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Re: Best things said in chat. -
June 6th 2009, 10:48 AM
11:47 [Dharma] Oh please, as if you two are perfectly innocent.
11:47 [Silver] I AM!
11:47 [Dharma] Riiiiiight.
11:47 [Dharma] I bet at the mere mention of sex you're at the edge of your seat choking on your drink. P:
11:47 [Stormy] im completly totally innocent
11:47 [Stormy] I do not watch sims spooning !
Re: Best things said in chat. -
June 6th 2009, 11:08 PM
00:04 [ShaunHellend] its a sort of little square cake covered in icing
00:04 [ShaunHellend] comes in many colours
00:04 [N@0M!] ck.
00:04 [Silver] My college is literally down the road from the bullring
00:04 [ShaunHellend] and it has a little bobble on the top filled with cream lol
00:05 [Silver] No it doesn't
00:05 [Silver] It's got a normal roof
00:05 [ShaunHellend] it does
00:05 [Silver] Oh, the cakes
00:05 [ShaunHellend] ill get a picture
00:05 [Silver] Nevermind
00:05 [N@0M!] okay
00:05 [N@0M!] Hahaha
00:05 [N@0M!] Lol Adz
Re: Best things said in chat. -
June 7th 2009, 04:27 PM
11:22 AM [Lel ] rob looked at my profile
11:23 AM [Lel ] i'm scared
Why is Rob the big, scary person?
[Jer] Oh. And I have a habit of attracting whales, too.
Anything that's sea-like. I'm like a gay aqua man.
[Jesmica] Mark makes me want to have lots of children.
Re: Best things said in chat. -
June 7th 2009, 08:20 PM
User markasarusREX has entered this room.
4:11 PM mark: STOP!
4:11 PM Mark: Hammer time
4:11 PM Mark: !
4:11 PM Lydia: hi
User Phillips_Screwdriver has left this room.
4:11 PM mark dances
User markasaurusREX has logged out.
Originally Posted by markasaurusREX
Haha, there was this rhyme Erin made up about trolls. It made me giggle.
trolls trolls the wonderful fruit, the more you eat the more you toot. The more you toot the better you feel, so eat more trolls with every meal!
sorry, just thought they deserved to know what my rhyme was
5:03 PM [SonicFan] Erin with a spear would be almost as dangerous as Chuck Norris
5:14 PM [Vessol] America has WMD's, and Erin is one of them.
9:22 PM [guardian angel] Erin you are the queen of chat
my signature is officially badass
Last edited by imtroubleyall; June 7th 2009 at 08:25 PM.
Reason: Multiple posts have been merged automatically.
Re: Best things said in chat. -
June 7th 2009, 08:25 PM
Erin fails.
User markasarusREX has entered this room.
3:11 [markasaurusREX] STOP!
3:11 [markasaurusREX] Hammer time
3:11 [markasaurusREX] !
3:11 markasaurusREX dances
User markasaurusREX has logged out.
[Jer] Oh. And I have a habit of attracting whales, too.
Anything that's sea-like. I'm like a gay aqua man.
[Jesmica] Mark makes me want to have lots of children.
Re: Best things said in chat. -
June 8th 2009, 01:44 AM
02:43 [s_tor_m] mark is married?
02:43 [markasaurusREX] I'm out to prove to the world that I am not gay.
02:43 [markasaurusREX] And If that gets threaded, I kill. xD
02:43 [eaty] you aren't?!?!?!?!??!??!?!?!?!?!
02:43 [eaty] I should thread it!
02:43 [xxPinkie24] bahahha
02:43 [markasaurusREX] Shocker. I'm not gay.
Re: Best things said in chat. -
June 8th 2009, 01:47 AM
*kills adz*
[Jer] Oh. And I have a habit of attracting whales, too.
Anything that's sea-like. I'm like a gay aqua man.
[Jesmica] Mark makes me want to have lots of children.
Re: Best things said in chat. -
June 8th 2009, 05:11 PM
12:10 PM [Silver] Sex is the only subject people talk about. It's like...the lowest common denominator.
[Jer] Oh. And I have a habit of attracting whales, too.
Anything that's sea-like. I'm like a gay aqua man.
[Jesmica] Mark makes me want to have lots of children.
