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eunoia January 5th 2009 09:43 PM

The Compliment Thread!
Yay! Gotta love the Compliment thread. :] You start by complimenting the person above you. It can be anything nice about them, really. THEN you say something you like about yourself. (People always forget that one!)

When complimenting, use comments that will BOOST one's self-esteem and try to be as descriptive as possible. You can do one of the following:
  • Post a picture of yourself and tell us one thing you LIKE about yourself. Then give a compliment to the person above you. (REMEMBER: No comments such as "You've lost a lot of weight" or "You're so thin!" or anything else revolving around weight as these can be triggering.)
  • Don't just post a picture and state one thing you like about yourself. Always give a compliment to the person above you. If the person above you doesn't post a picture, say something about their personality that you have noticed. (i.e. you're very smart, you're very insightful, you've helped me so much.)
  • NO posts about weight loss or weight in general. This can be triggering
  • NO negative comments.
  • NO complimenting back. This rule is aiming to cut down chit-chat in this thread and keep it to its original purpose and means that if a person compliments you, you shou'dn't compliment them right back... let at least one other person compliment them before you post again.
  • NO explicit pictures (e.g. bare skin, stomachs).

Since I'm first, and no one is above me, I'll just say that I'm SUPER EXCITED that TH is back.

And I defo like that I've become rededicated to my writing. It makes me feel accomplished.

Katrina January 5th 2009 10:32 PM

Jessie - you're absolutely wonderful for posting this thread. It holds a place near and dear to my heart, haha. You're so unique and creative, your writing certainly is tote brill, and I look up to you and hope that you'll visit TH for years to come. Right, even when you get old.

Hyper Sonic January 5th 2009 10:35 PM

Katrina, you're a lovely person yourself :D and I look forward to being able to work with you on O&P :D
Plus you're really fun to know and I hope you had a great time away over New Year

I like my faux hair colour :p

Moyshi January 6th 2009 04:44 PM

Sonic: lol, that's some pretty sweet hair. :p Anyways, you've complimented me in this thread before, and i've always wanted to compliment you back but that would be double posting and baaad so here's my chance. XD You're very friendly, and you can really tell that you take care of all your friends. You should be proud of how long you've been SH free. TH would be empty without you around! :]

Marshmello Kid January 6th 2009 04:50 PM

I haven't said hi you in foreverrrr, so hi. You're super cool [=

My new blue hair =D
[It's real. . . *cough*Lee*cough*] :p

Briana January 6th 2009 06:11 PM

Marshmello Kid-- Long time no see around here :-p. You always seem so cool, caring, and nice and your blue hair looks even cooler!!

I like that after the surgery I grew like 3 inches!

.Sarah. January 6th 2009 06:28 PM

Bri - you are such a stronger girl. I only hope you realize this one day soon because you truly are. And wow girl, somebody has done incredibly well on being 7 months self harm free. Now only 5 months till you have made a year. I know you can do it because your you, your my strong fighter.

Trickmatic January 6th 2009 11:23 PM

To Sarah.

Always there to look out for people. Always caring to anyone whether you know them well or not. It's a pleasure to be your friend.

I like that I can go to places foreign to me and remember them vividly.

Lizzie January 6th 2009 11:35 PM

I love Yoshi! One of my favorite games on N64. :p

notwhoithinkiam January 7th 2009 12:56 AM

I took a peeksi at you profile an saw so many good qualities, you seem like a very good, caring person. Hope fully i can get to know you better and we can become friends:D

I like my awesomeness for choosing one of the most original avatars ever

Katrina January 7th 2009 12:51 PM

Re: The Compliment Thread!
Lizzie--you're lovely; I consider you a good friend! You do so much for the site, and I couldn't think of anyone better to be slapped in the face with when we realized how much of the site was gone, haha.

notwhoithinkiam--I also think that you're awesome for choosing such a unique avatar. Haha welcome back to TH! Also, good for you for keeping the same username. Not many of us did that. :o

I like my curly, bouncy hair, yah.

Lizzie January 7th 2009 12:55 PM

Re: The Compliment Thread!

Tini! My other half. We may no longer be AppleMoonGal on the site, but we will always remember it in our hearts. :) You are amazing, and I love how we write each other!
P.S. Totally got new stationary!

I love how my hair naturally dries straight, no blow drier or straighter necessary. :)

Kryptonite January 7th 2009 01:11 PM

Re: The Compliment Thread!
Lizzie =)
Helped me out a bit when I got the Religion forum, and has since taken on the Smod position awesomely.. :-P Great person to talk to.

