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Re: The Compliment Thread! -
December 28th 2009, 08:52 AM
Wolfie. Hi there! I unfortunately don't know you very well. If I did, I have no doubt in my mind that I could give you a more legitimate compliment than this. So, I'm going to have to get to know you soon! I do have to say, though, that I'm definitely glad you're a part of our community and that I like your avatar/profile picture.
We mustn't forget to compliment ourselves!
On which note, I do like my style. Usually. (: Except at four AM when I have the early morning lifeguarding shift.
Re: The Compliment Thread! -
December 28th 2009, 08:41 PM
Jasper, from what you have posted on my threads. You a very helpful and caring person and I admire you for that. And i've seen your avatar picture before and always thought it was one of the cutest pictures ever. Therefore, I love your avatar. =)
Then compliment to myself....hmmm...
Dear me, i'm glad you have found your equilibrium and are now full comfortable with who you are.
I'll do whatever it takes to be the mistake you can't live without.
Re: The Compliment Thread! -
December 29th 2009, 05:49 AM
Bridget ; I've never talked to you before, but I've seen you around a lot, and you seem like a really friendly person. If I had to take a guess, I bet you would be really fun to get to know! Your username is awesome, your avatar is awesome, you signature is awesome, and I bet you're completely awesome as well! It's great to have you on TH.
Compliment to myself: I managed to have fun today. I think that's an accomplishment! :]
Re: The Compliment Thread! -
December 30th 2009, 09:05 PM
I took a glance at your profile since I have a hard time remembering if I've seen you around. I love that you're open to different music. Really, a lot of people confine themself to one thing and it's very annoying and... well confining. While it may not seem like such a big feat just to be open minded, it really shows a big part of ones personality. It shows that you're not biased, nor do you discriminate which is a really great thing. =] You seem like a strong and beautiful person. So keep it up!
Um... I actually like my crazy obsession with zombies even if everyone else just thinks it's crazy. =p
Re: The Compliment Thread! -
January 5th 2010, 05:41 AM
Meaghan - I love the spelling of your name, it's so unique!
You seem so nice and down to earth from the few times we talked.
If you add me on MSN , we should def talk more.
Re: The Compliment Thread! -
January 5th 2010, 06:00 AM
Just the way your signature is organized and how you treat others you seem so nice and caring and beautiful and very artsy and lovely. (: I've seen you around a little bit and you seem so willing to help in every way you can even if it's to give some encouragement. I admire you so much for that.
Re: The Compliment Thread! -
January 27th 2010, 11:19 PM
lea, though I don't believe we've ever talked, you seem to be sarcastic and slightly random at times, and I think thats pretty cool, you seem to be able to show who you are and keep yourself a secret when you need to, that's sorta the way that I am and I think it's awsome, that considered enough of a compliment?
If you ever need it, I'm here to help, talk, or whatever! ~♥~Kyle †
Re: The Compliment Thread! -
February 4th 2010, 11:22 PM
Angelina- You are amazing with all the help you give people ly <3
me- Jodie you are so amazing with all the stuff you do
Darlin' don't leave me out here in the cold
I'm begging you baby don't leave me out here on my own I'll die, If you don't hold me tight Tonight, I couldn't make it outside If I tried, So please let me in lover,
Be kind ♥
Re: The Compliment Thread! -
April 4th 2010, 02:02 PM
We're going to reopen this.. I find the Compliment Thread to be an integral part of the team building process for our community.
Jodie - I was just noticing some of your posts around the forums the other day. You seem to a be a very kind and giving person without expecting anything in return, which in itself speaks volumes. I like your passion for Kurt Cobain, aha. It's cute.
Re: The Compliment Thread! -
April 4th 2010, 02:34 PM
Hey Katrina, you completely deserve to be Super Mod.
You are a sweet and kind person.
And you have special qualities that make you special. And although I dont know you very well, but what I have seen from your posts is that you really enjoy working on Teen Help.
And you really do care for people, which is a great aspect to your personality.
You are awesome
Re: The Compliment Thread! -
April 5th 2010, 05:55 PM
Hai Jaymi. ^_^
I think you already know that I think you're awesome. You're so caring, and you put so much work into everything you do here on the site. You're a valuable member of the TH community and it's always lovely to see your posts around the place! You're really strong, and I think you inspire a lot of people (Me included!)
Smile. <3
Re: The Compliment Thread! -
April 5th 2010, 06:27 PM
I don't talk to you as much as I used to, which really sucks. ): You're such a lovely person, you're fun to talk to and you're extremely supportive. You know how to make people laugh, and you're extremely easy to make conversation with. It's easy to simply be yourself when you're talking to Nicola! You give amazing advice, and even when you are going through your own struggles you always make sure you are there to help others as well. I miss talking to you, and I hope we can again soon!
Re: The Compliment Thread! -
April 6th 2010, 03:47 AM
Newbie552, I've seen you around the forums and stuff and I must say you give very good advice plus the quotes you chose for your signature were well picked and inspiring
"Sometimes I have moments in life,
where I am able to forget for one minute,
exactly how lonely I am.
I live for those moments.
Is that pathetic or brave?"
Re: The Compliment Thread! -
April 6th 2010, 11:25 PM
Matthew! We've never talked personally but I have seen some of your posts around the forum! You seem like a very nice guy, and a very helpful one, too! Keep up the great work.
I guess we are who we are for a lot of reasons.
And maybe we’ll never know most of them.
But even if we don’t have the power to choose where we come from,
we can still choose where we go from there. We can still do things. And we can try to feel okay about them. PM|VM|EMAIL
Colyn Riley ♥
Re: The Compliment Thread! -
April 7th 2010, 02:52 AM
you seem like a good person to know. Someone people can count on, someone trustworthy. I think that it would be awsome to know you well enough to be friends.
Re: The Compliment Thread! -
April 17th 2010, 12:21 PM
Your a darling. You are special. You give great advice even when you are struggling yourself. You dont deserve to be suffering.......I wish your pain away....your have a really great personality, and teenhelp is lucky to have you. Plus I love your sig and avatar.........your just super!
Re: The Compliment Thread! -
April 17th 2010, 12:58 PM
Jaymi..just by ur reply above i can see you are a very kind loveing person, i have seen you around a few times and hope to talk to you in chat sometime.
ps i love you signature.
Re: The Compliment Thread! -
April 19th 2010, 03:29 PM
Ha Kendi!! You know your super great! You make a brilliant HelpLink Mentor. You show dedication and pure caring. You are nice and have a wonderful personality, I always see your posts and when I see them I always think, how amazing you are. Just keep up being you, because you are just..........hmmmmmmmm..........the best