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-   -   True or False? (http://www.teenhelp.org/forums/f35-games-things/t124507-true-false/)

DeletedAccount71 February 17th 2015 03:26 AM

Re: True or False?
False. I like it, but I wouldn't say I love it.

You like to drink drinks with curly straws.

fallingstargirl February 17th 2015 03:23 PM

Re: True or False?
True! Fun straws are the best.

Your room is clean.

MyVisionIsDying February 17th 2015 04:58 PM

Re: True or False?
False, it's messy, just the way I like it. :hehe:

You are feeling tired.

DeletedAccount71 February 17th 2015 07:09 PM

Re: True or False?

You have plans later today.

Treble February 19th 2015 10:20 PM

Re: True or False?
False, its like 11:30 pm
You like chocolate over crisps

Coffee. February 20th 2015 03:22 AM

Re: True or False?
False, love chips. D:
You got enough sleep last night.

Avox. February 20th 2015 11:48 AM

Re: True or False?
False I never get enough

You've seen the movie called "The Sapphires"

Most Likely February 20th 2015 11:53 AM

Re: True or False?

You like cuddling

DeletedAccount71 February 20th 2015 05:38 PM

Re: True or False?

You like ferris wheels.

fallingstargirl February 20th 2015 08:14 PM

Re: True or False?
Eh... semi-true. I'm more into faster rides and big roller coasters.

You are sitting on your bed right now.

MyVisionIsDying February 20th 2015 09:35 PM

Re: True or False?
False, sitting on the sofa.

You're watching a film right now.

Avox. February 20th 2015 10:07 PM

Re: True or False?
False watching the news XD

You watch the news a lot

Nickitty =^.^= February 21st 2015 09:41 AM

Re: True or False?
True. I watch the news A LOT. In fact I always have the news playing in my room when I go to sleep.

You were listening to music while reading this.

Avox. February 21st 2015 10:04 AM

Re: True or False?
True I was listening to Elastic Hearts by Sia

You loathe Professor Umbridge

DeletedAccount71 February 21st 2015 11:14 PM

Re: True or False?

You've tripped over nothing before.

MyVisionIsDying February 22nd 2015 03:51 PM

Re: True or False?
Unfortunately, that is true. :D

You have tripped UP the stairs before.

DeletedAccount71 February 22nd 2015 08:02 PM

Re: True or False?
True. Probably.

You cried today.

Doodle. February 22nd 2015 08:22 PM

Re: True or False?

You prefer dogs to cats.

Avox. February 22nd 2015 11:40 PM

Re: True or False?
False I love my cats

You've broken your leg before?

Most Likely February 23rd 2015 01:06 AM

Re: True or False?
False, never had a broken bone yet.

You can play poker.

DeletedAccount71 February 24th 2015 04:02 AM

Re: True or False?

You are lactose intolerant.

Pirouette February 26th 2015 05:31 PM

Re: True or False?
You have an electronic device that you really need to charge.

fallingstargirl February 26th 2015 06:51 PM

Re: True or False?
Nope... I have a couple hours left.

You play a sport

DeletedAccount71 February 27th 2015 04:51 AM

Re: True or False?

You were raised by someone other than your biological parents.

Avox. March 1st 2015 09:11 AM

Re: True or False?

You tan really easily

Kindred March 1st 2015 09:14 PM

Re: True or False?

You spend a lot of time on the internet.

Palmolive March 1st 2015 09:17 PM

Re: True or False?

You like spiders

Kintsukuroi. March 1st 2015 09:18 PM

Re: True or False?
False. I detest them. :nosweat:
You want snow?

DeletedAccount71 March 1st 2015 10:02 PM

Re: True or False?
Oh my god, so True.

You took a walk today.

CandleLights March 5th 2015 09:26 PM

Re: True or False?
Yuss, Strolls after school.
You love Cats?

DeletedAccount71 March 6th 2015 03:50 AM

Re: True or False?

You hate loose change.

Avox. March 6th 2015 08:30 AM

Re: True or False?
Truee! Hate when they fall out of the purse when you open it D: Gets on my nerves

You celebrate St. Patricks?

MyVisionIsDying March 6th 2015 09:39 AM

Re: True or False?
False. And despite being English, I don't celebrate St. George's either! :nosweat:

You are currently feeling hungry.

KimmyKitty March 6th 2015 06:17 PM

Re: True or False?
False, I had food earlier.
You are listening to music right now.

DeletedAccount71 March 6th 2015 07:29 PM

Re: True or False?

You like to eat donuts.

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