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-   -   Best things said in chat. (http://www.teenhelp.org/forums/f35-games-things/t12942-best-things-said-chat/)

TakeTheLeap May 14th 2009 06:28 PM

Re: Best things said in chat.
2:23 PM [Jamie] Chat. Where maturity is just an 8 letter boob.

Care-o-Bear May 15th 2009 06:10 AM

Re: Best things said in chat.
Not in chat very often, but I've gathered enough information to kinda understand some of the people and the silliness :p
Here's one I found funny:

6:25 PM [Silver] I'm a he
6:25 PM [markasaurusREX] No you're not.
6:25 PM [eaty] So you think
6:25 PM [markasaurusREX] You're a woman with a flat chest and a penis.
6:25 PM [Care-o-Bear] hehe
6:25 PM [eaty] XD
6:25 PM [markasaurusREX] And a deeo voice.
6:25 PM [Marionette.] This coming from Mark...
6:25 PM [markasaurusREX] deep*
6:25 PM [markasaurusREX] Shut up Jade.
6:25 PM [Marionette.] <3
6:25 PM [eaty] that is what is even more funny Jade

And this was pretty good too:

7:11 PM [markasaurusREX] IT?!
7:11 PM [markasaurusREX] ...IT?!?
7:11 PM [Marionette.] mhmm
7:11 PM [Marionette.] like ET, but with an I
7:12 PM [Marionette.] <3
7:12 PM [eaty] i just sneezed
7:12 PM [markasaurusREX] LOL
7:12 PM [markasaurusREX] Speaking of ET
7:12 PM [Marionette.] I'm such a bitch lately, my hormones are everywhere
7:12 PM [markasaurusREX] Earlier, I was looking through payperview movies
7:12 PM [Marionette.] mark i love you really <3
7:12 PM [markasaurusREX] And ET was on
7:12 PM [Marionette.] whatever you are
7:12 PM [markasaurusREX] And I read that as
7:12 PM [markasaurusREX] "ET: Extra Testical... WHAT?"
7:12 PM [Care-o-Bear] hahaha! wow
User justDucky has entered this room.

7:13 PM [eaty] xDDDDD
User soul has logged out.

7:13 PM [Marionette.] mark has three testicles?
7:13 PM [markasaurusREX] No, Mark doesn't.
7:13 PM [Marionette.] you could relate right...
User justDucky has left this room.

7:13 PM [Marionette.] thats what you love ET so much
7:13 PM [Marionette.] ok ok im shutting up, promise
7:14 PM [markasaurusREX] Hahaha.

WhisperingSilence May 16th 2009 10:02 AM

Re: Best things said in chat.
10:55 [lilmisschatterbox] nope previews yah
10:56 [lilmisschatterbox] night at the museuem is on dvd but this is night at the museum 2
10:56 [darkdreamerxxx] thats film was funny
10:56 [lilmisschatterbox] i no i have it on dvd
10:56 [lilmisschatterbox] i might watch it i liked the monkey with the keys
10:57 [lilmisschatterbox] that film brings back a good memory
10:58 [darkdreamerxxx] really ? what ?lol
10:58 [lilmisschatterbox] my dad took me to see it at the cinema !
10:58 [darkdreamerxxx] aww
10:58 [lilmisschatterbox] yeah
10:58 [lilmisschatterbox] omg i love this song
10:59 [darkdreamerxxx] what song??
10:59 [lilmisschatterbox] beyonce - halo
10:59 [darkdreamerxxx] oh lol
10:59 [lilmisschatterbox] lol
10:59 darkdreamerxxx clicks to you tube to see if she can find it
10:59 [lilmisschatterbox] lol
11:00 [lilmisschatterbox] its on tmf at the moment
11:00 [darkdreamerxxx] tmf?
11:00 [lilmisschatterbox] im kinda in chat and watching teli multi tasking oh yeah
User Deppy has logged out.

11:00 [lilmisschatterbox] music channel
11:00 [lilmisschatterbox] tmf stands for the music factory
11:00 [darkdreamerxxx] oh lol
11:00 [lilmisschatterbox] lol
11:01 [darkdreamerxxx] we dont have that channel
11:01 [lilmisschatterbox] omg look we took over chat
11:01 [darkdreamerxxx] oopes lol
11:01 [lilmisschatterbox] awww u are missing out on it its a great channel
11:01 [lilmisschatterbox] lol

when me and darkdreamerxxx took over chat. :P

Naomi. May 17th 2009 02:01 PM

Re: Best things said in chat.

