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Laura Love January 6th 2009 02:32 PM

Have You Ever?
For people that don't know how it works, I will post a have you ever, the next person then must reply whether they have done the said activity then they must post their own have you ever. Some one will then reply and so on and so fourth.


I'll Start:

Have you ever noticed that something you were wearing was inside out, but noticed when you were taking them off to go to bed that night?

ShaunHellend January 6th 2009 02:35 PM

yes Ive done that many times lol underwear, T shirts, trousers, Bra ... haha joking about the bra.

my turn:

Have you ever been without a shower for more than 2 weeks?

BrittneyNicole January 6th 2009 03:12 PM

No. Never.

Have you ever ignored every incoming call and message for over a week?

*Faith* January 6th 2009 03:23 PM

I've tried but I give into the temptation of replying.

Have you ever pee'd behind a bush out of desperation?

BrittneyNicole January 6th 2009 03:47 PM


Have you ever stolen something?

Markteenhelp January 6th 2009 04:02 PM

yes. have you ever kissed a girl?

notwhoithinkiam January 7th 2009 01:28 AM

have you ever called someone a "twitboard" (done it today lol)

almostinvisible January 7th 2009 08:51 AM

Re: Have You Ever?
Have you ever gone more than one full day without sleep?

blacksnow January 7th 2009 08:55 AM

Re: Have You Ever?
yes ... I did that 2 days ago!

Have you ever cried over a book's storyline? for example, in harry potter when a character died?

almostinvisible January 7th 2009 08:56 AM

Re: Have You Ever?
Yes! And it was Harry Potter, too
Have you ever forgot your best friend's birthday?

MetalManatee January 7th 2009 09:13 AM

Re: Have You Ever?

Have you ever owned a pet reptile?

Laura Love January 7th 2009 11:00 AM

Re: Have You Ever?
It was a big box turtle. My brother named him turtle. How original, eh? hahah.

Have you ever smiled at a stranger just to creep them out?

lost_chil January 7th 2009 11:26 AM

Re: Have You Ever?
Absolutly! LOL!

Have you ever gone a whole day without saying anything to anyone just for the hell of it?

Gingerbread Latte January 7th 2009 11:45 AM

Re: Have You Ever?

Have you ever stayed in bed for more than 24 hours?

lost_chil January 7th 2009 12:19 PM

Re: Have You Ever?
Yup, for many reasons, just did'nt want to deal with mom, and was TIRED! LOL!

Have you ever spent all day on TH?

Laura Love January 7th 2009 02:26 PM

Re: Have You Ever?

Have you ever cried for no reason?

DeletedAccount63 January 7th 2009 02:32 PM

Re: Have You Ever?
Yes Many Times

Have you ever Been in Hadcuffs(Not arrest but like for your safety or something)

xxpaigiexx January 7th 2009 02:33 PM

Re: Have You Ever?
Have you ever mooned?

MetalManatee January 7th 2009 03:31 PM

Re: Have You Ever?
I have indeed! Yesterday in fact :p.

Have you ever drunk port?

fastpitch2 January 7th 2009 03:34 PM

Re: Have You Ever?
Have you ever pet a llama?

Skeleton January 7th 2009 03:39 PM

Re: Have You Ever?

Have you ever spoken to someone thinking they were your friend only for them to be a random stranger?

Gingerbread Latte January 7th 2009 04:27 PM

Re: Have You Ever?
Um, probably but I can't remember

Have you ever been caught having sex somewhere you really shouldn't have been doing? (e.g your parents bed, in public)

DeletedAccount107 January 7th 2009 04:34 PM

Re: Have You Ever?
Wasn't all-out sex... just "sexual activity," if that counts.

Have you ever been in a physical fight?

Laura Love January 7th 2009 05:58 PM

Re: Have You Ever?
I have. They got me in serious trouble, and I started none of them..just finished them. haha.

Have you ever spit at someone?

Skeleton January 7th 2009 06:04 PM

Re: Have You Ever?
I don't think so.

Have you ever waited ages for something and when you got it you realised it wasn't worth it?

FastForward2012 January 7th 2009 06:08 PM

Re: Have You Ever?
Yes. It was my ex, who cheated on me. and then I went back out with him. and he cheated on me again. Lovely,huh?

Have you ever played Twister naked? lmao

Idk where that came from ^

Skeleton January 7th 2009 06:14 PM

Re: Have You Ever?
I haven't played Twister naked but it sounds like fun! =P

Have you ever purposely let someone else win a game?

Starlett January 7th 2009 06:19 PM

Re: Have You Ever?
No [i'm too competitive for that :p]

Have you ever met someone famous?

WashoutThePain January 7th 2009 06:29 PM

Re: Have You Ever?
Yup yup! A bunch actually.. randomly too XD

Have you ever worn something outside the house with a huge hole in it, accidentally of course?

Skeleton January 7th 2009 06:31 PM

Re: Have You Ever?
Not accidentally, my high school jumper had massive holes in the sleeve because I chewed on it loads, does that count?

Have you ever left the house wearing something embarrassing without realising it?

DeletedAccount63 January 7th 2009 06:34 PM

Re: Have You Ever?
have you ever been inlove with your bestfriend

Skeleton January 7th 2009 06:35 PM

Re: Have You Ever?
I had a crush, that is about it.

Have you ever said a thought out loud without meaning to?

DeletedAccount63 January 7th 2009 06:40 PM

Re: Have You Ever?
Yes I have
Have you ever had something that you liked until you found out what it really was
for examble(they tell you its chicken over and over and when you eat it you say you like it until they tell you its frog likes then you say you hate it)

Skeleton January 7th 2009 06:43 PM

Re: Have You Ever?
I don't think so but I'm worried it'll happen one day.

Have you ever acted as if you knew what someone was talking about when you really didn't?

supernoodles January 7th 2009 06:48 PM

Re: Have You Ever?
Nearly Everyday! I like to make it up as I go along.

Have you ever barked like a dog when you've got the window in the car open?

FastForward2012 January 7th 2009 06:57 PM

Re: Have You Ever?
lmao No.

Have you ever went to a hotel in your pajama's so you could get free breakfast?

DeletedAccount63 January 7th 2009 06:57 PM

Re: Have You Ever?
No i havent
Have you ever felt so paranoid like you are the only one in the house but there was 1 more person there

WashoutThePain January 7th 2009 07:17 PM

Re: Have You Ever?
Oh my god yes!!! I carry a bat around with me when I am home alone lol.

Have you ever not showered for more than a week?

FastForward2012 January 7th 2009 07:20 PM

Re: Have You Ever?

Have you ever been to China?

Skeleton January 7th 2009 07:24 PM

Re: Have You Ever?
No, sadly.

Have you ever gone to do something then forgot what it wasn't and just couldn't remember?

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