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Gwynbleidd February 9th 2016 02:07 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
The day is not long enough and most of time is taken up by bullshits

nothereanymore February 9th 2016 04:16 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
I'm not pretty. I'm decent at best. Parts of me look nice, but most of me is unattractive. I don't look right. I don't feel right. I'm asymmetrical and lumpy and bony and childish-looking. I look twelve, not almost nineteen. I don't have what makes other girls beautiful. I don't have the right face shape or body proportions. Even my voice is ugly. I stammer so horribly on literally every other word. I'm not pretty. I'm not beautiful. I'm decent at best, and saying that's kind of a favor. Who wants decent? How can I live with decent?
I want to die. This suicidality that's been plaguing me for weeks now is not because of an outside event or another person. It's all because of me. Me and my unattractive body and ugly personality that makes me so awful to others. I'm a selfish friend and family member. Death is ten years overdue and I don't care who I inconvenience anymore.

Calaer February 9th 2016 01:13 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I hate that Ava and I have to get out in the cold. It snowed a tiny bit last night, and while it isn't enough to hinder us from going, I would still rather stay home where it's warm.

Evanesco February 10th 2016 12:39 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I can't get fall out 4 to work u_u

Calaer February 10th 2016 01:26 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
My complaint for the day is that it's snowing, and I'm afraid that it's going to snow us out of having Friend's day today. I've been waiting for this all week, and I really want it to happen. I'm so nervous it wont. Stupid snow. :glare:

Evanesco February 11th 2016 10:28 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
I feel so ill

Calaer February 11th 2016 03:59 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Jordan ate my special chocolate bar that I was going to use to make a yummy desert. I'm actually kinda sad about it.

Kintsukuroi. February 12th 2016 05:54 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
I hate the smell of paint.

Calaer February 12th 2016 03:11 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I hate that Jordan has to work today. I wish he could just stay home with us while it's snowing.

Storyteller. February 13th 2016 05:57 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
A good friend let me down in a very bad way.

Celyn February 13th 2016 08:27 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
The one time I actually like a guy, and he likes another girl -_-

nothereanymore February 13th 2016 10:54 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I thought I'd come out and say hi and be social since I haven't seen you in over eighteen hours but I guess I'll be staying in my room until you get over whatever you're mad at. You do really well to push people away when you don't want them around. I guess that's actually valid if you really look at it. I didn't do anything, though, so I'm a little miffed. And of course, because I'm a melodramatic overemotional premenstrual monster, I feel like crying, but don't bitch about having to placate me like you did last time, for the love of God.

Calaer February 14th 2016 02:37 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I hate that Jordan has to go to work today. Thankfully it's a pretty normal day, and he will be back before it's super late. Which is nice.

Rivière February 15th 2016 02:05 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
So the father of one of my neighbours has been chainsawing little blocks of wood on the ground for hours. You'd think he'd take a break, have a drink, do something else.. but nope. Dzzzzzrrrrrrrt. RRRRRRT. 4 hours and still going...

MWF February 15th 2016 02:26 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
How many fucking times can I get the date wrong for the same class?

Calaer February 15th 2016 02:53 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
My only complaint for the day is that Jordan had to drive out in the snow to go to work. I'm always worried about him getting in to an accident in these horrible conditions.

Rivière February 16th 2016 12:47 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I wish I didn't keep getting interrupted so much. If I can't learn to deal with interruptions and distractions now I'll not be very good during my time at university.

jamdoughnut February 16th 2016 07:37 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
The bus is late. Again.

MyVisionIsDying February 16th 2016 10:44 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Can I give up now?

Calaer February 17th 2016 03:38 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
My complaint for the day is that my house is a mess, and it isn't going to clean itself.

MsNobleEleanor February 19th 2016 12:33 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
The time seems to be going by slow. It feels like 5 minutes has gone by but only 1 minute has gone by.
It feels like an off day today. Dislike off days.

Calaer February 19th 2016 04:46 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I hate that Friend's Day is over! D: I really miss hanging out with my friends, and I super can't wait until next week when we have Friend's day again!

hocus pocus February 20th 2016 02:34 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
I'm sick with a fever.