Bibliophile May 17th 2009 02:05 PM

Re: Best things said in chat.

Originally Posted by N@0M! (Post 142231)

Oh my goodness. xD That made me giggle.

Unicorn. May 17th 2009 02:13 PM

Re: Best things said in chat.

Originally Posted by N@0M! (Post 142231)

How amusing ;)

DoesThisLookInfected? May 19th 2009 09:42 PM

Re: Best things said in chat.

lol, not meant to be funny, look at the stuff squared (not circled :p )

EDIT: Sorry about the bad pic, I messed up with paint

x-x-xblackx-x-xrosex-x-x May 20th 2009 03:34 PM

Re: Best things said in chat.
16:24 [x-x-xblackx-x-xrosex-x-x] back
16:24 [BeautifulDisaster.] I am so much better.
16:24 [eaty] Wow xD
16:24 [BeautifulDisaster.] You came back.
16:24 [x-x-xblackx-x-xrosex-x-x] always
16:24 [TheHeroOfCanton] i can last longer
User lost-hope has entered this room.

16:24 [TheHeroOfCanton] pow chicka pow wow
16:24 [BeautifulDisaster.] No you cannot!!
16:24 [BeautifulDisaster.] I can
User lost-hope has left this room.

16:24 [BeautifulDisaster.] *waves*
16:24 [x-x-xblackx-x-xrosex-x-x] What did I miss
16:24 [TheHeroOfCanton] *not event breakin a sweat*
16:24 [BeautifulDisaster.] *nor am I Bitch*
16:24 [TheHeroOfCanton] we'r having a wave out
16:25 [TheHeroOfCanton] or rather, she is trying to, and im winning
16:25 [x-x-xblackx-x-xrosex-x-x] A wave out??
16:25 [BeautifulDisaster.] Just becase, okay, you have a penis, doesn't make you better, mmk?
16:25 [~Emily~] Brb
16:25 [TheHeroOfCanton] o.O
16:25 [TheHeroOfCanton] dont bring my penis into this
16:25 [BeautifulDisaster.] I shall, I can and I will and just have.
16:25 [TheHeroOfCanton]
16:26 [TheHeroOfCanton] Mags, u hear that? she wont leave my penis alone
16:26 [x-x-xblackx-x-xrosex-x-x] :O

:hehe: May 21st 2009 04:07 AM

Re: Best things said in chat.
10:56 PM [markasaurusREX] Omg, I got bit by a dick once

:hehe: May 23rd 2009 03:36 AM

Re: Best things said in chat.
10:33 PM [markasaurusREX] My eye is irritated. Maybe I should get checked for Swine Flu.
10:33 PM [markasaurusREX]
10:33 PM [lost-myself] Not funny!!!
10:33 PM [lost-myself] I am freaking out...
10:34 PM [lost-myself] >.<
10:34 PM [markasaurusREX] ...Amy. You don't have swine flu.
10:34 PM [markasaurusREX] Well, this site will tell you.
10:34 PM [lost-myself] How do you know!?!?
10:34 PM [markasaurusREX] It has the symptoms of the first day or so.
10:34 PM [markasaurusREX] http://www.doihaveswineflu.org/
10:34 PM [lost-myself] Okay..
10:34 PM [lost-myself] Am I allowed to say I hate you
10:35 PM [lost-myself] Gosh Mockery is so not funny!!!!!
10:35 PM [lost-myself]
10:35 PM [markasaurusREX] You're a mod. You lost that privledge.
10:35 PM [lost-myself] Fine.
10:35 PM [markasaurusREX] It would be abuse.
10:35 PM [lost-myself] I love you, thanks for that lovely
10:35 PM [lost-myself] I have swine flu message
10:35 PM [markasaurusREX] Mhm. Hope it helped.
10:35 PM [lost-myself] Lol


Gidig May 24th 2009 04:53 AM

Re: Best things said in chat.

franz1 May 24th 2009 05:38 AM

Re: Best things said in chat.
i was talking to my friend and she just out of the blue said:

i guess she was hungry^.^

:hehe: May 25th 2009 02:42 AM

Re: Best things said in chat.
9:40 PM markasaurusREX sits on Adz
9:40 PM Silver rises
9:40 PM [charliebear] and wat cat said
9:40 PM [Silver] Onto my feet, you dirty boy
9:40 PM [markasaurusREX] That's a little odd, Adz.
9:40 PM [markasaurusREX] XD
9:40 PM [german guy] yes ity is
9:40 PM [markasaurusREX] Damn, too late.
9:40 PM [markasaurusREX] Anyways.
9:40 PM markasaurusREX falls
9:40 PM [Silver] Haha pwnd