Re: Best things said in chat. -
June 9th 2009, 08:06 PM
21:04 [ashleymarie] whoo is cupcake
21:04 [Silver] Matt
21:04 [Stormy] Matt
21:05 [Silver] Matt, you seem to be getting beeped a lot
21:05 [Silver] How do you do it?
21:05 [Matt] Its because of my delicious frosting
21:05 [Stormy] He's mine and people keep thinking that hes theres
21:05 [Matt] didn't mean to be dirty on that one. honest!
Re: Best things said in chat. -
June 9th 2009, 10:26 PM
6:18 PM [Stormy] Matt are you not coming back to bed with me ?
6:18 PM [xxPinkie24] what the..
6:18 PM [Matt]
6:18 PM Matt gets under the covers with jazz
6:18 PM Matt pets the kitteh on the bed
6:19 PM [xxPinkie24] awkward...
6:19 PM [Stormy] Matt your wearing vlothes, whats happening here ?
6:19 PM [Matt] um um.. I could take them off?
6:19 PM [xxPinkie24] ew, get your own chat room!!
6:20 PM [Matt] xD
6:20 PM [DoesThisLookInfected?]
6:20 PM Stormy removes Matts clothes
6:20 PM [Stormy] too much ?
6:20 PM [Matt] lol
6:20 PM [Stormy]
6:20 PM [Elz] WOAH TMI!
User Elz has left this room.
6:20 PM [DoesThisLookInfected?] old three days grace sounds kinda like Godsmack and Rage and a lot of everything else
6:21 PM [Stormy] lol
..User Elz has left. [reasone, TMI]
(little thanks to Just.Tegan for showing me these guys)
Re: Best things said in chat. -
June 11th 2009, 06:46 PM
1:36 PM [Lel ] so why du need brain cells, neither am i technically. but university next year
1:36 PM [Lel ] 69%?
1:37 PM [Lel ] that woulda made me laugh personally
1:37 PM [JennJenn] lol why would you laugh?
1:37 PM [Lel ] oh come on
1:37 PM [JennJenn] I don't get it.
1:37 PM [JennJenn] *lost*
1:37 PM [Lel ] you come into chat? and ask why would i laugh at 69 ?
1:37 PM [Lel ]
1:37 PM [Rob] At degree level 69% would be damned good.
1:37 PM [Lel ] hehehehehe
1:37 PM [JennJenn] haha I got 89%
1:37 PM [Rob] Degree marks are only really out of 75%, though.
1:37 PM [markasaurusREX] ....HAHAHA.
1:37 PM [JennJenn] technically 88.7 but I know how to round:P
1:37 PM [markasaurusREX] xD
1:38 PM [Lel ] i would giggle myself stupidly if i got 69
1:38 PM [markasaurusREX] ...69.
1:38 PM [markasaurusREX] thats all.
1:38 PM [markasaurusREX] xD
1:38 PM [Lel ] yus#
1:38 PM [Lel ] see
1:38 PM [JennJenn] 69
1:38 PM [Lel ] mark gets it
1:38 PM [markasaurusREX] i go back to msn now.
1:38 PM [markasaurusREX] xD
1:38 PM [JennJenn] I GET IT
1:38 PM [JennJenn] Hahahahahahaa
[Jer] Oh. And I have a habit of attracting whales, too.
Anything that's sea-like. I'm like a gay aqua man.
[Jesmica] Mark makes me want to have lots of children.
Re: Best things said in chat. -
June 11th 2009, 09:26 PM
22:20 Lel sleeps on jer
22:20 [Cassago]
22:20 [Cassago] I've been told I'm comfortable.
22:20 [Lel ] you're a fireman, need i say anymore
22:21 [Silver] Jer...given she's sleeping on you and used the emoticon, I have to question your sleeping positions.
22:21 [Silver] *you used
User Razzmatazz Rach has logged out.
22:22 [Lel ] i dont, jer's gay and i'm a girl
22:22 [Silver] Nowai!
22:22 [Lel ] DX
22:23 [Silver] Maybe he got hungry, and didn't want to wake you to get some bananas?
22:23 [Lel ] lawl
22:23 [Cassago] She tastes good.
22:23 [Cassago] What can I say?
22:23 [Lel ] what is wrong with you honestly
22:23 [Cassago] D
22:23 [Lel ] although, men in uniform <3
Re: Best things said in chat. -
June 11th 2009, 09:28 PM
In continuation:
22:23 [Cassago] Which uniform?
22:24 [Cassago] FF or EMT
22:24 [Cassago] ?
