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What are you thankful for? -
November 23rd 2017, 03:13 PM
I know the holidays are quickly approaching. Today is Thanksgiving for those in the USA and I know that the holidays can be difficult.
I know, for me, I think about all the things I haven't done/haven't accomplished.
So, I am making this thread because one of the ways I combat the holiday blues is by reminding myself of the things I am thankful for.
I know this could be seen as a Thanksgiving thread but it really isn't. I have done this each year and it helps so I thought it might help others too.
I will start:
I am thankful for my Nieces and Nephew
I am thankful for my cats
I am thankful for books and movies and television but mostly books
I am thankful for my friends
I am thankful for my boyfriend
I am thankful that this year was probably one of the better ones I had. Especially thankful for that given how anxious and freaked out I was about this year.
Re: What are you thankful for? -
November 23rd 2017, 06:44 PM
I think this is a wonderful idea. And who says it has to be limited to just people in the US, since it's Thanksgiving? Thanks for creating this thread!
I am thankful for:
- Having a place that I can call home. Actually, I have two. My own condo and my parents' house.
- My parents, who when they're at the best are nothing but supportive and loving. They have my back through and through in the good and bad times. I'm grateful that there are more good moments and memories with them than bad.
- My sister, her husband, and his family. I am just really bummed that I wasn't more attuned to them when my sister was first going out with S twelve/eleven years ago. KK and AK are pretty much my soul-sisters and I love them to bits.
- My niece, of course.
- My good friend.
- My workplace and the fact that I have been there going on four years this coming May. I've never been at the same one place for this long!
- The idea that things can only begin to climb uphill from here, and I'm grateful for being a part of this long road no matter how bad or good it may get. Because I have encountered worse, things I can't even remember. So it can only go uphill from here and I'm grateful for that prospect.
Re: What are you thankful for? -
January 4th 2023, 10:03 AM
Everything in my life.....
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It’s the rhythm
of your life.
It’s the expression
in time and movement,
in happiness, joy, sadness and envy.
-Jacques d’Ambroise''