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obelus June 25th 2010 03:02 PM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
Avatar - 9
Sig - 9

Honorary Pug Girl June 25th 2010 11:11 PM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
rate both the avi is me and siggy is me and TheBabyEater :dem:

Bean June 25th 2010 11:13 PM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
Sig:10 :dem:

TheBabyEater June 26th 2010 03:57 AM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
Bre you n00b you never rated Immy's XD
Ms. Boobcake, You get both 10s :dem: I still like yours. I think you changed your siggy. XD

And Bean, you gets
Ava: 8
Siggy: 9 :hehe:

abandoning June 26th 2010 04:19 AM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
Av - 7
sig - 2

SonicFan June 26th 2010 09:18 AM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
Ava - 6
Sig- 4

Cullen June 26th 2010 12:15 PM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
Av - 7

abandoning June 26th 2010 07:39 PM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
Bahh my av and sig are awesome.

Av - 8
sig - 9

I love twilight.

i_am_me_again June 26th 2010 08:30 PM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
Avatar - 7
Sig - 8

Shopaholic June 27th 2010 04:09 AM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
Avatar- 6 sorry i'm a dog lover :)

Signature- 9 that is so so true.

FriendZoneMayor June 28th 2010 12:22 AM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
nine for both :hehe:

Anonymous. June 29th 2010 07:12 PM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
Let's see...

avatar - 7
sig - 10

obelus June 29th 2010 08:27 PM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
Avatar - 5
Sig - 5

SonicFan June 29th 2010 08:28 PM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
Sig - 7
Ava - 5

i_am_me_again June 29th 2010 08:30 PM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
Avatar - Love it - 9
Sig - 5

Anduriel June 29th 2010 09:59 PM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
Avatar - 8
Signature - 5

Em0ti0nallyUNSTABLE June 29th 2010 10:38 PM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
Um w0w... hehe I know what to Avie supposed to be XD
Avie 6
Siggy 3 (broken pic links...)

Storyteller. July 1st 2010 10:49 AM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
Av: 5

Sig: 5

MadPoet July 1st 2010 11:07 AM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
Avatar: 6
Signature: 6. :hehe:

SonicFan July 1st 2010 08:25 PM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
Avatar - 2, unless it changed since adblock did it's stuff

Sig - 7. Mainly the epic last fm

obelus July 2nd 2010 05:20 PM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
Avatar - 2
Sig - 2

Storyteller. July 4th 2010 08:44 AM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
Av: 6
Sig: 8

Melody Pond July 4th 2010 04:22 PM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
Av: 7
Sig: 5

SonicFan July 4th 2010 04:23 PM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
Ava - 8
Sig - 5

Twinge July 4th 2010 04:29 PM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
i get it now...

eunoia July 5th 2010 01:52 AM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
Avatar: 8
Sig: 6

SonicFan July 5th 2010 03:54 PM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
Avatar - 9 <3
Sig - 5

OkamiLove July 5th 2010 04:31 PM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread

MadPoet July 6th 2010 07:25 AM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
Avatar: 8, because I like that song.
Signature: 3

eunoia July 7th 2010 04:50 PM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
Avatar: 9
Signature: 9

MadPoet July 7th 2010 08:35 PM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
Avatar: 7
Signature: 6

Twinge July 7th 2010 09:36 PM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
cute angel avatar: 8
what can i do? i love doggie pictures! D: :hehe:

SonicFan July 7th 2010 10:21 PM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
Avatar - 6. It's good but too small for a landscape pic

Sig - 7. I like the green text

Twinge July 7th 2010 11:15 PM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
thanks a lot! D: i better go change my avatar. something more plain.
i love my signature though...

you changed yours tbh. :p
sig:6 cause i don't really know what it means(dont call me stupid :? )
you could write an explanation below the picture of the sig,then i would give a 10.
and avatar 7. not my style but others might like it.
hope that helps.

MadPoet July 8th 2010 04:31 AM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
Avatar: 8
Signature: 7.

SonicFan July 8th 2010 07:03 PM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread

Originally Posted by Star's Heart* (Post 424087)
thanks a lot! D: i better go change my avatar. something more plain.
i love my signature though...

you changed yours tbh. :p
sig:6 cause i don't really know what it means(dont call me stupid :? )
you could write an explanation below the picture of the sig,then i would give a 10.
and avatar 7. not my style but others might like it.
hope that helps.

The avatar is a HD rendition of Sonic facing the final boss in Sonic 2 :hehe:

The signature is the chain rule (and I'm open to suggestions on how to explain calculus simply xD)


Originally Posted by Hurricane (Post 424334)
Avatar: 8
Signature: 7.

Avatar - 10. Rare but it's an exceptional picture and infinitely better than glee :bleh:
Sig - 7. It'd get an 8 if you had some white space in between the three parts of your sig

Twinge July 8th 2010 08:45 PM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread

Originally Posted by Crush 40 (Post 424714)

The avatar is a HD rendition of Sonic facing the final boss in Sonic 2 :hehe:

The signature is the chain rule (and I'm open to suggestions on how to explain calculus simply xD)

yeah i saw sonic in there. just i cannot believe your avatar is bigger than mine! D:
and do you understand your sig when you posted it? wikipedia confused me at this time... its a fail. XD


Originally Posted by Crush 40 (Post 424714)

Avatar - 10. Rare but it's an exceptional picture and infinitely better than glee :bleh:
Sig - 7. It'd get an 8 if you had some white space in between the three parts of your sig

i love her signature. didnt get to rate it. :D i think theres no need to give in more space. you see it different though. :)

i EDIT my answer: wikipedia's fault :p
- sig 7
- avatar 7

suggestion... try bringing in the quote that might be like your sig formula. its really missing the text.

Ngikhona July 10th 2010 05:41 AM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
Avatar- 9. KITTY. :turned:
Signature- 7.

eunoia July 10th 2010 01:47 PM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
Avatar: 10
Sig: 8. Digging the colors, but I prefer the style of your avatar.

escape_thereal_world July 10th 2010 02:11 PM

Re: Rate the Avatar and Signature Thread
Ava: 10
Sig: 8 Like the subtleness, but it was hard to find xD

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