Jamie May 25th 2009 11:48 PM

Re: Best things said in chat.
00:43 [Ergg] Hey! They found a new breed of slug in Glasgow Wales
00:43 [lost-myself] I'd rather have a duck.
00:43 [Ergg] I was reading it on the news
00:43 [lost-myself] slugs are just kinda ewwwy
00:43 [Jamie] Glasgow Wales?
00:43 [Jamie] Lmao xD
00:43 [Slade] ow
00:43 [markasaurusREX] Amyyyyyy goosegoosegoosegoose
00:44 [Ergg] I had a mini slug far D:
00:44 [Slade] ow
00:44 [Slade] ow
00:44 [Ergg] Glasgow somewhere
00:44 [Ergg] or wait
00:44 [Ergg] Cardiff or something
00:44 [markasaurusREX] duckduckduckduck. <3
00:44 [Ergg] Iuno! I'm sunburned DDDD:
00:44 [x7x13x] she left at fricking 2:15 for the movies,why the hell aint she back yet
00:44 [lost-myself] >.<
00:44 [Jamie] Glasgow= Capital of Scotland. Wales= Country.
00:44 [markasaurusREX] I didn't typo that timeee, noteven onceeee
00:44 [Slade] on my braces
00:44 [Slade] >_<
00:44 [lost-myself] Wales is a country?
00:44 [Slade] and it hurts
00:44 [markasaurusREX] I have braces* *
00:44 [Ergg] Yus it is
00:44 [Ergg] it's where Enid hails from* *
00:44 [lost-myself] Oh boy
User xxPinkie24 has logged out.
00:44 [exodus] awww
00:44 [lost-myself] I thought it was just another term for England
00:44 [exodus] Direct pressure
00:44 [exodus] tya
00:44 [exodus] *
00:44 [exodus] Tay *
00:44 [exodus] xD
00:44 [lost-myself] I feel stupid now >.<
00:44 [Jamie] Oh jesus.
00:45 [Just.Tegan.] hahahaaa!!!
00:45 Jamie schedules a lesson on UK geography.
00:45 [Jamie] There's 5 coutnries there you know!
00:45 [Matt] I'm brushing my teeth in chat* *
00:45 [Just.Tegan.] I'm genuinely slightly amused sorry guys

Heretic May 26th 2009 01:02 AM

Re: Best things said in chat.
Corello: *licks lips*
Corello: you're sexilicious. =D

sphynx May 26th 2009 02:00 PM

Re: Best things said in chat.
11:48 PM [Enjoyinglife] Would hugging a mirror be like... hugging myself?
11:48 PM [Enjoyinglife] Or is it just, hugging a mobile image of myself?
11:48 PM [Enjoyinglife] Which, in essence, is the same thing?
11:48 PM [sphynx] What about me? I'll bloat your ego even more if cuddles are involved >->
11:49 PM [Enjoyinglife] The mirror doesn't say anything, though.
11:49 PM [Enjoyinglife] .-.

Deep Brown Eyes May 26th 2009 08:55 PM

Re: Best things said in chat.
User Silver has logged out.
21:52 PM [markasaurusREX] Jamie, Adz, Tegan, Matt, Jav, & Em <333
21:52 PM [markasaurusREX] ...
User Silver has entered this room.
21:53 [markasaurusREX] I lied. I don't like Adz.
21:53 [markasaurusREX] OH SHIT
21:53 [markasaurusREX] Dx


21:57 [markasaurusREX] You logged out RIGHT before I sent that
21:57 [Silver] Hahahaha
21:57 [markasaurusREX] So I was like "...Fine, I don't love Adz anymore."
21:58 [markasaurusREX] And AS SOON as I sent that, you logged in. -_-

:hehe: May 26th 2009 09:01 PM

Re: Best things said in chat.
User Silver has logged out.
3:52 PM [markasaurusREX] Jamie, Adz, Tegan, Matt, Jav, & Em <333
User orevem has left this room.
3:52 PM [markasaurusREX] ...
User bball34life has logged out.
User Silver has entered this room.
3:52 PM [markasaurusREX] I lied. I don't like Adz.
3:52 PM [markasaurusREX] OH SHIT
3:52 PM [markasaurusREX] Dx

Figures. XD

Deep Brown Eyes May 26th 2009 10:00 PM

Re: Best things said in chat.
[Jamie] you know how people sing into hairbrushes? I sing into my laptop power cord.

peppermintpenguin May 26th 2009 10:09 PM

Re: Best things said in chat.
7:04 PM [markasaurusREX] I bought my weenie a rainbow collar.