22:24 [Cassago]
22:24 [careyjonz95] I like to-- eat eat eat aplles and bananas!!!
22:24 [Lel ] oh and Carey. IT wasn't ME this time
22:24 [Lel ] either
22:24 [Silver] Lmao
22:24 [Lel ]
22:24 [Lel ] both
22:25 [Lel ] although, personally, its gotta be the firefighter one
22:25 [Lel ] I'm sure you ALL wanted to know that.
22:25 Lel is going to shut up now (y)
22:25 [Cassago]
22:25 [Cassago] I'll get to packin'.
22:25 [Cassago] But you's gotta teach me Welsh. xD
22:25 [careyjonz95] the onlyreason people like firefighters, is because they already have the pole...
22:25 [careyjonz95]
22:25 [Silver] Completely understandable - a fireman can make you wet with his powerful hose.
22:25 [Lel ] oooh i'd happily do so
22:26 [Cassago] I don't have a pole to slide down at my firehouse.
22:26 [Lel ] adz thats filthy
22:26 [Cassago] But I will at my new one.
22:26 [Lel ] this is getting threaded
22:26 [Cassago] And, Adz, damn right.
Re: Best things said in chat. -
June 12th 2009, 03:17 PM
9:46 AM [~Emily~] BUT
9:46 AM [~Emily~] Corn does not belong on a sandwich xD
9:46 AM [falcon93] tht dont sound too good alligator sound better alligator is so good
9:46 AM [~Emily~] Alligator sounds nasty
9:47 AM [FeelsLikeFalling] no to corn and alligator.
9:47 AM [Lel ] whatever, you americans call crisps chips. they're frickin crispy. therefore they are CRISPS
9:47 AM [krazykris] it is good
9:47 AM [~Emily~] Rofl
9:47 AM [Lel ] so i take no notice of your food
9:47 AM [icecold] lmao
9:47 AM [Lel ] opinions*
9:47 AM [FeelsLikeFalling] chips.
9:47 AM [krazykris] i had it when iwas in new opreans
9:47 AM [falcon93] nah alligator tastes like chicken
9:47 AM [Lel ] your pancakes such too
9:47 AM [~Emily~] Oh Enid <3
“Don't get too comfortable with who you are at any given time. You may miss the opportunity to become who you want to be." ~Jon Bon Jovi
Re: Best things said in chat. -
June 15th 2009, 11:21 PM
00:15 [Matt] and then again drunk is relative. what is the blood alcohol content limit for th chat? xD
00:15 [Matt] I should ask rob.
00:15 [DoesThisLookInfected?]
00:15 [Matt] maybe he'll put a breathaliser on my computer
00:15 [x-x-xblackx-x-xrosex-x-x] lol yus haha
00:15 [DoesThisLookInfected?] about .5?
User bugsy351 has entered this room.
00:15 [Matt] I'll have to breath into it every time I log onto chat
Re: Best things said in chat. -
June 16th 2009, 04:00 PM
1:57 AM [Marionette.] i can stalk amy on faceboob now
11:58 AM [Ergg] Faceboob.
11:58 AM [Ergg] Well.
11:58 AM [Ergg] Maybe you're not so high-class
11:58 AM [Ergg]
User Mather2010 has logged out.
Re: Best things said in chat. -
June 17th 2009, 09:35 PM
22:33 [markasaurusREX] It's sad when people don't know if you're a boy or girl..
22:33 [eaty] It is
22:33 [exodus] Everyone knows I'm a girl
22:33 [exodus] :]
22:33 [exodus] Scrappsdpfapsdfpa
22:33 [exodus] CRAP
22:33 [exodus] NO
22:34 [exodus] crap
22:34 [exodus] dmanit
22:34 [eaty] Yep
22:34 [exodus] see what you didd to me ark
22:34 [exodus]
22:34 [exodus] mark*
22:34 [exodus]
22:34 [xxPinkie24] lmao
22:34 [exodus] Everyone knows I'm a boy!*****
22:34 [Crystal_] hello
22:34 [Pro_kidneyTheif] everyone asks me if im a boy or gike 12 times.
22:34 [exodus] That better not make an appearnce in the chat thread
22:34 [exodus] xD
Obviously, I fail,
And Adz can go sleep with a horse.
[Jer] Oh. And I have a habit of attracting whales, too.
Anything that's sea-like. I'm like a gay aqua man.
