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Re: What are you craving -
January 26th 2010, 04:54 PM
Chicken Korma with a Keema naan.... Soo want one I'm craving alot at the moment, I can't eat/drink anything dairy (lactose intolarant) but i'm craving cheeeseee, and i ate some and im okay...
Re: What are you craving -
January 30th 2010, 05:18 PM
pasta. anything pasta
"Now at the end of everyday I lie awake at night and wait
To feel the wires of my brain get cut and quietly rearranged, and
Hear my beaten heart exclaim, 'Still, I refuse to let her go.'"
So we escape to our mistakes for they wait patiently for us.
Oh, how they always wait for me.
If my fear has kept me here only my fear can set me free."