Paul. May 26th 2009 11:03 PM

Re: Best things said in chat.
11:54 PM ~Emily~ pouts and rubs against Cameron's legs like a kitteh
11:54 PM [Gidig] Markkk
11:54 PM markasaurusREX sits on Matt
11:54 PM [markasaurusREX] <3
11:54 PM DoesThisLookInfected? gets a boner
11:54 PM [DoesThisLookInfected?]
11:54 PM [~Emily~] o.O
11:54 PM [markasaurusREX] ...o_o
11:54 PM [Gidig] I do that to people Cameron.

DoesThisLookInfected? May 26th 2009 11:41 PM

Re: Best things said in chat.
7:39 PM [Petey] so my boyfriebd and i are going to have sex in the bathroom of a skyscrapper downtown tomorrow XD

DoesThisLookInfected? May 27th 2009 11:15 PM

Re: Best things said in chat.
7:10 PM [DoesThisLookInfected?] what's amazing is that they've had the same actors as detectives
7:10 PM [DoesThisLookInfected?] Ice T is so good in that show
7:10 PM [markasaurusREX] I love Ice T
7:10 PM [Matt] I like milk more
7:11 PM [markasaurusREX] ...Smartass.
7:11 PM [DoesThisLookInfected?] lmao
7:11 PM [Matt] ... seriously. who names themselves after a soft drink
7:11 PM [Just.Tegan.] I feel like everytime I post in the religion/philosophy forums i have to put a disclaimer-type sentance at the end.
7:11 PM [DoesThisLookInfected?]
7:11 PM [Just.Tegan.] I would....
7:11 PM [Just.Tegan.] I'd be banana milkshake
7:11 PM [Matt] lol
7:11 PM [Jamie] I'd be Ice Cream Smoothie.
7:11 PM [Matt] I'd be.. milk
7:12 PM [DoesThisLookInfected?]
7:12 PM [Just.Tegan.] them be r stryt namez Jamie
7:12 PM [DoesThisLookInfected?] I'd be root beer
7:12 PM [Matt] xD
User sashax0 has entered this room.
7:12 PM [DoesThisLookInfected?]
7:12 PM [Just.Tegan.] matt... milk... hard core (Y)
User Cassago has logged out.
7:12 PM [Matt] yoz milk dawg is in da haaahhzz
7:12 PM [markasaurusREX] I'd be...
7:12 PM [markasaurusREX] Um...
7:12 PM [Jamie] Sup B-milkshake?
7:12 PM [Just.Tegan.] I love Root Beer/// lol
7:12 PM [DoesThisLookInfected?] I like some brands
User sashax0 has logged out.
7:12 PM [DoesThisLookInfected?] some other brands suck
7:12 PM [Just.Tegan.] ha sup IceCreamSmoothie... how do you shorten that thing?
7:13 PM [markasaurusREX] I'd be Pepsi, cause it can also double as my stripper name.
7:13 PM [DoesThisLookInfected?]
7:13 PM [Just.Tegan.] HA
7:13 PM [Jamie] Nobody wants a stripper called pepsi.
7:13 PM [DoesThisLookInfected?] I would
7:13 PM [Jamie] Pepsi Max, maybe.

:hehe: May 28th 2009 12:09 AM

Re: Best things said in chat.
7:05 PM [markasaurusREX] Jer called me ghetto once.
7:05 PM [markasaurusREX] I laughed.
7:05 PM [Ergg] Well
7:05 PM [Ergg] I'm bootylicious
7:05 PM [Ergg]
7:05 PM [markasaurusREX] XD
7:05 PM [markasaurusREX] Okay, You can be bootylicious, I'll be ghetto. XD
7:05 PM [Ergg] Kayyy
7:06 PM [Ergg] I get the pimp cane though D:
7:06 PM [markasaurusREX] Noo!
7:06 PM [markasaurusREX] I get it!
7:06 PM [markasaurusREX] you're the hoe! No cane for you!
7:06 PM [Ergg] Yus, so I can put you back in your place!! D:
7:06 PM [markasaurusREX]
7:06 PM Ergg wacks Mark over the head
7:06 PM [Ergg] Yeah, I'm awesome
7:06 PM [markasaurusREX] ...DL
7:06 PM [markasaurusREX] D:
7:06 PM markasaurusREX gets his own cane
7:06 PM [Ergg] Nuu, you're unconscious silly goose
7:06 PM [markasaurusREX] ..oh xD