Trickmatic January 7th 2009 04:46 PM

Re: The Compliment Thread!
To Alex.

You're great at making websites ;] and a really friendly guy, though we have never talked really. xD

I like my sense of style for the most part.

DeletedAccount107 January 7th 2009 05:16 PM

Re: The Compliment Thread!
Vincent. Wow. You're probably one of my closest friends on TH, and you've helped me so much. You give awesome advice, and you're all-around awesome.

I really like that I've figured out what I want to do with my life and where I want to go.

FastForward2012 January 7th 2009 06:03 PM

Re: The Compliment Thread!
Becca Lynn. I don't really know you. But I see your TWLOHA avatar,and I already think your amazing. haha :) And I just typed the exact same next line as you about knowing what you want and were you want to go. So now I have to retype mine....lol

I like that I'm more mature then most 15 year olds.

xTrashdoll January 7th 2009 06:32 PM

Re: The Compliment Thread!
Gina, from your username and way of words, I can sense that you are a really strong and selfless person. Able to survive through anything.


I like that I am shy, it gives me the opportunity to observe people from a distance and evaluate who I am able to trust, and who I am not.

Katrina January 8th 2009 06:30 AM

Re: The Compliment Thread!
Demi -- super cute name et al. You're super gorgeous, as well. You should have someone cut your hair into really choppy layers and straighten it. You have just the facial structure for that hair-do. I'd be super jealous too. Don't stop rocking. [:

I adore my ability to be a morning person. :p

eunoia January 8th 2009 06:37 AM

Re: The Compliment Thread!
Katri! Tri! Trinalina! Oh, how I could go on. And on. You're amazing, simply put. Totally and utterly awesome. You're such an inspiration, too. Like, you give great advice and have such a positive view of life and you're just such a peaceful person. Peaceful people make me happy.

Hmm.. I like that I am artsy. :D

escape_thereal_world January 8th 2009 01:02 PM

Re: The Compliment Thread!
I have seen some posts of you around, and I think you are a very sincere person. You're truly unique, and that's a good thing! ^^


Ummmm I like my eyes? (Mind you, this pic was taken in the early early morning!:p)

.Sarah. January 8th 2009 11:11 PM

Re: The Compliment Thread!
Mystery your gorgeous girl, never let anybody tell you different. There is two reasons why I said never let anybody tell you differently 1. they are lying muchly and 2. they are clearly just jealous.

Jessie your awesome you really are. I admire you a lot and think highly of the advice. So keep being you okay?

Katrina you are a very very very very pretty girl. I think what you have done for TH is fantastic.

Demi isn't somebody pretty? Yes they sure are. I love your eyes and your hair. And WOW girl, how you described yourself. Is exactly what I do.

Gina I like that you've kept your username. Well at least I think you have. >.< Anyway as well you seem like an incredibly strong girl. Even when times get hard.

Becca lynn I don't know you. But I instantly want to get to know you because of the TWLOHA avatar.

Vincent its so cool knowing you. Your so fantastic. And I'm pleased I know you.

Alex you've come to my attention lately. You maybe thinking 'EEK'. But I can assure you I have noticed how caring you are to others and how lovely you are.

Lizzie you are a very strong willed, intelligent, pretty girl. Who has a lot going for her.

notwhoithinkiam - I don't know you. But you must be kind to have posted on this thread. So kudos to you.

escape_thereal_world January 8th 2009 11:21 PM

Re: The Compliment Thread!
Sarah, you have something good to say about everyone! I can tell you like to make others happy and feel good. :) Thats an awesome quality! Keep it up!:grin:

I like my lips <.< lol

Lizzie January 8th 2009 11:29 PM

Re: The Compliment Thread!
What a cool picture you have in your signature. :)

UH... I like... my obsession with post-its. *shurgs*

eunoia January 9th 2009 12:17 AM

Re: The Compliment Thread!
Lizzie, you seem like such a kind and gentle person. You do a lot of wonderful thing around TH, and for that I'm grateful. You deserve the best life has to offer. :)

Me? I like my eyes, I reckon. Think they're pretty.

Penguin Queen January 9th 2009 12:23 PM

Re: The Compliment Thread!
Jessie, I have seen you a lot around here, your posts are always very kind and supporive. I like your avatar, its so cool, I love the little quote in your signature too. Also, the good thing I was going to say about me was I like my eyes too :D. Snap much?

escape_thereal_world January 9th 2009 03:27 PM

Re: The Compliment Thread!
Angela, you have an amazing spirit. I like reading your posts, no matter what topic. You put life into them. :)

I like...my hair. It's soft.

