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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - December 16th 2009, 01:04 PM

I hate it when people try to sympathise and make it worse.. like I spent last term at college being out of dance and having to watch all the time. I think one of the best was 'How do you manage? I would have killed myself by now' oh thanks..

Just these last few days I've had to explain to about 50 people that I'm not doing a gap year, I'm reapplying to uni because I can't do the thing I've wanted since I was about 3 because my knee is screwed. Yay. I really would rather not talk about it.
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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - December 16th 2009, 03:41 PM

Are You Ok?
-hmm well yes OR maybe I'll lie if your not the one person I actualy talk to

Why Are You Always So Sad?
-because I'm Clinicaly depressed,idiot

Well Why Don't You Know Why You Do It?
-because I just don't ok

Why Are There Tear Stains Down Your Face
-Umm cause I've had a crappy day

Loads more but I'll end but punching someone next time they ask these questions

If I say I'm fine...I'm not
If I say just leave me alone...just do it or you'll regret it

Last edited by Alex xox; December 16th 2009 at 03:48 PM.
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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - December 28th 2009, 08:42 AM

Are you emo?
-not really i just like black, are you an a**hole?

What's up?
-I either say nothing breathing or walking its so annying

Can i get a dolla
-yes i spelt dollar wrong but thats how they say it,i say yeah they say can i have it? I say nahh.

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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - December 28th 2009, 09:44 AM

I just generally dislike being asked about myself lol.
But only if they're looking for an emotional response

Originally Posted by SongsaboutHelena View Post
if im on IM or i get a text and my mom immediatly askes "who are you talking to?"
Ah. That, too.

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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - December 28th 2009, 02:50 PM

Originally Posted by Amy. View Post
"How are things with *insert boyfriends name here"* going?"
Ahem, personal business. I will say "Great/Good/Fine" every time.
I agree, I hate this question. Makes me feel awkward.
I always say 'things are ok' and leave it at that.
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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - December 28th 2009, 07:44 PM

"Do you have a boyfriend yet?"

Grandma, I'm looking for a girlfriend actually...

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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - December 28th 2009, 07:58 PM

"What's up?"

WHAT do people mean by that?!
Do they mean 'what's happening' or 'what's wrong'?!

That get's me every time.
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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - December 28th 2009, 08:36 PM

I know that if you don't read my explanation, you are going to think that I am a very selfish person... but the question that I hate the most is,
"Can I see?"

I have always been a very secretive person and I do not like people to know more than they are intended to know about me. I hate that question so much, because it's so hard for me to say no, it's just in my nature to say yes even if I can't stand the person... But I get very stressed and paranoid when people know something that people in that class of friendship isn't supposed to know, I never let anyone know everything about me and I try very hard to keep it that way.

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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - December 28th 2009, 08:53 PM

I hate it when people ask:

"What's up?"
When people ask me about myself, especially my family life
"Are you emo?" (oh and I especially hate it when ignorant fools see someone dressed in black and snicker, "look at that emo-loser, I bet they cut themselves and cry all night" - and yes, that's exactly what they said and I should have said something, but didn't)
"Why are you crying?"
"What's wrong with you?"

People ask too many questions, not because they really care about you, they just ask because they want to know

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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - December 28th 2009, 09:43 PM

Hi you there?
Your online where are you?

I obviously don't feel like talking to you

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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - December 29th 2009, 02:48 AM

Ooooh, top one on my list:
When I'm sitting on the couch engrossed in a book and my dad asks,
"What are you reading?"

Also up there... the ever classic "Are you okay?"

Another really awkward moment... "Why is the number 79 written on your wrist? What does it stand for?" That was by my ex's mom... and it was number of days I went without cutting.

"Aren't you like a genius and in really smart classes?" Uh, I'm not a genius, but I am in AP/Honors classes. Thank God you aren't in them because if you're going to make me feel uncomfortable and awkward, then I don't want you near me.
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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - December 29th 2009, 03:46 AM

normally I'd answer a little different but today I had to go to the doctor. I remember why I hate it so much..all those awkward n stupid questions. I dunno they just get on my nerves.

or my all time favorite was today..You've always been small right? yea... (in my head I'm going like F I know where this is going =/) Are you on some crazy diet? no (like anyone would be just like oh you know I am actually) Are you anorexic? nao!!! stfu just because I'm small for my height doesn't mean Im anorexic etc. Besides you've been my doctor how long? like I've always been this way you should know that. *rolls eyes* I hate going to the doctors
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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - December 29th 2009, 05:17 AM

"Why doesn't your two year old sleep in his own bed?"
Answers are
-He freaked out at 9 months and stopped sleeping in his own bed. The Cry it out method didn't work on him just made him worse.
-I got him to sleep in his own bed around 11 months... then he turned 1 and broke his arm, so he COULDN'T sleep in his own bed because I had to keep it elevated.. (only way to do that was to lay the arm on my tummy)
-He again started to sleep in his own bed around 17 months... and we moved into a new house, he freaked AGAIN and we've slowly been working on getting him back into his own bed.

