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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
I don't like it when people say "Cheer up, it's not the end of the world" either. ¬.¬ |
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
hate it when people call me "duck". im not yellow and i do not quack, therefore do not call me "duck"
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
Are you okay? or How are you?
-I will inevitably lie unless it's one of three people asking me What did you guys talk about? -Honestly Mom, it's none of your business what me and my friends talk about. What's (insert sexual phrase here)? -Elliot, you're 12. Go ask one of your friends because I'm sure as hell not gonna tell you. Are you happy? -This one is the hardest to deflect, but it comes from my dad about once a month, the only time he's not joking around. |
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
From my best friend:
"Are you okay?" "Yeah, fine" "No, you're not, you're not telling me stuff..." "Really, nothing's going on...." "Something has to be!" "Erm, no, actually" "Tell me!" It's like in Father Ted, when Ms. Doyle is pushing tea on people. "Go on.. go on... go on.. no really, go on.. go on... GO ON!" Also, she tends to insinuate that I'm keeping things from her, which I'm almost always not, and her insistence only serves to remind me how fecking boring my life is. She genuinely can't believe that I'm telling her everything that's worth telling. ------ Also, one of the sunday school teachers at my church, recently, in front of the whole room of people: "And how was your week Beth?" "It was fine! Yeah, it was good..." "Oh, that's good. Usually when I ask you you say 'good' but your tone is kind of 'don't ask me, go away'. That actually sounded... happy." Yeah, try to make me feel like shit next time... |
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
mines prob stupid to everyone elses =/, but i hate it when a close
(certain) friend asks me about their weight. Like "how much do i think they weigh?" or if i think their fat? I just hate it. i'm the one in the group known to tell you the truth instead of beating aorund the bush, but that questions is just majorily awkward for me. I mean their not the skinniest person in the world but their not freaking ugly either! i don't wanna be rude and say i don't care when really i don't. or change the subject (which i've done...not good) newho i just can't stand it!!! i want them to ask some one else and stop asking me dang it! |
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
"What have you been doing lately?"
-Hmm... living "What's up?" -um... I'm on the computer? ((Or you're walking past someone and they say that and you're like "walking to that classroom/building/etc.")) "How are you?" -Just fine and dandy, how about you? "What happened?" -I don't really feel like sharing that with you... "So are you guys going out?" -Does it really matter? I do think that it is in my constitutional rights to have guy friends that I am not interested in dating! "So have you taken Driver's Ed. yet?" -This question really irks me. So what if I waited until summer to take driver's ed.? I was busy. ((I have now taken it, though.)) "YOU'RE A TWIN???" -No. My brother and I were just born on the same exact day from the same woman and are the same age. "Are you guys identical?" -Clearly you need to go back to biology or something. I am a GIRL, he is a BOY. How can we be identical? "Are you sure you're twins? You don't look anything alike." -YES, I am SURE. Why do we have to look alike? "Is your hair naturally that color?" -Yes, it has been all my life. ((I have red hair... a lot of red hair... and it's NOT orange. It's red.)) "What are your plans for college?" -Currently, I have none. Would you like me to go into details of that nothingness? |
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
"Why did you dye your hair?"
Because I look better with dark hair, obviously. "Do people every think you're Jewish?"/"Are you Jewish?" Not that I know of, but there is absolutely no way I'll catch onto the fact that you noticed my nose is big-ish. "How old are you?" Ohh, I loathe this one. It's always older guys asking me, and it always follows with, "Really? You seem like you'd be at least fifteen, or, like...my age." It just creeps me out. Oh, but ALL-TIME MOST ANNOYING QUESTION EVARR: "ARE YOU GOTH?/ARE YOU EMO?" |
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
Nobody really cares how somebody else is doing. But it's usefull. Because you know how the start of any ordinary a conversation will run :p *"hey" -"hey, how are you?" *"Great, how are you?" -blabla, start about some other boring subject. Or you can go: -"Hey how are you?" *"Not good infact, thanks for asking" -"why why what happened??" And you've immediatly captured attention XD |
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
I hate it when people ask me to repeat what i've said,
my mate is forever doing it, and i sit there like fgs if you'd actually been listening to me in the first place you will have known! x |
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
i hear ya on that 1, lil sis x
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
"what are you doing?" when it's oh so obvious,
"why do you need the nail polish remover?" to remove nail polish? "why do you cut yourself?" because i totally want to talk about that. |
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
- Are you okay?
