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Re: Dirty Little Secrets. -
September 6th 2011, 01:43 AM
I thought is was cute when I found out you wrote down your phone number on a piece of paper and stuck it in my notebook when I wasn't looking
"..And if you're perusing the social media networks, I urge you to keep your fucking opinions to yourself. If you're going ruin someone's day, ruin your own."
- Bert McCracken
Re: Dirty Little Secrets. -
September 19th 2011, 11:20 PM
You know how you are always telling me how you like this girl, and this girl? I'm waiting for you to say "I like you".
"..And if you're perusing the social media networks, I urge you to keep your fucking opinions to yourself. If you're going ruin someone's day, ruin your own."
- Bert McCracken
Re: Dirty Little Secrets. -
October 1st 2011, 11:36 PM
I only have 17 days to live...
I still cut.
I still love him and wish I could hug him like she did.
I wish he looked at me the way he looked at her.
I was raped.
I smoked.
I have two fresh blades.
Re: Dirty Little Secrets. -
October 2nd 2011, 08:37 PM
I sat down in the shower, and cried. ;-;
"..And if you're perusing the social media networks, I urge you to keep your fucking opinions to yourself. If you're going ruin someone's day, ruin your own."
- Bert McCracken
Re: Dirty Little Secrets. -
October 3rd 2011, 04:01 AM
I tell everyone I stopped self harming a year ago, truth is I did it again just a week ago and probably will soon again.
I tell everyone that my eating is getting better or never say I had an ED, truth is, I don't eat breakfast, I don't eat lunch, and try to eat as little dinner as possible, nearing those laxatives again, may get confident enough to purge the other way.
I never have told my doctor about my eating issues.
I say I'm better, truth is, I relapsed.
My best friends are not who I hang out with, they are my blade and my empty stomach.
As soon as my friend's sister can buy some more weed, I'll try drugs for the first time in my life.
I don't know as I really want to get better after all. I love the pain of it all too much to try to get better again, but I'll still tell everyone I'm fine and getting better even though I secretly want someone to tell on me, I carved help into myself after all.
Resident old person, back from much needed, multiple year hiatus.
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Re: Dirty Little Secrets. -
October 3rd 2011, 04:07 AM
I thought people grew up in college. I thought bullying stopped. As I learned on Thursday, it doesn't. & Even though it's been a while since I've dealt with bullying, it still made me want to cry. I hope those people realize at some point in their lives the pain & heartache they've caused. If only they knew how much I've suffered...
Re: Dirty Little Secrets. -
October 4th 2011, 03:26 AM
I internalize problems, and I blame the woes of others on myself, as though somehow I can fix all the problems on the planet. No matter what it is, I know that somehow if I were a better person, I could have prevented whatever it was.
Re: Dirty Little Secrets. -
October 4th 2011, 05:21 AM
I secretly wish that I could trade places with a stable person for a day so someone else will understand what its like to live the way I do and so I could find out what it's like to be "normal".
"Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll land among the stars."
"For those who don't care, for those who can't see, never give up, always thrive to be free."
Re: Dirty Little Secrets. -
October 21st 2011, 02:07 AM
i was supposed to die two years ago. i shouldn't be here.
i almost cut my wrists a month ago and ended everything. i should have done it.
i've wanted to tell the person i'm closest with that i've been lying to her all this time and i want nothing to do with her...Just so she would be mad at me and miss me less if i killed myself.