<:3 )~ May 28th 2009 12:11 AM

Re: Best things said in chat.
Mousey originated from chat. xD

abrocks22 May 28th 2009 01:14 AM

Re: Best things said in chat.
I once joined a chat and someone said "ITS A TRAP", I immediately left.

Jazzz May 28th 2009 12:34 PM

Re: Best things said in chat.
Vibration :p

:hehe: May 31st 2009 02:20 AM

Re: Best things said in chat.
Haha, there was this rhyme Erin made up about trolls. It made me giggle. :)

Jazzz May 31st 2009 07:29 PM

Re: Best things said in chat.
20:23 [sphynx] I'm honestly wondering what it's like to be a hen.
20:24 Terry scratches head
20:24 [sphynx] And to lay eggs.
20:24 [sphynx] And hatch chicks.
20:24 [Terry] LOL
20:24 [Stormy] i already had 4
20:24 [Terry] What in god's name is going on xD
20:24 [Stormy] it was quite painful
20:24 [sphynx] I'm losing my mind?
20:24 [ChronicContractor] im just enjoying watching this
20:24 [sphynx] Shuddup -_-
20:24 [sphynx] My insanity is not for your amusement
20:24 [sphynx] Unless you want to pay.
20:25 [ChronicContractor] id pay
20:25 [ChronicContractor] itd be worth it
20:25 [sphynx] But wondering what it's like to be a chicken is perfectly natural.
20:25 [sphynx] Though I'd think being a quail would be more fun.
20:25 [sphynx] Except I wouldn't get one of those hangy things, so nevermind.
20:25 [sphynx] ...
20:25 [sphynx]
20:26 [sphynx] What is that called anyway? That little thing that goes over their head? o.o
20:26 [sphynx] I sound like a troll. XD

20:26 [sphynx] Hi, I'm Claire, how's everyone this afternoon?
20:26 [Stormy] claires a troll
20:26 [ChronicContractor] oh shitttt
20:26 [Stormy] wheres a mod when yhou need on
20:27 [ChronicContractor] Claire
20:27 [ChronicContractor] i had no idea.
20:27 [sphynx] Hahaha.
20:27 sphynx holds up little troll shoes.
20:27 [sphynx] and little troll hat.

I made up a troll poem for Sphynx

20:33 [Stormy] I found a troll beneath my stairs she said her name was Claire
20:33 [Stormy] she seemed to talk and sing a dance and i just stood and watched her prance

then she made one up for me
20:35 [sphynx] She curled up on my lap and then she had a nap
20:35 [sphynx] I grinned and stroked her fur as she let out a merry purr
20:35 [sphynx] I like to scratch her ears and when I need her, she'll be here

and i nearly cried, cos she was way to sweet

20:37 [sphynx] I luff my Stormy sweet, and I'm glad that we did meet.

Jamie May 31st 2009 09:39 PM

Re: Best things said in chat.
22:36 [Ergg] It's so much better to be a girl
22:36 [Ergg] IMO
22:36 [Jamie] Naw. Two words: Periods. Childbirth.
22:36 [Ergg] One word: Birth control
22:37 [Jamie] That's two words.

:hehe: June 1st 2009 02:11 AM

Re: Best things said in chat.
Mine and Adz's "secret language"

How 3rd grade. :P

Deep Brown Eyes June 1st 2009 05:20 PM

Re: Best things said in chat.

