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Hellkite April 14th 2012 06:16 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
Because you can't have a blank message...

Hello there.

The.adorable.1 April 14th 2012 08:46 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
Your the most beautiful person in the world, I've told you a THOUSAND times......but you just dont get it. It's hard to know that you don't like life...........JUST TALK TO ME.....i really am dieing without you

The.adorable.1 April 14th 2012 09:37 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
I have school in a couple days

LlamaLlamaDuck April 14th 2012 11:17 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
My arms are so itchy and I have no idea why. D:

The.adorable.1 April 14th 2012 11:28 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
All alone in the chat room, when i need help the most

Lumos. April 14th 2012 01:51 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
People woke me up too early. D:

Kindred April 14th 2012 01:58 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
There's so much hurt, so much pain in the world, and it kills me that I can't take it away.

Bibliophile April 14th 2012 02:36 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
And once again I fail.

better-than-ecstasy April 14th 2012 04:33 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
My feet still hurt! :mad:

Jack Lowden April 14th 2012 08:04 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Feeling a bit down still :(

Mercyfall April 14th 2012 08:48 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Why can't June come already? I really need a trip away..by myself..with no parents.

Eternal April 14th 2012 10:06 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I miss how things were. It honestly feels like you just don't care anymore. Maybe you got bored of me or something, I don't know. But I miss you. And all you ever do is leave.

oldaccount April 14th 2012 10:34 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Oh the joys of being a f**king woman. >.< :angry2: :reallyangry:
My ear hurts >.< :angry2: :reallyangry:
I have to clean the house because my sister won't do it. >.< :angry2: :reallyangry:

Stargazed. April 14th 2012 11:04 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
No one cares.

¯|_(ツ)_|¯ April 15th 2012 12:25 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
Last day of vacation. Monday is academics. Tired of worrying about school and sometimes friends.

ShesNotThere April 15th 2012 01:31 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
Urghhhhh. Worried about tomorrow. Don't want to sound like a wimp, though...

WashoutThePain April 15th 2012 04:32 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
Did I really just eat that?

Koharuchan April 15th 2012 04:56 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
Today was exhausting and I am tired and sore.

CognitiveEntropy April 15th 2012 06:27 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
Very mature. But sure, two can play that game.

Evanesco April 15th 2012 09:50 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
I'm sick of DofE meetings.

Bibliophile April 15th 2012 11:47 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
I clearly let it win again. Oops.

Obliviate April 15th 2012 12:03 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I'll never fit in my prom dress.

Lumos. April 15th 2012 01:38 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I burned my tongue on hot chocolate. XD

SouthernBelle. April 15th 2012 03:13 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Yesterday made two months since he left.

God, give me someone else.

Just Peachy. April 15th 2012 03:54 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Hung over. My head is pouding. I feel like I could puke.
But I'm getting over it. I'm not eating to make the hangover go away.
I'll drink water. :D

better-than-ecstasy April 15th 2012 04:02 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Why won't she just go to the hospital and get help? Why does she blame all of her problems on me? I'm tired of doing all of this work for her. She called me a liar when she left me in the basement and turned all the lights off on me. My parents didn't even care. They didn't even know I was missing. I hate my life. :'(

Vergil April 15th 2012 04:05 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Have a crappy cold with all the coughy congested fun. and the cold medicine isnt working. And I look completely horrid. -_- can never look good while being sick D:

Hollifire April 15th 2012 04:06 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Wish I felt better, about everything. Sigh. =\

Bibliophile April 15th 2012 04:35 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Too scared to eat (or touch) salad. Swore I'd never let it get this bad again. >.<

LlamaLlamaDuck April 15th 2012 04:36 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Feeling awful. Spent the day sleeping and picking at food that's been put in front of me.
Everyone's tip toeing around me and acting strange. I hate it.
I wish this had never happened.

I should have been better.

Mercyfall April 15th 2012 04:54 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Feeling lonely. Heart is aching. I wish I had a girl that I could talk to, that I could hold.

Palmolive April 15th 2012 05:05 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I'm tired of trying to find things on google but not getting what I need. I'm agitated and tired and the world sucks right now.

Eternal April 15th 2012 07:18 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Ended something today. But that means new beginnings, right?

Stargazed. April 15th 2012 07:34 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Math is too damn hard.

Jack Lowden April 15th 2012 08:44 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
School tomorrow :( & for some reason, I have burns on my hands. No clue how the hell those got there.

Hollifire April 15th 2012 11:05 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Make one person happy, hurt another. Make one person happier, make another person sadder. Story of my life.

Just Peachy. April 15th 2012 11:21 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Craig needs to get the fuck out so i can go be sick.

Jack Lowden April 15th 2012 11:51 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I think I\'m gonna be sick. So fucking sick.

WashoutThePain April 16th 2012 12:15 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
I hate food.
Fucking ruins everything.

Koharuchan April 16th 2012 02:03 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
Taylor is a meanie-butt. :glare:

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