-What's wrong? -What happened to your hand/arm/leg? |
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
another one are you a virgin? hate this one
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
I hate people who ask ''What's the time?'' every ten minutes. I mean, ask once, and then estimate for crying out loud! :p
Or, novel idea, buy a watch. |
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
I get asked these a lot:
-Why are you so skinny? Me: Well why is the grass green? -Are you wearing contacts, your eyes can't be real!? Me: No, my eyes are an illusion! -How are you?/What's up? Me: Nothing, I'm fine. Not like you care anyway. -Why are you so weird? Me: Gee, i don't know why i'm so weird. -Why are you so quiet? Me: Well why are you so loud? Please don't ask me these >.< |
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
Why is your face all red?
Are you okay? Did you eat? |
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
Definitely agree with the "How are things with *insert name here*?" First of all, if you were in my life, you would inevitably know the state of things with my significant other. As you're obviously not, it's none of your business. Second. We are not one entity. We are actually two separate people, and immediately asking how he/she is doing is not pertinent to the conversation. My life is not irrevocably tied to the life of whomever I am dating. Third, how do you expect me to answer that question? If I were to say anything less than "Fine," you would respond with "Oh, I'm sorry," or some other empty way of consoling me despite the fact that you don't really care. Why are you so crabby? Well, I wasn't until you asked that. Now that you've gone ahead and blatantly assumed I'm in a bad mood because of the insignificant way I brushed you off while doing something else, I am crabby. Thanks very much, go fuck yourself. If I were crabby from the start, I would shut myself up where I wouldn't be inflicting my mood on someone else. As you've brought this on yourself, now I'm pissed as hell and will unleash my wrath on you. |
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
1. How's it going?
2. Anything new? 3. What's wrong sunshine? 4. What do you want to do? then the persons says I don't care and asks me what I want to do, then you go on for about a half hour because no one cares what they want to do. 5. Are you going to tell on me? 6. Why the F--k did you go and do that for? 7. Are you sure you wanna do that? (yeah that's why I suggested it.) That's all for now, I'm sure more will come to me later on. |
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
Whats up?
I answer the ceiling or the sky Why arent you dancing? 1. I have a injury in my ankle that makes it easy to sprain 2. I dont like dancing Aren't all Quakers dead? those are Puritans your thinking of and if they were dead would I be here Why do you read? dumb question maybe I should ask why they watch TV its fun Whats wrong with your brother? He has Asbergers a form of Autism whats your excuse Ecetra, Ecetra |
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
<3 wal-mart...
okay, here goes... 1. What's your name? Is it spelled C-a-r-r-i-e or K-e-r-r-i? Actually, it's spelled C-a-r-e-y, thank you very much. Why the hell does it matter how it's spelled? WHO THE FUCK CARES THAT YOU HAD A GREAT AUNT TWICE REMOVED ON YOUR FATHERS SIDE NAMED KERRI!?!?! 2. Why are you so fat? Why are you so insulting to people's bodies? Maybe if you weren't so pretentious, you would have friends that don't like you for *raise voice to yippy tone* your daddies porsche that he gave you for your birthday?*end sarcastic preppy voice* 3. Why'd you do that? Because I felt like it, and I'm a child, therefore, I do not think of consequences... 4. Can I ask you a question? I believe you just did, so if I say no, are you going to take your question back? Too late. 5. What are you wearing? Well, obviously clothes. Would you rather I wear a leaf? 6. Do you want fries with that? If I wanted fries, I would have said so. 7. Can I join? Well, I was doing just fine before you came along, but since I can't be rude, sure. 8. Are you wearing perfume? No, I just smell decent because I bathe regularly. Why don't you try it. 9. What shoes are those? The ones on my feet. 10. How do you want to die? I'd prefer to not die, thank you very much. But my second choice is to burn to death while drowning in a pit full of boiling tar and hungry sharks and alligators. |
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
ESPECIALLY the nail polish remover one, and other things like that. Such as, 'Why do you need a fork?'...to eat with?! |
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
Most questions don't bother me, I'm not easily agitated.