MyVisionIsDying February 20th 2016 03:22 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
I want to go home, I miss my mum.

nothereanymore February 20th 2016 01:23 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
How can I get my life together when I can't even get my ass out of bed?
I am falling apart, I feel like I'm wasting away, and one day very soon I swear I'm gonna die

MsNobleEleanor February 20th 2016 11:18 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I have some sort of virus because walking or sitting up hurts. Laying down is more comfortable. Only time I feel like throwing up is when I am sitting up or walking.

nothereanymore February 21st 2016 07:30 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
I'm not the kind of creative person I want to be. All I see are people capturing their thoughts better or having more beautiful thoughts. I'm not happy with my creativity. The one fucking thing I'm good at and I'm not even that good at it. :-)
they're not gonna remember me for the creativity I left behind. all they're gonna remember is that I was annoyingly obsessive about it.

MsNobleEleanor February 21st 2016 09:19 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
Woke up to a painful pimple under my lip but on my chin. Wasn't able to pop it, hurt to much, had three heads on it... put cream on it.
It hurts. I hope the cream helps.

nothereanymore February 21st 2016 09:35 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
My fucking dream just fell apart in my hands

Clarent February 21st 2016 01:15 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I don't want to get back to my old sleeping schedule. I hope what's happening now is just a bad phase.

Calaer February 21st 2016 03:57 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
My complaint for the day is that it's not as warm as yesterday, and now it's raining! My entire yard is flooded! I wish all the wet gross weather would stop, so we could have some of that warm sunshine.

nothereanymore February 22nd 2016 11:11 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
No one in my family ever read the books. Not my parents, not my aunt, who saw me post about it on Facebook all the time, not my grandfather, who BOUGHT the book, and not my sister, who's a writer herself. No one in my family. My BEST FRIEND never even read it. The biggest champion I had for my writing is on the other side of the world. I've made it clear to everyone that I quit, and no one in my family has anything to say. Not my dad, not my sister, not my aunt - just my insufferable mother who wants to try to tell me, "Oh, just give it time. Don't delete anything. Just keep at it." Bitch, it's gone. It's been deleted. And who are you to tell me what to do in a way that says you don't actually care? You're so nonchalant. "Oh, just do this." You don't give a shit now and you never did.
And not one person, besides the one person on the other side of the world, has had anything to say. No one. So this was a good decision, I guess, because hardly anyone supported me in the fucking first place.

MyVisionIsDying February 23rd 2016 01:44 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
Don't want to go to work, have to find an excuse not to go.

Calaer February 23rd 2016 04:15 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I hate how things are going right now. I wish we could find some relief.

Coffee. February 26th 2016 01:08 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
My professor sends out a notice that everybody did poorly on the assignment and that they are disappointed and want us to redo them. My class is stretched so thin. Maybe if the school would invest more money in the students, we wouldn't all be working 20+ hours, internships, and 5-6 classes. I'm sorry, this stupid assignment wasn't my #1 concern this week. Get the fuck over it.

nothereanymore February 26th 2016 10:27 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
Finding out I didn't make a goddamn penny from the self-publishing project <<<

Not a huge deal, because I wasn't in it for the money, but I literally have a dollar and some change to my name and I don't have a job and I don't know if I'll be getting one anytime soon so some fucking profit would've been nice :-)

Mrs.Butterfly February 27th 2016 12:48 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
I did exactly what I was supposed to do, but it's not my fault that I got flat tire. I made the appointment as fast as I could, and was ready for the test. Why couldn't I just do it then? There was PLENTY of time.

And the hospital couldn't do the test, which is utter bs. It's a simple blood test.

I just want this dang test DONE. :( :mad:

DeletedAccount69 February 27th 2016 04:23 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
I was having a good day. No anxiety, feeling hopeful and now I am overcome with depression and it all feels hopeless. I thought I was getting to a better place with my moods.

Calaer February 28th 2016 03:11 PM

Re: Complaint of the day
I wish it was May, and I wish we were going to the beach already. I need a week long vacation to just relax and not feel so stressed.

Coffee. March 1st 2016 12:30 AM

Re: Complaint of the day
I\'m working nearly 30 hours a week while going to school full time and after rent is paid, I\'ll be nearly broke. This town is too expensive, this school is too expensive, and my degree is worthless. So I\'m wonderful.

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