[Jesmica] Mark makes me want to have lots of children.
Re: Best things said in chat. -
June 17th 2009, 09:38 PM
22:30 [Silver] What do you think me and Mark are?
22:30 [Pro_kidneyTheif] mark
22:30 [Pro_kidneyTheif] guy
22:30 [Pro_kidneyTheif] adz?
22:30 [Silver] Well, Mark is obviously a girl
22:31 [Pro_kidneyTheif] girl
22:31 [Silver] Oh wait
22:31 [Silver] ...fuck. Mark, you did not read that
Thanks Adz for sending that to me
Lead Moderator, Chat Officer and Disputes Committee Member. PM me Anytime if you need anything.
Re: Best things said in chat. -
June 17th 2009, 09:39 PM
4:38 PM [Silver] I let him swear at me though, he gets away with it because I do other stuff to him :P If he swore at anyone else, that would result in him being kicked until he's so many shades of purple, he looks like a colour chart for Dulux Paint
4:55 PM [Silver] Lelly, you would so do Mark anyway
User thecryingangel has entered this room.
4:56 PM [Lel ] who said i wouldn't do you adz
Lovely. xD
[Jer] Oh. And I have a habit of attracting whales, too.
Anything that's sea-like. I'm like a gay aqua man.
[Jesmica] Mark makes me want to have lots of children.
Last edited by :hehe:; June 17th 2009 at 09:58 PM.
Reason: Multiple posts have been merged automatically.
Re: Best things said in chat. -
June 17th 2009, 10:09 PM
6:06 PM [Silver] Why is it called a wonderbra?
6:07 PM [eaty] xDDD
6:07 PM [markasaurusREX] It works wonders, I guess?
6:07 PM [Silver] When she takes the off, you wonder where her breasts went
6:07 PM [Silver] *them off
“Don't get too comfortable with who you are at any given time. You may miss the opportunity to become who you want to be." ~Jon Bon Jovi
Re: Best things said in chat. -
June 17th 2009, 10:35 PM
23:32 [Silver] Mark and his doggy, sitting in a tree
23:32 [Ergg] L i c k i n g
23:32 [markasaurusREX] ...
23:32 [markasaurusREX] I will ignore you.
23:32 [eaty] First comes the toes, then comes the mouth
23:33 [Silver] Then you get divorced and it owns the house!
Re: Best things said in chat. -
June 19th 2009, 08:17 PM
3:07 PM [eaty] Markkkkkkk
3:07 PM [markasaurusREX] Whatttt?
3:08 PM [eaty] I know something you don't knowwww
3:08 PM [markasaurusREX] Whatt?
3:08 PM [eaty] Somethingggg
3:09 PM [Silver] I'm in shock
3:09 PM [eaty] I realized today, i am actually a guy
3:09 PM [Silver] I'm in (double) shock
3:09 PM [eaty] Mwhaha
3:09 PM [markasaurusREX] I knew that from when we got frosty in my freezer.
3:09 PM [eaty] Oh right
3:10 PM [Silver] That kinda makes our night together...gross
3:10 PM [markasaurusREX] So, no shocker there.
3:10 PM [markasaurusREX] DDDDDDD
3:10 PM [eaty] xDD
3:10 PM [eaty] You guys know i am kidding, right?
3:10 PM [Silver] Ohh
3:10 PM [Silver] Err...haha
3:10 PM [markasaurusREX]
3:10 PM [markasaurusREX] Wait.. So what was I feeling in the freezer?
3:11 PM [eaty] I have boobs
3:11 PM [markasaurusREX] Could be moobs.
3:12 PM [eaty] And well, er other "things" too
3:12 PM [Silver] You have to have the other stuff that women have to be a woman
3:12 PM [markasaurusREX] Which he doesn't have!
3:12 PM [Silver] You know, stuff like the ability to drive a man up the wall in 2 seconds flat
3:12 PM [eaty] xD
3:13 PM [markasaurusREX] Well, she has the face to do that.
3:13 PM [markasaurusREX] Just kidding.
3:13 PM [markasaurusREX] Ily.
3:14 PM [Silver] I might get infected if I kick him
3:14 PM [markasaurusREX] ...
3:14 PM [eaty] Kick him
3:15 PM [markasaurusREX] Shit, I'm infected?
3:15 PM [markasaurusREX] With what?