Yeah... that's the most annoying question I get.. and I get it all the time from his grandparents.. :|

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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - December 29th 2009, 11:56 AM

I like being asked if I'm okay. It shows that they care.
Have you ever been in the situation where you're clearly upset and no one asks? So much worse..

The only one I don't like is "what are you doing right now?" then I have to explain what I'm studying, where, what I want to do. That's right up there with "so where do you want to go to University?" and I have to discuss and analyse all my choices & how my applications are going. FFS I stress out about these things, I do not want to be thinking or discussing them in my "relax family time"!
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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - December 29th 2009, 12:00 PM

Originally Posted by skaterkid889 View Post

Can i get a dolla
-yes i spelt dollar wrong but thats how they say it,i say yeah they say can i have it? I say nahh.
Not cool.

I don't give homeless people money but I will give them food/cigarettes. I donate to a homeless charity and often in return get "meal vouchers" that I can give to homeless people who will then be able to go and get a good meal.

To taunt someone in that way when they are in an awful situation is a pretty bastard thing to do, to be honest.

Last edited by her_beautiful_mistake; December 29th 2009 at 02:14 PM.
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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - December 29th 2009, 12:06 PM

Do you have any ID?

i really hate that question!!!! I DONT LOOK THAT YOUNG!!!

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oh, really?..
Jeez, get a life!
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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - December 29th 2009, 12:52 PM

what dress size are you?.

oh god i hate that.

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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - December 29th 2009, 02:14 PM

Originally Posted by Kokoro View Post
Do you have any ID?

i really hate that question!!!! I DONT LOOK THAT YOUNG!!!
Lol! I LOVE getting this question! "YAY I LOOK YOUNG"

And also you're 15... what won't they ID you for?
They should be IDing you...

Haha I used to work in a cinema
very very funny to ask people who are blantantly 19 for ID for 12's etc.
(and shhh don't scould me, you have to find some way of livening up the shifts!)
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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - December 29th 2009, 07:31 PM

Originally Posted by Kokoro View Post
Do you have any ID?

i really hate that question!!!! I DONT LOOK THAT YOUNG!!!
I used to be afraid of it when I was between my temps and state ID because I knew I'd get carded and that I was old enough, but couldn't prove it. Now I have a state ID and don't need it for anything besides flying since I don't buy anything that requires it.

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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - December 29th 2009, 09:48 PM

I hate being in the studio and having people ask.

'can I get a tattoo?'

I just want to shout, 'The sign outside says TATTOO STUDIO, so clearly NO you cant WE SELL PIES!'

Ticklish Tattoo!

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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - December 30th 2009, 05:26 AM

I hurt my knee in October, and I was on crutches for almost three weeks, after which I wore a brace for about two months. So when I first hurt it, at school, I had people- sometimes people I didn't even know- asking me- "OMG WHAT HAPPENED ARE YOU OKAY?" and it was nice to know that my friends cared but it got annoying explaining the story what felt like a million times. I had surgery earlier in December, which left me with a large scar several inches long on my knee, and a rather bulky knee brace- I went away on a cruise the 20-27, and had people constantly asking me what happened (I saw a woman in the bathroom once, who i had seen before, and she said, "Oh look, it's the knee girl, I just feel so bad for you!")... one man was actually able to guess my injury (ACL tear, apparently he works with a company that makes the knee braces or something).

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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - December 30th 2009, 07:16 AM

I hate when people ask me how many people I've dated.
1. I don't want to answer that because when I say "none" you'll act all shocked like an idiot.
2. Is that really any of your business in the first place....?

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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - December 30th 2009, 04:56 PM

Are you okay?
(when I am clearly not)

Are you a virgin?


Why are you so quiet?
Because I don't want to talk?

Why are you upset?
Usually asked my dad and I'm usually not upset 50% of the time.

How's school?
Good. /endofconversation

Do you drink/smoke/do drugs/etc?
Um, don't worry about it.

Who are you texting?

"I've never told a lie,
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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - December 30th 2009, 05:07 PM

Originally Posted by BECCALICIOUS! View Post

"Aren't you like a genius and in really smart classes?" Uh, I'm not a genius, but I am in AP/Honors classes. Thank God you aren't in them because if you're going to make me feel uncomfortable and awkward, then I don't want you near me.

Ugh. I get questions like that all the time.
It really pisses me off too. >_<
Yes, I am in AP/Honors classes, but that does not mean I know everything.
Also, it does not mean I will do your work for you just because you are too lazy to do it.

"I've never told a lie,
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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - December 30th 2009, 06:14 PM

are you a boy or a girl?
--i hate that question...if you dont know please dont ask me

you do know this is the womans restroom right?
--yes yes i do thank you fro informing me

can i help you sir?
--no no you cant because im a woman!

haha it really doesnt bother me that much sometimes i just find it rather funny (to myself)
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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - December 30th 2009, 06:16 PM

Originally Posted by topov View Post
I hate being in the studio and having people ask.

'can I get a tattoo?'

