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Say to yourself what you would tell your friend -
July 10th 2021, 04:42 PM
People are often too harsh on themselves. Most of us tend to feel guilty or inadequate, and frequently have negative thoughts about ourselves.
I've realised recently that I would never say most of the things I say to myself to a friend, a family member, or even to a stranger. I created this thread for all of you to try: instead of being harsh on yourself, write down what you would say to your dearest friend, were they in the same situation. And then say that to yourself.
I will start.
I was supposed to go volunteering abroad, but I called it off because I'm too scared. I feel like a coward.
If my friend told me this, I would say to her: You're not a coward at all. You had a great idea of going abroad and you thought you could do this - that's already a success. It's okay to change your mind and you might not be ready for that yet. Maybe you will be in some time and then you will overcome your fears.
Re: Say to yourself what you would tell your friend -
July 11th 2021, 08:18 PM
This is such a great idea!
I am having a hard time right now with my focus and it is making me be hard on myself.
I would tell a friend:
You have a lot of stress on you and you also are on meds that can do this. It isn't your fault. Ask for help if you need it.
Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive
Re: Say to yourself what you would tell your friend -
August 24th 2021, 12:05 PM
Maybe they had their reasons for leaving you out. And if they didn't, maybe they're not worth being called friends. Either way it's not your fault, you're perfectly good. You didn't do anything that could upset them or make them angry - quite the opposite, you've been a great friend to them. You've been caring, sympathetic, you always sent them small gifts and postcards, brought them homemade food and remembered their birthdays. They couldn't have wished for a better friend.
Re: Say to yourself what you would tell your friend -
September 8th 2021, 03:31 PM
You omitted that class today - it's totally fine. You've been there twice already and you will attend regularly start late September, so you've no reason at all to rebuke yourself for not going today.
Re: Say to yourself what you would tell your friend -
January 16th 2022, 08:54 PM
You're doing fine. Their expectations aren't your responsibility, and you don't need to live a life determined to avoid disappointing anyone. Live your life, and the rest will fall into place.