th 2010 01:50 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
Where's my friends when I really need them?
Oh... that's right! I have no friends! la di frickin da...

Slade September 16th 2010 03:40 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I cut myself in the shower earlier....

it wasn't an accident. But now-a-days, it never is...

Batman. September 16th 2010 03:48 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
Yeah, I'm going to slice myself up once my mom goes to bed. Fuck people, fuck everything, and I'd kill myself if not for Jason. I don't give a fuck anymore if I'm bloody and scarred, fuck it, that's how it's meant to be. If anyone tries to stop me, I will just make it the fuck worse!

happyfacade September 16th 2010 03:58 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I always hope that when you two fight, it'll finally end the relationship.

DeletedAccount56 September 16th 2010 06:45 PM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
i would...

LittleFish September 17th 2010 04:13 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
He asked her out. And she said yes. So much for "dreams come true..."

Stardaze September 17th 2010 06:24 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I wish you knew how much i love you. i can't wait to start are life all over.. and together. so i can keep you safe every night. tonight i realized how much i need you. your my world. you make me feel whole i would be nothing without you.

Obliviate September 17th 2010 05:25 PM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I don't want you and dad to be together anymore.
you don't even love each other... all you do is argue.

Metal♥Lover September 17th 2010 10:53 PM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I'm such a pile of shit for hurting others by hurting myself. I should just go die.

escape_thereal_world September 18th 2010 05:47 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
i promised not to cut, but i didnt promise not to get fucked up...i really want some fuckin ecstasy

AmazonQueen September 20th 2010 03:50 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
She thinks she's helping me but I hate her when she does that I hate it...she's not my best friend but im letting her think that

happyfacade September 20th 2010 04:12 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
People think that I'm kidding when I say that I'm just going to end it all. I'm waiting for the day when someone takes me seriously. If it ever comes, that is.

Quartet September 20th 2010 04:14 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I'm jealous of her, I know she is my friend and I should support her, I am... but she finally has what I've always wanted.
It hurts to sit back and let it happen, but I know thats all I can do...

singinggirl September 20th 2010 10:32 PM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
ive tried cutting myself numerous times

*weepingstar* September 21st 2010 12:15 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
everything hurts...the pain never goes away...

Quartet September 21st 2010 01:36 PM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I catch myself thinking about you everyday. It makes me happy that I've found someone else, it makes me hate you.

I cant wait for the day you finally leave.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm strong enough for that.

DeletedAccount39 September 26th 2010 12:21 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
- I said no, even though I am in love with you
- I hacked my arm up pretty bad and I'm going to have even more scars
- I cried. I showed weakness, if only to myself
- I want to scream and yell and cry and everything to show him that I hate him now
- I'm terrified of being left alone with anyone
- I'm starting to fear myself
- I want to be skinny

Stardaze September 26th 2010 12:32 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I wish you showed some effort and checked on me. Especially after Grandma died.. (which you probably don't know about) But Taylor has kept me strong through everything. I know our future will be wonderful, i would love if you could be around... which idk if you even SHOULD be. :/

facade September 26th 2010 12:52 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I feel so... cliche.

Commiseration September 28th 2010 01:39 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I feel worthless.

PGP September 28th 2010 03:07 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
i can't get over my dead girlfriend, i can't connect with my current girlfriend, and i might have feelings for a girl who never notices me really and who lives on the opposite side of the country.....

Simplyme7 September 28th 2010 03:12 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
- I can't stand being alone. Every night I go into my dorm, realize that once again, I am all alone, and just cry.

- I feel like all I ever do is hurt you. I don't mean to, and you know that... but I can't help but think that your life that would be so much better off without me.

- Sometimes I wish that I could just die... I wish that it wasn't so hard to accomplish... but at the same time I thank God that I can't do it.

- I dig my nails into my arm when I get mad or depressed. If you look closely, you can see tiny little scars where I let out my anger.

Quartet September 28th 2010 07:25 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
My friend slept with an instructor at our college.
I don't know how to support her...

llamasliketoparty September 28th 2010 08:44 PM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I have a huge crush on one of my best friends. :P

Spellbound September 28th 2010 08:59 PM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
He's the only thing that gets me through the day.
I don't know what I'd do without him.

bitesize September 28th 2010 10:22 PM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.
I want to have sex in the James Joyce Library.

RetroFresh September 29th 2010 12:50 AM

Re: Dirty Little Secrets.

Originally Posted by RetroFresh (Post 354109)
I ruined myself, I don't know why, there must be something really wrong with me.

It's your fault, stfu.

You are a failure on so many levels I don't even know where to start, I am serious. I am disappoint. Get help already!

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