Originally Posted by markasaurusREX (Post 154527)
Mine and Adz's "secret language"

How 3rd grade. :P


18:17 [Silver] Mark. Get back in chat before I kickz0rz your buttz0rz
User markasaurusREX has entered this room.
18:18 [Silver] Thank you

:hehe: June 2nd 2009 01:03 AM

Re: Best things said in chat.
[markasaurusREX] I thought Maria was a guy.. In bed.
[markasaurusREX] It ended up being a flashlight though... XD

DoesThisLookInfected? June 2nd 2009 02:29 AM

Re: Best things said in chat.
[Gidig] The moment you've all been waiting for...
10:26 PM [DScott] what did you say about the best president ever?
10:26 PM DoesThisLookInfected? disagrees with Maria...
User Cassago has entered this room.
10:26 PM [markasaurusREX] Fuck.
10:26 PM [Gidig] SHA BAM
10:26 PM [markasaurusREX] Xd
10:26 PM [DScott]
10:26 PM [Gidig] Okay that failed a bit.
10:26 PM [markasaurusREX] xD*
10:26 PM [Gidig] But it was fairly close.
10:26 PM [markasaurusREX] Just a bit.
10:26 PM [DoesThisLookInfected?] sham WOW!
10:26 PM [Gidig] The best president ever?
10:26 PM [Cassago] Sham bam thank you man.
10:26 PM [markasaurusREX] Jer. We were fighting over cigarettes earlier.
10:26 PM [eaty] Wow...
10:26 PM [Cassago] ...Ma'am.
10:26 PM [Cassago] >_>
10:26 PM [Gidig] If you think Bush is the best president ever.. we need to talk.
10:27 PM [DoesThisLookInfected?] lol
10:27 PM [DoesThisLookInfected?] he's not the worst though
10:27 PM DScott would like to ask maria something in a private convo
User wtp has entered this room.
10:27 PM [Gidig] Stop talking!
10:27 PM [Gidig] I need to copy this!
10:27 PM [DoesThisLookInfected?] Hoover=worse than Bush
10:27 PM [markasaurusREX] lmao
10:27 PM [DoesThisLookInfected?] lol
10:27 PM DScott
10:27 PM [markasaurusREX] I love you maria.
10:27 PM [wtp] i need chocolate
10:27 PM [DScott] d
10:27 PM [DScott] f
10:27 PM [markasaurusREX] I really do.
10:27 PM [DScott] g
10:27 PM [DScott] h
User wtp has left this room.
10:27 PM [DScott] j
10:27 PM [markasaurusREX] Stop spamming.
10:27 PM [DScott] k
10:27 PM [DoesThisLookInfected?] talking
10:27 PM [DScott]
10:27 PM [DoesThisLookInfected?] Messing up maria
10:27 PM [eaty] Jer, i just got home from my first meeting of my new fire dept
10:27 PM [DScott] hehe maria

Maria doesn't know how to copy :p

eaty June 3rd 2009 07:26 AM

Re: Best things said in chat.
Oh the things that happen in chat in the middle of the night when people get bored:

