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Hollifire March 4th 2012 09:56 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
It's been 15mins since you left & I already miss you so much. Why does it have to be 4 months before I get to see you again? Hate having my best friend live so damn far away from me.

Stargazed. March 4th 2012 10:00 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I feel like hell.

Eternal March 4th 2012 11:10 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Feeling rather lonely today.

ShesNotThere March 4th 2012 11:51 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Why is it that the only cute bathing suits are bikinis? Not all of us can be thin.

Apple Orchard Ghost March 5th 2012 12:37 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
I think I messed everything up.

missing you March 5th 2012 01:32 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
I had another dream about her today, seems to be every other day now. These dreams really torment me, I may as well call them night terrors the way they make me feel. I couldn't help but cry this morning. I still can't believe this is happening, I wish I never put myself out there to begin with. What a wreck I've become.

Chris March 5th 2012 01:55 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
Just lost. I cant believe he pasted away. In a bad mood.

¯|_(ツ)_|¯ March 5th 2012 02:05 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
School. Testing for the next ten or eleven days straight. I'm not ready.

Eternal March 5th 2012 04:41 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
School tomorrow. Ick.

Lumos. March 5th 2012 04:49 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
School... dont wanna go

minniemouseprincess March 5th 2012 05:23 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
Sad again=(

Eternal March 5th 2012 11:57 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
I feel numb.

Moxie. March 5th 2012 01:53 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
1. Diet drops are gross.
2. My wrists hurt.
3. Bracelets aren\'t working well enough.
4. I just spilled coffee on my computer.
5. I\'m losing everyone that means anything at all to me.

It\'s only 7 am. Lovely.

Koharuchan March 5th 2012 05:53 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I miss him like crazy and I can\'t see him until Saturday.

CognitiveEntropy March 5th 2012 06:11 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
You lie.

You\'re lucky.

Sincerely Yours ♥ March 5th 2012 06:26 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Got like no sleep last night :glare:

Hollifire March 5th 2012 07:04 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
It kills me to know that you\'re feeling hurt <3

better-than-ecstasy March 5th 2012 08:20 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I bought the wrong size index cards for my science project! And it is due tomorrow!

ALLorNOTHINGforCHRIST March 5th 2012 09:14 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I have felt poorly on and off ALL day.

Hollifire March 5th 2012 09:42 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Oh my god, I fucking can\'t handle this. I miss you every single day. Then today being the anniversary just makes it harder. I love you. Rest in peace <3

Sincerely Yours ♥ March 6th 2012 01:00 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
The little heart in my username is in the second line all by itself D:

Stargazed. March 6th 2012 01:03 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
I feel inadequate. Don\'t know how or why you like me.

Chris March 6th 2012 02:49 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
Ditched, once again.

Haylee. March 6th 2012 03:46 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
I\'m tired of feeling not good enough

craz33me March 6th 2012 04:09 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
we lost.. :(

Foreveralways March 6th 2012 05:12 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
Im sick. My Best friends keep going through pain, and she can end it if she wants. More school. Test today= fail, test tommorow= fail!

Spellbound March 6th 2012 05:50 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
I\'ve been feeling groggy.

WhisperingSilence March 6th 2012 12:10 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Tired, ran out of energy drinks, today is going to be a long day.

Eternal March 6th 2012 12:24 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I have a chemistry test today that I\'ll probably fail. Ugh.

The.adorable.1 March 6th 2012 12:29 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Got like no sleep last night and i cant get to sleep anymore. And me hear is acking:idk:

WhisperingSilence March 6th 2012 12:36 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
my bank balance is fucked up.

TheBeautyBelle March 6th 2012 04:10 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I have to work today because someone got sick, I don\'t feel good, I feel EXTREMELY alone today and like everything is falling apart, and i lost my car keys.. again.

Blue Yoshi March 6th 2012 04:12 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Continuing to succumb under stress and pressure. Feeling like I\'m about to lose it.

better-than-ecstasy March 6th 2012 06:14 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
My side has been hurting since 12 p.m. today.

Chris March 6th 2012 06:37 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Upset. Cant even do homework. :-/

WhisperingSilence March 6th 2012 07:24 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
mums set the smoke alarms off again

Sincerely Yours ♥ March 6th 2012 09:41 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Didn\'t sleep much again

Moxie. March 6th 2012 10:56 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Dieting is hard!! I want real food. Real, greasy, fattening food. UGH.
Only 25 more days.

Storyteller. March 7th 2012 12:37 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
I think I\'m getting sick. >.>

TheBeautyBelle March 7th 2012 12:47 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
Work was horrible, I think a coworker gave me her staph infection. Getting more depressed by the minute.

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