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"For is it not death nor dying that I fear. But lack of life and purpose."
Love what is mortal; hold it against your bones knowing your own life depends on it; and, when the time comes to let it go, let it go.
-Mary Oliver
Granted but then you become an insomniac and can't sleep for the rest of your life
I wish school was over now
Yesterday I saw you kissing tiny flowers
But everything that lives is born to die
And so I say to you that nothing really matters
And all you do is stand and cry.
...someone asked me if I knew you...
...and a million memories flashed through my mind...
...and I whispered,"not anymore"...
If I could have just one wish, I would wish to wake up everyday to the sound of your breath on my neck, the warmth of your lips on my cheek, the touch of your fingers on my skin, and the feel of your heart beating with mine... Knowing that I could never find that feeling with anyone other than you.
Granted but then you have to spend the whole weekend doing chores :S
I wish I was confident
Yesterday I saw you kissing tiny flowers
But everything that lives is born to die
And so I say to you that nothing really matters
And all you do is stand and cry.
Granted but then the date goes awry and you both end up running through the streets naked before getting arrested for indecent exposure and then you have to explain the whole situation to your parents.
I wish my Spanish hw was done
Yesterday I saw you kissing tiny flowers
But everything that lives is born to die
And so I say to you that nothing really matters
And all you do is stand and cry.
Granted but it's rubbish and you fail spanish class, which is just great because you're moving to spani tomorrow, to a village where nobody speaks english.
I wish i was already packed
There's always light at the end of a tunnel, even if you have to pass a few bends to see it.
Granted but while you were ill, you spread germs all throughout your home and everyone in your family gets it and eventually it cycles back to you, a new, super, multi-mutated virus
I wish I could play the piano
Yesterday I saw you kissing tiny flowers
But everything that lives is born to die
And so I say to you that nothing really matters
And all you do is stand and cry.
Granted but then you find out things you'd really rather not know, like stalkers....
I wish I had some Cup O' Noodles ~wishful~
Yesterday I saw you kissing tiny flowers
But everything that lives is born to die
And so I say to you that nothing really matters
And all you do is stand and cry.
Granted but then he's given 5,000 hours of community service cleaning Port-O-Potties in July
I wish laundry would fold/hang itself :S
Yesterday I saw you kissing tiny flowers
But everything that lives is born to die
And so I say to you that nothing really matters
And all you do is stand and cry.
Granted but you suddenly and spontaneously lose hearing in both ears
I wish I had some new clothes
Yesterday I saw you kissing tiny flowers
But everything that lives is born to die
And so I say to you that nothing really matters
And all you do is stand and cry.
"Life is pain, anybody that says different is selling something" ~ Fezzik's Mother, The Princess Bride. ♥
"To die, would be an awfully big adventure."~ Peter Pan
"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.
Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumoured by many.
Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books.
Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders.
Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations.
But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it."
~ The Buddha