Briana January 9th 2009 09:57 PM

Re: The Compliment Thread!
Hey...Mystery--I looked at your profile and you like secret life?! That is amazing! It is such a good show and that just makes you that much more awesome! I love your siggy picture, it is really cool! You already have 80 posts? thats so cool! Keep it up! :)

FastForward2012 January 9th 2009 10:02 PM

Re: The Compliment Thread!
Well Bri, I think its pretty awesome that you play like 5 instruments. Well 6 if you don't count acoustic and electric guitar as one. You seem like a really fit person. :)
Also,props on the Twilight, Secret Life of an American Teenager and interesting shows on TLC.

I like my eyes,and that I know what I want to do in life.

Katieeee January 9th 2009 10:07 PM

Re: The Compliment Thread!
Oh my goodness Gina, you have the most prettiest face ever. I'm quite jealous :] Plus I love the Two Write Love on Her Arms jacket you have on in your picture. That's amazing.

C'est moi: [i'm on the left]

escape_thereal_world January 9th 2009 10:34 PM

Re: The Compliment Thread!
AWww you look so pretty Katie!
You remind me of Sarah Jessica Parker when she was younger!

Hyper Sonic January 9th 2009 10:48 PM

Re: The Compliment Thread!
Mystery - I've not known you very long but in that time I've seen that you're a really sweet person and you are a person that will go far in life. Plus you're on one of the working groups which is excellent for helping us get up and running back as we were before.
You're as nice as your sig image suggests (to me very nice) and I think you're a future staff member :]

edit: I like my cute eye colour

escape_thereal_world January 10th 2009 02:07 AM

Re: The Compliment Thread!
I think you are absolutely amazing. You are very kind and caring. You have a great aurora around you and you are fun to talk to. Also, you are intelligent and you like Subway!

I like that I can be mysterious.

Edit: Ooops, sorry for sandwich posting. ><

.Sarah. January 10th 2009 02:26 AM

Re: The Compliment Thread!
On a side note, Mystery it is a rule that there is no sandwich in this thread. See original post for details.

Now back to complimenting you of course. You are a very very pretty girl. And don't know you really but can tell from the posts have seen that you are a lovely person. So keep it up.

Briana January 10th 2009 12:08 PM

Re: The Compliment Thread!
Sarah-- like have said before love the username....I wonder who helped you pick it out. :p You are so amazingly awesome. You are a great friend and always there to help others out. I know your sturggling abit but I know you can do this. You can do anything you put your mind to. (sounds lame I know but its true). Now, if you ever need anything please ask...I would love to return the favor. We need to play question game some time soon! <3

Gaia January 11th 2009 07:59 AM

Re: The Compliment Thread!
Bri: I miss you as a buddy, you were upbeat and full of life. Also you have fabtastic choice in signature quotes :D

I like my eyes... they're all funky :p

Perplexity January 11th 2009 08:05 AM

Re: The Compliment Thread!
Lou, I don't know you that well and I don't think we have spoken 'properly' before, so one day I will send you a PM and start getting to know you. From what I do know and have seen from all the work you put into TH, you are a fantastic, hard-working staff member (one of my favourite buddies, actually. :P Not supposed to have favourites, but oh well.) You also do a great job of moderating chit chat and Relationships and Dating.

Whenever I see your posts, you always have something positive and optimistic to say, which is always a good thing. :)

Thing I like about me... I like my voice. :)

Elliot January 11th 2009 08:08 AM

Re: The Compliment Thread!
Shaz- Your posts always give people inspiration and make them smile :) and your awsome! :D

escape_thereal_world January 11th 2009 11:43 AM

Re: The Compliment Thread!
You're very kind. The fact that you can get inspired by someone's posts show you are an accepting person and that is a great quality to have. :)

I like my hands. Theyre soft. ^^;

Anna Skye January 11th 2009 02:55 PM

Re: The Compliment Thread!
Mystery- You are a very pretty girl :) I wish I could be that hot in the morning!!! :bleh:

I like my... obsession with caffeine? No I don't. Never mind.

peace and love

sushi_error January 11th 2009 04:21 PM

Re: The Compliment Thread!
Anna, I love your avatar! The Nightmare Before Christmas is awesome.

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