2:47 AM [markasaurusREX] Ew. Rao.
2:47 AM [markasaurusREX] Eap*
2:47 AM [markasaurusREX] ...
2:47 AM [markasaurusREX] Rap*
2:47 AM [eaty] lmao Mark.... learn to type!
2:47 AM [markasaurusREX] No!
2:47 AM [markasaurusREX] You learn to type!
2:48 AM [eaty] I can type! you cant!
2:48 AM [markasaurusREX] No!
2:48 AM [markasaurusREX] Liar!
2:48 AM [eaty] No!
2:48 AM [markasaurusREX] Yes!
2:48 AM [eaty] No!
2:48 AM [markasaurusREX] Yes!
2:48 AM [eaty] You are the one who comes up with new ways to typo Duck!!!
2:48 AM [markasaurusREX] Liar!
2:49 AM [markasaurusREX] You dreamed it!
2:49 AM [markasaurusREX] It's all in your head!
2:49 AM [eaty] No i didn't! we went over this before!
2:49 AM [markasaurusREX] No!
2:49 AM [markasaurusREX] You lie!
2:49 AM [eaty] I do not!
2:49 AM [markasaurusREX] Ever since you cheated on me, I lost all trust with you!
2:49 AM [eaty] I wasn't cheating on you!
2:49 AM [markasaurusREX] I saw you!
2:50 AM [markasaurusREX] I beat the guy with a 3-holed brick!
2:50 AM [eaty] It was a blow up doll!*
2:50 AM [markasaurusREX] ...That's why it's head imploded...
2:50 AM [eaty] Yeah
2:50 AM [markasaurusREX] Well...
2:51 AM [markasaurusREX] I'm still hurt that a blow up doll was better than me!**
2:51 AM [eaty] It wasn't!
2:51 AM [markasaurusREX] You lie!
2:51 AM [eaty] I was asleep, a friend of mine put it there!!
2:51 AM [markasaurusREX] What ever!
2:51 AM [eaty] I wasn't cheating!
2:51 AM [markasaurusREX] Liar!
2:52 AM [markasaurusREX] I was loyal!
2:52 AM [markasaurusREX] You slept with a blow up doll!
2:52 AM [eaty] What about that goat i saw you with that one time?
2:52 AM [markasaurusREX] I was feeding it!
2:52 AM [eaty] Just like how i was just sleeping, and my friend put that doll there
2:53 AM [lost-myself] Goats now too?!
2:53 AM [markasaurusREX] Yeah, well. Sawahla slept with a duck!
2:53 AM [eaty] Well, you slept with a GOOSE
2:53 AM [markasaurusREX] He had a longer neck...
2:53 AM [Hidalgo] Hey! Don't call me a goose!
2:54 AM [markasaurusREX] Caro.
2:54 AM [markasaurusREX] I didn't sleep with you.
2:54 AM [Hidalgo] Oui
2:54 AM [markasaurusREX] I'm sorry.
2:54 AM [Hidalgo] Darn
2:54 AM [Hidalgo] You will make me cry
2:54 AM [eaty] Wait, she just proved you cheated on me!!!
2:54 AM [Hidalgo] Actually I'm already crying
2:54 AM [markasaurusREX] She was...intoxicated!
2:54 AM [markasaurusREX] INSANE!
2:54 AM [markasaurusREX] She doesn't know what she's saying!
2:54 AM [Hidalgo] Mmm intoxication
2:55 AM [markasaurusREX] ..SEE?!?!
2:55 AM [eaty] But still! you cheated on me! I never did, i was the loyal one!
2:55 AM [markasaurusREX] You slept with the blow up doll!
2:55 AM [markasaurusREX] ...Atleast I sleep with REAL PEOPLE!
2:55 AM [eaty] only slept, NOTHING else
2:55 AM [markasaurusREX] I'm so sure.
2:55 AM [eaty] So, at least blow up dolls don't have bad breath
2:55 AM [markasaurusREX] ...Caro didn't have bad breath...
2:56 AM [markasaurusREX] I mean.
2:56 AM [markasaurusREX] I didn't sleep with her!
2:56 AM [markasaurusREX] ...
2:56 AM [eaty] Yes you did!
2:56 AM [markasaurusREX] I did not!
2:56 AM [eaty] Did too! I have pictures proving it!
2:56 AM [markasaurusREX] Sawahla. I think we should break up.
2:56 AM [Hidalgo] Alcohol kills bacteria
2:56 AM [markasaurusREX] You can keep the kid.
2:56 AM [eaty] You keep the kid, you are the one who made it in me!
2:56 AM [markasaurusREX] No!
2:56 AM [markasaurusREX] The blow up doll did!
2:57 AM [lost-myself] Stop fighting you two -.-
2:57 AM [eaty] Did not! it is your kid!
2:57 AM [markasaurusREX] Is not!
2:57 AM [markasaurusREX] ...
2:57 AM [eaty] *:O
2:57 AM [markasaurusREX] It's not my name on the birth certificate!
2:57 AM [eaty] Yes it is!
2:57 AM [markasaurusREX] Is not!
2:57 AM [eaty] Is too!
2:57 AM [markasaurusREX] Is not!
2:57 AM [DScott] im lost now
2:58 AM [eaty] Fine then!
2:58 AM [DScott] a blow up doll got you pregnant?
2:58 AM [markasaurusREX] Since when was my name Jamie Lee?!
2:58 AM [markasaurusREX] That's the name stitched on the blow up doll!
2:58 AM [eaty] Since that night in vegus!
2:58 AM [markasaurusREX] Really..?
2:58 AM [eaty] Yeah
2:58 AM [markasaurusREX] I musta had a little too much to drink..
2:58 AM [markasaurusREX] Brb.
User markasaurusREX has left this room.
User markasaurusREX has entered this room.
2:59 AM [markasaurusREX] Back.
2:59 AM [markasaurusREX] Anyways.
2:59 AM [eaty] You left me!
2:59 AM [markasaurusREX] My name is not Jamie Lee!
2:59 AM [eaty] I have the papers somewhere from when you changed your name!
2:59 AM [markasaurusREX] I burned them!
3:00 AM [eaty] There, you just proved they were even there!
3:00 AM [markasaurusREX] Did not.
3:00 AM [eaty] Did too!
3:00 AM [markasaurusREX] Did not!
3:00 AM [eaty] Thank god i kept copys of them
3:01 AM [markasaurusREX] ...I burned those in an attempt to keep your mother away from me!
3:01 AM [eaty] Wait, was my mom hiting on you?!?!?! You cheated on me with my mom?!?!?!?!??!!
3:01 AM [markasaurusREX] Yeah!
3:01 AM [markasaurusREX] That's how you were made!
3:01 AM [eaty] Woah, what?
3:01 AM [markasaurusREX] Woah.
3:01 AM [markasaurusREX] That's gross.
3:01 AM [markasaurusREX] XD
3:01 AM [eaty] yeah that is
3:01 AM [markasaurusREX] I'm your father AND your husband!
3:02 AM [markasaurusREX] You married your father!
3:02 AM [eaty] Not my fault!
3:02 AM [eaty] You were the one who proposed to me!
3:02 AM [lost-myself] This is so wrong..........
3:02 AM [markasaurusREX] No!
3:02 AM [markasaurusREX] You took advantage of the fact that I was drunk!
3:02 AM [eaty] You knew yet you didn't tell me!
3:02 AM [eaty] I did not!
3:02 AM [markasaurusREX] I did so!
3:02 AM [markasaurusREX] I mean,
3:02 AM [markasaurusREX] You did so!
3:02 AM [markasaurusREX] XD
3:03 AM [eaty] There you admitted to it!!!!
3:03 AM [markasaurusREX] I did not!
3:03 AM [markasaurusREX] !!!
3:03 AM [eaty] Fine, keep your weird kid things. I'm leaving you
3:03 AM [markasaurusREX] I left you first.
3:03 AM [eaty] Did not
3:03 AM [markasaurusREX] ..Daughter.
3:03 AM [eaty] Ew
3:03 AM [markasaurusREX] ...XD
3:03 AM [markasaurusREX] Fine. I'm taking the dog!
3:04 AM [eaty] That is not a nice thing to call your son!
3:04 AM [markasaurusREX] What>!
3:04 AM [markasaurusREX] ?!
3:04 AM [markasaurusREX] He runs through the doggie door!
3:04 AM [eaty] Yeah, you taught him to do it!
3:04 AM [markasaurusREX] ....No you did!
3:04 AM [eaty] I didn't!
3:04 AM [eaty] you were the one raised with dogs!
3:04 AM [markasaurusREX] Did!
3:04 AM [markasaurusREX] Mo!
3:04 AM [markasaurusREX] Bo!
3:05 AM [markasaurusREX] No!
3:05 AM [eaty] Learn to type!!!
3:05 AM [markasaurusREX] No!