I just want to shout, 'The sign outside says TATTOO STUDIO, so clearly NO you cant WE SELL PIES!'

fantastic oh man i dislike stupid people like that
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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - December 30th 2009, 09:26 PM

Originally Posted by her_beautiful_mistake View Post
Lol! I LOVE getting this question! "YAY I LOOK YOUNG"

And also you're 15... what won't they ID you for?
They should be IDing you...

A DVD rated 12!!!!!

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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - December 30th 2009, 09:40 PM

I LOVE this thread!!!!!
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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - December 30th 2009, 10:35 PM

What is wrong with you?

PM // VM
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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - December 31st 2009, 01:07 AM

Originally Posted by Kokoro View Post
A DVD rated 12!!!!!

don't worry I got ID'd buying body spray
couldn't buy it because I didn't have my drivers licence
uhh I didn't even know there was an age limit on that!
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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - December 31st 2009, 02:24 AM

I hate being asked what I'm writing when I'm sitting there with a notebook. If I wanted you to know, I'd let you read it. And of course, I hate being asked if I'm okay when I'm clearly not. I also hate being asked why I'm so quiet and if I have any friends. I'm quiet because I majorly self-conscious, and YES. I do have friends. One BEST friend who would take a bullet for me. I would trust her with my life. Isn't that all that matters?
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oh, really?..
Jeez, get a life!
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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - December 31st 2009, 05:33 AM

"how old were you when you lost your virginity?"

such a lovely ice-breaker, don't you think?.

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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - December 31st 2009, 05:44 AM

^^^Also, I hate when you've talked to someone only a few times and they ask "Are you a virgin?" To the people that say that, geez, I don't know you that well, I'm not going to share my personal sexual life!

Sometimes I don't like when people try to grab away your phone ask "Who are you texting?" That can be a little personal too.

I could probably think of so many more, but that's all I've got at the moment.

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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - January 1st 2010, 07:56 AM

1. What are you thinking about?

Yeah, because I really want to tell you what's going on in my head. Mind you're own business, why don't you.

2. How do you get such good grades?

It's called doing your homework and turning it in. Ever heard of it? (Sounds a bit harsh, but it's true: half of these kids don't even touch their homework.)

3.What are you doing this weekend? (on like Monday)

Seriously, who plans their entire weekend and knows what they're going to do at the start of the week?

4. What's the matter?

Apparently, you're depressed/antisocial if you're quiet and you don't smile and giggle constantly.

5. How was your day at school? (from my mom)

Oh, it was great mom. I went to class. I did work. I went to another class. Did some work. Went to another class. Worked some more. Ate lunch. Repeated the same process. Isn't that just fun?

6. Do you like any boys? (from my mom)

I hate this because I've considered that I might be a lesbian. I haven't come out to my mom yet, but it bothers me that she's never even asked if I like girls considering she's all "pro-gay-rights". She just automatically assumes that I'm straight. I don't know, I'd just like it if she'd at least acknowledge the possibility that I might be gay or talk to me about it. She's never bothered with the "I'd be okay with it if you were gay" speech as if she just KNOWS that I'm straight.
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oh, really?..
Jeez, get a life!
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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - January 1st 2010, 02:14 PM

"what time is it?"

it's just annoying.

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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - January 1st 2010, 07:37 PM

"WOW! Isn't (insert "hot guy's name here) so handsome and hot?!?!"

Actually no, he isn't.

Too many obsessive people at my school.

I love : )

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oh, really?..
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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - January 2nd 2010, 02:24 AM

when people constantly say "do i look pretty?" or "does this make me look fat?" just so you compliment them.. urgh, it's so annoying!!!!.

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  (#198 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - January 2nd 2010, 04:15 AM

I really don't mind any questions, at all. Unless they're overly personal and awkward. :P

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  (#199 (permalink)) Old
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oh, really?..
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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - January 2nd 2010, 04:39 AM

i really don't like when someone says "what is your greatest strength?" - i got asked this at my college interview.

i didn't want to sound big-headed but at the same time i didn't want to look like i had nothing good about me! similarly.. "what is your greatest weakness?" annoys me, also.

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  (#200 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Questions you HATE people asking you... - January 7th 2010, 08:34 AM

Do you have a boyfriend?
If I answer no, they don't really know what to say. Makes me feel embaressed about wanting to be single, which it really shouldn't. If I'm in a relationship, and I answer yes, they continue to plow you with questions about the person. And when it comes to relationships I'm such a private person (cursed with exceptionally nosy relatives). This is especially akward when the next time they visit and I say I'm single now or with someone else, they stop at nothing to get the full breakup story (usually, a lie).

Why do you want to be a psychologist?
I'm find with friends asking this, but the the purpose behind the passion is very personal at its core, and I hate to be so bleak in answering with, "To help people."

Tell me about yourself/Who are you?
I can never find anything to say about myself when this is asked, and usually I draw a complete blank. I fall back on sheepish grins and my name/age/birthday, stuff they most likely already know. As to who I am, I have no idea. I'm too young to know, I am simply present, and whatever way my soul presents itself is who I am I suppose. Life is about creating yourself, and I haven't had enough time to do that.

I really hate any personal questions, unless they're coming from someone I would tell that sort of thing to.
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