But what does bug me is when people unneccisarily use the question "What do you mean?" Ex.: person: "What's up?" me: "Not much, I'm doing the dishes." person: "What do you mean?" me: "....I mean exactly what I said." |
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
I don't like the "are you okay" either. Yes, I'm fine. Smiles are not required to be fine.
One that really bugs me is "Are you sure you're 16?" Would you like to see an ID? I have three forms if you count my student ID. I had a gate guard ask me for my drivers license last week because he did not believe I was old enough to be driving a car. My ID you have in your hand has a DOB, but here's my licenses anyway if it will get me out of here. Or "You're in high school? You must be a freshman then right?" No. I'm a Junior, thank you very much. Just because someone is short doesn't mean they are a freshman. "Are you sure you're not Devon?" What the hell? I've told you a million times I'm Chandler. You know Devon has a twin. You have science with both of us! Why can't you grasp the fact that I am Chandler?!! Oh, and my favourite. "Can you even talk?" "No. I can't." Quote:
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
So what are you going to do now that your graduated?
I hate that question. I mean, did they know what you wanted to do with your life when you were 17??? and if they thought they did know what they wanted, has their plan changed since then? my guess is yes. |
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
I don't hate people asking me what's wrong or if I'm okay. What I hate is that when I say "no, i'm fine" or "nothing's wrong" they don't ask again or challenge me on it. The reason for that is I really do want to be honest with the right people (my counsellor for example) but I have this messed up reflex that lies for me. I hate it because certain people who're trying to help need to know the truth for once. I've learned that...
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
If I'm a guy or girl.
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
"What was your hospital appointment for?"
Ugh. I hate lying. So either I lie and make something up. Or I have to explain that I see a mental health nurse st camhs once a week for councelling. xoxox Bex xoxox |
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
there's aren't really that bad, but they're annoying:
are you a chav? [i get asked that alot, i dont even know why haha] what's up? [i don't even know how to answer that] why don't you get a nose job? you'd be pretty then [ahh.. my personal favourite, although ive only been asked that once] is your hair made of cotton cool? [how could my hair possibly be made from cotton wool?] why doesn't your tan ever fade? [maybe because it's my natural skin colour] you fancy him don't you? [just because i mention a boys name doesnt mean i want him haha] like i said these aren't too bad, infact they're quite funny, except the one about the nose, that stung a bit haha |
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
"Do you need some help?"
"You DO know its not easy to get into broadway, right?" (*sarcasm* Noooo Really??) "Have you lost weight?" "Are you a lesbian?" "So who'd you sleep with last night?" "Is this my toothbrush or yours?" "What's that mop on your head?" "Do you really think you can afford your own apartment?" "What were you thinking??" "Why is there white stuff splattered on the wall?" "Am I ugly?" "Am I fat?" "Do you think I make the wrong choices?" Yeah THOSE types of questions piss me off because they're just awkward... |
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
After seeing my sisters with their children:
"So when are you going to start having kids?" It wouldn't annoy me so much if it was "Do you think you'll want kids?" But it's just assumed that you must want children. It's unnatural not to, your life isn't complete until you've had one. |
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
Hmm for some reason "Are you Okay?" doesn't bother me as much as the rest of you, I guess because it shows someone cares enough to ask.
I hate: - What college do you want to go to? I answer this so many times a day its ridiculous! Soon Im just going to start lying. |
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
1. whats that on your arm/leg/ face etc. etc.
2. are you bi? (anyone who hasn't figured that out needs to go back to infant school) 3. how are you doing (cus I always say good even when I don't mean it) 4. why are you vegetarian 5. why do you want to live in finland 6. why did you dye your hair |
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
"What's Up?" Doesn't really bother me actually. (Fun fact: My friend replies with "A two letter word indicating a height or rise in elevation")
But... "How are you?" Is asked too much for me. I get tired of answering with Fine/Good/Alright/Ok/(You get it!) all the time, unless something is genuinely wrong, in which case if I get asked by that by a certain friend, I'll tell them the truth. Otherwise, it's the generic "Alright" answer. Oh, and "What happened with (hurtful "friend")? Long story short, I almost killed myself over her, and I hate even hearing her name, thanks a bunch for making me remember. |
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
Are those cuts? Do you cut yourself? Why do you twitch? Did you just twitch? |
Re: Questions you HATE people asking you...
Oh, and why do you dye your hair
why do you draw on yourself? Why are you wearing that? |
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