I love chat, and me and Mark's weirdness.

DoesThisLookInfected? June 3rd 2009 10:00 PM

Re: Best things said in chat.
User Lel has entered this room.
5:53 PM [Lel :)] Mark sucks
User Lel has left this room.
User markasaurusREX has left this room.
User markasaurusREX has entered this room.
5:56 PM DoesThisLookInfected? knows what you just did
User markasaurusREX has left this room.
User markasaurusREX has entered this room.

TakeTheLeap June 4th 2009 07:44 AM

Re: Best things said in chat.
3:37 AM [~Emily~] Grill?
3:37 AM [~Emily~] Like...
3:37 AM [~Emily~] A baby George Foreman?
3:37 AM [~Emily~] :P
3:38 AM [Stormy] your grilling babies?
3:38 AM [~Emily~] o.O
3:38 AM [TheHeroOfCanton] thats emily
3:39 AM [~Emily~] I eatz babehz 4 breakfassssssssssssst
3:39 AM [Stormy] Emily, the first step to stopping is to admit you have a proble. Grilling babies is not right

DoesThisLookInfected? June 5th 2009 02:12 PM

Re: Best things said in chat.

XD I've never been the ONLY one in chat

imtroubleyall June 5th 2009 04:21 PM

Re: Best things said in chat.

12:58 PM [eaty] You you you.... 100 year old trans male!
12:58 PM [markasaurusREX] I'm a better girl than you'll ever be!
12:58 PM [Ifairiesarereal] you can't argue with that

can't argue with the truth ladies and gentlemen :P

Deep Brown Eyes June 5th 2009 11:29 PM

Re: Best things said in chat.
00:28 [Stormy] aww my sims are spooning

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