3:15 PM [markasaurusREX] Oh God, I need to tell Jer. O.O
3:14 PM [eaty] Kinky, Adz gets off on silencing and kicking people
3:15 PM [Silver] Pie, you can take pleasure in knowing I got off on this:
3:15 PM [markasaurusREX]
User eaty has been kicked.
3:15 PM [markasaurusREX] HAHAHAHAHA
3:15 PM [markasaurusREX] Hahahahaaaa
3:15 PM [Silver] Kerching
3:15 PM [markasaurusREX] Adz.
3:15 PM [markasaurusREX] I love you.
Followed by:
User eaty has entered this room.
3:28 PM [Silver] Pieeeeeeee
3:28 PM [Silver] Damn, I kick hard
User eaty is now ignoring Silver.
3:28 PM [eaty]
3:28 PM Silver goes ninja
3:28 PM Silver creeps up behind Pie
User eaty is no longer ignoring Silver.
User eaty has been kicked.
3:29 PM [Silver] Hahahhhh
3:29 PM [Mongrel_chick]
3:29 PM [markasaurusREX] Hahahahahaha
[Jer] Oh. And I have a habit of attracting whales, too.
Anything that's sea-like. I'm like a gay aqua man.
[Jesmica] Mark makes me want to have lots of children.
Last edited by :hehe:; June 19th 2009 at 08:33 PM.
Re: Best things said in chat. -
June 21st 2009, 12:45 AM
01:38 Slade sits on Mark
01:38 [Slade] hey sexy
01:38 markasaurusREX pinches Tayrawr's sides.
01:38 [Slade] ohh god yes
01:38 [Slade] xD
01:39 [markasaurusREX] I'm your brother, for god's sake.
01:44 [markasaurusREX] Jade's a ho'bag.
01:44 [Silver] Don't be insulting Jade
01:44 [Marionette.] Srs.
User wheelersoftball17 has entered this room.
01:44 [Marionette.] I'll blueball you
01:45 [Silver] Quite ironic Jade. He calls you a ho'bag, and your response is to threaten to blueball him
01:53 [Slade] so I can put my clothes back on??
01:53 [Slade] shit
01:53 [markasaurusREX] Yes.
01:53 [Slade] wrong window
01:53 [Slade] D=
03:16 [markasaurusREX] That's because you suck.
03:16 [Marionette.] Yea, and you're jealous
03:16 [Alex]
03:16 [markasaurusREX] Totally.
03:16 [markasaurusREX] I really want to be a cheap hooker.
03:16 [Marionette.] I blueball youuu
03:16 [markasaurusREX] HAHAHA.
03:16 [Alex] That's a horribly mean thing to do.
Last edited by Deep Brown Eyes; June 21st 2009 at 02:18 AM.
Re: Best things said in chat. -
June 23rd 2009, 09:39 AM
10:36 [markasaurusREX] Adz totally helped me fix my failing computer.
10:36 [Elz] hey mark
10:36 [markasaurusREX]
10:36 [lilmisschatterbox] lol
10:36 [markasaurusREX] Even though he was an asshole and fucked with me.
User artur6789 has logged out.
10:37 [lilmisschatterbox] ooo troll went
10:37 [Silver] Don't take that literally
10:37 [markasaurusREX] ...
10:37 [markasaurusREX] Woah.
10:37 [lilmisschatterbox] lol
10:37 [markasaurusREX] I totally realised how wrong that was. xD
Re: Best things said in chat. -
June 24th 2009, 06:50 PM
10:04 PM [~Emily~] I told you I love you, Mark
10:04 PM [eaty] Wait, Em is a lesbian?
User matt has logged out.
10:04 PM [~Emily~] xD
10:04 PM [~Emily~] Only you, Sarah. Only you.
10:04 PM [Jessie] Lesbians... <3
10:04 PM [~Emily~] But I'd totally "go lesbian" for Mark
10:04 PM [Jessie] Steph is an honorary lesbo.
10:04 PM [eaty] xD
10:04 PM [MarkasaurusREX] Oh cool beans, I totally have people going lesbian for me!
“Don't get too comfortable with who you are at any given time. You may miss the opportunity to become who you want to be." ~Jon Bon Jovi
5:03 PM [SonicFan] Erin with a spear would be almost as dangerous as Chuck Norris
5:14 PM [Vessol] America has WMD's, and Erin is one of them.
9:22 PM [guardian angel] Erin you are the queen of chat